Got it today and couldn't put it down, ended up finishing it within a few hours. Loved every minute of it until the end, which was well-written, but pissed me off. I'm so friggin irked, to the point that Logan's involvement in GW2 actually turns me off from the main quest line and the game isn't even out yet. I'll be delaying anything involving him for as long as possible when the game launches.
Not going to get into spoilers, but all I gotta say is both Logan and Jennah should die horrible deaths together.
"Forums aren't for intelligent discussion; they're for blow-hards with unwavering opinions."
Disclaimer: I may ruin your book experience, do not read my comment until you read the book.
They actually mentioned the name of Logan's profession gaurdian, a.k.a. blue mace lady
From my count, I could distinguish 9 professions: Eir: ranger Zojja: ele Logan: gaurdian Janna: mesmer Rytlock: Warrior Snaff: unknown/puppeteer Caithe: unknown/assassin Magnus: unknown/pistol+cutlass Various Magnus crew: necromancers
Now, admittedly Snaff is a big unknown because he only ever was seen using racial asuran skills; but I think that his skills were just varied enough from the others to warrant a special distinction as perhaps belonging to his own profession.
And I wholeheartedly agree with gaean; Logan is a total asshat and deserves to be fossilized by Kralkatorrik.
*edit* apparently spoiler tags don't work on this board....
*edit2* I went and looked up the exact reference saying Logan's profession.
From page 80:
"All in good time," Logan said, leaping back over a patch of long grass. His hand painted a blue aura in the air, a slim band meant to trip up a destroyer.
His pursuer swung a stone claw that missed, then stepped in the long grass and tripped on the guardian aura. The destroyer overbalanced and crashed into the ditch.
First off I have read both books I like both books (I think Ghosts of Ascalon was a better story) but something has be a little confused and I need Clarification.
Ghosts of Ascalon was the first book released but it clearly takes place after Edge of Destiny. We know that because we see a whole bunch of the guildies from Destiny's Edge and they are already legendary yet they are broken up.
Now I am not going to give away the ending of Edge Destiny but my questions is Does the game take place during Edge of Destiny or does it take place after both Ghosts of Ascalon and Edge of Destiny. (people who have read the books will know why I am a little confused?)
Well... since Its already been said officially by Anet I guess its technically not a spoiler so:
The plot of GW2 takes place after the guild is broken up, and a part of the plot advancement involves restoring the guild. These plot parts take place in the story mode of the various dungeons.
But to clarify a little further, the plot of Ghosts takes place five years after the events in Edge of Destiny. The game will take place sometime after the events in Ghosts as the game has already established that all the races are no longer (for the time being) fighting against each other thanks to the truce accord brokered by the vigil.
I just finished it. I liked the first one better, but this one was still ok. I think the biggest problem was knowing the outcome ahead of time (if not the details). You knew all the members of Destiny's Edge had to live, and Snaff got a bigger and bigger bullseye on his chest even without all the foreshadowing just because of that.
In the first one, everybody was just a regular guy, not a superhero, so it seemed their situations were more realistic and often more fatal. In this one it would describe a monster as just wading in and killing a dozen soldiers with no problem, and then Logan would come along and just start cleaning house.
I also thought this one had a lot of things that just weren't as well explained/justified as they could have been. Once Logan took off (which I understood, even if it backfired), I don't know why they didn't just abort the plan (or follow him). I also don't know why Jennah didn't just take the Asura gate back to Divinity's Reach instead of going to the keep. Even little things like the spear Rytlock was going to use, where did it come from (as in who created it)?
Still going to buy the third one, but hoping it's less about Destiny's Edge and more about the world.
"Gamers will no longer buy the argument that every MMO requires a subscription fee to offset server and bandwidth costs. It's not true you know it, and they know it."-Jeff Strain, co-founder of ArenaNet, 2007
I think I remember hearing the title for the third book was called "Firstborn." So that would definitely be more world-lore since it will probably focus on the sylvari and the evolution of the nightmare court.
*Commence more spoilers*
And I agree, there are some plot issues with the second book, like for instance: why was Caithe collecting the dragon's blood emeralds? Without Snaff, there is no one capable of fashioning them into powerstones, so there is little point in collecting them.
And failing the use of the main asura gate by Jennah, why didn't Logan just use the Hole-in-my-pocket to get her somewhere else--to safety--and then port back to the dragon fight?
Or, why didn't Jennah use her awesome mesmeric powers in the firstplace?
Got it today and couldn't put it down, ended up finishing it within a few hours. Loved every minute of it until the end, which was well-written, but pissed me off. I'm so friggin irked, to the point that Logan's involvement in GW2 actually turns me off from the main quest line and the game isn't even out yet. I'll be delaying anything involving him for as long as possible when the game launches.
Not going to get into spoilers, but all I gotta say is both Logan and Jennah should die horrible deaths together.
Dude, he did it out of love. Yes, it was painful, but he's madly in love and his love was in imminent danger, so he did what any one of us would do. Well, most of us. It's hard to see the bigger picture in that situation.
im still reading edge of destiny, but i have to say.. i liked GoA ALOT better.. nothring wrong with EoD.. but realy the diference between the authers is HUGE.. alteast for me.
other than that both are good, cant wait for the third.. also the game.. and to see the personal story line.. yeah..
All of those plot holes aren't actually plot holes as they are actually explained or inferred. Reread the last part of the book and pay careful attention, you'll find most of the answers below in the book. Some of my rebuttal is simply based on the tone of the book.
Caithe is collecting the dragon's blood emeralds because they are magically potent and therefore very desirable as they could possibly empower weapons to use against the dragon. The elder dragons seem to only be vulnerable to themselves.
We don't need a direct explanation of where the spear came from as we know it was carved from one of Kralkatorrik's spines and that when dragons ruled, they had many battles, possibly against each other, as that is where the dragon blood emeralds came from as well. If he lost blood, he assuredly lost spines and scales as well. This, along with Glint's hatred for her master and the fact that she possesses the spear is more than enough to make the assumption that she had it made or made it herself with her magic as she has long planned for this reawakening.
The completely fixed and rebuilt asura gate at Ebonhawke was toppled by Kralkatorrik's lightning.
Eir and the rest of the group couldn't leave for one, since Logan had taken the pocket gate. They also needed Glint's help, and since Kralkatorrik was headed directly for her lair to either kill her or force her back into his power, they could ill afford to put their confrontation off.
Logan did not have the ability to retune the pocket gate, so it could only take him to just south of Ebonhawke, which he could have dropped him and Jennah through, but the dragon's minions would have finished mopping up Ebonhawke (very quickly probably without the help of the charr or the mesmers) and continued south to join the others who were following Kralkatorrik, which is right where Logan and Jennah would have been. It would have only been a short delay of death.
Considering the magnitude of Jennah's illusion (which it's probably safe to assume that her personal guard of Shining Blade mesmers helped with), it was not something that she could do quickly. The fighting bought them time to prepare until they could pull it off. I would imagine it was also delayed to make sure that Kralkatorrik didn't show up as well.
I think that takes care of the ones that were mentioned.
It is structured differently since it is written from a different author. The chapters are not chronological at the beginning mostly because the characters have not met each other yet. I haven't finished the book but so far it has been a good read.
All of those plot holes aren't actually plot holes as they are actually explained or inferred. Reread the last part of the book and pay careful attention, you'll find most of the answers below in the book. Some of my rebuttal is simply based on the tone of the book.
Caithe is collecting the dragon's blood emeralds because they are magically potent and therefore very desirable as they could possibly empower weapons to use against the dragon. The elder dragons seem to only be vulnerable to themselves.
We don't need a direct explanation of where the spear came from as we know it was carved from one of Kralkatorrik's spines and that when dragons ruled, they had many battles, possibly against each other, as that is where the dragon blood emeralds came from as well. If he lost blood, he assuredly lost spines and scales as well. This, along with Glint's hatred for her master and the fact that she possesses the spear is more than enough to make the assumption that she had it made or made it herself with her magic as she has long planned for this reawakening.
The completely fixed and rebuilt asura gate at Ebonhawke was toppled by Kralkatorrik's lightning.
Eir and the rest of the group couldn't leave for one, since Logan had taken the pocket gate. They also needed Glint's help, and since Kralkatorrik was headed directly for her lair to either kill her or force her back into his power, they could ill afford to put their confrontation off.
Logan did not have the ability to retune the pocket gate, so it could only take him to just south of Ebonhawke, which he could have dropped him and Jennah through, but the dragon's minions would have finished mopping up Ebonhawke (very quickly probably without the help of the charr or the mesmers) and continued south to join the others who were following Kralkatorrik, which is right where Logan and Jennah would have been. It would have only been a short delay of death.
Considering the magnitude of Jennah's illusion (which it's probably safe to assume that her personal guard of Shining Blade mesmers helped with), it was not something that she could do quickly. The fighting bought them time to prepare until they could pull it off. I would imagine it was also delayed to make sure that Kralkatorrik didn't show up as well.
I think that takes care of the ones that were mentioned.
With the Asura gate, Jennah was standing right at it (and it was glimmering and presumably on and tuned) when they first saw the ominous cloud, and that's when they said they should get her to the keep. It was destroyed by the lightning once she was already in the keep. Even though it would have taken incredible foresight to recognize the extreme danger, as well as being cowardly to leave (especially since she is such a powerful mesmer who could have greatly assisted her people), there was definitely a missed opportunity there. She was talking about how it was going to remain open. I mean, it's possible that maybe it was on but not tuned or something. It just feels like a plot hole the author missed to me.
I get what you're saying about why they didn't abort the plan, but the whole thing seems so convenient. I get that Kralkatorrik had just awoken and was coming to kill Glint, but what happens if Destiny's Edge doesn't show up at exactly that time? Is Glint doomed to be hunted and overtaken by Kralkatorrik no matter what so fleeing is pointless, or could she have taken off and at least tried to hide? The same thing with the pocket gate. Is there a reason there's one and only one pocket gate?
Take the spear for instance. It's true, it doesn't really need to be explained, but at the same time it's practically deus ex machina. In the beginning, they show how tough the dragons are by making Eir not be able to damage its tooth. So it seems like they get to the confrontation, and the author says, "crap, how are they going to kill this thing...? I know, a spear from a dragon scale!" And poof, there it is.
The whole thing just seems to contrived to me, and that's what I think the problem is with this book compared to the first one. The first one, all that needs to happen is that the Foefire and current state of Ascalon need to be explained, and someone needs to recover the Claw. The authors had a lot of flexibility with their no-name characters to bring that about.
In this one, it seemed like the whole thing was mapped out beforehand and the author is trying to meet the requirement that Destiny's Edge break up in a very specific way. I think that's the reason that even when the plot holes are filled in (mostly or completely), the story still feels forced to me.
"Gamers will no longer buy the argument that every MMO requires a subscription fee to offset server and bandwidth costs. It's not true you know it, and they know it."-Jeff Strain, co-founder of ArenaNet, 2007
To each their own, I guess. I don't feel any of the above is contrived, but that's me. If I wanted to, I could point out many more parts of this book and the first one that by a similar logic are contrived. Like why is Savione a ghost in the first place if he died before the Foefire or how is it Vala's spirit has remained in Ascalon, but none of Dougal's other friends have? How is it the Ghosts can pass through solids, but they can still pick up treasure and place it in the vault or draw up and write on a map? Back to EoD, there is no explanation given as to why Caithe would be anywhere near Logan and Rytlock, who are close to Ebonhawke which is Charr territory.
Those are just the ones that spring immediately to mind. Do I actually feel like any of these are contrived? Not really, as they make sense within the framework of the story and the lore of the game. I could find reasons to break them down, but we're dealing with high fantasy here, so there's already a very large break with reality. That's I how I see it anyway.
i havent finished reading Ghosts of Ascalon yet
im gonna order this one for sure
Have fun storming the castle! - Miracle Max
I have mine pre-ordered from Amazon. Looking forward to reading it on some upcoming travel.
I thought the 28th was the release date?
Preorder is available on apple devices. It is set to launch on December 28. There is also a preview of the book (chapter 1 + some of chapter 2)
I've only read the preview and so far I've discovered some extremely amazing stuff.
Got it today and couldn't put it down, ended up finishing it within a few hours. Loved every minute of it until the end, which was well-written, but pissed me off. I'm so friggin irked, to the point that Logan's involvement in GW2 actually turns me off from the main quest line and the game isn't even out yet. I'll be delaying anything involving him for as long as possible when the game launches.
Not going to get into spoilers, but all I gotta say is both Logan and Jennah should die horrible deaths together.
"Forums aren't for intelligent discussion; they're for blow-hards with unwavering opinions."
I wonder what class certain characters are, I am most interested in Logan's abilities.
Disclaimer: I may ruin your book experience, do not read my comment until you read the book.
They actually mentioned the name of Logan's profession
gaurdian, a.k.a. blue mace lady
From my count, I could distinguish 9 professions:
Eir: ranger
Zojja: ele
Logan: gaurdian
Janna: mesmer
Rytlock: Warrior
Snaff: unknown/puppeteer
Caithe: unknown/assassin
Magnus: unknown/pistol+cutlass
Various Magnus crew: necromancers
Now, admittedly Snaff is a big unknown because he only ever was seen using racial asuran skills; but I think that his skills were just varied enough from the others to warrant a special distinction as perhaps belonging to his own profession.
And I wholeheartedly agree with gaean; Logan is a total asshat and deserves to be fossilized by Kralkatorrik.
*edit* apparently spoiler tags don't work on this board....
*edit2* I went and looked up the exact reference saying Logan's profession.
From page 80:
First off I have read both books I like both books (I think Ghosts of Ascalon was a better story) but something has be a little confused and I need Clarification.
Ghosts of Ascalon was the first book released but it clearly takes place after Edge of Destiny. We know that because we see a whole bunch of the guildies from Destiny's Edge and they are already legendary yet they are broken up.
Now I am not going to give away the ending of Edge Destiny but my questions is Does the game take place during Edge of Destiny or does it take place after both Ghosts of Ascalon and Edge of Destiny. (people who have read the books will know why I am a little confused?)
Well... since Its already been said officially by Anet I guess its technically not a spoiler so:
The plot of GW2 takes place after the guild is broken up, and a part of the plot advancement involves restoring the guild. These plot parts take place in the story mode of the various dungeons.
But to clarify a little further, the plot of Ghosts takes place five years after the events in Edge of Destiny. The game will take place sometime after the events in Ghosts as the game has already established that all the races are no longer (for the time being) fighting against each other thanks to the truce accord brokered by the vigil.
I just finished it. I liked the first one better, but this one was still ok. I think the biggest problem was knowing the outcome ahead of time (if not the details). You knew all the members of Destiny's Edge had to live, and Snaff got a bigger and bigger bullseye on his chest even without all the foreshadowing just because of that.
In the first one, everybody was just a regular guy, not a superhero, so it seemed their situations were more realistic and often more fatal. In this one it would describe a monster as just wading in and killing a dozen soldiers with no problem, and then Logan would come along and just start cleaning house.
I also thought this one had a lot of things that just weren't as well explained/justified as they could have been. Once Logan took off (which I understood, even if it backfired), I don't know why they didn't just abort the plan (or follow him). I also don't know why Jennah didn't just take the Asura gate back to Divinity's Reach instead of going to the keep. Even little things like the spear Rytlock was going to use, where did it come from (as in who created it)?
Still going to buy the third one, but hoping it's less about Destiny's Edge and more about the world.
"Gamers will no longer buy the argument that every MMO requires a subscription fee to offset server and bandwidth costs. It's not true you know it, and they know it." -Jeff Strain, co-founder of ArenaNet, 2007
I think I remember hearing the title for the third book was called "Firstborn." So that would definitely be more world-lore since it will probably focus on the sylvari and the evolution of the nightmare court.
*Commence more spoilers*
And I agree, there are some plot issues with the second book, like for instance: why was Caithe collecting the dragon's blood emeralds? Without Snaff, there is no one capable of fashioning them into powerstones, so there is little point in collecting them.
And failing the use of the main asura gate by Jennah, why didn't Logan just use the Hole-in-my-pocket to get her somewhere else--to safety--and then port back to the dragon fight?
Or, why didn't Jennah use her awesome mesmeric powers in the firstplace?
The book is really good. It's better than ghosts of ascalon, but a still have on or two chapters left to read
GoA takes place 5 years later.
I thought it was even better than Ghosts of Ascalon, which I really, really liked. Both have had fairly brutal endings, which I actually like.
Dude, he did it out of love. Yes, it was painful, but he's madly in love and his love was in imminent danger, so he did what any one of us would do. Well, most of us. It's hard to see the bigger picture in that situation.
im still reading edge of destiny, but i have to say.. i liked GoA ALOT better.. nothring wrong with EoD.. but realy the diference between the authers is HUGE.. alteast for me.
other than that both are good, cant wait for the third.. also the game.. and to see the personal story line.. yeah..
All of those plot holes aren't actually plot holes as they are actually explained or inferred. Reread the last part of the book and pay careful attention, you'll find most of the answers below in the book. Some of my rebuttal is simply based on the tone of the book.
Caithe is collecting the dragon's blood emeralds because they are magically potent and therefore very desirable as they could possibly empower weapons to use against the dragon. The elder dragons seem to only be vulnerable to themselves.
We don't need a direct explanation of where the spear came from as we know it was carved from one of Kralkatorrik's spines and that when dragons ruled, they had many battles, possibly against each other, as that is where the dragon blood emeralds came from as well. If he lost blood, he assuredly lost spines and scales as well. This, along with Glint's hatred for her master and the fact that she possesses the spear is more than enough to make the assumption that she had it made or made it herself with her magic as she has long planned for this reawakening.
The completely fixed and rebuilt asura gate at Ebonhawke was toppled by Kralkatorrik's lightning.
Eir and the rest of the group couldn't leave for one, since Logan had taken the pocket gate. They also needed Glint's help, and since Kralkatorrik was headed directly for her lair to either kill her or force her back into his power, they could ill afford to put their confrontation off.
Logan did not have the ability to retune the pocket gate, so it could only take him to just south of Ebonhawke, which he could have dropped him and Jennah through, but the dragon's minions would have finished mopping up Ebonhawke (very quickly probably without the help of the charr or the mesmers) and continued south to join the others who were following Kralkatorrik, which is right where Logan and Jennah would have been. It would have only been a short delay of death.
Considering the magnitude of Jennah's illusion (which it's probably safe to assume that her personal guard of Shining Blade mesmers helped with), it was not something that she could do quickly. The fighting bought them time to prepare until they could pull it off. I would imagine it was also delayed to make sure that Kralkatorrik didn't show up as well.
I think that takes care of the ones that were mentioned.
Just got the book yesterday.
It is structured differently since it is written from a different author. The chapters are not chronological at the beginning mostly because the characters have not met each other yet. I haven't finished the book but so far it has been a good read.
-I am here to perform logic
With the Asura gate, Jennah was standing right at it (and it was glimmering and presumably on and tuned) when they first saw the ominous cloud, and that's when they said they should get her to the keep. It was destroyed by the lightning once she was already in the keep. Even though it would have taken incredible foresight to recognize the extreme danger, as well as being cowardly to leave (especially since she is such a powerful mesmer who could have greatly assisted her people), there was definitely a missed opportunity there. She was talking about how it was going to remain open. I mean, it's possible that maybe it was on but not tuned or something. It just feels like a plot hole the author missed to me.
I get what you're saying about why they didn't abort the plan, but the whole thing seems so convenient. I get that Kralkatorrik had just awoken and was coming to kill Glint, but what happens if Destiny's Edge doesn't show up at exactly that time? Is Glint doomed to be hunted and overtaken by Kralkatorrik no matter what so fleeing is pointless, or could she have taken off and at least tried to hide? The same thing with the pocket gate. Is there a reason there's one and only one pocket gate?
Take the spear for instance. It's true, it doesn't really need to be explained, but at the same time it's practically deus ex machina. In the beginning, they show how tough the dragons are by making Eir not be able to damage its tooth. So it seems like they get to the confrontation, and the author says, "crap, how are they going to kill this thing...? I know, a spear from a dragon scale!" And poof, there it is.
The whole thing just seems to contrived to me, and that's what I think the problem is with this book compared to the first one. The first one, all that needs to happen is that the Foefire and current state of Ascalon need to be explained, and someone needs to recover the Claw. The authors had a lot of flexibility with their no-name characters to bring that about.
In this one, it seemed like the whole thing was mapped out beforehand and the author is trying to meet the requirement that Destiny's Edge break up in a very specific way. I think that's the reason that even when the plot holes are filled in (mostly or completely), the story still feels forced to me.
"Gamers will no longer buy the argument that every MMO requires a subscription fee to offset server and bandwidth costs. It's not true you know it, and they know it." -Jeff Strain, co-founder of ArenaNet, 2007
To each their own, I guess. I don't feel any of the above is contrived, but that's me. If I wanted to, I could point out many more parts of this book and the first one that by a similar logic are contrived. Like why is Savione a ghost in the first place if he died before the Foefire or how is it Vala's spirit has remained in Ascalon, but none of Dougal's other friends have? How is it the Ghosts can pass through solids, but they can still pick up treasure and place it in the vault or draw up and write on a map? Back to EoD, there is no explanation given as to why Caithe would be anywhere near Logan and Rytlock, who are close to Ebonhawke which is Charr territory.
Those are just the ones that spring immediately to mind. Do I actually feel like any of these are contrived? Not really, as they make sense within the framework of the story and the lore of the game. I could find reasons to break them down, but we're dealing with high fantasy here, so there's already a very large break with reality. That's I how I see it anyway.
I'm buying both books now so should I read Ghosts of Ascalon first or the new one seeing as it takes place earlier or does it really matter?
I don't think it matters. Though Logan and Rytlock make brief appearances in the 1st book, each back in their home lands.
It doesn't really matter, but I would go with Edge of Destiny first. Both are enjoyable reads.