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I've read many reviews from these new players and I must say my initial reactions were about the same.
I've played Shaiya since Closed Beta up until now, almost 5 months later. Most people who started playing at tha time have quit.
Shaiya is at the point where people spend $100+ a week in order to stay ahead. The F2P environment is overcrowded and the markets in game are outrageously expensive even for players that have been playing for months.
The top 5-10 players farm everything from high level bosses to people in PvP zones to pad their stats.
If you join Alliance of Light then don't expect to have a good PvP experience. This game is dominated by The Union of Fury in money, numbers, and experience.
I agree with the PVP
Im UoF
And they were outnumbered.. Im a level 18 now and it gets the same having to grind and grind
Also you will get bored because the modes will mean u start back where you began
Lol this game was boring for me after 2 days playing!! But i was lvl 30:)
Boy, if you like the game its your own choise, But i dont like it oke? So stop talking crap
I've been playing Shaiya since December 31 2008. I had very good memories regarding members, pvp, in one word the game itself.
But then it started a lot of troubles: GMs without experience and professionalism, VERY bad relation with the customers (players) - I felt treated like a pos-, GREED for our hard make money (i've spent 1015$ in 12 months, but others spent over 5000$) and aggressive censure (they delete all posts who try to open the eyes of the others).
I left because i was accused wrongly for using 3rd party services (buiyng gold) and i didn't received any explanation.
My conclusion: awsome game, bad management.
PS: i had to edit this - game is a fest for bugs, glitches and bad updates.
Shiya is really etiful you dont like shaiya becouse you dont know how to play shaiya!!!! ----it takes Grafical reward ---- read shiya forum is aeria games and you will se shaiya is beatiful
Shiya is really etiful you dont like shaiya becouse you dont know how to play shaiya!!!! ----it takes Grafical reward ---- read shiya forum is aeria games and you will se shaiya is beatiful
I dont agree.. saying people like it because they dont know how to play it is a bad reason..
Most people posting have over months experience, I'm sure they know how to play it after some weeks already.
If people dont like it, then they dont..
In my opinion Shaiya is a crappy game that cost 1 player more money, then they spend on making it
I've never been a fan of microtransaction games and I too quit Shaiya. I liked it for a while but then I stopped playing. The upside of it all is that I can stop and start again when I want wihout paying for time I dont use. Im currently loking for alternatives that aren't so grind heavy but even games that have quest reliant experience gains contain repetitive quest...the game needs deeper exploration and a more organized PvP. It was like CHARGE! and die...
Billy Helms
Captain First Grade
U.S.S. Excursion NCC 96023
Omega Fleet
i play this game since jun/2008
but the game really sucks when the make well update to EP4 ( episode 4 )
i guess with that episode aeriagame rise the incoming cos they sell new items like.. lapisias and recreation runes
cos in game just drop armor and weapon lapisias when u linked well the first [3] if u wana try to upgrade to [4] if fail it broke ur item then the ppl have to buy the power lapisia and defense lapisia that if fail dont brake ur item
then the ppl who play for free is suck cos the pl who pay can upgrade they items [3] without risk lost the item
i was happy playing there but when they make that... i lost the fun =(
that make the ppl go to P- servers... like meh O_o
1-2 months? Try 4 minutes.
simply, it s f2p game which is not playable w'out realy money.
PvE sucks, PvP enviroment is good, but bad things about this game: extremely high priced for a f2p game...:
1 ) lowest pvp area, lvl 1-15 : impossible to play w'out real money. Enchant items (lapisias-4$ (2$ with promo)) killed this zone. Problem is, after you enchant 6 times a gear/weapon, it s near to impossible to enchant more. So product managers selling GM Enchants at every a few months. Now in 1-15, there is lots of ppl with enchant +15. That means 400-500$ at least. Lapisias are important soo much because lvl15 & lvl15 gears doesnt give good stats.
2 ) Lvl20-30 pvp area; It s killed by last promo items. While "slotted helmets" cant farmable in game; 3slotted helmets + better gears with more slots are being sold by only real money.
3 ) lvl 31-60 pvp area: it s dead by imbalance problem. Most important items, elemental lapis lvl1 and lvl2, debuff lapises for weapons, only farmable by strongest guild of each server. And ofc #1 guilds dont sell them, they use them. And weaker faction started to leave game. And finally they started to think about "unfair farming" problems. Also, best gears named "goddess" only farmable by top #1 per faction at each server, and ofc they dont sell gears too. (Btw elemental lvl1 lapis is $40, sold by producers )
Every new thing in this game, buyable by real money, or farmable by only top guilds ( and top guilds dont sell them or they are sold with extremely high price - like 150-200$ for boots - leggings etc ).
And there was a problem at last month, at a server (named teos), Auction house items deleted somehow. Some ppl lost extremely high priced items, and AGE didint manage to good rollback. They just gave $9 to everyone who lost some items.
And other problem, noone of managers (GM's-or whoever make critical decisions with game's future ), they dont play game. So they have no idea about game problems. They only trying to make better promotions. When you say "prices are too high" when inflation comes, they ask "how can we do this game better with pvp events". It s a real joke
I m not saying these to flame, they are real and they are the reasons why i left game after 2.5 years + spent 1500 $ ( i was still pretty weak ) Now i m looking for a "not free" game
LF PvP game...for years...
Current: changing game everyday
Played: Shaiya, Aion, Perfect World(short time), Aika
Tried: EQ2, DAOC, LOTR, Atlantica Online...
Future: Any pvp game..couldnt found yet...
The truth is that Aeria game which hosts Shaiya has miserably failed the players. They have monopolized the game to only line their own pockets.
Shaiya is a fun game to play just not on Aeria hosting. Some other servers were brought up that allowed fair game play and free item mall items.
Those were all shut down as aeria claimed their rights, which was to monopolize and make money they way they wanted to make money. This is a game that should be played by 18 year old + players, but children as young as 12 and 13 play I am sure without parents permission and their behavior is well, dispicable.
Gold sellers have driven up the prices and people in game are all too happy to line their pockets. This is a game that COSTS you way more than you will ever want to pay for any data under an account.
FInd any other game you can. I have been playing since episode three, by the way that is when the game was fun. So what do they do release episode 5 which will be even more costly to the player. Not to mention people are being scammed by hackers, glitches from aeria's standpoint have cost people lots of money. As a player who lost 2 high level UM (pay to play this mode due to Resurrection runes or you will never see that toon again unless you pay aeria 75.00 real money to resurrect your character.
May Shaiya rest in peace. It will not be long before it is abandoned. People are leaving all the time. Sad part is that people fall into the trap. You are just trying to compete to have a great toon that can accomplish everything they say you can. IT is so sad to me. You get attatched to your toons. The GM (game masters) don't know what to do with such a mess. The GS (game sages get overwhelmed by petty complaints that could be completely avoided if Aeria followed their own TOS (terms of service better. But they won't because they have 10 million players and each one of those must spend 400 or 500 a month to keep the toons they love afloat. It really sickens me that everything is so commercialized and no one cares about the effects of this on the player.
Find a pay to play game that costs you 15/ 20 bucks a month and you can get anything you need in game. There are lots of fun games out there. Games that are made fun by the people that play them.
totally agree with this person on their take said everything I would say.
I have played some of Aeria games (WT, Shaiya, Last chaos) but I quitted cause prefer to spend 15 euro monthly on sub game (LOTRO atm) than 25-30 on f2p one. Imo Aeria is very greedy company and playing their f2p w/o spending real money is just pain in ass.
As one of my friends says "I dont earn enough money to play f2p".
IZI MODO?! Ha-ha-ha!
I'm with this game since about 2 years now. I use occasional AP, approximately 5$ all 2 month, just for fun. Don't need it.
With my reseller toon I'm able to make 1 billion ingame gold during 1-2 month, that fits all my needs. I'm not a top player, a "uber"., but quite good and respected in pvp. So if you can live not beeing the best this game provides much fun. For free.
You need some patient through.
I like the mature content, having cool toons and well looking chars.
I like the people in the game and the community. You'll make friends there.
I like the pvp most of all.
Edit: oh, and i forgot to mention that this is a game with a high population of (real) female players too. Justin case someone cares about that.
Really, occasional AP, not even needed? That's not what I hear nearly everywhere else. Aeria games doesn't even make a big secret about how costly this game gets at high level. No amount of real female players makes this a good choice for people looking to play a f2p game.
Waiting for Guild Wars 2, and maybe SWTOR until that time...
So you are trying to advertise for a different kind of Online ROLE PLAYING experience? Your little ad here really seems to be targeted at horny 12 to 13 year old boys, and its a golden truth that a community of kids who would be enticed by mature content or high population of (real) female players are The worst kind of people to meet in a game.
I have read quite a few moronic posts on these forums, but this one is like a hidden pile of steaming BS rarely found.
Any thoughts of trying this game out, while taking a time off from playing my subbed game, went right out of my mind reading your post. I was looking for a decent looking(not outdated or shoddy broken content) F2P to play casually and drop it when micro transaction became absolutely necessary, but having to deal with such haplessly-in-gay-with-the-game fanbois while playing is just beyond my capacity. Or are you one of Aeria's PR monkeys come to perform some damage control over all the negative posts thrown around about this game? Also its funny that you should do so while pointing out to your turdbaggery reselling gimmick. I would loathe to start playing a game as a newbie where the markets are inflated only due to the boundless greed of resellers and everything is so much harder to buy for us newbies who start with no coin stacks.
I know I have been very mean spirited in my response to your post, but you completely deserved it and much more only for the amount of BS you spewed out here. Who took your little census about the female population anyhow? Or I must be asking, HOW can you truly take a census of a player's gender over the net without actual verification? You know 89% of all statistics are made up, including yours on the female Shaiya players. And including mine on the sham of statistics being made up.
I call bullshit on your entire post, which seems to contain fibs, untruths and plain lies from the first word right down to the last.
4 minutes? Seriously?
Free to play usually means heavy grind, but this is mega grind. First, you have the grind to get out of Normal Mode (NM) which is kind of like nub mode. Sure you can play it and level it to level 70 now, but you'll have way less stat pts. from levels, gear, and short some of the better skills availiable at other modes. NM: 5 stat pts. for stat allocation. 3 skill pts. to unlock limited amount of skills for that class.
Hard mode (HM) comes after you've reached level 40 on a NM then you can start the level grind again with a longer grind cause you'd need more exp with higher modes. Slightly better gear from NM and more skills to add, but still not quite there with the ridiuculousness of the next mode. HM: 7 stat pts. for stat allocation. 4 skill pts. to unlock all but 3-5 or so skills for that class.
Once you've reached level 40 on your HM you've unlocked Ultimate Mode (UM) for the sheer joy of mode-advantage and the risk of character deletion if you die without getting resurrected by players or an item mall $$ item. This mode unlocks the best equippable gear and overpowering skills exclusive to UM. Also, enjoy the even longer level grind sessions. UM: 9 stat pts. for stat allocation. 5 skill pts to unlock all skills.
If you choose to switch servers you start this all over. If you choose to switch factions, you start this over on another account. You just might enter a server where one faction is currently overpowering the other or an item mall $$ item that is totally biased into one faction will shift the balance.
Let's not forget the skill = $$$ aspect of this game. If you would like to spend $150-1,000 or whatever incredible figure a month on this game you will do fine with the rest of the idiots. Not only do you have the mode advantage you have the item mall advantage. With items such as remedies(+stats), helmets(+stats), capes(+stats), accessories(+stats), lapisias(+dmg/def), lapises(+stats), MAX stat (they will max out a stat for you), you can buy your way into potentially 1,000+ stat pts. advantage. Who needs skill when you can one hit people and say you were better skilled? They'll even reward more stat pts for kills, so buy buy buy! With great E-peen comes great resposibility to support giver of e-peen.
The rest of my rant:
Currently the inflation is insanely high. I started over a year ago and with each month the prices have increased rapidly. Three months in, prices doubled. Nearly a year in, prices have now gone up over 7 times the amount I've seen at start. Gold is pretty useless for mid end trading even, asking price for things have shifted to item mall $$ items. Tens to hundreds of an item mall $$ item, worth $9-11US, will be sought for a piece of high end gear.
Customer support is one of worst. These GMs have no concept of a watch or calendar as proven by the numerous late starts on things and even wrong dates posted. They don't waste time even in posting and reading as there're tons of copy and paste mistakes constantly which leads to mass confusion. Griefing is high in this game and the way the support system and reporting works actually supports griefing.
Buggy descriptions been around since the game started I've been told. (Oh, if you screwed up your skills because the game's buggy description you can buy an item mall $$ item to reset it. No other way? Oh well.)
Forget 1500 v 1500 or whatever number they have posted, everyone will lag to hell and drop connection with about 50 v 50 or so. This isn't from any low end systems or personal internet connections from various people across the world, it's their servers.
Hidden pitfalls can get you trapped and you'd need to port out (z-axis bugs?), they're all over the map.
There is one good thing about Shaiya, it has the great ability to milk the dumber playerbase of their money. Those who enjoy the skill=money spent aspect enjoy forking over money each week/month to the point of complaining about how they can't throw their money at the game any faster. Shaiya has a measly 1% chance of linking lapises to max 50% chance linking (usually with item mall $$ items) with a chance of gear breaking unless you have an item mall $$ item. An unknown % chance for lapisia enchantment, which turns out to be pretty low before the 7th success (max now 20?). These low, low percentages yielded with actual cash being spent would make anyone mad, but I guess the ones staying around love the returns.
People who buy from the item mall and sell those items for in-game gold or trade for in-game drops should just quit early. People who use real money for in-game gold or in-game drops shouldn't either. There is never a good reason to do either. Don't support no life grinders, gear farmers, or gold farmers with your money. It will only support more of these idiots across all games and make games worse.
Shaiya hasn't changed much from what I've gathered. It's gotten worse and I've only stay around long enough to understand it well enough. I've never liked reviewers who play for a short while and don't understand enough of a game to post a decent review. Shaiya isn't enjoyable at the least. I've stayed long enough to post a great bash and this game doesn't deserve any better.