Hello there again!
On behalf of the developer team I wish happy holidays and a happy new year to everyone!
Meanwhile, I thought that if I share some info about the new features that we are working on, features that will make you guys very happy. Of course this won't be a super detailed info package, as we are still working on these features. So what will we have in the new year?
We thought that the Sequer may not be enough for your current freight transporting needs. A new mech will be introduced.
Lots of people requested a feature that can log some nice data for you. Like who killed you or who did you kill. This so-called ‘Combat history’ will be a nice feature for sure!
After witnessing all those huge pvp fights, we realized that there's an urgent need for a way to deal damage in an area. So we plan to add these shiny new ideas into the game soon:
Robot-death-explosion-damage. If you die, you actually damage everyone around you. Bigger robots will have bigger explosions.
If you think about the previous feature as an actual weapon, go no further; we will create an item that allows you to play kamikaze, with bigger fireworks. But it will require some reactor and CPU, so no Intakt rush with explosives.
Have you ever thought about dropping bombs? You deploy it on the ground, it starts pulsing... and then everything fades to black. Well well well... I'm quite sure it will cause some damage! Use it to separate yourself from your enemy by placing it in narrow passages, or if you're a spy in the flock, why not surprise them with something funny? Also, my mind has just gone crazy about the possibilities of such a basic item and some more work on developer side... And had a vision of a bomberman event.
What would you do with AOE (area of effect), if you couldn't shoot it on the group; why is it necessary to shake hands every time you want to cause damage? Of course we agree with you - new aoe weapons. Slow cycle time, shot at somebody, collateral damage to everyone nearby that target. And hoping that you ain't nearby that somebody.
So these are the most interesting features that we are currently working on. I still remember a beautiful board in the office, written all over with features to be done. Stay tuned for some moar candy!
Would the AoE attack still require target locking or would you possible shoot it at a targeted location on the ground? Is it too soon to ask such questions?
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
Some nice changes incoming to what is an already decent sandbox game. Cant wait.
WoW guys ..nice advert ... was it free !
Sadly after your stint with the Hype Meter Pading ..and some of the rubbish your Gm's /Dev's were dishing out in game about the Player user graph which stopped being available to the Public... "ISP Problems - lol" just to have another dev give some other story... i am not sure i trust you guys any longer .... and we not even touching on the "Secret Skype channel" ... for your special Players!
Gosh this must be the same Dev group that worked with CCP and dished out freebies to BoB ...
We have Spy's too you know ..!
Good luck m8t !
#1: It was down because of the ISP problems. They decided to not bring it back up.
#2: We do not have a secret skype channel for special players.
#3: We do not hand out freebies as the GM/DEV accounts cannot trade or transfer items with anyone.
Back to the oringinal post, I love the direction the game is going and it will be even more fun to play when the changes come out.
Well ...
#1) Nice !
#2) i am sure you no longer have that channel as its now been exposed!
#3) ..wait ...thats what CCP said at the time! ... O.o
Sadly ...your dishonesty on this site in form of Pushing up your stats artificial.... and getting caught at it ...but not even appologizing to the public for your dishounesty ..gives me reason to not believe your post.
And to top it off i know you not being honest ..with the "Secret Player Channel" ... Anyway ....
but ... YOu RIGHT and i am WRONG ... you win !
Gnat, I have no idea what you are talking about as I haven't been following this game much. But I must say, people might take you a bit more seriously if you'd use a lot less spaces and periods.
"Chemistry: 'We do stuff in lab that would be a felony in your garage.'"
The most awesomest after school special T-shirt:
Front: UNO Chemistry Club
Back: /\OH --> Bad Decisions
For one this is not the place for his whining try Pming him, and 2 I like where the game is headed, I like where this game has started with only a few people and there doing well for them selfs, people should be inspried by these guys for doing what they did and how far they have taken it most people fail before they begin.
Myself being in the gaming field knows its not easy work , and it shard work to do what these guys have done so bravo.
what he means the devs manipulated ratings in order to get Perpetuum 9,18 rating on mmorpg.com, hard to prove but someone did and who would benefit from that...
And saying that the early crowd don't get special treatment in PO is a blatant lie. Go to their own forums and read new player posting a any complaint/suggestion only to be trolled by 50 alts from the l33t guilds and then topic closed by GM/Dev with "lol". Its a members only club and you're probably too late to be a member
Actually the Devs didn't manipulate the hype, a GM(unpaid volunteer) merely suggested on the forum one day to come over and vote which would have been fine except rather than just saying to vote he asked for a high vote. The asking for a high vote is the part that MMORPG doesn't allow and caused the hype meter to be shut as its against the stated rules.
It is also extremely difficult to prove things which never happened. That's what conspiracy theories are for. Lots of fun.
I thought it was the fact that he had replies in that one thread that encouraged or supported posters who said they were creating alt accounts - against the rules on MMORPG.com - to run up the rating.
There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
"Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre
what do you mean didn't happen, what is that about then:
Maxeborn if you have quit the game why stick around on the forums days after you said your sub was cancelled ?
and the secret skype channel ??? first i heard of this
you must be new to this site
no im not new at all
Well if you are not new then you know that this is a place where people give their views about games they have play/played/want to play/never played and problems they encountered in them. You seem to think that its a place to spread free adverts for some failships. This isn't official PO forums where you can just bury anything under a mountain of L2Play noob. I am sorry if my personal and quiite extensive experience of PO is gonna cut into your profit marigin but i intend give my view whether asked to or not.
When you leave your conspiracy bubble maybe people will take into account what you say.....
That was a thread about what mmorpg.com did in response to something they claim PO did. I can start a thread about how PO devs had a medium laser on the grassy knoll but it doesn't mean they actually assassinated JFK. In any case your conspiracy theories are off topic.
The new changes which bring AOE explosions into the game are very promising. It will not stop people from fighting in big blobs though. The blobs will just get get less dense. That is ok with me.
I don't much care for the kamikaze bombers but I suppose it would make sense given the lore. The robots controllers are not actually being killed, just the robots themselves.
You are both new. Both of you are 10'ers.
Well i must say ...they are SPINDOCTORS ... if they keep saying it did not happen or is lie ...then hey ..maybe they will start to believe it actualy did not happen ...!
Meh...might be just me but I do not see how those new combat related features are going to improve the game play in any way.
Seems like a pointless, half-assed 'fix' for something supposedly broken(?), features done in same spirit as respecs - feature that is not needed nor helping anything.
I agree the kamikaze bots are not well thought out. Might be better to implement AOE pulse bombs or something. Everything else looks good.
There is nothing broken they are just adding new features - remember when devs used to add new stuff for fun?
This game gets better and better all the time, I have never been so addicted to any mmo in years!
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.
That is my point, adding features that are not needed...
And no, I do not remember that time because I usually do not play games where devs waste time on useless content leaving important game issues unanswered.