I only played the game for a couple of hours and these are my first impressions:
Nice cinematic, looks like they put alot of work into to. But like many other MMORPGs I fear it is just fluff as the game wont be anything like what the cinematic talks about (i.e. everything is at stake bla bla bla)
Game feels very much like WAR. Same linear feel to it, UI, combat all of it feels alot like WAR.
GFX are good, better than WAR but worse than AoC.
Sound is ok, nothing spectacular so far.
Very interesting advancement system where it lets you mix three subclasses. Unfourtunately it is not like other games, such as FF XI, where you can be interesting combos like Fighter/Mage. Rather all subclasses belong to the same archetype.
Interesting classes, much more than the generic mage, fighter, healer etc.
However what I think will make or break the game (and what broke WAR) is the end game. Will it be a pointless zerg PvP squirrel wheel or will these Rifts actually be as dynamic as they claim. Time will tell...
However the game felt like a very solid themepark MMORPG with some interesting twists. But nothing truly revolutionary, but maybe that will be at the higher levels.
I agree with your opinion, however you haven't mentioned anything about rifts. I encountered my first around level 10 and the experience was awesome. I've never played WAR though - heard rift encounters are like WAR's Public Quests (?).
For me rift events are a true blast in this game, their layered structure is even better.
Oh and apparently you can switch souls later in the game so you are not limited to only 3 (you can 'use' only 3 at a time, though).
This game already is a very solid product. I won't be preordering as I never preorder games however I will consider buying it when the price goes down a bit (release price is way too high for a subscription game, in my opinion).
I find the rifts anoying and boring.
rift is nothing new,they should stop calling it next gen and call it what it is....just another mmo...but at the same time...its a mmo that takes the best of a bunch of mmos and meshes them into a decent product.i havent seena decent mmo come out in a long time and i think this one will do well....im even debating playing it till guild wars 2 comes out..
I normally get bored of newer MMOs after playing for 3 minutes and end up logging out and uninstalling, but I actually relogged on today to play another hour. I might give it a shot.
I might buy it sometime in the future, I like the customization and the graphics... but there doesn't seem to be a good reason to play it over wow.