Hey look a WoW hate article and posters on MMORPG.com. I stopped reading when I saw the part asking for 2 races or 2 classes. Yea you can't just snap your fingers and make 2 new unique classes and balance them all out.
Hey look a WoW hate article and posters on MMORPG.com. I stopped reading when I saw the part asking for 2 races or 2 classes. Yea you can't just snap your fingers and make 2 new unique classes and balance them all out.
I agree that Blizzard can't just snap its fingers and make new classes ... or anything else ... appear magically out of thin air.
What they do instead is form and fund a development team of creative professionals to manufacture and test such things over a period of time. Considering the amount of money and talent that Blizzard has at their disposal, I don't feel that two clases would have been an impossible task for them to complete in two years.
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
Hey look a WoW hate article and posters on MMORPG.com. I stopped reading when I saw the part asking for 2 races or 2 classes. Yea you can't just snap your fingers and make 2 new unique classes and balance them all out.
i wouldnt say he hated it ... he still claims to playing it and claims to play it again.... sounds more like dissapointment then "hate"
Original 'author' could you do a tl;dr version? To be honest I m not really intrested in your internal dialogue (which seems to occupy the majority of the 'article' and has little to do with games or gaming).
Let me see if I have it right? its got phatter lootz, the old world has changed quite a bit, you (erroneously) thought it was a whole new game but it is actually an expansion which makes you want to rant? Your 'other self' secretly want's to play? You have left me as confused as you are.
I'm playing cata right now and loving it....is it possible that I will be bored with it in a month? Absolutely. There are still the kill x amount of this and collect x amount of that quests but in old world there are now some really original quests. The whole rambo spin off quest chain in redridge was great, my husband and I were laughing as we played it. All in all I think Blizzard took a big risk redoing old world and it paid off, for them and so far - the players. Some people may not like the phasing but I actually enjoy story in my mmo and I am enjoying what that is doing for story in WoW. So far I like it, I'll let you know in a month if I am still loving it.
As far as the article goes, it was good. Fanbois will always froth at the mouth to protect it and haters will do the same to hate it. At this point I am neither, I'm just someone who is looking to enjoy an mmo and right now cata is doing that for me...which I needed since XIV was such a failure...and I've tried a multitude of F2P and just been disappointed. I still think that some up and coming games like GW2 and Rift seem like they may be more even more fun than cata is right now.
Currently Playing: FFXIV:ARR Looking Forward to: Wildstar
My only beef is the performance impact on the zones. Before the zone changes, I was getting 90-100 fps in Orgrimmar, but now I'm lucky to hit above 50. Some Cataclysm zones are absolutely abysmal with framerate dips in the high 20s in some parts of Uldum.
Alot of the fps usage could largely be caused by the population spike. I have a decent rig but I try to avoid Ogrimmar like the plague during peek population hours, or I go to the less populated bank and market in the Drag area. Trying to upload 300 peoples characters on a run by is pretty taxing on a computer. I am not sure about Uldum as I dont think I have happened through there yet.
My Wife and Brother are the biggest Wow fanatics I know. With Cata both came back to Wow and tried to drag me along. I lasted about three days, which is no surprise. However, the real shocker is that both my wife and brother have already uninstalled. They hit 85 and saw that the game returned to the item hampster wheel grind and left. They thought the level content was ok but the reality of it was it's the same shit with a new coat of paint slapped on it. It's a classic Wow expansion, take away or make obsolete 40 to 50% of available content and give the player 40 to 50% new content in replace of it.
Good read I am really sick of all the hype this game got. Not talking about unexperienced fanboys who knew nothing about Blizzard before this game probably still dont. So I think the only more overhyped game in the last couple of years would be Warhammer Online.
Personally I think calling it an expansion is a lie its first and foremost just a retooling of the old world + only 5 new lvls (which the first one completed in 6 hours lol) and oh of course another dumb down such as linear quests, facerolling mobs. If others like it thats fine for me (have fun there) but I am really sick of reading, hearing and especially getting tons of PR about Cataclysm.
The so called "expansion" is live so instead of constantly making threads about it, people should play and enjoy it.
Though Blizzards stupid "we broke another record stuff" is more annoying. For sure they did having DL before the game has been at stores helped a lot. So no need for all this PR crap. Have good time while playing it and leave the people who don't want to read, hear about it alone = win-win.
We need a MMORPG Cataclysm asap, finish the dark age of MMORPGS now!
"Everything you're bitching about is wrong. People don't have the time to invest in corpse runs, impossible zones, or long winded quests. Sometimes, they just want to pop on and play." "Then maybe MMORPGs aren't for you."
I love wow, i thnk it has the best game play ( I think, not a fact), but lets face it Cata. is exactly the same sht only with a diferente smell, ... i miss the 40 ppl raids vanilla wow had, i miss all the geting ready´s, all the " are we all here", all the " PPL ITS THIS WAY YOU BUNCH CRAZED CHIKENS!!" ^^ i miss the organized mess it was . Alas it be no more ...
Too bad, I thought this story was going to be about how annoying it is to see Catackalism get so much press. Then it just turns into more press for Catackalism.
I honestly fell asleep playing this new expansion, nothing interesting at all if you ask me. Phasing is a joke and ruins the game, it's now a rush to complete quests/linear gots to get end game and raid game. Also what's with the childish Goblin starting area I felt like playing a Free to play Nickelodeon game, and the worgen is straight out of a Disney cartoon. The water effects are okay looks more like oil than water (plus it just doesn't fit the game engine). Honestly I am 34 and way too old for this silly kiddie crap. Bye WOW and Hello Guild Wars 2 (whenever it comes out)
I can't say this was a bad rant but i do think what the OP saw and played was not to his standard anymore. He at least gave the game a try, even thought he didn't really want to. As most post, he gave his opinion on what he thought and just because he had a bit disappointment with it, does not mean we get to take the guys head off.
Not everyone has their rose colored glasses on and not all like what has happened, it does not mean the game is good, it's just not for everyone despite the populartity.
I took all the mechanical parts from my Ford Festiva and dropped a Porsche body on it. It looked great until I got in it. Then I realized I was still driving a ford, except I paid 2000 for a shiny new door handle.
I took all the mechanical parts from my Ford Festiva and dropped a Porsche body on it. It looked great until I got in it. Then I realized I was still driving a ford, except I paid 2000 for a shiny new door handle.
Huh? what a bad analogy considering that catacylsm never claimed to be doing anything different. Everyone knew it would be more of the same.
Who could have thought that WOW could bring super power like USA to its knees?
Originally posted by Arcken
To put it in a nutshell, our society is about to hit the fan, grades are dropping, obesity is going up,childhood the USA is going to lose its super power status before too long, but hey, as long as we have a cheap method to babysit our kids, all will be well no? Im picking on WoW btw because its the beast that made all of this possible
WoW is certainly not for everyone. I don't expect them to remake the whole game for an expansion. In fact the last game thet was remade for an expansio that I remember was SWG (or whatever the akronym is ... you all know) ,,,, speaks for itself. However Wow is by far the most popular MMO on the market at the noment. And as for hype ... remember the hype around Warhammer Online .... It even sucked me in and I played the game to endgame. (Now I am back to WoW) Wow's hype was nothing to Warhammers Paul Barnett ... I loved that guy. The wow devs (mr street included) are soft spoken reasonable people.
I think so far they got this expansion just right. There are plenty of new things to figure out and new scenery painted on and and underwater realm ... very hard for me to master ... though I m just an average gamer. And it is most importantly fun and expands my unserstanding of the warcraft world. Is it serious? ... not by any stretch of the immagination ... it is a jokesters dreamworld ... wilh killing in it ... way to much fun for serious MMO aticle writers
I honestly fell asleep playing this new expansion, nothing interesting at all if you ask me. Phasing is a joke and ruins the game, it's now a rush to complete quests/linear gots to get end game and raid game. Also what's with the childish Goblin starting area I felt like playing a Free to play Nickelodeon game, and the worgen is straight out of a Disney cartoon. The water effects are okay looks more like oil than water (plus it just doesn't fit the game engine). Honestly I am 34 and way too old for this silly kiddie crap. Bye WOW and Hello Guild Wars 2 (whenever it comes out)
So what will make GW2 the next best thing? I am curious. I've been playing Cata and its OK so far. Allthough I havent really played wow in the past 1.75 years so im sure the "fun" will wear off quickly because it really is the same ole same ole. Darkfall has been my game since then and still is actually. Just taking a break to try out Cata cause I still do have a soft spot for WoW like it was back in Vanilla and BC. Once thing I can say though is 5 man heroics are pretty good. They are a lot more challenging then the LK content. People are in an uproar because they cant faceroll them anymore and I love it. This is one of the main reasons I quit 2 years ago. Game was just too easy. Now the heroics are giving a bit of a challenge so that is pretty good for now. Like I said though it is the same ole same ole with a some new paint. Im sure it will wear off sooner or later though. I really do love the feel of the new zones though and how they are mostly set in the old world areas. The really did well on creating them. Vas hir sucks though. Fuck being underwater for a whole zone. lol.
Hey look a WoW hate article and posters on MMORPG.com. I stopped reading when I saw the part asking for 2 races or 2 classes. Yea you can't just snap your fingers and make 2 new unique classes and balance them all out.
Blizzard can't balance the classes they've got now, so what's your point? lol
Blizzard does have some great creative talent in the art and visual design departments, and fair to good in the lore/storyline even considering the rampant plagarism.
However, Blizz has been resting on their laurels for several years now milking the "big sub numbers" train. It does make one wonder, yes it does, what kind of actual game-play improvements could have been funded by the money shelled out for television ads. lmao. I mean really, they spent big bucks on shoving television ads in everyone's faces, as if WoW really needed that.
Blizzard's long-standing history of severe class-change, which in some cases amounts to turning a class completely inside out (e.g. Hunter), negates any real worth to a sub IMO. Once Blizz was caught out actually admitting they engaged in legistlative player manipulation by over nerfing one Hunter spec and over-buffing another Hunter spec, for no other reason than to make players move specs, I cancelled.
Give the players choices, buff a spec to provide incentive to make a choice, fine. Treat the player base like a private testing department as opposed to the actual gaming customers with a ton of vested TIME in characters isn't a reasonable use of my time or money.
Good infrastructure for a game, not much lag, but the heart went right out of the game somewhere around Burning Crusade and the shift to Arena-Craft. No class vision anymore, wild changes of large magnitude you'd more expect out of a 1 year to sub-1-year product. Not one that's been out for 5+.
This article is well written. I feel the same way about the game. I think the rework on the classes deserve a bit more credit but overall I agree.
Originally posted by Tardcore
Very well said. It would be nice if we could see some more objective discussion about this expansion, but sadly not many people are interested in participating. The Wow champions are riding high on new stuff to do, and the people who resent Wow are going to show up with a whole truckload of new resentment after seeing the game they dislike is having a new day in the sun. Those of us who are in the middle are going to fall through the cracks of their angry banter.
There are small pieces of good discussions here and there. But as any hot topic in any forums, and since many have a bone to pick this game, the focus is often given to flamebaits, diluting most good posts into a sea of complaints and flame wars.
Hey look a WoW hate article and posters on MMORPG.com. I stopped reading when I saw the part asking for 2 races or 2 classes. Yea you can't just snap your fingers and make 2 new unique classes and balance them all out.
I agree that Blizzard can't just snap its fingers and make new classes ... or anything else ... appear magically out of thin air.
What they do instead is form and fund a development team of creative professionals to manufacture and test such things over a period of time. Considering the amount of money and talent that Blizzard has at their disposal, I don't feel that two clases would have been an impossible task for them to complete in two years.
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
i wouldnt say he hated it ... he still claims to playing it and claims to play it again.... sounds more like dissapointment then "hate"
Original 'author' could you do a tl;dr version? To be honest I m not really intrested in your internal dialogue (which seems to occupy the majority of the 'article' and has little to do with games or gaming).
Let me see if I have it right? its got phatter lootz, the old world has changed quite a bit, you (erroneously) thought it was a whole new game but it is actually an expansion which makes you want to rant? Your 'other self' secretly want's to play? You have left me as confused as you are.
How ironic that the advertisement in this article for me was Cataclysm . . .
I'm playing cata right now and loving it....is it possible that I will be bored with it in a month? Absolutely. There are still the kill x amount of this and collect x amount of that quests but in old world there are now some really original quests. The whole rambo spin off quest chain in redridge was great, my husband and I were laughing as we played it. All in all I think Blizzard took a big risk redoing old world and it paid off, for them and so far - the players. Some people may not like the phasing but I actually enjoy story in my mmo and I am enjoying what that is doing for story in WoW. So far I like it, I'll let you know in a month if I am still loving it.
As far as the article goes, it was good. Fanbois will always froth at the mouth to protect it and haters will do the same to hate it. At this point I am neither, I'm just someone who is looking to enjoy an mmo and right now cata is doing that for me...which I needed since XIV was such a failure...and I've tried a multitude of F2P and just been disappointed. I still think that some up and coming games like GW2 and Rift seem like they may be more even more fun than cata is right now.
Currently Playing: FFXIV:ARR
Looking Forward to: Wildstar
Alot of the fps usage could largely be caused by the population spike. I have a decent rig but I try to avoid Ogrimmar like the plague during peek population hours, or I go to the less populated bank and market in the Drag area. Trying to upload 300 peoples characters on a run by is pretty taxing on a computer. I am not sure about Uldum as I dont think I have happened through there yet.
Work hard Play Harder
Damn mmorpg.com needs to hire this guy, one of the best articles I've read on here.
Cheers and applauds on your rant. I agree, which is why I left and don't miss it at all.
Playing: Rift, LotRO
Waiting on: GW2, BP
Personally I think calling it an expansion is a lie its first and foremost just a retooling of the old world + only 5 new lvls (which the first one completed in 6 hours lol) and oh of course another dumb down such as linear quests, facerolling mobs. If others like it thats fine for me (have fun there) but I am really sick of reading, hearing and especially getting tons of PR about Cataclysm.
The so called "expansion" is live so instead of constantly making threads about it, people should play and enjoy it.
Though Blizzards stupid "we broke another record stuff" is more annoying. For sure they did having DL before the game has been at stores helped a lot.
So no need for all this PR crap. Have good time while playing it and leave the people who don't want to read, hear about it alone = win-win.
We need a MMORPG Cataclysm asap, finish the dark age of MMORPGS now!
"Everything you're bitching about is wrong. People don't have the time to invest in corpse runs, impossible zones, or long winded quests. Sometimes, they just want to pop on and play."
"Then maybe MMORPGs aren't for you."
I love wow, i thnk it has the best game play ( I think, not a fact), but lets face it Cata. is exactly the same sht only with a diferente smell, ... i miss the 40 ppl raids vanilla wow had, i miss all the geting ready´s, all the " are we all here", all the " PPL ITS THIS WAY YOU BUNCH CRAZED CHIKENS!!" ^^ i miss the organized mess it was . Alas it be no more ...
Too bad, I thought this story was going to be about how annoying it is to see Catackalism get so much press. Then it just turns into more press for Catackalism.
I honestly fell asleep playing this new expansion, nothing interesting at all if you ask me. Phasing is a joke and ruins the game, it's now a rush to complete quests/linear gots to get end game and raid game. Also what's with the childish Goblin starting area I felt like playing a Free to play Nickelodeon game, and the worgen is straight out of a Disney cartoon. The water effects are okay looks more like oil than water (plus it just doesn't fit the game engine). Honestly I am 34 and way too old for this silly kiddie crap. Bye WOW and Hello Guild Wars 2 (whenever it comes out)
I like the game, but I can see it getting old fast for those who rush through the game and aren't casually enjoying it.
Play for fun and for what it really is, don't spend 8 hours a day grinding and I think it would be rather enjoyable for everyone![:) :)](
[Mod Edit]
I can't say this was a bad rant but i do think what the OP saw and played was not to his standard anymore. He at least gave the game a try, even thought he didn't really want to. As most post, he gave his opinion on what he thought and just because he had a bit disappointment with it, does not mean we get to take the guys head off.
Not everyone has their rose colored glasses on and not all like what has happened, it does not mean the game is good, it's just not for everyone despite the populartity.
I took all the mechanical parts from my Ford Festiva and dropped a Porsche body on it. It looked great until I got in it. Then I realized I was still driving a ford, except I paid 2000 for a shiny new door handle.
Huh? what a bad analogy considering that catacylsm never claimed to be doing anything different. Everyone knew it would be more of the same.
Who could have thought that WOW could bring super power like USA to its knees?
Originally posted by Arcken
To put it in a nutshell, our society is about to hit the fan, grades are dropping, obesity is going up,childhood the USA is going to lose its super power status before too long, but hey, as long as we have a cheap method to babysit our kids, all will be well no?
Im picking on WoW btw because its the beast that made all of this possible
WoW is certainly not for everyone. I don't expect them to remake the whole game for an expansion. In fact the last game thet was remade for an expansio that I remember was SWG (or whatever the akronym is ... you all know) ,,,, speaks for itself. However Wow is by far the most popular MMO on the market at the noment. And as for hype ... remember the hype around Warhammer Online .... It even sucked me in and I played the game to endgame. (Now I am back to WoW) Wow's hype was nothing to Warhammers Paul Barnett ... I loved that guy. The wow devs (mr street included) are soft spoken reasonable people.
I think so far they got this expansion just right. There are plenty of new things to figure out and new scenery painted on and and underwater realm ... very hard for me to master ... though I m just an average gamer. And it is most importantly fun and expands my unserstanding of the warcraft world. Is it serious? ... not by any stretch of the immagination ... it is a jokesters dreamworld ... wilh killing in it ... way to much fun for serious MMO aticle writers
If Ya Ain't Dyin, Ya Ain't Tryin
So what will make GW2 the next best thing? I am curious. I've been playing Cata and its OK so far. Allthough I havent really played wow in the past 1.75 years so im sure the "fun" will wear off quickly because it really is the same ole same ole. Darkfall has been my game since then and still is actually. Just taking a break to try out Cata cause I still do have a soft spot for WoW like it was back in Vanilla and BC. Once thing I can say though is 5 man heroics are pretty good. They are a lot more challenging then the LK content. People are in an uproar because they cant faceroll them anymore and I love it. This is one of the main reasons I quit 2 years ago. Game was just too easy. Now the heroics are giving a bit of a challenge so that is pretty good for now. Like I said though it is the same ole same ole with a some new paint. Im sure it will wear off sooner or later though. I really do love the feel of the new zones though and how they are mostly set in the old world areas. The really did well on creating them. Vas hir sucks though. Fuck being underwater for a whole zone. lol.
Blizzard can't balance the classes they've got now, so what's your point? lol
Blizzard does have some great creative talent in the art and visual design departments, and fair to good in the lore/storyline even considering the rampant plagarism.
However, Blizz has been resting on their laurels for several years now milking the "big sub numbers" train. It does make one wonder, yes it does, what kind of actual game-play improvements could have been funded by the money shelled out for television ads. lmao. I mean really, they spent big bucks on shoving television ads in everyone's faces, as if WoW really needed that.
Blizzard's long-standing history of severe class-change, which in some cases amounts to turning a class completely inside out (e.g. Hunter), negates any real worth to a sub IMO. Once Blizz was caught out actually admitting they engaged in legistlative player manipulation by over nerfing one Hunter spec and over-buffing another Hunter spec, for no other reason than to make players move specs, I cancelled.
Give the players choices, buff a spec to provide incentive to make a choice, fine. Treat the player base like a private testing department as opposed to the actual gaming customers with a ton of vested TIME in characters isn't a reasonable use of my time or money.
Good infrastructure for a game, not much lag, but the heart went right out of the game somewhere around Burning Crusade and the shift to Arena-Craft. No class vision anymore, wild changes of large magnitude you'd more expect out of a 1 year to sub-1-year product. Not one that's been out for 5+.
And the beat goes on . . .
Wherever you go, there you are.
This article is well written. I feel the same way about the game. I think the rework on the classes deserve a bit more credit but overall I agree.
There are small pieces of good discussions here and there. But as any hot topic in any forums, and since many have a bone to pick this game, the focus is often given to flamebaits, diluting most good posts into a sea of complaints and flame wars.
thank god im not an addict. In the time one plays an mmorpg, I can get a PHD in mathematics.
Doesn't sound like much fun.