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Hey guys,
I know you see these posts all the time, but I have just come back to SWG. The term "Coming back" I am using loosely. I played when the game first came out, and very periodically after that. I forget most of the game, and its nice that it feels somewhat fresh.
So I had a couple of questions.
I rolled a Commando on starstrider(maybe?) , because they seemed to be a fun combat class and the pop was high on that server. I guess my question is, where should I go from Mos Eisly? I wanna go imp, and I want to start to level, and part of me wants to avoid the legacy quest because most people say it sucks. I want to enjoy my time in this game, not dread it. And if anyones on the same server as me and is willing to help me out at all ingame that would be super killer. Actually any help or advice would be great.
Thanks guys
The legacy quests are actually pretty good at first, it's mostly when you hit Naboo it starts to drag. It's also one of the best ways to level. I'd just do it and if you get bored with it at some point break off and do you own thing. If you want to skip them altogether the key thing is to do 10 daily quests each day from a mission terminal. The COMPNOR system they put in gives you a real big XP boost and you can gain nearly 2 levels each day just doing those. Beyond that you can find some FAQS that go over some other quest lines you can do but I don't think there are much. I mostly wander around planets killing beasts you get credit toward a collection for killing.
If you do the Legacy however and keep doing your 10 dailies, I think before you get bored with the Legacy you'll be just about ready for the Kashyyk quests and between those and your compnors you'll be in Mustafar at 75-80ish and that takes you to 90 pretty quick.
Hope this helps!
Also remember to get an experience buff from an entertainer. Most of them hang out in the Mos Eisley cantina. The above poster covered most of the things you need to do though. Legacy is great for items and cash too.
Welcome back to SWG, Griffdog1260.
There are some tips on easy levelling here: Guide: Understanding Experience Gain
Best way for leveling is to do the legacy quest (Its not great but i've done it 3 times, its actually pretty good compared to most other games but it is the worst part in SWG) after that you'll be around 40-45. After that i personally grinded to 50-55 doing terminals and just killing mobs (You being commando will help this greatly, doesn't take long at all to be honest) once your 55ish you can hit kashyyyk which can take you up to 65-70 and then you can hit mustafar takes you to about 80-85 and then grind turlus's on mustafar to gain the last few levels.
Took me about a week to go from 5-90 doing Legacy, Kashyyyk and Mustafar with the odd bit of grinding. Its a good idea to get into a helpful guild because certain areas and quests may require some help. Certainly the kashyyyk missions that require space (if you haven't leveled this).
There are plently of Guides for leveling on their forums but i've pretty much gone through the basics (may of changed, haven't leveled up a new toon in a while), apart from the terminal missions which someone else explained.
The end game is really where the game begins.
You can also find out how to AFK level your new toon if the legacy quests and the mission terminal grind become too painful.
You can AFK grind on mobs if you know a spawn point that is consistant. There is a post from the devs specifically allowing it. As long as you are not on a quest mob of some kind. The macro system does not seem to have changed at all. With the health regeneration rates it is cake. Already had to do a bit of AFK macroing for a collection piece and received no grief for it.
Legacy doesn't suck. It would for someone who has done it 15 times but as a noob line it's fun to do. There are a few spots that are lame like the Squill cave but they can be done, they just take longer.
SWG was my first MMO so it always has that 'home' feel for me. Sadly even when I go home in RL, It gets old fast and rather sterile. SWG is the same. Inside of a few months and I wan't to go play something that doesn't feel like my parents back yard.
I don't argue what you enjoy, but I will say that IMO, the Legacy quest line on Naboo is HORRIBLE! Long rides back and forth again and again just to constantly grind the same dopey group of NPCs. Quests that are bugged from the day NGE was added that are STILL not fixed and gate you from completing the balance of the Legacy quest line there (which may be intentional, not a bug ).
Again, we can all enjoy our own things in life, but to say "Legacy doesn't suck" is simply not entirely true...not to me or many I know.
Sadly, it's true! I've even gone as far as to document ways to skip the Naboo leg of the Legacy Quest in my : Guide: Understanding Experience Gain
If you really do have to do it, there is a little "trick" you can do that allows you to accept multiple quests from one NPC where they would usually only allow you to take one at a time.
When you get the Quest Acceptance window up, don't click accept right away. Start talking to the NPC again, then click accept and you will be able to get another quest.
Works well with the nightmare that is Lt. Colonel Typho in Keren who will send you back and forth to the Mauler POI to kill the same NPCs over and over again.
Are you **edit**ing me? Do you have ANY idea how much I wish I knew that before grinding 4 TCP toons?! That VERY quest is the one that made me go nutty and want to bang my head into a board of nails!
Honestly, BEST SUGGESTION you have EVER given Badger. BEST! Seriously, put this in your sig, not a link, but like that whole yellow'd part.
There are two things in SWG that made me feel the devs were laughing at me.
1) The Ewok love fest where I had a quest that required me to dip my twig and berries in a chocolate fountain ("I swear, it's not a euphemism... really")
2) The Legacy Quests (especially the Naboo portion). I felt as though somebody was performing some sort of experiment on sanity thresholds...
Well the last thing I want is someone to come along and fix it. :P
Also works for Restuss Commendation quests, allowing you to grab all 6.
Just grind to 42 then AFK at ryatt trail wookies in the bugged tree so you cant be hit.
Plenty of guides out there for afk ryatt trail.
Queue someone saying its banned well in over 40 toons I never once got warned or anything for it.
Theres also a handy one if you have some money about grinding out level 90 entetainer afk then go buy a launcher pistol equip it then go change prof the pistol will stay in your hand so level 90 AOE weap dmg at level 5 have to not log out con drop etc or you lose the weap, but can get you 1-42 in a day np
I've seen credit farmers using this powerlevelling exploit get kicked and banned, I assume all it would take is someone sending a report to get a player banned for it.
Last I heard they didn't "ban" the player, but they have reset them to CL1 as late as last week.
Either way, if they do, you're just basically back where you were, big loss I guess.
Badger? I'm stunned. An exploit? rofl
It's funny to see Badgers condoning an exploit but I understand why, you would too once you start doing the Naboo line of legacy, it'll make you pull hair.
Cannot believe this game is still running