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Just curious, with all of the good and bad things I hear about this game, what is the population like? Is it like playing Star Wars Galaxies where basically every where you go is a ghost town? Or can I actually find people moving around?
You'll see some people, but not many. You'd more than likely see more people in a round of Counter Strike, then gathered in one place in MO. (less than 10 in many towns)
I win!!! LOL@U
and there are 8 towns +2 red towns in this do the math.
Currently, 150 concurrent users at European peak time is the most oftern talked about figure amongst the GM and dev team. Note, peak time is also limited to fridays and the weekend.
This is a straight up lie. The GM and Dev team do not talk about server population.
Prove me wrong.
Never trust a screenshot or a youtube video without a version stamp!
Ive never heard the Devs talk about a population number because it would be too embarressing for them to do so. if I had to take an educated guess I would say about 100 to 150 during peak hours and about 50 non peak.
I logged into fabernum the other day in full armor and went AFK for about 2 minutes to grab a phone call and got killed by another player in the middle of the bank which is the only real place players congragte in towns. Point is there was NO ONE in the town to call guards and I died . Thats pretty damn sad.
At this point I would say there is a 100 % chance this game shuts down within the next 2-4 months. Its possible they could hit the 6 month mark but if anyone can explain to me how they pay salaries with around 1000 subscribers (thats being generous) I challenge you to do so.
The pop is very low that can not be argued or refuted.
nor deleted. Apparently you can't make a joke anymore on forums these days. MMOs are serious business.
As multi-million dollar projects, they are
Us gamers only lose time and maybe $50 when an MMO fails. Can't imagine the hell that is Henrick's life atm if 150 is really the pop during peak hours.
Yes they do, just not in public channels.
Well if you want a close count on the population, today there is a big player event. And I am sure %90 of the pop will be there. So go do a head count.
I've heard that Wessex, one of the only roleplaying guilds in MO has left the game for Parabellum. Can anyone confirm?
Thorppes was a member of Wessex, I'm sure he can confirm/deny.
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
Dang! They were one of the guilds that provided a lot of player content by way of RP etc. Who is going to build the sand castles now eh?
Woah are the numbers really that low? How is the game still alive?
If sub rates don't pick up over the next couple of months and/or they are unable to secure funding, I don't think the game will be alive for much longer. If they last 6 months I will eat a tin of cat food, record it and post it on youtube.
Deal, but I am chosing the brand.
I insist on Whiskas 'Real meat'....the one with chunky bits.
Sad state of affairs but what can you do. Lot of us had high hopes for MO but things just didn't pan out. Lesson learned here: Do not make an MMO your companies first commercial software, especially when the lead designers have no real experience to speak of. Even companies that had success with single player games such as Funcom, or companies with success with MMOs such as Mythic, can have significant problems developing an MMO. For this reason, I am cautiously optimistic about 38 Studios. Instead of rushing into development on their MMO, they're releasing a single player game first that will not only prepare them for the more difficult and ambitious project but also help fund it and create a fanbase for their fledgling IP.
Population is today: -1
Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.
Edgar Allan Poe
I suggest eating some canned dog food instead; same general consistency and look, but doesn't smell as crappy as cat food.
Unfortuantley I've made my bed.......