Of all the weapons my characters wielded, my favorite was Innoruuk's Curse. I had far better weapons (in terms of dmg/dly and stats) after that, but none of those had red skulls floating out of the hilt or a flashy purple blade.
... This is where I draw the line: __________________.
I always liked my skittlestick (Mage Epic 1) simply because it was the worst damn quest there was and I finished it. I had to show it off and I still used it until I got into PoTime. Too bad the epic pet was just horrible at higher levels.
yea the epic 1.0's are very outdated(but usually just as hard to complete as they used to be).just goes to show howmuch a game can change in 5 years .back then the 1.0 epics wer as godly as the 2.0 epics are now
mines the nightbane,sword of the valiant.for,um,obvious reasons(im paladin all the way :P)
favourite wielded weapons would be: 3. NatureWalkers Scimitar
2. Scimitar of Emerald Dawn
FINALLY 1. Rusty Shortsword
Of all the weapons my characters wielded, my favorite was Innoruuk's Curse. I had far better weapons (in terms of dmg/dly and stats) after that, but none of those had red skulls floating out of the hilt or a flashy purple blade.
This is where I draw the line: __________________.
I always liked my skittlestick (Mage Epic 1) simply because it was the worst damn quest there was and I finished it. I had to show it off and I still used it until I got into PoTime. Too bad the epic pet was just horrible at higher levels.