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My Suggestions

ironswipeironswipe Member Posts: 3

Fix the forums first off.  Has anyone seen the fomat over there?  It's horrible.  Now onto the game:

Most of the people I game with crave two things in their MMOs.  Full on PvP and asset destruction.   PvE games won't hold our attention for more then a few months.  There are some exceptions to that and we call them CareBears :P.  With out asset destruction, there's no real reason to PvP save killing that guy over their because I can.  The two go hand-in-hand as far as I'm concerned.


  • RenianRenian Member Posts: 152

    A few of Simu's games have a breakage system, so that may happen. Also, as Simu has stated that there will be PvP servers, you'll be happy.

    What I really want is a controlled PvP server, sort of like Gemstone IV. You can attack other players, but you are discouraged in doing so by the justice system and by getting a reputation with everyone else in the game, which will then, in turn, kill you until you leave the game or repent. This way, we can attack really annoying people that deserve to die, or thieves.

  • ironswipeironswipe Member Posts: 3

    PvP with "reputation" or "karma" is great for a while, but the only real way for players to be able to control their own destiny is with player built and run cities.  Followed closely behind by asset destruction.  When you RPK and recieve negitive karma you're only hurting yourself.  When you're in a clan and RPK someone, your entire clan may pay.  By adding assest destruction to a game you automatically add my personal favorite dimension to the game: politics.  Without politics (which you can only have with PvP *and* asset destruction) you have people running around killing people with no reason other then to raise their kill count..... you get WoW.  Hopefully enough guild leaders will join this council thing with the same veiws as my GL has.  We don't want another WoW or L2.  We want SB PvP with L2 graphics and WoW crafting and UI.

    Just my 2 copper.

  • AdrealAdreal Member Posts: 2,087

    Ironswipe, if you missed it, I have said before that first off Simu is going to concentrate on the game itself and then when it is finished I've heard that they may begin work on the forums. A few people have complained about them, but you can get used to them.

    You can attack other players, but you are discouraged in doing so by the justice system

    Yeah. I am discouraged in Gemstone from killing others in town. If you do happen to set off an explosive trap in town while picking boxes and the metal shards spray into the crowd, killing a few people, then it is sort of fun doing the community work that ensues as long as you have to do it in order to get your items back.

    and by getting a reputation with everyone else in the game, which will then, in turn, kill you until you leave the game or repent.

    Gotta love throwing rotten fruit at people in the stocks. image

    This way, we can attack really annoying people that deserve to die, or thieves.

    Yep. Theft is a risky business in that game. I'm currently an Empath, and I hide my profession title so rogues don't know what I am, and thus they don't know that I am an easy target. At any rate, I once saw a rogue get their hand chopped off by the player they stole money from. Ouch.

    "Put your foot where your mouth is." - Wisdom from my grandfather
    "Paper or plastic? ... because I'm afraid I'll have to suffocate you unless you put this bag on your head..." - Ethnitrek
    AC1: Wierding from Harvestgain

  • HJ-ChadeHJ-Chade Hero's Journey GMMember Posts: 30

    Originally posted by Adreal
    I'm currently an Empath, and I hide my profession title so rogues don't know what I am, and thus they don't know that I am an easy target. At any rate, I once saw a rogue get their hand chopped off by the player they stole money from. Ouch.

    With DragonRealms it's a bit different... Thieves there actually have a code by which they (well, most of them) follow that strictly states stealing from Empath's is forbidden. I guess the whole thought there is that those who have the power to heal you also have the power to not heal you.

    As much as I'd love to see a peer and environment enforced justice system, with almost every graphical MMORPG I've seen there have always been 'those characters' that cause trouble. Not saying that's a reason not to attempt this, just saying it's a factor in trying to implement it and keep everyone happy. :)


  • TatsitTatsit Member Posts: 194

    My personal wish for PVP system:

    I would like to see a full open PVP server with an aligment system that if someone rpk's your guild then get negative aligment points towards you -- if they go red then they become KOS - neutral is white, friendly is blue sort of system.

    maybe like this

    Ally is blue - friendly is light blue - neutral is white - aggresive is OJ - Enemy is Red

    and make it full open pvp and let the guilds manage them selfs, it was perfect in AC2 (minus the color coding and aligment thats my idea)

    In addition - cities and towns were guilds resided the aligment also effects it -- say an RPK guild comes inside my town and they are RED to me -- then they are also red to my town.  and also make every building --- everything destructable to make sieging your town more fun, and give major incentive to protect your town

    I cant stand the systems such as what Lineage 2 implimented, it makes PVP stupid and if you go red -- why bother playing?  I tried it in beta got to 21 and started to pvp went red and but then everyone ganked the crap until i was practically naked :P  it was a stupid idea and has no real PVP

    My wish and thoughts



    Tantus Games
    COO/Game Director

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