But once again, I must remind everyone that none of what you wrote matters. You character in game is wholly incomplete and homoginized. As there is no basis (mathamatical base) for any skill. Today archery does this, the next day it does that.
There is no basis for skills, levels of skills, or even abilities. A fleet footed Veela, is no faster than a healthy Thursur... daggers and sword, it does matter because each change from patch to patch... there is no basis for weapontry. Why doesn't anyone dual-wield? (because nobody, inclusing SV, knows how the speed, heft, or dmg should be... so it remins broke and an afterthought.
The current skill tree is 5~6 months away from being implamented (working), then it needs to be balanced, and thats before all the "other" skills they want to add... SV will do nothing, just like they changed pickpocketing nearly 20 times since released...
Who even wants to start in a game & try to develope their character... when the character race you chose, no longer matters because of such wide sweeping changes. It's hard to feel even atuned to your character, because his sub-set of skills change so often.
StarVault is still impresing themselves with their engine and trying to keep people around by promising content, but none of that matters when your avitar is broken and funneled into a class/role you have no wish to play (mounted guild 2-hander). Not only that, but the economy is so broken (not-to-mention millions in duped gold circulating between guilds), that a newbie Lumberjack is told exactly what tree they can harvest, because SV (Henrik) feels it's necessary that only certain tree's have value, while the other ones have zero value. (shouldn't the player economy dictate supply & damand, henrik?)
Epic fail... teir 1 harvestable mat worth zero?, because Henrik (or anyone @ SV) doesn't understand supply side econmics.
So as great as Mortal Online is, it's a novelty, worth trying and seeing, but it has absolutely no staying power because what your character is, is in a constant state of flux.
StarVault should add clothing & daggers and solidify what the base values are, then build from there... everything builds from there. But instead, StarVault is chasing their tale by constantly catering to the OTM cries by guilds. When they should be formulating their database with FUNDEMENTALS & BASE stats, that every wepon and every article of clothing will built upon. It's simple and remedial development.
So, without a fundemental base in every category (attribute, skill, ability, race..etc)... then Mortal Online is just a meandering paid beta/experiement. Heck, they can't even get a base skill point right and that has changed nearly 4~5 time since release... absolutely pathetic. These are things that should already be on papaer YEARS before the final prodcut went gold.
note: I could balance and optimize pick-pocketing in 1 day, if SV would allow me to see their values/formulas and hooks. It's just that they are afraid to make a final decision, or actually make skills/attributes/abilities count for something real (and/or hard to achieve).
While I do not completely agree with all of the points in this quoted post, you have really made some excellent points! SV really needs to figure out what they would like to do with the game they have made and build up from a good, solid, basic idea. Currently so many aspects are constantly changing and it seems like SV does not even know how to work with the very game they designed!
But once again, I must remind everyone that none of what you wrote matters. You character in game is wholly incomplete and homoginized. As there is no basis (mathamatical base) for any skill. Today archery does this, the next day it does that.
There is no basis for skills, levels of skills, or even abilities. A fleet footed Veela, is no faster than a healthy Thursur... daggers and sword, it does matter because each change from patch to patch... there is no basis for weapontry. Why doesn't anyone dual-wield? (because nobody, inclusing SV, knows how the speed, heft, or dmg should be... so it remins broke and an afterthought.
The current skill tree is 5~6 months away from being implamented (working), then it needs to be balanced, and thats before all the "other" skills they want to add... SV will do nothing, just like they changed pickpocketing nearly 20 times since released...
Who even wants to start in a game & try to develope their character... when the character race you chose, no longer matters because of such wide sweeping changes. It's hard to feel even atuned to your character, because his sub-set of skills change so often.
StarVault is still impresing themselves with their engine and trying to keep people around by promising content, but none of that matters when your avitar is broken and funneled into a class/role you have no wish to play (mounted guild 2-hander). Not only that, but the economy is so broken (not-to-mention millions in duped gold circulating between guilds), that a newbie Lumberjack is told exactly what tree they can harvest, because SV (Henrik) feels it's necessary that only certain tree's have value, while the other ones have zero value. (shouldn't the player economy dictate supply & damand, henrik?)
Epic fail... teir 1 harvestable mat worth zero?, because Henrik (or anyone @ SV) doesn't understand supply side econmics.
So as great as Mortal Online is, it's a novelty, worth trying and seeing, but it has absolutely no staying power because what your character is, is in a constant state of flux.
StarVault should add clothing & daggers and solidify what the base values are, then build from there... everything builds from there. But instead, StarVault is chasing their tale by constantly catering to the OTM cries by guilds. When they should be formulating their database with FUNDEMENTALS & BASE stats, that every wepon and every article of clothing will built upon. It's simple and remedial development.
So, without a fundemental base in every category (attribute, skill, ability, race..etc)... then Mortal Online is just a meandering paid beta/experiement. Heck, they can't even get a base skill point right and that has changed nearly 4~5 time since release... absolutely pathetic. These are things that should already be on papaer YEARS before the final prodcut went gold.
note: I could balance and optimize pick-pocketing in 1 day, if SV would allow me to see their values/formulas and hooks. It's just that they are afraid to make a final decision, or actually make skills/attributes/abilities count for something real (and/or hard to achieve).
While I do not completely agree with all of the points in this quoted post, you have really made some excellent points! SV really needs to figure out what they would like to do with the game they have made and build up from a good, solid, basic idea. Currently so many aspects are constantly changing and it seems like SV does not even know how to work with the very game they designed!
Thank you.
Understand, StarVault's main fault/problem was in late beta, to be nearly 100% focused on guilds. We had players in rags and Henrik was focused on Keeps (?), guild crafting, working pallasiades, land control, guild insignias, guild stones, etc.... ??
Such a massive amount of misdirection..! StarVault could have easily set aside all that superficial politics focusing on characters & their abilities. Guilds and the support of these entities could've came much later on, even 6 months later... ie: around this time (Nov ~ Dec).
Thus..^, allowing StarVault to focus more on core mechanics & fundementals. SV focus should've been 100% on a characters & what each of his said abilities do, or mean.. to him/me..? Basically meaning, what does each skill do? What are it's benifits, what is the base, or basis for each increase (Is the increase linear, exponential, etc)...?
Not a single ANYTHING in Mortal Online.... is where it should be. It is a baseless game.
For instance. StarVault just messed up dexterity, running & sprinting.... because they are trying to balance combat (?). which is soooooo illogical, it hurts me to think about the ineptitude on display @ SV.
You don't balance combat that way. Running and sprinting is movement.... so they apply to everything and everyone equally. (Balance comes from have a proper BASE. Then you built it up from there... so you should know a Veele when u see one, because the're frak'n quick! Albeit, ...weak or vulnreble in their own ways.)
Anyways... combat speed should be based on your character abilities and stamina. In combat beta, the circle or area of focus (AOF) of each scrum/skirmish, was about a 30 yards. Combat was more technical, because each strike consumed significantly more stamina than now, so you had to manage the ebb & flow of battle much more closely. The problem is, SV cannot conceive (invision) how to extrapolate this into combat today.
The answer is rathr simple... ironically, instead of fixing it, the mad it more savere. SV made it worse & they need to re-make Combat Sprint the fastest footspeed rate in the game. Also short lived.. because doing so, consume stamina at 5x the normal rate. Also.. Characters should have more diversified & larger stamina pools.... plus, the regen rate should be tiered.
Again.. this whole matrix of abilities, skills and their weighting, should've been written down on papaer & debated upon waaaay before this game entered beta. We still don't have a known standard for anything. Henrik is too focused on his engine/graphic & lately; lip service, than he is on our characters abilities, or skill tree.
Lastly, StarVaults progression and development of Mortal Onlone is illogical
Henrik does not understand that an open world is built (delivered) differently to the customer. As it is new & fledgling... you evolve Nave like it would logically happen in real history/life. (Or as a story book). You can't have a multitude of metal armors, when your basic inhibitants don't have any clothing options. It's irational and dumb.
The most abundant and afforbale products are the first ones SV should develop & implament. SO... cloth armorh shoul've been first, (15+ types?)... along-side butchers, weaving, leathercrafting and leather armors..! DUH..! As skilled artisan's found the right combination of bone & scale... thus the invention of those armors... Bone, scale, banded & chainmail all released as they are done (role playing.. or recipee found, etc) Etc.. etc...
That way, SV can watch & FOCUS on all aspects (mitigation, crafting, materials, bugs, etc) of clothing, leather, Bio-mail, chain & plate and evolve the game world as the peasants grow the game world.
Henrik is not developing this chronologically, or with any logic. I think he should become creative director, or something and let someone with a little more balls and focus be lead developer.
BTW.. I personally know 4 guilds, that said they would return to Mortal online, if StarVault would do a COMPLETE wipe of the server. I also know an entire EQ alliance (400+ people) who were interested in making the move, but the inability for StarVault to maintain a fair sandbox to play in... has thwarted any power guild from considering such a move move, thus killing their own revenues.
A complete wipe might be the only way SV gets people to come back, the duping problem was way more prevliant than SV has imagined. I really don't think Henrik understand the effect such things have on hard working single players and honest guilds. He doesn't understand that is why MOST of the people left; cheaters.
There is probably more money to be had in increased subscriptions, if SV evened the playing field and did the right thing and wiped the server. The only people who really would complain, would be those who's duped empire would be gone.
"No they are not charity. That is where the whales come in. (I play for free. Whales pays.) Devs get a business. That is how it works."
Say what you want about the game itself, Survivor Guy writes an entertaining story. Especially if you've actually played MO and know what he is talking about heh.
Originally posted by Phelcher There is probably more money to be had in increased subscriptions, if SV evened the playing field and did the right thing and wiped the server. The only people who really would complain, would be those who's duped empire would be gone.
I might consider playing it again if they opened a north american server and started it at 0, with no character transfers and such..
This was an incredibly entertaining read, but I have to say that game sounds HORRIBLE!! Any game that allows players to abuse something might as well encourage them to be abusive because there are always some that will. A game that allows players to kill and rob each other on a whim just isn't the type of game that I would like to play. I don't want to invest a lot of time into building something only to have it stolen from me by another player just because he can for whatever reason. If you think being killed and camped in some MMOs makes you angry, imagine if they could also rob you to add insult to injury.
No thanks. I play games for fun, not to be victimized.
Currently playing: Rift Played: SWToR, Aion,EQ, Dark Age of Camelot World of Warcraft, AoC
I have checked the game because they offered me 6 free days. I didn't realize there any big changes, exclude the trees looks better and are moving. Also I saw some new kind of npc in the wild and the mounts had sadles and armor. The world is still little bit empty and the graphic look of game is still same like before epic patch. I think the Unreal know more than what we can see in game. I was in Fabernum, there was around 7 players, in Vadda around 5 and in Meduli maybe 8 -9 players. I met nobody in the wild. It was on Saturday 20 around 03:00 PM. I am not watching the game anymore, but from my point of view, after what I saw now, the game looks like slowly dying. How I sad beffore, It could be great game, but I think that SV took more than they are able to handle.
There is lot of problems with this game. Personaly I think, that this game will not survive next year. It's not my wish, but I am worried of that. I was big fan of this game and I am not hater now. I am just saying my feelings right now. Also I think that big problem is that SV are strongly focused on PvP players and from this reason, very huge part of PvE players has no reason to play this game.
Wow interesting read. I'm still not sure what to make of this game because there is conflicting discussions on what features are actually functional in the game. Do they have a trial yet? Any unbiased information on what is really happening right now and not stuff coming in the future?
Don't be terrorized! You're more likely to die of a car accident, drowning, fire, or murder! More people die every year from prescription drugs than terrorism LOL!
A good example of how not to play one of these games. Make some friends, there is always power in numbers. I shudder every time I read one of these stories, but I guess the best way to learn is from your mistakes.
The article is supposed to be entertaining not a guide on how to play this game or any other MMO.
Hehe, so he cut some wood, killed some rats and ran around trying to not get ganked. Sounds like the same stuff you do in themepark games on the pvp servers.
No....In a Themepark MMORGP "he cut some wood, killed some rats and ran around trying not to get ganked."
In a Sandbox Full Loot MMORPG that has real consequences for for your actions, he cut some wood to build up his Strength to a point where he can prepare to train to defend himself & earn enough coin to get a basic set of armor and weapon. He beat up on some rats to raise his weapon skill enough to where he can venture out a bit more and continue along his path to a point where he can better defend himself and take on stronger opponets.
Thats what Sandbox MMORPGs w/ no training wheels do. They add in some consequences to people's actions and simple tasks like cutting wood, killing weasles, and traveling to one city from another become more than just cutting wood, killing weasles, and traveling to another city. They take on importance and make things simple like crossing a field a little more exciting than your 5 minute flight from Stormwind to Light Hope Chapel.
Yeah sure and the Karate Kid learning how to paint and wax wasn't just about painting and waxing. I see where you're going with this RajCaj, you can't fool me!
In all seriousness though, what you just described is a very outdated version of what sandboxes have already done. Ultima Online did that ages ago, there needs to be something a bit more revolutionary included in todays sandboxes if it is going to draw any real appeal even from the sandbox crowd. Or else we can just go back to playing pre-Trammel UO and I wouldn't be surprised if some do to this day.
By the way, when was the last time any cool bad-ass heroes you read/watch today include killing various forms of rodent animals for their weapons training? I believe warriors of the medieval age were trained by...wait for it....actual trainers. Maybe sandbox developers should start from there and not the smack-the-training-dummy type variety either.
If sandbox games are to go anywhere, they should focus their game around skill development systems and player economies. That's where their advantage lies.
This article brought a smirk to me, it just sounds so much like what folks who decry themeparks are looking for and I seemed to have gotten through a page and a half and had only read about chopping wood and running around trying to find someone to make a weapon, after scanning it seemed I read something about killing some weasels or some such. Just doesn't sound like very exciting gameplay and makes me wonder why not just play Farmville or something.....
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
Yeah sure and the Karate Kid learning how to paint and wax wasn't just about painting and waxing. I see where you're going with this RajCaj, you can't fool me!
In all seriousness though, what you just described is a very outdated version of what sandboxes have already done. Ultima Online did that ages ago, there needs to be something a bit more revolutionary included in todays sandboxes if it is going to draw any real appeal even from the sandbox crowd. Or else we can just go back to playing pre-Trammel UO and I wouldn't be surprised if some do to this day.
By the way, when was the last time any cool bad-ass heroes you read/watch today include killing various forms of rodent animals for their weapons training? I believe warriors of the medieval age were trained by...wait for it....actual trainers. Maybe sandbox developers should start from there and not the smack-the-training-dummy type variety either.
If sandbox games are to go anywhere, they should focus their game around skill development systems and player economies. That's where their advantage lies.
You inadvertently pointed out a good point. In sandbox games, it's(ideally) more about jumping into a virtual world. You do start off as a nobody, and every bit you get means something. It especially means something if you're recognized as particularly good at something, or one of the best.
Hehe, so he cut some wood, killed some rats and ran around trying to not get ganked. Sounds like the same stuff you do in themepark games on the pvp servers.
No....In a Themepark MMORGP "he cut some wood, killed some rats and ran around trying not to get ganked."
In a Sandbox Full Loot MMORPG that has real consequences for for your actions, he cut some wood to build up his Strength to a point where he can prepare to train to defend himself & earn enough coin to get a basic set of armor and weapon. He beat up on some rats to raise his weapon skill enough to where he can venture out a bit more and continue along his path to a point where he can better defend himself and take on stronger opponets.
Thats what Sandbox MMORPGs w/ no training wheels do. They add in some consequences to people's actions and simple tasks like cutting wood, killing weasles, and traveling to one city from another become more than just cutting wood, killing weasles, and traveling to another city. They take on importance and make things simple like crossing a field a little more exciting than your 5 minute flight from Stormwind to Light Hope Chapel.
I like this^ guy! *thumbs up*
"No they are not charity. That is where the whales come in. (I play for free. Whales pays.) Devs get a business. That is how it works."
Yeah sure and the Karate Kid learning how to paint and wax wasn't just about painting and waxing. I see where you're going with this RajCaj, you can't fool me!
In all seriousness though, what you just described is a very outdated version of what sandboxes have already done. Ultima Online did that ages ago, there needs to be something a bit more revolutionary included in todays sandboxes if it is going to draw any real appeal even from the sandbox crowd. Or else we can just go back to playing pre-Trammel UO and I wouldn't be surprised if some do to this day.
By the way, when was the last time any cool bad-ass heroes you read/watch today include killing various forms of rodent animals for their weapons training? I believe warriors of the medieval age were trained by...wait for it....actual trainers. Maybe sandbox developers should start from there and not the smack-the-training-dummy type variety either.
If sandbox games are to go anywhere, they should focus their game around skill development systems and player economies. That's where their advantage lies.
I think your misjuding the fact that most people who want a Sanbox MMO don't want that - they want hard grind and animal genocide, its a coded into our gaming genes as the word 'lol'
Yeah sure and the Karate Kid learning how to paint and wax wasn't just about painting and waxing. I see where you're going with this RajCaj, you can't fool me!
In all seriousness though, what you just described is a very outdated version of what sandboxes have already done. Ultima Online did that ages ago, there needs to be something a bit more revolutionary included in todays sandboxes if it is going to draw any real appeal even from the sandbox crowd. Or else we can just go back to playing pre-Trammel UO and I wouldn't be surprised if some do to this day.
By the way, when was the last time any cool bad-ass heroes you read/watch today include killing various forms of rodent animals for their weapons training? I believe warriors of the medieval age were trained by...wait for it....actual trainers. Maybe sandbox developers should start from there and not the smack-the-training-dummy type variety either.
If sandbox games are to go anywhere, they should focus their game around skill development systems and player economies. That's where their advantage lies.
I think your misjuding the fact that most people who want a Sanbox MMO don't want that - they want hard grind and animal genocide, its a coded into our gaming genes as the word 'lol'
I don't agree and I recognize your sarcasim....but different strokes for different folks.
All I'll say is this......the "Survivor Guy's" experience crossing a field of bandits so that he can travel to the next town is 10x more exciting than if you did the same in WOW, Aion, Warhammer, etc. And the fact that I have to fight a new Epic Boss in a theme park game to get a similar level of excitment and adrenaline flowing as the OP did in JUST traveling from once city to the next (in a FFA Sandbox Game) should say something about how different these two visions of MMORPGs are.
If I wanted to live out a King's Tale of a Hero, I'd play a RPG game. If I wanted to play a hack n' slash game, I'd play a 3rd person action game on my PS3. I want a virtual world where I am free to choose my friends and my enemies. I want to be able to stake my claim and build a house to stick all my cool crap in that I get from my adventures. I want a player run economy where a crafter can earn the same wage as a dungeon crawling warrior. You can't get that in any other game genere.....I don't know why we need to turn MMORPGs into nothing more than an enhanced RPG experience with an internet connection. Why do we need less choices in game play?
Glad some people out there are completely bashing the game, and are enjoying it. Making the game into their own adventure, with no predecided task, but just filled with fun, and basically what ever your mind can come up with.
But once again, I must remind everyone that none of what you wrote matters. You character in game is wholly incomplete and homoginized. As there is no basis (mathamatical base) for any skill. Today archery does this, the next day it does that.
There is no basis for skills, levels of skills, or even abilities. A fleet footed Veela, is no faster than a healthy Thursur... daggers and sword, it does matter because each change from patch to patch... there is no basis for weapontry. Why doesn't anyone dual-wield? (because nobody, inclusing SV, knows how the speed, heft, or dmg should be... so it remins broke and an afterthought.
The current skill tree is 5~6 months away from being implamented (working), then it needs to be balanced, and thats before all the "other" skills they want to add... SV will do nothing, just like they changed pickpocketing nearly 20 times since released...
Who even wants to start in a game & try to develope their character... when the character race you chose, no longer matters because of such wide sweeping changes. It's hard to feel even atuned to your character, because his sub-set of skills change so often.
StarVault is still impresing themselves with their engine and trying to keep people around by promising content, but none of that matters when your avitar is broken and funneled into a class/role you have no wish to play (mounted guild 2-hander). Not only that, but the economy is so broken (not-to-mention millions in duped gold circulating between guilds), that a newbie Lumberjack is told exactly what tree they can harvest, because SV (Henrik) feels it's necessary that only certain tree's have value, while the other ones have zero value. (shouldn't the player economy dictate supply & damand, henrik?)
Epic fail... teir 1 harvestable mat worth zero?, because Henrik (or anyone @ SV) doesn't understand supply side econmics.
So as great as Mortal Online is, it's a novelty, worth trying and seeing, but it has absolutely no staying power because what your character is, is in a constant state of flux.
StarVault should add clothing & daggers and solidify what the base values are, then build from there... everything builds from there. But instead, StarVault is chasing their tale by constantly catering to the OTM cries by guilds. When they should be formulating their database with FUNDEMENTALS & BASE stats, that every wepon and every article of clothing will built upon. It's simple and remedial development.
So, without a fundemental base in every category (attribute, skill, ability, race..etc)... then Mortal Online is just a meandering paid beta/experiement. Heck, they can't even get a base skill point right and that has changed nearly 4~5 time since release... absolutely pathetic. These are things that should already be on papaer YEARS before the final prodcut went gold.
note: I could balance and optimize pick-pocketing in 1 day, if SV would allow me to see their values/formulas and hooks. It's just that they are afraid to make a final decision, or actually make skills/attributes/abilities count for something real (and/or hard to achieve).
nice we have a troll
but have u ever heard the phrase "paid beta"? THAT is what MO IS
so for ur long wrote troll post... it was meaningless and makes u look dumb
they are trying to equil EVERYTHING out WHILE adding new content so people won't get bored... admitedly they made lots of mistakes and have been correcting them... we are all human are we not?
i bet ur just another wow/dfo nerd that thinks everything should revolve around u and this simply isnt true
the game is in the making so plz stop trolling it like all these "reviewers" have done and give the game a chance.
Great read, even though your references to Charles Bronson and Michael Palin was lost on a majority of your readers.
What's amazing is that there are those that ignore the fact that this article is for entertainment purposes only and not a sounding board for their personal agendas regarding M.O..
I will be looking forward to your next offering, regardless of game.
sorry my post gat mixed in with the quote just look at the bottem
start with nice we have a troll
and fyi i was the biggist troll on MO so i can surly say we can smell our own
Your post^ is based on imaginary thoughts you have about me & not the facts. Again... (for those who are unable to read, or reserach their facts), I've been beta testing & playing Mortal Online for over a year now & my insight and warnings about Mortal Online, stem from my 29 years of computer gaming & 14 years of on-line gaming.
Your a self admitted troll... (ie: meaningless...)
"No they are not charity. That is where the whales come in. (I play for free. Whales pays.) Devs get a business. That is how it works."
sorry my post gat mixed in with the quote just look at the bottem
start with nice we have a troll
and fyi i was the biggist troll on MO so i can surly say we can smell our own
Your post^ is based on imaginary thoughts you have about me & not the facts. Again... (for those who are unable to read, or reserach their facts), I've been beta testing & playing Mortal Online for over a year now & my insight and warnings about Mortal Online, stem from my 29 years of computer gaming & 14 years of on-line gaming.
Your a self admitted troll... (ie: meaningless...)
Sorry Phelcher, but the original post was an entertainment piece based on the authors adventures while using some imagination. What it was not, was a review piece on the game as a whole or it's mechanics(or lack thereof).
Regardless, your unsolicited views on the mechanics of M.O. and self rightuous back-patting is what it is.
The intentional hi-jacking of this thread to push your agenda is by definition trolling.
Thank you.
Understand, StarVault's main fault/problem was in late beta, to be nearly 100% focused on guilds. We had players in rags and Henrik was focused on Keeps (?), guild crafting, working pallasiades, land control, guild insignias, guild stones, etc.... ??
Such a massive amount of misdirection..! StarVault could have easily set aside all that superficial politics focusing on characters & their abilities. Guilds and the support of these entities could've came much later on, even 6 months later... ie: around this time (Nov ~ Dec).
Thus..^, allowing StarVault to focus more on core mechanics & fundementals. SV focus should've been 100% on a characters & what each of his said abilities do, or mean.. to him/me..? Basically meaning, what does each skill do? What are it's benifits, what is the base, or basis for each increase (Is the increase linear, exponential, etc)...?
Not a single ANYTHING in Mortal Online.... is where it should be. It is a baseless game.
For instance. StarVault just messed up dexterity, running & sprinting.... because they are trying to balance combat (?). which is soooooo illogical, it hurts me to think about the ineptitude on display @ SV.
You don't balance combat that way. Running and sprinting is movement.... so they apply to everything and everyone equally. (Balance comes from have a proper BASE. Then you built it up from there... so you should know a Veele when u see one, because the're frak'n quick! Albeit, ...weak or vulnreble in their own ways.)
Anyways... combat speed should be based on your character abilities and stamina. In combat beta, the circle or area of focus (AOF) of each scrum/skirmish, was about a 30 yards. Combat was more technical, because each strike consumed significantly more stamina than now, so you had to manage the ebb & flow of battle much more closely. The problem is, SV cannot conceive (invision) how to extrapolate this into combat today.
The answer is rathr simple... ironically, instead of fixing it, the mad it more savere. SV made it worse & they need to re-make Combat Sprint the fastest footspeed rate in the game. Also short lived.. because doing so, consume stamina at 5x the normal rate. Also.. Characters should have more diversified & larger stamina pools.... plus, the regen rate should be tiered.
Again.. this whole matrix of abilities, skills and their weighting, should've been written down on papaer & debated upon waaaay before this game entered beta. We still don't have a known standard for anything. Henrik is too focused on his engine/graphic & lately; lip service, than he is on our characters abilities, or skill tree.
Lastly, StarVaults progression and development of Mortal Onlone is illogical
Henrik does not understand that an open world is built (delivered) differently to the customer. As it is new & fledgling... you evolve Nave like it would logically happen in real history/life. (Or as a story book). You can't have a multitude of metal armors, when your basic inhibitants don't have any clothing options. It's irational and dumb.
The most abundant and afforbale products are the first ones SV should develop & implament. SO... cloth armorh shoul've been first, (15+ types?)... along-side butchers, weaving, leathercrafting and leather armors..! DUH..! As skilled artisan's found the right combination of bone & scale... thus the invention of those armors... Bone, scale, banded & chainmail all released as they are done (role playing.. or recipee found, etc) Etc.. etc...
That way, SV can watch & FOCUS on all aspects (mitigation, crafting, materials, bugs, etc) of clothing, leather, Bio-mail, chain & plate and evolve the game world as the peasants grow the game world.
Henrik is not developing this chronologically, or with any logic. I think he should become creative director, or something and let someone with a little more balls and focus be lead developer.
BTW.. I personally know 4 guilds, that said they would return to Mortal online, if StarVault would do a COMPLETE wipe of the server. I also know an entire EQ alliance (400+ people) who were interested in making the move, but the inability for StarVault to maintain a fair sandbox to play in... has thwarted any power guild from considering such a move move, thus killing their own revenues.
A complete wipe might be the only way SV gets people to come back, the duping problem was way more prevliant than SV has imagined. I really don't think Henrik understand the effect such things have on hard working single players and honest guilds. He doesn't understand that is why MOST of the people left; cheaters.
There is probably more money to be had in increased subscriptions, if SV evened the playing field and did the right thing and wiped the server. The only people who really would complain, would be those who's duped empire would be gone.
"No they are not charity. That is where the whales come in. (I play for free. Whales pays.) Devs get a business. That is how it works."
Say what you want about the game itself, Survivor Guy writes an entertaining story. Especially if you've actually played MO and know what he is talking about heh.
I might consider playing it again if they opened a north american server and started it at 0, with no character transfers and such..
This was an incredibly entertaining read, but I have to say that game sounds HORRIBLE!! Any game that allows players to abuse something might as well encourage them to be abusive because there are always some that will. A game that allows players to kill and rob each other on a whim just isn't the type of game that I would like to play. I don't want to invest a lot of time into building something only to have it stolen from me by another player just because he can for whatever reason. If you think being killed and camped in some MMOs makes you angry, imagine if they could also rob you to add insult to injury.
No thanks. I play games for fun, not to be victimized.
Currently playing:
SWToR, Aion,EQ, Dark Age of Camelot
World of Warcraft, AoC
I have checked the game because they offered me 6 free days. I didn't realize there any big changes, exclude the trees looks better and are moving. Also I saw some new kind of npc in the wild and the mounts had sadles and armor. The world is still little bit empty and the graphic look of game is still same like before epic patch. I think the Unreal know more than what we can see in game. I was in Fabernum, there was around 7 players, in Vadda around 5 and in Meduli maybe 8 -9 players. I met nobody in the wild. It was on Saturday 20 around 03:00 PM. I am not watching the game anymore, but from my point of view, after what I saw now, the game looks like slowly dying. How I sad beffore, It could be great game, but I think that SV took more than they are able to handle.
There is lot of problems with this game. Personaly I think, that this game will not survive next year. It's not my wish, but I am worried of that. I was big fan of this game and I am not hater now. I am just saying my feelings right now. Also I think that big problem is that SV are strongly focused on PvP players and from this reason, very huge part of PvE players has no reason to play this game.
Wow interesting read. I'm still not sure what to make of this game because there is conflicting discussions on what features are actually functional in the game. Do they have a trial yet? Any unbiased information on what is really happening right now and not stuff coming in the future?
Don't be terrorized! You're more likely to die of a car accident, drowning, fire, or murder! More people die every year from prescription drugs than terrorism LOL!
The article is supposed to be entertaining not a guide on how to play this game or any other MMO.
Steam: Neph
awesome article
No....In a Themepark MMORGP "he cut some wood, killed some rats and ran around trying not to get ganked."
In a Sandbox Full Loot MMORPG that has real consequences for for your actions, he cut some wood to build up his Strength to a point where he can prepare to train to defend himself & earn enough coin to get a basic set of armor and weapon. He beat up on some rats to raise his weapon skill enough to where he can venture out a bit more and continue along his path to a point where he can better defend himself and take on stronger opponets.
Thats what Sandbox MMORPGs w/ no training wheels do. They add in some consequences to people's actions and simple tasks like cutting wood, killing weasles, and traveling to one city from another become more than just cutting wood, killing weasles, and traveling to another city. They take on importance and make things simple like crossing a field a little more exciting than your 5 minute flight from Stormwind to Light Hope Chapel.
Yeah sure and the Karate Kid learning how to paint and wax wasn't just about painting and waxing. I see where you're going with this RajCaj, you can't fool me!
In all seriousness though, what you just described is a very outdated version of what sandboxes have already done. Ultima Online did that ages ago, there needs to be something a bit more revolutionary included in todays sandboxes if it is going to draw any real appeal even from the sandbox crowd. Or else we can just go back to playing pre-Trammel UO and I wouldn't be surprised if some do to this day.
By the way, when was the last time any cool bad-ass heroes you read/watch today include killing various forms of rodent animals for their weapons training? I believe warriors of the medieval age were trained by...wait for it....actual trainers. Maybe sandbox developers should start from there and not the smack-the-training-dummy type variety either.
If sandbox games are to go anywhere, they should focus their game around skill development systems and player economies. That's where their advantage lies.
This article brought a smirk to me, it just sounds so much like what folks who decry themeparks are looking for and I seemed to have gotten through a page and a half and had only read about chopping wood and running around trying to find someone to make a weapon, after scanning it seemed I read something about killing some weasels or some such. Just doesn't sound like very exciting gameplay and makes me wonder why not just play Farmville or something.....
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
You inadvertently pointed out a good point. In sandbox games, it's(ideally) more about jumping into a virtual world. You do start off as a nobody, and every bit you get means something. It especially means something if you're recognized as particularly good at something, or one of the best.
a bit off-topic: this is the kind of game of how world would be without police.
I like this^ guy! *thumbs up*
"No they are not charity. That is where the whales come in. (I play for free. Whales pays.) Devs get a business. That is how it works."
I think your misjuding the fact that most people who want a Sanbox MMO don't want that - they want hard grind and animal genocide, its a coded into our gaming genes as the word 'lol'
I don't agree and I recognize your sarcasim....but different strokes for different folks.
All I'll say is this......the "Survivor Guy's" experience crossing a field of bandits so that he can travel to the next town is 10x more exciting than if you did the same in WOW, Aion, Warhammer, etc. And the fact that I have to fight a new Epic Boss in a theme park game to get a similar level of excitment and adrenaline flowing as the OP did in JUST traveling from once city to the next (in a FFA Sandbox Game) should say something about how different these two visions of MMORPGs are.
If I wanted to live out a King's Tale of a Hero, I'd play a RPG game. If I wanted to play a hack n' slash game, I'd play a 3rd person action game on my PS3. I want a virtual world where I am free to choose my friends and my enemies. I want to be able to stake my claim and build a house to stick all my cool crap in that I get from my adventures. I want a player run economy where a crafter can earn the same wage as a dungeon crawling warrior. You can't get that in any other game genere.....I don't know why we need to turn MMORPGs into nothing more than an enhanced RPG experience with an internet connection. Why do we need less choices in game play?
If the author can make a game like THIS sound exciting, he's wasting his talents for sure.
Very nice story.
Need one
Glad some people out there are completely bashing the game, and are enjoying it. Making the game into their own adventure, with no predecided task, but just filled with fun, and basically what ever your mind can come up with.
Glad you're having fun!
sorry my post gat mixed in with the quote just look at the bottem
start with nice we have a troll
and fyi i was the biggist troll on MO so i can surly say we can smell our own
Great read, even though your references to Charles Bronson and Michael Palin was lost on a majority of your readers.
What's amazing is that there are those that ignore the fact that this article is for entertainment purposes only and not a sounding board for their personal agendas regarding M.O..
I will be looking forward to your next offering, regardless of game.
DarkFall FAQ - Read then Question with Boldness
Your post^ is based on imaginary thoughts you have about me & not the facts. Again... (for those who are unable to read, or reserach their facts), I've been beta testing & playing Mortal Online for over a year now & my insight and warnings about Mortal Online, stem from my 29 years of computer gaming & 14 years of on-line gaming.
Your a self admitted troll... (ie: meaningless...)
"No they are not charity. That is where the whales come in. (I play for free. Whales pays.) Devs get a business. That is how it works."
Sorry Phelcher, but the original post was an entertainment piece based on the authors adventures while using some imagination. What it was not, was a review piece on the game as a whole or it's mechanics(or lack thereof).
Regardless, your unsolicited views on the mechanics of M.O. and self rightuous back-patting is what it is.
The intentional hi-jacking of this thread to push your agenda is by definition trolling.
Again, es lo que es.
DarkFall FAQ - Read then Question with Boldness