Skill based fantasy, (UO skill system, only EXP instead of random gains, but still freestyle movement with skills and stats) and basic races (orc, undead, elf, dark elf, human, dwarf). Races would have no extras, and if they did, their extras would be pointless, such as alchohol tolerance. It woudlnt effect the player's jobs. Tradeskills wouldnt be seperate from regular skills, so if you reached the skill cap, you'd have to make a blacksmith character.
i play on australian servers because racism is acceptable there
Something akin to Vampire the Masquerade. Having such races as vampires, humans, werewolves, etc.
Having multiple sub-races, practices/professions. Where even though Vampires and Werewolves would have intellectual and physical superiority to humans. But that the world would be hostile to them as a whole and they couldn't show their true form or they'd have both their own race for endangering "The Masquerade" as a whole, as well as human vampire hunters and law enforcers.
I'd love to see a game like that. Except it'd have to be massive, having realistically large cities with all buildings enterable. Mainly being used for workplaces or apartments.
Although then again I only see a game like that coming into existence when games are put more towards the way of realism and actual life, then extreme high-fantasy. (As in everyone blowing up demons and scoring ph4t l3wt)
It's really sad in fact...In a game with no perma-death and real life enviroment...No one can feel the joy of being a known hero or infamous villian. The rush of being chased...Or having your first kill.
Some may say such things are extreme...But wouldn't it be so much more exciting to see, or be a real hero. Something one of a kind. Then to be just part of the mediocre crowd of dragon slayers...That crowd which is part of a rather large crowd including about everyone in the game?
I'd like to see a GTA/Vampire the Masquerade enviroment. Where those cops are real people...Those workers are real people...The CEO's of Microcorp being real people! etc. etc.
Wait...I'm starting to just think of a real life simulation with fantasy themes...Oh well...THAT"S WHAT KIND OF MMORPG I"D MAKE!
Which I think could be done if you got all the big leaders together. Got Sony...Microsoft...NCSoft...Turbine...Funcom...
Get em all together and make it! Now that...That would make!
"Fear not death; for the sooner we die, the longer shall we be immortal."
( original and inspired kind of cotradict each other)
no levels or classes and no magic or monsers
well a little magic bu players can't use any
a good mix of guns and blades, where melee and ranged are equal or balanced
free skil developement, practice it to make it better, simple
no specific numbers anywhere, you will never be told you have 100 sword skill, everything relative so you can enjoy the game and not worry about specifics
essentually no weapon is better than any other, you can kill anybody with anything and there is no ultimate gun or anything
instead weapons are balance different to accomadate different styles of fighting, example one sword may be balanced for defence while another is balanced for speed
the range of power is much closer so no more ganking, newbs can hold here own (stat wise) against vets
combat is simple but fun a primary atack, secondary attack, defense/dodge, all done up in a Prince of Persia style twitch combat
also the ability to hop into planes and man guns to shoot down planes
tons of support sytles, from doctoring to tactics to philosify (spelling?), all can help others in combat by bufing allies and debuffing enemies
crafting ranging from mechanics to weapon making, cooking, tailoring, with the ability to actually create your own designs
player housing and families and relatives
character profiling of personality to create a character rather than a toon
living world wih culture, the entire world does not focus of you adventures instead you can actually go and see a play or to the theater
player inspired politics, while you can't be Emporer, you can serve as an advisor and influence the world
player controled military assaults, high ranking military players can plan assaults and defence of cities
there is more but I grow tired of typing
more later on
Don't you worry little buddy. You're dealing with a man of honor. However, honor requires a higher percentage of profit
playboy mmorpg.. dudes play the owner and the girls are the meatpuppets. You advance in skill in pornographical skills as girls and you gain economic & filming skills as the dude.. THat game would rock!
Something akin to Vampire the Masquerade. Having such races as vampires, humans, werewolves, etc.
Having multiple sub-races, practices/professions. Where even though Vampires and Werewolves would have intellectual and physical superiority to humans. But that the world would be hostile to them as a whole and they couldn't show their true form or they'd have both their own race for endangering "The Masquerade" as a whole, as well as human vampire hunters and law enforcers.
I'd love to see a game like that. Except it'd have to be massive, having realistically large cities with all buildings enterable. Mainly being used for workplaces or apartments.
Although then again I only see a game like that coming into existence when games are put more towards the way of realism and actual life, then extreme high-fantasy. (As in everyone blowing up demons and scoring ph4t l3wt)
It's really sad in fact...In a game with no perma-death and real life enviroment...No one can feel the joy of being a known hero or infamous villian. The rush of being chased...Or having your first kill.
Some may say such things are extreme...But wouldn't it be so much more exciting to see, or be a real hero. Something one of a kind. Then to be just part of the mediocre crowd of dragon slayers...That crowd which is part of a rather large crowd including about everyone in the game?
I'd like to see a GTA/Vampire the Masquerade enviroment. Where those cops are real people...Those workers are real people...The CEO's of Microcorp being real people! etc. etc.
Wait...I'm starting to just think of a real life simulation with fantasy themes...Oh well...THAT"S WHAT KIND OF MMORPG I"D MAKE!
Which I think could be done if you got all the big leaders together. Got Sony...Microsoft...NCSoft...Turbine...Funcom...
Get em all together and make it! Now that...That would make!
Death is not to fear; for it is not the end, but rather the beginning on the road to eternity.
A vampire type game would pretty sweet for a change. IMO there are way to many MMOs based on elves, dwarves, goblins, dragons, etc. Like EQ, EQ2, WoW, MEO (in the future). That's why I liked SWG, it was different.
I'd love to see a mmo based on the Shadowrun setting. Sci fi plus magic. It'd be awsome to play a troll with a cyberarm carrying a huge Machine gun and a samuri sword strapped to his back.
Like the pnp game, everything would be skill based. I've always liked that setting but the actual game mechanics of the pnp game leave alot to be desired.
I think there was a mmo where the players were vampires awhile back. However, it sucked from what I understand.
whatever game I'd make I would flush the whole tanker/nuker/healer paradigm down the toilet. It has all the tactical gameplay of tic-tac-toe.
As for what I'd replace it with.....not a clue. But I'd strive for chess rather than checkers (not a knock on checkers, just going for an elegent complexity of infinite possilities).
For the setting I would go with anime style mechs. Lots of explosions, power struggles; and no ladders.
Saloons, train robberies, bank robberies. The law, the bandits, the indians.
Like in SWG, you could have the dancers (showgirls) heal battle fatigue, and banjo/piano players could heal fatigue also.
Skills such as pistol draw quickness, blacksmithy, carpentry. You could have player housing log cabins, wagons, horses. Personaly I think a wild west game would be amazing, such a good change from the typical wizards and knights.
Me and a friend of mine actually wrote a lot of ideas we had out for a wild west MMO. We'd really like to have a full project in store and head over to a company to produce it.
Originally posted by Levithian_66 It would definitely be a fantasy mmo... Races would be ; Human, Elf (wood, dark, high, half elves) Dwarf, Shapeshifter etc... Classes would be in general Fighter, Priest, Magician, Rogue with subclasses such as Rogue to Ranger or Scout... Priest to Cleric or Healer etc... I would use my own engine if I had backing and support financially... But this will never happen so im just dreaming
sounds like lineage 2.....
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
I was thinking about a Vampire MMO the other day("races" would be the different Vampire clans like Gangrel, Lasombra and Nosferatu) but the one big problem I thought of is that the entire freakin' game would have to be set at night. In current MMOs people don't like night time to more than 5 minutes.
I keep trying to think of way to have a FPS-MMO-RPG and not have it suck.
(It would be a grindfest, but a nice ''optional'' grindfest hopefully)
- A strong independant solo system.
- A strong independant grouping system.
Completing stuff in the other system could help a little, but would never take the dominance over what the players wanna do(completing stuff would be the only way to earn a ''rest bonus'' in the other system, and you could have ''phantoms'' levels stats, exemple, you are a level 20 in solo and 15 in group, you group folks so you are level 15 and not 20 atm, however, you could have a tiny fraction of the stats of the 5 extra levels you have in solo if the level cap for the current zone allow it, yet, if you reach level 20 in the grouping later, it gave you nothing here to have done both(except the phantoms stats to get there and the ''rest bonus'')).
I would make sure nobody can abuse lower levels area(max level for every zone where you are that level if you are higher) and put some stuff in it to motivate folks to work more on those levels (AAs or something, for every family of levels range, yet fast to maximised in noob land, impossible to maximised the last).
I would add 1 zone for the grindfest to show, unlimited of everything earned everywhere...only in that folks who want to play the game dont need to grind everything, but folks who like to grind and be good in grindland have 1 zone for them.
Finally, I would try to add as many differents gamplays systems as possibles(all independants from start to end, so you cant get anything better then ''rest bonus'' or ''phantoms levels'' from completing stuff elsewhere), some raiding, some PvP, some tradeskilling among others...all will affect only their aspect of the game. For each gameplay system I would add -eventually if not at start- add 2+ more zones, 1 new total grindfest with everything in the game, and a partial grindfest zone(s) with another subject that is likely to appeal more to the players in this area (exemple: After adding a raiding system, I would add a new zone where you need everything from everywhere for my worst grinders, but also, for raid lovers semi-grinders, I would prolly make a partial grinduberland which consider only raid-earned stuff and group-earned stuff(a little like EQ high end, yet, only in 1 zone, and not even the ultimate grinding zone, since ultimate need to have everything and missing nothing at all).
Phantom levels: When you earn more levels in another system then current playing system(like more solo levels then grouping), you only get a tiny fraction of the extra levels you earn in the other system (like 1 or 2 hp per level and maybe something else). The idea is to encourage peoples to VARY their playstyle. Not to make something lame where folks need to do something else to be better, it is a very trivial edge with a bonus xp...for a LOT of work in another system. Will hardly make anyone stay long if they dont like it, but it will encourage peoples to try, and re-try, old stuff...especially when they will be somewhat maxed and waiting for next expension on some topics...
Solo & Grouping would always remain the key 2 elements and considerations of the game, so we keep making stuff for soloers and groupers endlessly. However, according to what players like more or less, we would focus on those aspects accordingly after an initial released(so if peoples like to raid, need a lot of peoples to be raiding in the game for us to work a lot on it...little peoples playing it would equal little effort, but would try to focus a little diversity in the game.
Maybe solo would be skill oriented and group class oriented. Unsure, this would not have to be absolutely 1 way or the other.
Every expension would be free, but you would have to move to a new server to have it enable(just a different ways to charge for the expension, peoples can start new toons or switch servers and change for new players to group with should they choose to). In the character sheet, there will be info as to where we recommend peoples to be moving should they want to transfer the toon in an expension server...and there would be, ideally, a list showing where every guild intent to move as well...and maybe your personnal friendlist should they have specified on their character sheet where they intend to move. The idea is not to kill the ''community'', it is to provide it with options, so they can leave a ''lame server'' or join ''guild018'' or whatever they want...
It would be fantasy based and pretty much respecting the D&D general ideas so the players feel comfortable and knowing would be much more...and there would be a lot of new monsters especially. There would definitely be a giant ''insect continent'' at permanent conflict with others insects and others continents.
OR, you could just be an immortal spirit and have many physical avatars and permanent death of the worst kind...however, every level a toon earn add to your Avatar and it mean every new character would start stronger...with a relatively fast progression...and the ultimate goal for a character would be to be able to sacrifice your character at EPIC level for huge awesome droolistic reward on your avatar and any new toon you create(retiring to a weird land for goodie and losing the character control). EPIC level for a single character would be something hardcores reach in 2 weeks, like a single RPG...however, building their Avatar could take much longer...and they would have many class and many setting to try. So peoples will not want to keep the character, they will want to sacrifice it at EPIC permanent death would not be that bad, it would only be a critically lesser reward then a full sacrifice would have bringed. Could add a place for Immortal spirit to roam, no permadeath there and mostly only 1 zone or 2 with particuliar rules. (at start maybe all characters have 10 in every stats, some resists, some basic hps and mana and so on...earning EPIC level on a cleric could be the only way to improve your wisdom past 14 and open some new spells, in the event your first cleric reach EPIC level, maybe it only bring wisdom to 12, but it remember and later if 3 clerics you create dont reach EPIC and would raise by 1 each, you still can have 15 since the epic cleric was there...could even reach 16 without any epic cleric beside the first, yet past 16, you could need a second or something more...and so on) Maybe reaching some points open you ''generic High Priest'' at will or ''archmage'' or whatever, so you can always have a utility toon no matter about the permanent death...Sacrificing the right toon may enable to creation of toon who are not subjected to permanent death and entitled to every new bonus you earn on Avatar after their creation...Would need something for casuals however, althought fast progression is nice on a particuliar toon, they would not really stick to that type of game I think.
Anyway...enought of me dreaming.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
My MMO would be a historical RPG (based on realism) in the Medieval time period. No magic or strange races. You could belong to different kingdoms, attempt to ascend to the throne, work your way up through an army, and there would be large, organized and scheduled battles.
Mad Max - All the atmosphere, the fighting for fuel, the V8 Interceptor style vehicles - vehicle + H2H combat. Bartering for fuel, Mass fuel missions to steal fuel from other groups or to take over petrol stations ets.
That would be awesome The closest we are going to get anytime soon is Auto Assault.
I'd love to be cruising along a big stretch of dusty highway only to have a gang of bikers come to try and take me out and steal the fuel Them swinging chains into the windows and me swerving left to right to get them off
Originally posted by Vampyr Originally posted by Canadian a gundam mmo! cos gundam OWN! which gundam original, wing, or seed???? wing would totally blow, there is no question there. Original would be more or less like DAOC RvR combat. And the only difference between original and seed, is the fact that they combine the original and wing plots. so please specify.
..... one with lots and lots of explosions.
i like to watch stuff blow up on screens..... whether it be movies, games, Television.
also Bond girls couldnt hurt.......
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
Skill based fantasy, (UO skill system, only EXP instead of random gains, but still freestyle movement with skills and stats) and basic races (orc, undead, elf, dark elf, human, dwarf). Races would have no extras, and if they did, their extras would be pointless, such as alchohol tolerance. It woudlnt effect the player's jobs.
Tradeskills wouldnt be seperate from regular skills, so if you reached the skill cap, you'd have to make a blacksmith character.
they say that inside every fat person is a skinny one trying to get out...but no i say, outside every skinny person is a fat one trying to get in.
Something akin to Vampire the Masquerade. Having such races as vampires, humans, werewolves, etc.
Having multiple sub-races, practices/professions. Where even though Vampires and Werewolves would have intellectual and physical superiority to humans. But that the world would be hostile to them as a whole and they couldn't show their true form or they'd have both their own race for endangering "The Masquerade" as a whole, as well as human vampire hunters and law enforcers.
I'd love to see a game like that. Except it'd have to be massive, having realistically large cities with all buildings enterable. Mainly being used for workplaces or apartments.
Although then again I only see a game like that coming into existence when games are put more towards the way of realism and actual life, then extreme high-fantasy. (As in everyone blowing up demons and scoring ph4t l3wt)
It's really sad in fact...In a game with no perma-death and real life enviroment...No one can feel the joy of being a known hero or infamous villian. The rush of being chased...Or having your first kill.
Some may say such things are extreme...But wouldn't it be so much more exciting to see, or be a real hero. Something one of a kind. Then to be just part of the mediocre crowd of dragon slayers...That crowd which is part of a rather large crowd including about everyone in the game?
I'd like to see a GTA/Vampire the Masquerade enviroment. Where those cops are real people...Those workers are real people...The CEO's of Microcorp being real people! etc. etc.
Wait...I'm starting to just think of a real life simulation with fantasy themes...Oh well...THAT"S WHAT KIND OF MMORPG I"D MAKE!
Which I think could be done if you got all the big leaders together. Got Sony...Microsoft...NCSoft...Turbine...Funcom...
Get em all together and make it! Now that...That would make!
"Fear not death; for the sooner we die, the longer shall we be immortal."
players would be the mobs.
we could all be wolf, and npc orcs/elves/humans would come kill us to lvl up.
Ok an original Steam-age game inspired by Last Exile
( original and inspired kind of cotradict each other)
no levels or classes and no magic or monsers
well a little magic bu players can't use any
a good mix of guns and blades, where melee and ranged are equal or balanced
free skil developement, practice it to make it better, simple
no specific numbers anywhere, you will never be told you have 100 sword skill, everything relative so you can enjoy the game and not worry about specifics
essentually no weapon is better than any other, you can kill anybody with anything and there is no ultimate gun or anything
instead weapons are balance different to accomadate different styles of fighting, example one sword may be balanced for defence while another is balanced for speed
the range of power is much closer so no more ganking, newbs can hold here own (stat wise) against vets
combat is simple but fun a primary atack, secondary attack, defense/dodge, all done up in a Prince of Persia style twitch combat
also the ability to hop into planes and man guns to shoot down planes
tons of support sytles, from doctoring to tactics to philosify (spelling?), all can help others in combat by bufing allies and debuffing enemies
crafting ranging from mechanics to weapon making, cooking, tailoring, with the ability to actually create your own designs
player housing and families and relatives
character profiling of personality to create a character rather than a toon
living world wih culture, the entire world does not focus of you adventures instead you can actually go and see a play or to the theater
player inspired politics, while you can't be Emporer, you can serve as an advisor and influence the world
player controled military assaults, high ranking military players can plan assaults and defence of cities
there is more but I grow tired of typing
more later on
Don't you worry little buddy. You're dealing with a man of honor. However, honor requires a higher percentage of profit
playboy mmorpg..
dudes play the owner and the girls are the meatpuppets.
You advance in skill in pornographical skills as girls and you gain economic & filming skills as the dude..
THat game would rock!
We shall all die in vain.. you decide how!
Originally posted by Aldaron
Something akin to Vampire the Masquerade. Having such races as vampires, humans, werewolves, etc.
Having multiple sub-races, practices/professions. Where even though Vampires and Werewolves would have intellectual and physical superiority to humans. But that the world would be hostile to them as a whole and they couldn't show their true form or they'd have both their own race for endangering "The Masquerade" as a whole, as well as human vampire hunters and law enforcers.
I'd love to see a game like that. Except it'd have to be massive, having realistically large cities with all buildings enterable. Mainly being used for workplaces or apartments.
Although then again I only see a game like that coming into existence when games are put more towards the way of realism and actual life, then extreme high-fantasy. (As in everyone blowing up demons and scoring ph4t l3wt)
It's really sad in fact...In a game with no perma-death and real life enviroment...No one can feel the joy of being a known hero or infamous villian. The rush of being chased...Or having your first kill.
Some may say such things are extreme...But wouldn't it be so much more exciting to see, or be a real hero. Something one of a kind. Then to be just part of the mediocre crowd of dragon slayers...That crowd which is part of a rather large crowd including about everyone in the game?
I'd like to see a GTA/Vampire the Masquerade enviroment. Where those cops are real people...Those workers are real people...The CEO's of Microcorp being real people! etc. etc.
Wait...I'm starting to just think of a real life simulation with fantasy themes...Oh well...THAT"S WHAT KIND OF MMORPG I"D MAKE!
Which I think could be done if you got all the big leaders together. Got Sony...Microsoft...NCSoft...Turbine...Funcom...
Get em all together and make it! Now that...That would make!
Death is not to fear; for it is not the end, but rather the beginning on the road to eternity.
A vampire type game would pretty sweet for a change. IMO there are way to many MMOs based on elves, dwarves, goblins, dragons, etc. Like EQ, EQ2, WoW, MEO (in the future). That's why I liked SWG, it was different.
It would definitely be a fantasy mmo...
Races would be ; Human, Elf (wood, dark, high, half elves) Dwarf, Shapeshifter etc...
Classes would be in general Fighter, Priest, Magician, Rogue with subclasses such as Rogue to Ranger or Scout... Priest to Cleric or Healer etc...
I would use my own engine if I had backing and support financially... But this will never happen so im just dreaming
I'd love to see a mmo based on the Shadowrun setting. Sci fi plus magic. It'd be awsome to play a troll with a cyberarm carrying a huge Machine gun and a samuri sword strapped to his back.
Like the pnp game, everything would be skill based. I've always liked that setting but the actual game mechanics of the pnp game leave alot to be desired.
I think there was a mmo where the players were vampires awhile back. However, it sucked from what I understand.
whatever game I'd make I would flush the whole tanker/nuker/healer paradigm down the toilet. It has all the tactical gameplay of tic-tac-toe.
As for what I'd replace it with.....not a clue. But I'd strive for chess rather than checkers (not a knock on checkers, just going for an elegent complexity of infinite possilities).
For the setting I would go with anime style mechs. Lots of explosions, power struggles; and no ladders.
I'll bet your already a developer
You work for Interplay?
A wild west MMO.
Saloons, train robberies, bank robberies. The law, the bandits, the indians.
Like in SWG, you could have the dancers (showgirls) heal battle fatigue, and banjo/piano players could heal fatigue also.
Skills such as pistol draw quickness, blacksmithy, carpentry. You could have player housing log cabins, wagons, horses. Personaly I think a wild west game would be amazing, such a good change from the typical wizards and knights.
Me and a friend of mine actually wrote a lot of ideas we had out for a wild west MMO. We'd really like to have a full project in store and head over to a company to produce it.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
I was thinking about a Vampire MMO the other day("races" would be the different Vampire clans like Gangrel, Lasombra and Nosferatu) but the one big problem I thought of is that the entire freakin' game would have to be set at night. In current MMOs people don't like night time to more than 5 minutes.
I keep trying to think of way to have a FPS-MMO-RPG and not have it suck.
(It would be a grindfest, but a nice ''optional'' grindfest hopefully)
- A strong independant solo system.
- A strong independant grouping system.
Completing stuff in the other system could help a little, but would never take the dominance over what the players wanna do(completing stuff would be the only way to earn a ''rest bonus'' in the other system, and you could have ''phantoms'' levels stats, exemple, you are a level 20 in solo and 15 in group, you group folks so you are level 15 and not 20 atm, however, you could have a tiny fraction of the stats of the 5 extra levels you have in solo if the level cap for the current zone allow it, yet, if you reach level 20 in the grouping later, it gave you nothing here to have done both(except the phantoms stats to get there and the ''rest bonus'')).
I would make sure nobody can abuse lower levels area(max level for every zone where you are that level if you are higher) and put some stuff in it to motivate folks to work more on those levels (AAs or something, for every family of levels range, yet fast to maximised in noob land, impossible to maximised the last).
I would add 1 zone for the grindfest to show, unlimited of everything earned everywhere...only in that folks who want to play the game dont need to grind everything, but folks who like to grind and be good in grindland have 1 zone for them.
Finally, I would try to add as many differents gamplays systems as possibles(all independants from start to end, so you cant get anything better then ''rest bonus'' or ''phantoms levels'' from completing stuff elsewhere), some raiding, some PvP, some tradeskilling among others...all will affect only their aspect of the game. For each gameplay system I would add -eventually if not at start- add 2+ more zones, 1 new total grindfest with everything in the game, and a partial grindfest zone(s) with another subject that is likely to appeal more to the players in this area (exemple: After adding a raiding system, I would add a new zone where you need everything from everywhere for my worst grinders, but also, for raid lovers semi-grinders, I would prolly make a partial grinduberland which consider only raid-earned stuff and group-earned stuff(a little like EQ high end, yet, only in 1 zone, and not even the ultimate grinding zone, since ultimate need to have everything and missing nothing at all).
Phantom levels: When you earn more levels in another system then current playing system(like more solo levels then grouping), you only get a tiny fraction of the extra levels you earn in the other system (like 1 or 2 hp per level and maybe something else). The idea is to encourage peoples to VARY their playstyle. Not to make something lame where folks need to do something else to be better, it is a very trivial edge with a bonus xp...for a LOT of work in another system. Will hardly make anyone stay long if they dont like it, but it will encourage peoples to try, and re-try, old stuff...especially when they will be somewhat maxed and waiting for next expension on some topics...
Solo & Grouping would always remain the key 2 elements and considerations of the game, so we keep making stuff for soloers and groupers endlessly. However, according to what players like more or less, we would focus on those aspects accordingly after an initial released(so if peoples like to raid, need a lot of peoples to be raiding in the game for us to work a lot on it...little peoples playing it would equal little effort, but would try to focus a little diversity in the game.
Maybe solo would be skill oriented and group class oriented. Unsure, this would not have to be absolutely 1 way or the other.
Every expension would be free, but you would have to move to a new server to have it enable(just a different ways to charge for the expension, peoples can start new toons or switch servers and change for new players to group with should they choose to). In the character sheet, there will be info as to where we recommend peoples to be moving should they want to transfer the toon in an expension server...and there would be, ideally, a list showing where every guild intent to move as well...and maybe your personnal friendlist should they have specified on their character sheet where they intend to move. The idea is not to kill the ''community'', it is to provide it with options, so they can leave a ''lame server'' or join ''guild018'' or whatever they want...
It would be fantasy based and pretty much respecting the D&D general ideas so the players feel comfortable and knowing would be much more...and there would be a lot of new monsters especially. There would definitely be a giant ''insect continent'' at permanent conflict with others insects and others continents.
OR, you could just be an immortal spirit and have many physical avatars and permanent death of the worst kind...however, every level a toon earn add to your Avatar and it mean every new character would start stronger...with a relatively fast progression...and the ultimate goal for a character would be to be able to sacrifice your character at EPIC level for huge awesome droolistic reward on your avatar and any new toon you create(retiring to a weird land for goodie and losing the character control). EPIC level for a single character would be something hardcores reach in 2 weeks, like a single RPG...however, building their Avatar could take much longer...and they would have many class and many setting to try. So peoples will not want to keep the character, they will want to sacrifice it at EPIC permanent death would not be that bad, it would only be a critically lesser reward then a full sacrifice would have bringed. Could add a place for Immortal spirit to roam, no permadeath there and mostly only 1 zone or 2 with particuliar rules. (at start maybe all characters have 10 in every stats, some resists, some basic hps and mana and so on...earning EPIC level on a cleric could be the only way to improve your wisdom past 14 and open some new spells, in the event your first cleric reach EPIC level, maybe it only bring wisdom to 12, but it remember and later if 3 clerics you create dont reach EPIC and would raise by 1 each, you still can have 15 since the epic cleric was there...could even reach 16 without any epic cleric beside the first, yet past 16, you could need a second or something more...and so on) Maybe reaching some points open you ''generic High Priest'' at will or ''archmage'' or whatever, so you can always have a utility toon no matter about the permanent death...Sacrificing the right toon may enable to creation of toon who are not subjected to permanent death and entitled to every new bonus you earn on Avatar after their creation...Would need something for casuals however, althought fast progression is nice on a particuliar toon, they would not really stick to that type of game I think.
Anyway...enought of me dreaming.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
a gundam mmo! cos gundam OWN!
which gundam original, wing, or seed????
wing would totally blow, there is no question there.
Original would be more or less like DAOC RvR combat.
And the only difference between original and seed, is the fact that they combine the original and wing plots.
so please specify.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
I love to make one with lots of sexy femmes.I would put in a lot of traps and so on.Would love to make some explosions and fight scenes too.
My MMO would be a historical RPG (based on realism) in the Medieval time period. No magic or strange races. You could belong to different kingdoms, attempt to ascend to the throne, work your way up through an army, and there would be large, organized and scheduled battles.
I'll bet your already a developer
You work for Interplay?
Developer for SoE... Duh
-Open PvP
-Non Linear
-Optional Battlegrounds (similiar to DAoC)
-Open Loot (you lose what you carry if you die)
-Improved Version of UO basically
And some more...
Perfect MMO
Mad Max - All the atmosphere, the fighting for fuel, the V8 Interceptor style vehicles - vehicle + H2H combat. Bartering for fuel, Mass fuel missions to steal fuel from other groups or to take over petrol stations ets.
That would be awesome The closest we are going to get anytime soon is Auto Assault.
I'd love to be cruising along a big stretch of dusty highway only to have a gang of bikers come to try and take me out and steal the fuel Them swinging chains into the windows and me swerving left to right to get them off
SEED of course
u could choose between earth forces of ZAFT