it will run fine...dude look at the box...recomended specs 1ghz processor, 64mb video 512 ram...your computer should have littel if no problem at all running GW
i know somone who was running it on a p2 400 with a geforce mx(not sur what model) lol ,it was a bit lagy but playable.The game dont need a very good computer they took more time making beatiful texture then having high polygone compt. sorry if I made some language mistake ans i certainly did.
Yeah-your graphics card will be fine. Guild wars has found an excellent way of producing stream lined graphics (and updates) without needing an Alienware Area 51 computer..with SLI... Anyway, you've got more ram then I do (I only have 512 mb) and I have no lag at all (of course I have a Nvidia FX5500).. but yep, back to the point, you should be fine.
Yeah-your graphics card will be fine. Guild wars has found an excellent way of producing stream lined graphics (and updates) without needing an Alienware Area 51 computer..with SLI... Anyway, you've got more ram then I do (I only have 512 mb) and I have no lag at all (of course I have a Nvidia FX5500).. but yep, back to the point, you should be fine.