Darkfall Team: |
Darkfall is a very ambitious game as you know, and there have been so many challenges to overcome that we can't really agree on "the biggest one" of them. There are challenges of a psychological, technical, and of a logistical nature:
Psychologically, the team faces the challenge of maintaining focus over the long development period, while dealing with the everyday pressures, and through setbacks or disappointments along the way. The way we overcome this is through discipline, keeping our heads down and involved in the work, just grinding away at it, and reaffirming our commitment often. Our commitment to remain true to the spirit of Darkfall and to our promises to the Darkfall community through the production delays is something that we have to deal with every day, but we believe that the end result will reward us for our perseverance.
The technical challenges have been considerable: The amount of data, the seamlessness of a world this large, the large number of concurrent players that the game world hosts, as well as making the game look great while maintaining smooth gameplay, are all technical issues we're constantly working on.
The logistical challenges have to do with the size of the Darkfall world and the amount of content and diversity in the game. As far as we know this is the largest MMORPG world out there and it's all hand-crafted, the terrain is all modeled and textured by our artists, rather than auto-generated. The six unique player races were another logistical challenge, having to create six unique cultures and doing everything six times over. The logistical challenges were overcome by taking the time to do things right, while working efficiently and diligently producing the content. We could have taken the shortcuts but the end result is so rewarding that we're glad we haven't. |
Has not published any other games apparently, EVER. Website has nothing but a logo.
So where does this website go?
Nor do they have any offices in the United States, just a rented server from the planet (which anyone can get for less than 100 dollars a month, I have one).
The DNS server serving their domain as well as darkfallonline.com? Razorwax!
Why is this company STILL lying about having a publisher? Why are people believing their lies?
Why are they being given credibility via third party websites when they have produced nothing except for a lie about a publisher that does not exist?
Sorry, this game is still vapor.
thanks for fowarding my questions guys =].
hmmmm it may be vapor it may not either way it dont matter
Well, I guess if someone named "hmmmmmm" says its vapor then it must be true :P
The interview is a very encouraging sign. Shows they are in fact not dead and still working. Whether the game hits the light of day is anyones guess. But at least the fans know there is still things going on. Its a very unique game with unique ideas. No other mmorpgs on the market(besides a dying SB), or in development are attempting many of the things DF is.
That alone could make it successful.
Thanks for posting this Darkfall interview !
The game looks great
I'm perpetually amazed by the fact that people have such a hard time believing that games can be more or less self-published.
Also, relevant quote from the interview itself (because reading is for winners and whatnot):
"Darkfall Team:
Razorwax started working on Darkfall in Norway with four developers who are now part of Aventurine in Greece. Aventurine was founded with the purpose of developing and publishing Darkfall."
So yes, really, Aventurine and Razorwax are one and the same. We know Aventurine exists, because people have gone to their offices in Athens. Incidentally, that's where the only video of Darkfall in motion comes from - a few seconds of grass billowing in the breeze and waves rocking a boat snapped in the summer of 2003 by Deyth during his visit to the Aventurine offices.
Anyways, besides the nigh-inevitable cuffing of naysayers and axe-grinders, the interview made me happy. Not a whole lot of new information in there for longstanding followers of the game, but it's nice to hear the devs speaking again, and it's also encouraging to hear that they are currently in what could be considered to be a 'final polish' stage of development. Ah, the "soon(TM)" of Darkfall beta is now slightly sooner than before...
People, people, hands down the game is vapor.
All they have to show in years of their existance is a new website with animated dragon flying.
Seriously, five or so years ago they said the beta is going to happen "within a month"
Now, they do have some wonderful concepts scripted in the game, yet "secodn Morning" is written all over that enterprise.
Great interview! Thanks for posting my questions also.
Then why lie about it.
Claus Grovdal (Producer - Lead Designer): The whole thing actually started out as a joke. We had the first meeting with the Aventurine team in Athens, Greece, and sometime during the meeting, someone joked that it would probably be better if we just moved there. The idea caught wind when Aventurine came to Oslo, Norway a few weeks later, and realized they were in one of the most expensive countries of the world. After that, relocating became a matter of business sense. Moving to Greece meant we could spend more money on game development, and less money on the cost of living and taxes.
If there were nothing to hide, there would be no reason to lie.
A simple search through their forums will show you all of the past news and forum posts where they claim that they had "found" a publisher a couple of years ago. So now we know this to be a lie, they did not "find" a publisher they "manufactured a fake publisher".
So the question still stands, a company that has produced nothing of substance other than lies about having a publisher is given credibility, why?
Thanks for posting my questions also. I wish they would have shown some actual screens instead of just graphic models.
I have faith in them even if they are vapor. Im in between in that argument.
Can someone please make me a sig. I would like it to have something to do with an eagle(the bird) Somewhere near the eagle can you put the words "Global Defense Initiative". Could you also have the line "If you can't buff up, don't step up!". Thanks!
Private Message me about it!
Then why lie about it.
Claus Grovdal (Producer - Lead Designer): The whole thing actually started out as a joke. We had the first meeting with the Aventurine team in Athens, Greece, and sometime during the meeting, someone joked that it would probably be better if we just moved there. The idea caught wind when Aventurine came to Oslo, Norway a few weeks later, and realized they were in one of the most expensive countries of the world. After that, relocating became a matter of business sense. Moving to Greece meant we could spend more money on game development, and less money on the cost of living and taxes.
If there were nothing to hide, there would be no reason to lie.
A simple search through their forums will show you all of the past news and forum posts where they claim that they had "found" a publisher a couple of years ago. So now we know this to be a lie, they did not "find" a publisher they "manufactured a fake publisher".
So the question still stands, a company that has produced nothing of substance other than lies about having a publisher is given credibility, why?
I don't see the devs lying about it. Aventurine is a new publisher, what's wrong with that?
There are a lot of games with no publisher at all, are they all vapor, off course not.
Why don't you play a game that is already released instead of shouting VAPOR at every game in development cause that just makes you look stupid.
I don't understand why you are making a problem about this, are you frustrated about the time it takes for it to release?
Btw the df devs don't need to prove us anything. Unless for weirdoes like you that think they have more brains than someone else when they shout VAPOR at something in DEVELOPMENT.
That's pretty retarded hehe
Reality is the illusion that arises by lack of alcohol!
so your sayin' that Aventurine is owned by Razorwax and is one in the same entity and they just moved to Greece because labor and living is so much cheaper?
If thats the case this game might as well be cancelled right now.
and sadly no one can escape the fact that nothing relevant over a period of 4 years has ever been released from this project...
"""I don't see the devs lying about it. Aventurine is a new publisher, what's wrong with that?"""
Well video games were banned in Greece. So there are no publishing companies in Greece. Theres no reason for them to exist there.