Gravity has announced that on May 9, 2005 they will wipe all of the characters currently in the beta test for ROSE Online. Their announcement is below:
Hello, this is International ROSE Online GM Team.
It's been already 5 months since IROSE started its beta-test service. We appreciate for your constant concerns and loves despite of several unexpected and shameful happenings which has been occurred during beta service. We are sure that IROSE has been remaining in a quite good condition because of great support of all IROSE users and we will try our best to globalize ROSE Online.
We would like to announce you that we've decided to reset IROSE service through this week's update. Level, skill, items, job will be reset. Some balance problems and unsatisfied parts will be patched. There might be many of users who feel sorry about your previous avatars but we are expecting constant loves like before. This reset and update will give you more exciting and fun IROSE. Date of Reset and Update :
9th may, 2005 (Mon)
Beijing - 13:00 - 16:00 New Delhi - 10:30 - 13:30 Sydney - 15:00 - 18:00 Bangkok - 12:00 - 15:00 Hong Kong - 13:00 - 16:00 Kairo - 22:00 - 25:00 London - 06:00 - 09:00 Paris - 06:00 - 09:00 New York - 0:00 - 03:00 |
- MMORPG.COM Staff -
The dead know only one thing: it is better to be alive.
Yes RoseOnline is more towards "anime-look" (cartoon colors, big head, big eyes, small body). Still it has way less quests & items than WoW but more difference in stats between same items. Crafting in RoseOnline only matters if you have enough high stats, low stats shouldnt bother because noone buys items without bonus stats on it.
Also items that cant be sold/traded (=nodrop) only exist on a few (one?) quest.
Right now I want to see a good banning system in RoseOnline because there is a billion err "spammers" that just want to play a free game & dont want no reset (its in beta). Account creating should have been locked a long time ago because servers are ALWAYS "exceeded" which means you cant get on the server until someone logs off.
Now 60-80% of all people online are in "shop mode" which means they stand & sell items (for days/weeks), not having an "auction house"/offline selling in a new mmorpg is just plain stupid. Trying to move in a city is/was hard because of the MASSIVE amounts of "chat signs" that pop up above a personal shop.
There seems to be no plans to implement an auction house so problem with crowded servers & citys because of personal shops will always be there (as in Ragnarok Online, also a Gravity mmorpg).
I think this is a pretty good move.... it gives the people who started out late a fair chance and takes away the zuly/items that exploiters have gotten from past bugs
I might actaully try it out again now. Too many people were using exploits before. Hopefully those have been fixed and everyone will start on a clean slate on may 9th.
Its a real good move, i have only been playing this game for a few weeks now and was already getting sick of the lag and constint spamming. Like in RO during its last stages in beta it got very... well bad. but i think during that time kids were more respectfull about beta and didnt just think of it as a free game..