The fourth comic book based on the Rift world of Telara is set to hit newsstands in the very near future. The Trion Worlds team has released the cover artwork for Rift #4. Check it out and then head to a local comic shop to grab your copy.
I guess if they're making a comic it's clear then that this MMO is aimed at players entering their early teen years. Comics is very childish, but if the kids like it for whom they've made this game it's all good.
I guess if they're making a comic it's clear then that this MMO is aimed at players entering their early teen years. Comics is very childish, but if the kids like it for whom they've made this game it's all good.
not true at all. comics are a great reading material. I used to collect them as a kid, and marvel offered 49 bucks for a year to read every comic they have made and new comics (all readable online) and i been having a blast
I guess if they're making a comic it's clear then that this MMO is aimed at players entering their early teen years. Comics is very childish, but if the kids like it for whom they've made this game it's all good.
Comics have been gaining in popularity and general acceptance since they started the graphic novel format.
Forever looking for employment. Life is rather dull without it.
I doubt I'll read it but this is a pretty cool fad, I hope mmorpgs keep doing this.
rift got comics, gw2 got novels!
Guild Wars 2 Youtube Croatian Maniacs
My Guild Wars titles
actually, the RIFT comics got an MMO...
I guess if they're making a comic it's clear then that this MMO is aimed at players entering their early teen years. Comics is very childish, but if the kids like it for whom they've made this game it's all good.
not true at all. comics are a great reading material. I used to collect them as a kid, and marvel offered 49 bucks for a year to read every comic they have made and new comics (all readable online) and i been having a blast
Comics have been gaining in popularity and general acceptance since they started the graphic novel format.
Forever looking for employment. Life is rather dull without it.