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How good is WoW?

LordMizLordMiz Member Posts: 60
Hey all, just wanted to get your opinion on WoW, i have already bought the game but did not install it yet because i was waiting to get my lvl 50 in CoH (lvl35 atm). Everybody raves about WoW and i love the genre but justr wanted to get some details on what makes it so good and what servers are best etc etc. I appreciate any info you guys/gals can give me.    image


  • OnyxBMWOnyxBMW Member Posts: 207

    Well, purely opinionary on my part, between those 3 games, hands down WoW is going to be the best choice. I have personally played all 3 of those games and would only recommend WoW now. CoH has next-to-no content in a direct comparison and SWG just sucks.

    However, I have a friend who would gladly recommend CoH over WoW right now, however, because he just resubscribed to it and swears on the changes to the game, so it really is a wild-card...trying to get me to rejoin too...

    In is a great game, one of the best MMO's anyone will ever see for a few years, but it is not THE best game on the market many will claim. It is just one of a few at the top that is of good quality.

    Right now the end-game content in WoW is all-but-non-existant and the PVP system isn't fully in place just yet. In terms of content in general EQ2 has the end-game beat. But lacks one thing blizzard is known for. High-quality content updates, not necessarily timely though...but never outrageously game changing, which SoE is known for (not always good patches I must add.)

    Maybe a bit wordy...but WoW has a lot of content, and a good reputation to support it (in fact, WoW's greatest impediment is it's resounding success, to quote someone's review loosely)

    Oh well. I guarantee you'll like WoW if you know the storyline and like it, as well as love MMORPG's, but it might not last as long as you would like it to at the moment due to it being geared towards casual gamers.

  • LordMizLordMiz Member Posts: 60
    yea every1 raves about how good WoW is, and then flames blizzard over the server issues, but in game every1 seems to be in love, due to the fact that they are usually 15 bucks a month each to play, i dont install when i buy a mmorpg, i wait till i am ready to invest time b4 i install it, CoH has me atm, but i have matrix and WoW waitn inthe wings, and WoW is fa sure the 1 im gonna play when the addicvtiuon to CoH dies down a lil :)
  • Takata5Takata5 Member Posts: 336
    I to still have a tough time deciding which one is better since I am playing both CoH and WoW. I do like my fantasy RPG's more being a former EQ player of 3yrs. My blaster on CoH is lvl 36 but now is having a tough time finding groups. I've learnt how to solo with him but soloing gets boring for me fast. I'd rather find groups and play with other people. So there is no high end content for either CoH or WoW but I still see lots of lvl 60's in WoW running around. So WoW must have more high end content than CoH so you'll still be playing it when your lvl 60, unlike in CoH when you reach lvl 50 and find yourself making a warshade or a peacebringer. Perhapes that will change when CoV comes out. WoW is also relasing battlegrounds which some people hope will add more high end content to the game. I only have a lvl 16 warrior in WoW and finding it hard to solo. I thought as a warrior I'd also be picked up for groups. But like I said in my other post, I guess I'm not looking hard enough.
  • supersexyaimsupersexyaim Member Posts: 2
    SWG is not on the same level as CoH and can remove it. Its just a "brand game". I voted for WoW but have never tried CoH. Is it worth it?
  • Takata5Takata5 Member Posts: 336
    CoH and WoW are two different types of games. You shouldn't really compare which is better. Just at the moment WoW has more players in it. If you like fantasy games where you can buy items, quest for items and level and kill stuff,  pick WoW, if you like action/adventure games where you just kill stuff, level and adventure, doing missions ect... , pick CoH.
  • LordMizLordMiz Member Posts: 60

    CoH is off the hook, well worth 20 bucks and 15 a month, swg is shite now that CU destroyed it, and i cant wait to hit lvl 50 in CoH so i can start WoW.

    lvl 35 atm, freedon server, f-tank, same name as above "LordMiz".....holla if ya see me

  • SchizneaSchiznea Member Posts: 62

    I haven't read previous posts, so excuse me if it's been said;

    I think wich game is the ''best'' depends uppon several things, mainly: your understanding of the world, your fantasy, and your personal opinion. imO, thats right: OPINION, WoW is the best atm. Ive played both SWG and CoH, had a lot of fun, and I think that SWG is for more mature, experienced players, and CoH, like WoW, is for both experienced and new players. I played SWG as my 1st, CoH as my 2nd, and WoW as my 3rd MMORPG.

    that's my contribution to the subject!



  • zeus88zeus88 Member Posts: 58

    My post is going to be simple as all that needs to be said has already been done above. Both games are good. If you like City of Heroes I suggest you stick with it. Once your interest for the game is reduced to such that you get bored playing it, install World of Warcraft and play that game. Since your characters in City of Heroes won’t be deleted due to inactivity, you can always go back to the game after some time spent on World of Warcraft.

  • IcoGamesIcoGames Member Posts: 2,360

    Warcraft itself is a great game, but the servers are awful. Stability is improving, but I'm giving it a few more weeks until I give my approval, lol.

    Concerning your poll there ...
    Warcraft is more of a game. You can immediately start playing and roll through a few quests in no time. I like that I can log on during lunch and enjoy the experience that I have.

    SWG is more of an 'experience'. There's a lot of character depth and customization. The drawback is that, imo, it's more of a commitment. I played for 1.5 years and watched people get totaly engrossed in their character to the detriment of their real life. Having said that, if you take a less insane approach, lol, the game can be fun. Currently the game is a bit buggy and SOE seems to be unable to deliver a stable build. Hence the reason why I finaly left.

    I haven't played COH yet.


    Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.

  • LordMizLordMiz Member Posts: 60
    I cant wait to play WoW, but im payin for CoH atm and it's takin most of my available time, sux that these games require so much dedication, cuz i would like to play them all at the same time, but if you try that then the friends u make will lvl and leave u in the dust, so ia hve to wait until my drive for CoH dies down(or i make 50) b4 i dive into WoW.
  • astefastef Member Posts: 12

    I vote WOW, although my soul is somewhere far away with SWG. With all SWG, with no "improvements"

  • tbirdtbird Member Posts: 18
    WoW is a game with good graphics and nice special effects and a great soundtrackimage(go blizzard). The world is huge (the maps are half the 432 page strategy guide) and the questing is fun simple with a quest log(unlike eq). I reccomend it and give it 4 images out of 5
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