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My copy of EVE is coming in the mail tomorrow and I am going to TRY to install it on my parents' home office computer. The PC I had built for me a few days ago had a faulty monitor so I had to RMA it, but that's besides the point. I need help building a good combat pilot with exloration abilities. I plan on PvP too. If any body could get me pointed in the right direction for the first month or so (If it's not too much work, sorry if that's asking a lot.) that would be great.
Also it might be worth mentioning that I downloaded EVEmon because I thought i could use it as a character planner but it seems it can only be used to link an exhisting account. If I am wrong about this I am sorry for looking like a fool.
Edit: And yes, I know there is a high lerning curve. I view that as a good thing.
I think all your questions can be answered here.
Game is based on skill training in real time and alot of the combat skills will be 50 + days to train. You will not be able to do much but pve as they have it or mine. Look for several months or a couple of years before your gonna be anything other then cannon fodder. You will never be able to catch up to someone who started back in 2003 or 2004. Good Luck.
Not true. Soon as you can pilot a Battle Cruiser or Battleship you are already useful. Skills make a difference but they dont provide HUGE boosts, and there is no need to catch up. Pilots from 2003-2004 can simply do MORE things, but if you specialize you can do just as well as they can in any given role.
You can do all of that within a month if you plan it out right. You only need to spend 20+ days on Level 5 skills that make very little difference in the short term.
Stop trying to discourage people.
Holy. Crap.
There isnt a single skill (short of skills related to capital ships and titans) that takes that long to train. He has no idea what he is talking about.
You do know that this is the game with the highest learning curve ever seen in a mmo right?
I mean, its legendary stuff...
Good luck learning the basics in the next...1 year and half
Or you just was like "OMG SPACE MMO" and bought it?
"It has potential"
-Second most used phrase on existence
"It sucks"
-Most used phrase on existence
Okay good. I was still going to play anyways I was just thinking of how much of a long term investment it would have been to be decent.
First complete the training missions in the beginning, at the conclusion you will be awarded a Recommendation that can turned in to your races Militia for instant access to Faction Warfare. Once in the Militia advice should be easy to find
Good Luck and ill cya out there.
P.S. Training skills take time, most will be at most minutes or hours in the beginning. . . but later as skills are trained to higher and higher levels the training times also get longer. . . longest i trained was 40 days. . . for Battleship Level 5 and it was completely worth it
Tybera 23Mil SP, at your service. These people are idiots. (not the nice people the first two morons) You can PVP as early as you want, and as often as you want.
Now the first thing you need to know is that up to, I think, 3mil skill points your skill point gain is 200%.
With that being said, get the learning skills first. Go through the tutorial to get a sweet ship.
Next you need to have some goals in mind. What kind of pilot do you want to be? Combat encompasses all sorts of different types, from electronic warfare, to ganking, to tackling, to tanking, to stealth bombers, an NPC combat pilot, the list goes on and on.
PVE is actually quite lucrative now, compounds, wormholes, and missions will provide tons of money for your needs. Salvaging is a great moneymaker from NPC ships, so that's a good idea too.
This will get you and idea on the skills and requirements involved. Each piece of equipment has it's own requirements on it, and those skills need to be gained before you can use that equipment. That includes weapon modules and armor mods, and pretty much EVERYTHING in the game.
The best piece of advice I can give you.
So if you're out in your 6 million isk cruiser and you've left yourself with 250K isk in the bank, you're doing it wrong!
If you want more information on different combat specializations I would hit up the actual EVE online forums, as you'll just get trolled here.
Why do you assume he wont be able to handle the learning curve right off the bat? Its perfectly acceptable to think he might. I have a friend who has only played for about 3 months and he is a Fleet Commander in an Alliance that fields 30 people per fleet already. He had never played the game before either.
Work towards whichever battlecruiser you want to fly, don't worry about maxing skills just yet. Once you can fly the battlecruiser of choice then work on fitting it. I have brought friends into the game making them combat affective in under 2 weeks.
This is not true. Ignore this comment I quoted.
This is probablly an incrediblly stupid question, but wil the tutoriol distinguish between the different ship types? (Frigate, battlecruiser, etc.)
OP dint you already made a thread about this ?
BestSigEver :P
No that was asking what the game was about. Now that it has been explained I am very interested in it so I am wondering about how I would go about making a combat pilot. Sorry if it seems redundant. I am not "spamming" or anything like that.
I guess the 7 page thread wasnt enough. Truth is if someone cant figure many of these things through their own research usually they'll be right back here within weeks or months moaning about not having anything to do but mine and do missions. There is plenty of information already out there use google, bing or read the many previous threads right here on You can check out the EVE forums but their search is rotton. If you need handholding for basic research about EVE you're going to have a hell of a time.
the most useful 3rd party app for eve is the eve fitting tool, or eft for short. google and dl it. you can play with ship fits etc. eve requires a fair amount of number-crunching to get right. there are also other websites with loads of eve info., are two good ones. is good to get a feel for ship fits. some of the fits are bad, but you can learn what NOT to do as well hopefully you ordered the commissioned officer edition; it has an implant that speeds up training time. your first 1.6 mil skillpoints train at double the rate. AFAIK, that implant stacks with it.
Learning skills: the bane of eve. get them out of the way as soon as you can stand it.: they speed up learning everything else, so, it would be worth it to spend a fair amount of your bonused sp on them(but not much fun). that's up to you. there are 2 tiers: basic and advanced learning skills. basics are chaeap, advanced as expensive. you'll see. first thing out of the box, do the training missions. there are 10(I think) mission chains: do 'em all, you'll have a fair amount of isk(in-game money) and some ships, including a destroyer. then, you'll want to do a mission chain called an "epic arc" with that destroyer. the missions for the epic start in a system called "arnon", sisters of eve station. again, you'll see. do this mission chain, which will take a couple days, and you';; have plenty of isk to play with for your needs, at least in the early going.
pvp: easy. you will die. get used to it, expect it, hell, like it. do this: hop in a frigate, equip a warp scrambler, a web, and an afterburner(once you get in-game, this all gets clearer). find a low-security system, fly thorugh the belts, and, if you see someone in a frig(like you'll be in) or even a destroyer, engage. do not hesitate; just shoot the motherfucker. you will lose. it's fine. that was just to get your feet wet. your hands will be shaking, but, trust me, actual practice is the only way to learn. frigs are cheap to lose, and you can fly one almost immediately. do not let anyone tell you you have to wait until you have x number of sp before you can do this. just do it. Keep in mind, though, if you are podded, which means, not only ship-destroyed, but your actual char in the ship, any implants you have in are lost.
skills: too many to list, you need to see it, but, core skills are electronics, engineering, mechanic, hull upgrades and many others. you will see when you get in. read every description of every item. figure it out. that's enough, the rest you need to do for yourself. and don't forget to have fun
Don't listen to this guy, he's an idiot. You can be running a tackle fitted rifter in small PvP groups within 2 weeks. Probably sooner.
Elsa used to make a "Eve should have a pve server" topic once a week for like a year straight...
Don't ever listen to anything he says.
Playing: Rift, LotRO
Waiting on: GW2, BP
I'm just curious, OP why did you delete your account? I can't think of any reason someone would do that. Nothing is wrong with it. I am just interested in the psychology behind it.
More on topic, there are a ton of skills in Eve, but not all of them are combat based. Also, of the combat related skills, there are different ways to specialize. Caldari shield plus missiles for instance, or up close and personal armor tanked Amarr lasers, and so on. It doesn't take too terribly long to be decent at a particular type of combat. It's just a matter of figuring out which role you want to fill.
If your banned you can still create a new account but once you post the mods pick up on the banned IP and rebann that account for 6-8 months.
So they make an account and delete after the one post.
Playing: Rift, LotRO
Waiting on: GW2, BP
I can't imagine he got banned though.
That wasnt his main account.
Once you main account is banned so is the IP its running on.
The only way to continue to post is to make a new account and post once before they catch on and then delete.
Rinse and repeat.
For all we know that dude could have been Zorndorf lol.
Playing: Rift, LotRO
Waiting on: GW2, BP
Ah ok.