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I have played MMORPG after MMORPG, but this is one I will definitely try to stick with.
The graphics are awesome.
The customization is superb.
The players are friendly.
I'm glad you like it
I like the dev team too. They're very hands on with the community.
Was a real fun game at first.
Kinda like Planetside.
After playing for two weeks I was bored to tears. Same stuff over and over and over and over again. This coming from someone who spent days on end grinding out AAxp for EQ1.
too true too true.
As one astute gamer observed: the game you play at level 5 is the same game you play at level 50.
Absolutely L O V E D it for about a month. Then it just got old, but i will prolly be back for CoV. PvP should make it a 100% game.
Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!
Winners come and go,
but legends are forever.
I've never considered it a grind. Its too fun to be a grind.
But I've played with many people who cant get past that mind set, and treat it like a treadmill. Well, they've got their CoH and I've got mine I guess.
I think I'll go renew my account (for the third time). This morning I woke up and found myself missing Kingsrow
Besides, seeing the CoV website has kinda inpsired me.
Now with the global chat/ID thing I'll be able to stay in touch with people (for once).
sorry I think I might be off-topic.
I use to know this girl named Kielia in Ultima Online, on the Napa Valley shard. She ruined a guild, she rarely played yet she was number 2 in the guild and she was a control freak, she was a ICQ and board warrior, she was not an in game play with the newbies type of player.
For the love of all that is holy find a new user ID, the name Kielia is soiled.
PvP is in the game now. To be honest, it's a lot of fun, but for all that people say "PvP will improve a game," I don't see it. Myself, I'm having a great time, been playing since april 2004.
One thing the arena needs to do is provide an incentive for people to play in it.
your arguement is so persuasive, so filled with knowledge and insight. You back up your argument very articulately, with suggestions of improvements and raising examples to glorify your position....oh wait, you didn't
The need to force every arena match to be rated otherwise, its as pointless as doing duels in Warcraft, there is no meaning and no sense of you actually accomplishing anything.
In CoH a game that I reallyreally like playing right now, you have a chance to defeat monsters that are different levels than you are you have a chance to defeat a monster that is one or two, maybe 3 levels higher than you, yet that is not the case it the arena a lvl 4 really does not have a chance against a lvl 5 person.
As well the arena needs a little balancing, a controller who casts sleep spell over someone in arena makes for one of the most boring arena matches out there and really unfair to that person who is put to sleep. Plus you cannot arena rating any match where their are differing levels, (I only have one experience doing that so I do not know all the do's and don'ts with arena rating)
I like the arena, it just needs tweaking and needs to be more hardcore, every arena match should be rated otherwise NO POINT Whatsoever to have Arena Ratings.
CoH is one of those games where I really have a love/hate relationship. The powers system was a great idea, but then they screwed it up by making the three of the five classes so handicapped for soloing that its very difficult.
The combat is fast paced and fun, particularly in groups.... but there is SO MUCH OF IT. The # of kills needed for a lvl doubles every 5 lvls. So to get from lvl 30 to 31, you have to kill twice as many enemies as lvl 25 to 26. Add in xp debt, and you are talking about the nastiest grind in MMORPGs released in the last two years.
Well I find that sometimes I am bored with it also. But I just keep comming back to it, make new alts, try diffrent things. Yes it is repetative, but still manages to keep my interests.
Indeed, they listen to the minority who posts.
Their main flaw.
CoH is still the best MMORPG out there, to bad many bad features, all propose by the vocal community completely ruin my fun.
Killing solo will never improve grouping in anyway. And the vocal ''community'', which I prefer to call the vocal ''minority'' propose many features which kill solo, and where adopted.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren