The folks behind "Beyond Blitkrieg", the European version of World War II Online, have provided us with three exclusive images. This title is due to launch in Europe this summer.
Dana Massey Formerly of Currently Lead Designer for Bit Trap Studios
I have been playing WWIIOL since June of 2000. Until you look over a berm and see that mass of infantry and armour bearing down on the town you are defending you can't appreciate how totally absorbing and realistic this game has become. Add parachute drops and enemy air stafing and bombing and the hours just melt away. Crawl on your belly for 20 minutes to take out an 88mil atg/aa gun or to place an explosive charge on a tank. There is just too much to describe in this post. Eye candy it ain't but soul food for the armchair warrior doesn't get any better. Hint: Turn up the base and your neighbors will freak.
wow look's sweet. Ive never played a mmo in this type of genre. I sure am gonna try it, and you say it'll be out this summer? Hmm now I'm gonna have to put this on my "Must try" list aswell
Games Played » AO | EvE | RyL | EQ | SwG | WoW | MxO | CoH | GW
WWIIOL or beyond blitzkreig is the game that has (had) it all. Have been playing it for a long time and enjoyed it very much. However, cornerd rat and CRS has crashed this game totaly by taking away the players freedom of choise. The AO's where introduced to the game that tock away all the fun from the game and the playebase disepeared.
Earlier you could as player attack any town at the front, and there was always equipment but those days are long gone. Nowadays The AO's dry out all equipment in the towns. Nowadays there are so few that play the game that there is no action no more.
This game could be fun again but CRS needs to wake up and give the players freedom back. In the meentime spend your time on other games!
------------------------------- -DON`T GET MAD GET EVIL-
I think that is personal taste...there are other players that love AOs. I'm quite indifferent towards AOs at the moment...they have some pros and cons.
You can play WWII Online right it for free and try it offline for free to check out the vehicles. To play online You need an account and subscription.
More info in the WWII Online Forum section here on the mmorpg-board.
Beyond Blitzkrieg is the name of a new box release of WWII Online in US and Europe with a lot of improvements and new features/vehicles of the current game and some goodies in the box. But You can play the current version of WWII Online right now...its available via download on the official page.
----------------------------------- Life is too short to play bad games.
AO are attack objectives. they are meant to keep all players attacking the same towns. I hate it being a lone wolf but i see the advantages, AO battles are intense, either you stop the 10 or more enemy tanks from rolling into the town or you die a lot and lose it.
Wolver TOG, The Old Guard. Defence its what we do.
Attack objects have concentrated players and make for some pretty intense action. They are realistic as in a real conflict the whole front doesn't move at the same time. In fact realism is where this game tries to take the player within the constraints of virtual reality. I recently drove a truck with anti-tank gun's and infantry with 2 tanks as escort to cut off resupply to a town my division was attacking. My brigade was given that mission and my squad was given the task to cut the east rd at a crossroads. It took 20 minutes to get there and then we held the crossroad for 2 hours. In another tasking I took part in a paradrop behind enemy lines to destroy antiaircraft batteries near an important enemy factory centre. This allowed our bombers to carry out a successful strategic bombing raid. This delayed the introduction of new enemy tanks to the battlefield at a time when we were attacking through the south of Belgium and Northern France. In another i and 3 other tanks as well as 30 infantry were laoded on a transport vessel and proceded with destroyer escort to an island town attack.
Get the picture, this is not just any ordinary game.
Games Played » AO | EvE | RyL | EQ | SwG | WoW | MxO | CoH | GW
WWIIOL or beyond blitzkreig is the game that has (had) it all. Have been playing it for a long time and enjoyed it very much. However, cornerd rat and CRS has crashed this game totaly by taking away the players freedom of choise. The AO's where introduced to the game that tock away all the fun from the game and the playebase disepeared.
Earlier you could as player attack any town at the front, and there was always equipment but those days are long gone. Nowadays The AO's dry out all equipment in the towns. Nowadays there are so few that play the game that there is no action no more.
This game could be fun again but CRS needs to wake up and give the players freedom back. In the meentime spend your time on other games!
I think that is personal taste...there are other players that love AOs. I'm quite indifferent towards AOs at the moment...they have some pros and cons.
You can play WWII Online right it for free and try it offline for free to check out the vehicles. To play online You need an account and subscription.
More info in the WWII Online Forum section here on the mmorpg-board.
Beyond Blitzkrieg is the name of a new box release of WWII Online in US and Europe with a lot of improvements and new features/vehicles of the current game and some goodies in the box. But You can play the current version of WWII Online right now...its available via download on the official page.
Life is too short to play bad games.
AO are attack objectives. they are meant to keep all players attacking the same towns. I hate it being a lone wolf but i see the advantages, AO battles are intense, either you stop the 10 or more enemy tanks from rolling into the town or you die a lot and lose it.
Wolver TOG, The Old Guard. Defence its what we do.
Attack objects have concentrated players and make for some pretty intense action. They are realistic as in a real conflict the whole front doesn't move at the same time. In fact realism is where this game tries to take the player within the constraints of virtual reality. I recently drove a truck with anti-tank gun's and infantry with 2 tanks as escort to cut off resupply to a town my division was attacking. My brigade was given that mission and my squad was given the task to cut the east rd at a crossroads. It took 20 minutes to get there and then we held the crossroad for 2 hours. In another tasking I took part in a paradrop behind enemy lines to destroy antiaircraft batteries near an important enemy factory centre. This allowed our bombers to carry out a successful strategic bombing raid. This delayed the introduction of new enemy tanks to the battlefield at a time when we were attacking through the south of Belgium and Northern France. In another i and 3 other tanks as well as 30 infantry were laoded on a transport vessel and proceded with destroyer escort to an island town attack.
Get the picture, this is not just any ordinary game.