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I encourage anyone interested in Darkfall to take a look over on the public forums. I have compiled a thread looking for opinions from people who enjoy crafting/gathering and PvE as well as PvP. There are a handful of amazing videos as well (copied links below story for your viewing pleasure).
-Edit with feedback-
I personally play solo and live in an Alfar NPC city even though my character is pretty skilled up. I have friends I go hunting with on occasion but I enjoy crafting and gathering, and PvE mostly right now. PvP will interest me much more with the upcoming expansion in a few months but Darkfall is sandbox enough that I enjoy it without focusing on PvP. I still get attacked occasionally which gets my blood pumping like nothing else. I get enough PvP without looking for it to satisfy my taste.
Originally posted by ZooceThe following is a story I wrote a few days ago describing a night I had while back.
It was late one night just after the holdings had transfered ownership, and i had no idea the area that was once a safe haven would soon become a death trap in every direction.
I had mined my way north from Niasha stopping to farm a few elementals and manscorpions along the way.
As I swam past the quiet Sorgom hamlet nothing seemed unusual.
Nearby I found the spawn of ciel fey druids and foresters and was farming them for what must've been an hour or two. It was late, and my only concept of time at that point was I ignored the urge to bank at least twice. Those damn ceil fey's kept spawning just as I had given up hope and I thought, eh just one more...just one more. Feeling somewhat safe since it was late and I was in alfar-friendly territory, I let my vitals dip down without thinking much of it.
The druid kept dodging my spells so I went in with my polearm to finish it off and ate a few sacred missles in the process. As I pulled out my freshly enchanted staff to heal up (after all, that was the reason I had come to farm the area- so I could perform more of these enchants) I noticed a funny looking ciel fey heading my way. But instead of arcane swirlies, this odd creature was shooting unholy magic at an alarming rate. As it got closer I realized this was no druid, it was a mirdain of TFK and he wasn't very pleased to meet me. I darted off for a patch of mushrooms frantically trying to replenish my health which had dropped foolishly low while finishing off just one more druid, weaving amongst them dodging a good majority of his cursed bolts.
Soon the magic had stopped channeling and I assumed he either ran out of reagents, or mana- either way I decided to try my recently made Wyvernclaw. Two things I quickly learned during the next 10 seconds: transmuted weapons aren't nearly as good against players as they are against mobs, and this guy with his greatsword was tearing me up much faster than my polearm could keep up with. After deciding this was a lost effort I shook him off me using the mushrooms again and headed towards the oaklord spawn close to the southeast.
(While taking pics I ran into some friendly alfars. They would later kill me. Welcome to Darkfall.)
The lack of spells filling the air was soon replaced by the knocking of his bow. Fortuanately for me, this mirdain didn't share his ancestoral blessing of good aim. I began to hope for a successful escape since I had been replenishing my stamina with transfers, and no sign of my pursuer doing the same left me thinking he was indeed out of reagents. Gaining more distance from him, suddenly a bow began knocking off arrows with dangerous precision which I used precious stamina to heal. I didn't understand how these same maneuvers which had previously evaded his lackluster aim were now failing me.
As I arrived to the oaklord spawn hoping for some backshot help from my tree-like friend I hear not the screams of a mirdain taking a surging acid arrow to the back, but the grunting of an ork from the Ruff Necks reinforcing from Khosgar to the east. Just as I thought things were looking hopeful for my escape now I have two enemies filling me with arrows (the green one with much better aim),
not to mention the oaklord thought they needed help for some reason and focused his attention towards me as well. As I looked for cover frantically converting my vitals to stay alive I realized the end was near and pulled out the polearm once more to at least go down swinging.
That was the last time I ventured into what I now refer to as "The Ruff Triangle" expecting a leisurly farming adventure. My words of advice: If you see one Ruff Knight, assume there are more coming!
(View from the porch of my large villa @ Ozenhal)
Originally posted by ZooceJust found a new PvE gameplay video posted today, this one is the best yet! -Leveling Magic
Originally posted by ZooceFigured it would be easier for people to watch the videos here:
PvE Videos -Demon (large group/raid) -Ice Dragon (large group/ raid) -Deathless Mages (solo) -Neithal Golem (solo) -High End Mobs & More (solo/duo)
Best PvP Video -Bringing MEGA Back (group)
Originally posted by Zooce
Originally posted by KinchyleI vote "Tried to want to almost like it...but it defeated itself for me"
Plus, it doesn't help that you actually made an account to post it seems anyway. That only adds another negative to DF for me.
I have been a lurker of this website for years every time I wanted a new game to play this was the place I came for information, be that good or bad. If I was on the fence about a game and someone had felt strongly enough about that title to recommend it to me with a link to videos of gameplay footage I appreciated them taking the time to make an effort. Before recently, I hadn't felt good enough about the Developer's direction with Darkfall to make that recommendation.
With the last update and patch coming soon, I think they are heading in the right direction and want anyone that might be interested in the game to see there is plenty of amazing gameplay and adventures to be had right now in Darkfall.
Just realized I could add a Poll for easier feedback from everyone, so please be sure to vote. Any questions or concerns I will do my best to address objectively.
All your options are positive.
How about one for: "Not interested" and another for "Been there, done that. Not going back"
You hit the nail with the hammer.
Real as Reality Television!!!
Well, I did include an option for indifferent voters entitled "Videos? What Videos?"
If possible I will add those options, but when I attempt to edit the post the poll doesn't show up for adding them.
I don't
Not Interested.
Did you watch the 5 PvE videos? I've played many of the recent and past titles on the market, and after fighting the mob AI in Darkfall, tab-targetting just wasn't enough for me.
Sorry but you dont get 2nd chances anymore with mmos. Darkfall had it chance and failed.
lol "best current mmorpg"
Thanks, I needed a laugh.
If you think the PvE in Darkfall makes it any closer to the "best current MMORPG", you haven't played anything else.
And on top of that, FFA PvP ruins any PvE the game might offer.
I actually downloaded this game last night and tried it. In all honesty I made it through about 8 minutes before I had enough. Between the the 12 year old graphics, the awful performance and the fact that I went to the forums and the first page had 20 or so threads and 7 of them were about how bad the grind was. I am sure there are people out there who enjoy this game and more power to you but as for me i'm out.
lololol the op post is 100% non-biased view xD, so lets see my 100% non-biased bad view xD
Seriously, darkfall was the worst mmo i ve seen, worst kind of grind of grind ever, instead of the typical boring grind he had the awesome idea of having the player focus 100% on aiming and attacking every x seconds not allowing the player to grind in a more easy way that lets you alt-tab between something like boring grind. No real quests, everyone can be everything and will be at the end of the 100 years of grind. There are no styles at all, even if they added skill caps it will still be very similar pvp wise since everyone would pretty much use the most effective build order. No diversity=boooooring game even if it can be good for pvp. Watching ppl just go around casting spell bars is boring and animations also are bad. Really i dont get why anyone would like this game, there are far better games as mmorpgs instead of this boring grindfest(dont say the crap its for hardcore players, hardcore doesnt mean they just like grinding and aiming only or ages)
Plus it had horrible graphics, eviroment and ui imo
No problem, I realize Darkfall's dev team was essentially "in the dark" for quite some time, and caused me to leave the game twice. However, after trying Aion (puts DF grind to shame), I bounced back for another round of DF. Some things had gotten better, many were still the same or worse so I left again and leveled up 6 of my characters in WoW that had been collecting dust since shortly after WotLK became boring. With everyone raiding and pug's downing LK, I definately enjoyed hitting Icecrown Citadel on multiple characters grinding gear. It was fun, but honestly felt like more work doing dailies and farming badges for gear than Darkfall does.
Darkfall is quite exhilirating and once you experience a game with this atmosphere (Asheron's Call back in 2000 was my only other experience and I LOVED those hey-days of AC) other less challenging game worlds just don't compare. If you think you know DF watch the 6 videos in the link I provided and you might just see a world full of amazing gameplay and immersion.
Problem with Darkfall is polish.
A lot of the ideas that it had sound great till you actually get to play them, add on to that the fact that the devs are quite possibly the most detached group of folks from their player base I've ever seen and you get a recipe for disaster. I played at release, and then came back for a little after the NA server was released. I gotta say, just not for me.
There was one point in time where the server went down, and we didnt get an update on the forums or website for over six hours. Bangup job.
The pve is a pain in the ass, the mobs were designed with "AI" thats supposed to be challenging, in reality its just anoying and frustrating. PVE is an ends to a means. You need money to buy gear to pvp with, and having to mess with mobs that act like a bunch of strung out meth heads isnt fun, isnt chellenging, its just a pain in the ass.
PVP pretty much the high light of the game has some issues. #1 friendly fire. At release your out in your hunting spot trying to level with your guild of 10 folks, a naked guy runs in spin attacking, you are all fully equiped and move to kill him, but hes running in circles and you cant attack effectively with out hitting your own team, mean while hes spaming aoe attacks and hurting everyone. You kill him, and everyone begins to work on healing...a pain in the ass as a new player, and the naked guy is already on his way back from the bind stone with his weapon and naked gear.
He does this for 30 minutes and eventually suceeds in killing a few of you. You cant really stop him, you cant effectively kill him, and all your doing is wasting your time. Go Go friendly fire!
Macroing...enough said
Exploit programs that allow you to teleport anywhere in the game and kill mobs with them unable to hit you.
and on and on and on.
I think Ill stick with EvE but I appreciate your enthusiasm for DF. Glad you are enjoying it, but its far from "the best"
I don't think Darkfall is a bad game really. Just, not the best.
I vote "Tried to want to almost like it...but it defeated itself for me"
Plus, it doesn't help that you actually made an account to post it seems anyway. That only adds another negative to DF for me.
I have been a lurker of this website for years every time I wanted a new game to play this was the place I came for information, be that good or bad. If I was on the fence about a game and someone had felt strongly enough about that title to recommend it to me with a link to videos of gameplay footage I appreciated them taking the time to make an effort. Before recently, I hadn't felt good enough about the Developer's direction with Darkfall to make that recommendation.
With the last update and patch coming soon, I think they are heading in the right direction and want anyone that might be interested in the game to see there is plenty of amazing gameplay and adventures to be had right now in Darkfall. I said...DF isn't for me.
But...I'm glad you have a game you're so passionate about and I hope DF is successful. Niche game trying something different...I like that.
I just finished the 2 week trial myself, I actually enjoyed most of the aspects of the game. The grind itself did not bother me at all. I actually made quite a bit of progress considering I only played about 4 hours a day. I didn't mind the graphics or the UI, I've played much worse.
My biggest problem with the game was the constant ganking in the newbie areas. I did pretty well keeping myself aware of my surroundings and all but honestly, having to pve for about 10 minutes then banking that because you are going to get ganked if you stay out of tower range for too long got pretty old. Granted, if I subscribed I would probably just join a clan and keep away from the newbie spawns but really, that's pretty hardcore for most noobs coming into the game.
I love pvp so getting ganked wasn't a big deal for me, but honestly on my first night of playing I died about 20 times from gankers. I didn't care about losing the gear and stuff, it's more about the fact that if thats how boring the game is at endgame that all there is for a high skill/stat char to do is camp the starter towns, what's the point?
Towards the end of my trial I was even getting ganked IN the starting towns from people who were blue to me, that was the end of it for me. I can handle getting ganked and losing stuff, no problem. But there has to be a limit. The dudes would gank you, the towers would hit them for a minute then stop, aren't even safe in the town from blues? This happened all the time, a blue would come through the town, kill all the noobs and then just walk away like they did nothing, no turning red, no death from the towers. None of these noobs were clanned either so it wasn't a clan war.
The chat was atrocious, the most vile , racist, hate filled crap I've ever seen. To be expected in a pvp game, but damn, there is a limit to the amount of racism and hate one can handle.
This game is basically for the hardcore, I may still subscribe and give it a shot in a clan and such but as it is for any noob looking to just casually play solo, this is not the game for you.
Darkfall is a great experience. I played for since launch for the first ~5 months on the pre-NA server, took a month off and came back for a few months on the NA server.
This game, at the time, was great fun, and is the only player-centric ecosystem that really appealed to me at the time.
Those here that dont like PvP, your right, I dont think you'll like DF. The DF game-play is so unforgiving to anyone that rather play a safe computer-controlled environmental game without player influence, that your probably better-off not trying it.
I'd think the poll would be well served with a negative option as well.
Were you talking about the human/dwarf/mirdain chat by chance? I played as Ork on EU, and then rerolled to Alfar when NA server launched. Alfar chat is pretty helpful towards answering noobie questions but there are still trolls everywhere. I've heard terrible things about the h/d/m race alliance chat recently, and I'm sure the known griefer clan GPS was the one terrorizing the starter areas. I personally play solo and live in an Alfar NPC city even though my character is pretty skilled up. I have friends I go hunting with on occasion but I enjoy crafting and gathering, and PvE mostly right now. PvP will interest me much more with the upcomming expansion in a few months but Darkfall is sandbox enough that I enjoy it without focusing on PvP. I still get attacked occasionally which gets my blood pumping like nothing else. I get enough PvP without looking for it to satisfy my taste.
Zooce, buddy, pal. DF does nave some nice PVE elements but seriously it doesnt mean squat to a PVE'r thats going to be constantly ganked and stripped clean of everything they have been PVE'ing for. PVE'r like to PVE for long periods of time and after defeating all the baddies in the game return home with bags full of loot. You just cant sell a forced PVP centric game on the PVE crowd. This is somethign that AV just doesnt get it. They assumed people would be happy getting "some" of their loot to the bank. Its not about the value of the loot its having someone take something from you that you have earned regardless of its game value. DF has been growing and shrinking at a snails pace for the last couple years. The market just isnt there. MO and DF built beautifull open persistant game worlds for people that dont care about that type of game world (PVPr's). Both games struggle to retain subs......
i wonder what would happen if Darkfall opened a PVE server...
Where's the: " Complete and utter shit " option?
I sense bias.
how do you escape from gankers? just wondering.
been interested for awhile now, i was deciding between fe & df. i cant believe i choose fallen earth.
must be becuase i liked post apocolypse and guns. but, turned out to be more swords and magic.