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Okey okey, yes yes, I know I havent been in the upper levels, and for those who strive for level 30 this post is probably not for you. But I am a slow leveller, I have always been. I prefer to look around, try different things, read quests and do some PvP if possible. When I write this post I'm lvl 15.
The biggest issues with this game(IMO):
1. Quests. Yes most MMOs have the same type of quests, kill X amount, gather X amount etc and so forth. But DCUO isnt even innovate in creating the layout of quest areas or even differ a bit between quests. So far its been the exact same stuff. Kill X, gather X, Destroy or Protect X, the hunt the boss. The layout of all questing areas are basically the same, just with different enemies. Extremely boring.
2. The tutorial. If this will be possible to skip in the future I wont say much, but right now? Doing that tutorial for every char is a true hassle. Its good the first time and really interesting, the third and fourth time its a pain. 30min spent on the same tutorial you could recite in your sleep is not fun.
3. Open world PvP. I love it in most games. But in DCUO it does nothing!? or have I missed something, all it truly is is an annoyance because you can gank without any restrictions. Nothing, no penalties for anything. Its just dull and gives absolutely no satisfaction.
4. Customization is so poor I cried. I have to choose Fire, Gadget, Ice, Mental, Nature or Sorcery? What if I wanna be a Hulk-type char? sure I dont have to invest in those powers but come on.
5. It doesn't, in my opinion, capture the feel of DC. I dont feel like i'm flying around in Metropolis or Gotham City, I just dont feel it. It could as well have been Champions Online.
So, despite my short period of gaming I stop right here. DCUO is shallow and clumpsy and I give it 3/10.
Thanks for you're score, it further helps me agree with my decision about not getting it. I thought that it was an interesting idea but I do not feel this type of game is worth a fee. I looked at it this way Guild Wars 2 coming out and DC Universe on the shelf with "15 dollars a month" on the front like wth...they should know that you can't be asking people to sub for a game of this caliber when a game like Guild Wars, and the future Guild Wars 2 are out and about. Anyway thats just my 2Cents.
Just a few questions like I asked the other guy.
What MMOs would you rate lower?
What MMO is your favorite?
Do you prefer sadnbo themeparks or themeparks?
If he said sandbox you'd say "Of course you don't like this game, it's not for you!"
If he said themepark you'd say "Every themepark has identical kill X collect Y quests!"
Are you going to ask this of all the people who post positive posts?
Is that it? Does it matter? No, it's his opinion of the game.
Had a wicked grin on my face for about 2 hours during beta (Mowin down batmanesque cops with a hot girl and a big AK-47 was truely fun) but thats about the end of it. Plus i think my finger still hurts from all the damn clicking.
Play FF XIV so you can use it as an answer.
I know my brother who was in Beta played a grand total of maybe 5-6 hours and never touched the game again. For anyone who played mmo's in the last few years, this one brings nothign new to the table, it feels you playing the same game you played in the last 4-5 years but with a new skin. Might seems fun at first but the novalty feeling wears out real fast.
Played the beta for a couple days for a few hours each day and wasn't that impressed by it. I got bored with it pretty fast. Some interesting concepts but I felt the character cusstomizatioin was a bit underwhelming for a superhero creation game. The action oriented combat was kind of a nice change at first but quickly became as boring as others feel the MMO standard combat is. Aspects of the character models and the art were pretty ugly to me. The facial modeling of characters is terrible as is the hair texturing. Some of the weapons looked pretty ugly as well. I had to laugh during the character creation where the hair and facial hair presets were combinations of the same 4 or 5 styles. Rather than have you pick hair and facial hair separately, you have to scroll through the huge list of combinations that sometimes look the same from one to the next. That may be a minor thing to most, but I felt it was just one aspect of poor game design. Aside from the bad character art, there were some other immersioni ruining aspects to it. The incredibly quick respawn rate of mobs is too hyperactive and mechanical feeling, it takes away from the sense of a living game world.
I didn't get feel of being in the DC Universe much in the game, just a typical superhero city setting with some iconic characters scattered around. And Superman is ugly as hell in this game. The worst is the terrible facial animations that accompany voice overs, it is laughbale and disappointing at the same time. The combat was mildly entertaining but no more so to me than combat in other MMO' and I have no problems with the action oriented combat, I play a lot of shooters and action/console games. The movement systems are cool, especially flying. But the title of this thread summed up my experience with DCUO, just glad I had the experience near the end of beta and not after I bought it hehe.
To each there own, I am having a lot of fun in Rift which plenty of folks don't find very fun or interesting.
No reason to get offended hun.
I wasn't going to reply to what he said about any of his answers, I was just curious. I have not bought this game, nor do I plan on it. I just think questions like these give a little more information to people who are on the fence. If someone was interested in the game, and saw a sandbox person did not enjoy it, who loved MO, they might have similar interests, so they wouldn't get the game.
Giving background on your personal opinions is a good way to know. If I hate sandboxes, my review of a sandbox is going to be a little biased against it, wouldn't you think? I might not actually look at the game for enjoyment, but just say, "Oh, I hate it for being a sandbox".
Could I do the same questions to those that like it? Sure. But how many of those are there? Are there any good reviews on this forum for the review?
I'll never understand people who make threads like this. They are right up there with the "I played the beta for 30 minutes and this game sucks" type people.
can i have your account ?
still 29 free day of gaming :P
Your opinions on MMOs are null and void.
So says comerb. Enter it into the records.
"You think this "A" stands for France?" Captain America
I am glad I hold off. Seems like City of Heroes had more variation in missions at launch than DCUO has. And that is seriously saying something. As it was one of the reasons I could never really get into CoX. Got bored of doing the same 3 different interior locations over and over again. Just with some different mobs in it.
Seriously! Even from $OE I had expected better. Especially after a game as EverQuest 2 !! /facepalm
No CoH did not have more variations in missions than DCUO. It's not even close. The mentor missions are way more diverse and story driven. In CoH it was like running the same few mission over and over again. Not so in DCUO. The two cannot even be compared. The only problem being that if you play a lot of alts you will run into the same missions over again with the alts. They need to add more variety for replayability. Still it's not nearly as bad as running the same warehouse over and over hundreds of times in CoH.
For missions DCUO is way better.
You're purposely looking at the haters to give yourself a reason not to play. There are plenty of people proclaiming it to be a great game.
DCUO is a golden game and is a must for anyone who likes any sort of action games, superheroes, and just MMOs in general.
DCUO is better than CoH in every possible way imaginable.
Hmm... well if I can score a budy key somewhere, I might give it a go afterall to check it out myself.
As I am still not convinced to just shell out another 50 bucks without trying it first. Especially seeing such contradicting statements everywhere.
I don't blame you on that one!
I'm just glad I got to play the Beta. I didn't pre-order but as soon as the game goes B2P, or F2P cash shop, I will be picking it up in a heartbeat. It's just not the kind of game I would play enough to justify $15/mo. I only like Action games in small doses, but I would love to have this be the game I kept coming back to.
I don't think they offer buddy keys... at least I didn't get one.
"nothing new to the table"
Play my entire game FREE if you want
It's quite simple really.
Do you like superheroes/DC comics in general/action based games? Yes? you'll like this game.
Do you demand in a newly released MMO, extensive crafting/open ended class system//elves and pixies in a generic LOTR style world/click and wait abilites? Yes?, you'll hate this game.
I'm getting a bit fed up with this site polarised views from people screaming how crap this game is when they aren't going to like it in the first place, based on the above.
Wait for Rift or something, the rest of us will be busy enough having fun with this thank you very much
I find it disgusting that you have "open ended class systems/extensive crafting" and "elves and pixies" in the same sentence. There are games that are not WOW or LOTRO. Not to mention, you're trying to say that a game with lots of content and more things to do than this one is synonymous with elves? I mean seriously? Apparently playing a game with MORE things to do, and allowing CREATIVITY in daily activities is a bad thing these days...
Anyone seen the film Idiocracy? Monster trucks and wrestling are going to take over the world...
Simply put this game really does not offer anything new to the table. The quests are all like WOW, if you haven't noticed. "Action mmo" ... To me that just gives them a license to non-creativity, and less content than other games. If the fans of this game think it has anything to offer, you should really look at what you're saying. Personally I think its just an 8bit brawler with a leveling system. Also very much like Champions Online, which I played and it was fun... for about 3 weeks.
That sentence and that word really do not match up in your post. As this has to be one of the most idiotic posts I have read in a long long time.
Can you be any more generalising and polarising yourself?
Just to give you an example. I have been playing Fallen Earth since Early Beta till today. It offers extensive crafting. Open ended class system. FPS style combat, including click abilities. Non generic world! And so far I have yet to run into an elf or a pixie!
And so are there plenty of other MMO's out there without elves.
You can have an action / FPS style oriented MMORPG game, with extensive crafting, depth, great vast gameworld, with varied missions/quests and enough content to keep people engaged beyond their first month.
As so far, those games you call out for being generic and elf / pixie based have been keeping people entertained for months to even years!
DCUO will have yet to prove that, now it's launched.
[mod edit]
I am a pre cu SWG SOE hater and I think DC blows CoH out of the water. DC is MUCH better then I expected.
Sure there is much less character creation then CoH but the game looks and plays so much better in my opinion.
I however will call it a MMOAG (action game). It is NOT a typical MMORPG combat wise. A welcomed change.
Well this review opened my eyes, gonna cancel my sub now, thank you random stranger for your 6 hour assesment, you know what is best for me and this community.
3/10 what caused you to be so generous?
Your review basically said you spent most of your time in the tutorial zone making multiple characters, you got nothing done and you really dont understand the game well enough to know to enjoy it, but you understand it well enough to trash it.
I cant believe people are stupid enough to buy games based on some random guys 6 hour review, but i guess sheep need to be led right.
1. Dont like the quests, what do you think they should be instead? Kill, gather, deliver, investigate, those are the basic quest layouts because thats all you can really do, that covers all tasks? But please give an example of what they should be instead, so you can revolutionize every other upcoming MMO by sharing with us your gems of wisdom.
2.I know, tutorials are repetitive, good thing you only have to do them once.. yeah you should be able to skip it, but it lasts 10 minutes, 30 minutes is a gross exaggeration, even with the forced cut scenes it lasts 10minutes.
3. Open world pvp.... dont like it, easy fix, do i really need to say what it is?
4.Opening customization is poor, because this game is about costume collection, go farm, and after a few of those quests you have so much distain for an you will find more costume parts to expand your wardrobe, sorry they went the reverse of coX and instead of giving you all your parts upfront, they switched it and gave you some insentive to farm.
5. Now this is just nonsense, i wont even humour it.
You basically did nothing in game, experienced no part of the game, forced yourself to play an aspect you clearly dont enjoy and then you call the game shallow?
Really wish it took more effort for someone to create a thread and call it a review.
Quotations Those Who make peaceful resolutions impossible, make violent resolutions inevitable. John F. Kennedy
Life... is the shit that happens while you wait for moments that never come - Lester Freeman
Lie to no one. If there 's somebody close to you, you'll ruin it with a lie. If they're a stranger, who the fuck are they you gotta lie to them? - Willy Nelson