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The Earthrise team has partnered with to bring you a month's worth of exclusive screens. Welcome to week three! This week's screens feature lush green landscapes and what appears to be a quest hub of some kind. Check them out in our Earthrise Exclusive Screens #3 feature.
But more importantly When ? and why are all characters floating at least 6" off the ground ?
PLEASE let it be twitch!
Better to be crazy, provided you know what sane is...
This has already been answered. It is as much twitch as Tabula Rasa was twitch .... ie 3rd person shooter. You do have to aim at least.
So this game is supose to release within the next month and a half unless Q42010 has been puched back and MMORPG hasn't updated it. I have yet to see a video of gameplay or any mobs in any of the screenshots they have posted...this game looks pretty cool and i like the concepts from reading their site. But i am not holding my breath for this one something bout the way it has been only screeshots for what the last year...doesn't inspire confidence.
3rd quarter ends with November.
They really need to fix those shadows...whoever invented shadows that are disconnected from the body?
and yes ... please MHS, let us wait untill end of November to hear another ESTIMATED DATE of release - best part of this game, so exciting.
Q3 ended at the end of Sept Q4 is from Oct1 through Dec31 so they have like....44days to get the game
I was excited about this game a long time a land far far away. It looks worse and worse each time I see it.
Drop the next-gen marketing and people will argue if the game itself has merit.
a floaty exclamation point
OOH, must be the quest giver!
Its way past time for some gameplay videos of Earthrise. These bland pictures aren't interesting.
it's possible, 2 weeks of OB early December and release in end of December
but i doubt it as well
So What Now?
This ^^^^^^ Oh so very this.. /nuff said !
November is the 11th month on the calender. The third quarter ended September 30th.
The shadows are connected, they're just connected to the wrong foot. It's an interesting optical illusion.
Really nice to see some color in this game, that alone has put it back on my radar.
considering they are Working on V13 ... I wouldnt be suprised EarthRising is mostly on hold as they work to make that other MMO.... they are a small team afterall
Playing: Rift, LotRO
Waiting on: GW2, BP
As most reasonable people have mentioned. Screens mean nothing; absolutely nothing. This game is vapor as far as most are concerned. Enough is enough with the pushes and not updating on their actual planned release. Lets see some real game-play dynamic pve and pvp footage, some sharp video glimpses at the in-game breadth and depth of content and features.
If all it takes to ammuse the current massively-multiplayer crowd is screens, here is one of my upcoming mmorpg.
i will buy ur RPG, how much do you want for full license? 2 mil enough?
can people stop asking for the id1otic combat video? who cares about the freaking combat video, we want more info in general, that means MORE videos MORE screenshots and MORE info on planned features and BETA! From the info we got from closed beta testers the game is in good enough shape to have an open beta already. I really feel sorry if MHS is affraid to release a "combat video" because it might be turned out by the community. Just release info in general
Why the HELL is everyone and their grandmother making Magic & Elf games. GIVE ME GUNS, EXPLOSIONS, AND SPACE SHIPS DAMN YOU.
I dislike your new MMO sir, because I want the mold to be broken.
The Theory of Conservative Conservation of Ignorant Stupidity:
Having a different opinion must mean you're a troll.
that is obviously a SciFi light saber sword,and they are wearing space helmets, obviuosly.
Sorry I dont care what the opinions are of these players in the supposed beta are-the proof is in the pudding which was anounced at one time to be shown almost a year ago January 2010 to be exact.So the massive delay in just showing a 2-3 minute combat footage of stuff that is "supposedly" happening now-the "revamped" combat mechanics just give me the impression that those combat mechanics probably havent changed that much from: