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Let me start out with saying that I have played WoW on and off since 2006. Stopped during BC but came back when WotLK launched. Then quit 2 weeks later. Haven't been back since, but Cataclysm has me curious again.
However, due to some bills stacking up high this month (and unforseen bills may pop up aswell) I can't justify paying the 50 euro for gametime + expansion, so I would have to settle with just the gametime until the next paycheck comes in the end of this month. My question to you all is:
Will the content I've missed since WotLK keep me entertained for 3 or so weeks until I can purchase the expansion? I did level to 80 in WotLK but got so bored running in circles in the new city (can't remember the name) instead of Ogrimmar while waiting hours for a group (no cross-realm grouping back then) that I gave up. Being a Rogue this was unpleasant to say the least.
Of course my biggest fear is that I will only torture myself after logging in but not being able to experience the new content, but I'm hoping that the content I missed (BG's especially; get some feeling back of playing my char) will keep my mind of it. Which brings me to my second question:
Is it likely that more people didn't buy the expansion and are still playing old content, thus making BG's still worth doing? Maybe some HC's?
And my last question: will any of the new updates from Cataclysm carry over to WotlK content? I know I can't level and all that, but the graphic update for example (I believe there was one?)?
Any insight on why to do it or not do it would be appreciated. My main goal is keeping myself entertained and get the feeling of WoW again until I can purchase the expansion in 17 days.
You'll be fine. There's more than enough content to explore, run, loot, and grind. There's also the completely redesigned Azeroth to explore, which you can do without Cata. New quests to do, etc...
Go back, play your 17 days, and get the expansion. You won't regret it.
The BG bracket is 80-84. Bosses are level 85. Vehicles are 84. In a matter of moments, a Siege in IoC dropped our reinforcements from 88 to 22. We were in the Horde keep, unable to kill the boss - and the Pink Gates are still...Pink. The Horde brought the Siege to their keep and slaughtered us.
There are level 79 green random mob drops that are iLvl 283 and selling for a few hundred or so gold in the AH - but you will not be able to farm them without having bought Cata to buy flying in Azeroth. But hey, if you have a ton of gold sitting around - you can buy that iLvl 283 (79 greens) and iLvL 289 (80 blues) that in the AH.
To answer your question, if you are a masochist then the answer would be yes.
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
Explorer: 87%, Killer: 67%, Achiever: 27%, Socializer: 20%