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With this week's launch of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm,'s Drew Wood figured that expansion packs would be a terrific subject for today's Quiz. So sit back, see how you do and let us know what you think in our forums!
Good day, one and all, and welcome again to this week's edition of the Quiz! Before we dive right into this week's, however, I did want to address a few concerns over last week's Quiz, THE GARRIOTT ASSESSMENT! Yes, I admit my mistake, Lord British was in fact a part of the Ultima series. Additionally, for those who were wondering, I steered away from the original Ultima series games because, well, they aren't MMOs, and I wanted to stay in our purview here. Now that that's out of the way, let's get on to this week!
Read more The Quiz: Expansions Edition.
I got 3 right.
EVE and EQ2 have far too many expansions for me to remember what added what feature.
MMO wish list:
-Changeable worlds
-Solid non level based game
-Sharks with lasers attached to their heads
I got only the WoW and LotRO ones, as they were the only games I've played alot of... though I did get bonus points on the LotRO one
EQ2 would be The Shadow Odossey.
However it's spelled.
EvE would be... fuck. That was back when I still just read about eve. The rest I couldn't care less about.
But the WoW one, all it's players that are not hot/cute women should die.
Wait, the SWG one. Guess my mind just blocked that one out.
People actually bought the expansion packs after JTL Or are you talking about CU and NGE?
Oh it's the Trials of Obi-Wan xpack. The NGE had nothing to do with that.
So that question is pointless. The devs were talking about revamps for the Squad Leader profession just weeks before all professions were removed and replaced with gaynic, sorry Iconic, professions.
I'm one of those indirectly alienated SWG Players lol. That question brought back a lot of good and bad feelings... (
For the Lotro one it is the Mines of Moria. The classes are Runekeeper and Warden.