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Trion Worlds and the Rift development team have partnered with to bring you a continuing lore series. This week is the final episode of "Defiant to the End" and is subtitled "The Righteous Justicar". It's an action-packed story that comes with exclusive screenshots. Read on!
In the darkness of my unconsciousness, I found myself back on the Kelari Isles. I couldn’t firmly grasp what I was recalling: flowing blood in the city streets, the shrill exhortations of a high priestess pushing Kelari to waiting boats, an armada leaving a doomed homeland to the dragon cults.
Read more Rift lore, Defiant to the End: The Righteous Justicar.
if only you had written the lord of the rings! ! ; p
"Train by day, Joe Rogan podcast by night, all day!"
I must say, I really dig his writing style. Well done and a great read!
No godless person can comprehend those minute distinctions
in doctrine that provide true believers excuse for mayhem.
-Glen Cook
Very nice, cant wait to get off from work and join the beta event this weekend!!!
Zerackus the Bane
Son of Myrkul
Undead Lords
Wow great story. I pictured everything happening. Their has been so many times where I was in your shoes.... Great read. I need more
Quality story snippet, but for me what is more telling is that Rifts thinks its important to release stories. Attention to lore is a good sign in any MMO.
is RIFT gonna be like:
you pay 1 time for the game and then you will be able always to play it
will the payment be like in World of Warcraft (WoW) ?????????
Pay 2 Play MMO. So you pay a monthly fee each month. With the first 30 days being included when buying the box.
Pretty much straight forward.
Glad you guys liked the story. If you liked this one, then the 4th, 5th and 6th installments should be entertaining for you as they show off more combat and rift interactions.
Great story! Love the game and the lore so this really is good work!
The story was good, but the actual game is a 'meh' for me. I do hope everyone that likes it enjoys the game.
Really well wrtten piece as usual, not my fave but definatly still well written
this bald elf guy looks like a rockstar. is this guitar hero online?
This game is just a copy of LOTRO, you are wasting ur time and money.
Nicely written piece. I should do that imagine myself doing things like that while I play. It could alleviate a banal game to greater heights.
Interesting artical.
I'm in the beta and its living up to my expectations, a very solid game indeed with very few bugs.
Rift pvp = WAR pvp
You should look up the game and then you will have the answer to your question.
Momo sucks, I have proof.
guest writer? damn you should hire the guy hes amazing
NO the Beta is over!!!
played 3 hours of the game. From a brand new IP stand point, this game came at a bad time. The way contents are structured; such as a movement of questing and mob killing are all taken from another game, not a bad thing just that you can't reinvente the deal.
Questing is very typical and well explained comparing to free to play asian mmos. Visually the game is stunning! However I think it takes too much away from the character you are playing. Player animation felt very generic and uninteresting (definitely took queues from other mmo)
Skill and talent tree is overwhelmingly big and unecessary this is one of those games that will end up with 40+ abilities that you will use all of them,
I wish they actually had more of this lore in game itself and less "wow-like" quests for accelerated sprint-like leveling-questing so that you can hit the level cap and go grind raids...
Wow you kidding right? RIFT actually consists of the same type of quests as wow - go there kill 100 mobs come back and is very heavy on raiding similar to WoW. They even have interface parts in RIFT related to raids. it already shows how much raid-friendly is RIFT.
I've been in 2 betas of RIFT and I got sick on the second stage and didn't play very much first stage either. Because RIFT reminds me so much of WoW its just silly... LOTRO has books, festivals, the whole world feels different than RIFT or WoW. Rift is just an improved WoW-clone nothing else, and having '"RIFTS"' in the game doesn't make it so much different from WoW.
Also LOTRO was never about loot. LOTRO focus was Story in the beginning, then they switch to stupid radiance gear and it became radiance focused game. Now they are removing radiance again so game is going back to focused on story. All the best loot before radiance times was from quests in LOTRO, and most of them from epic BOOKS and those books were all about following the path of fellowship of the ring. LOTRO is about LOTR, WoW and RIFT are about LOOT.
You must be joking, nothing like LOTRO, I have played both.