It's generally perceived that we'll: 1. Aggro beasts with our pets, and 2. Ninja Loot.
Number one is certainly possible, as few hunters can adequately control their pet in instances. Then there are the morons that use AimShot to open, thus pulling aggro away from the tanks and onto them.
Outside of my guild, I found a lot of success by offering to protect the group's priest.
Ico Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.
Originally posted by IcoGames It's generally perceived that we'll: 1. Aggro beasts with our pets, and 2. Ninja Loot. Number one is certainly possible, as few hunters can adequately control their pet in instances. Then there are the morons that use AimShot to open, thus pulling aggro away from the tanks and onto them. Outside of my guild, I found a lot of success by offering to protect the group's priest.
I think the aggro issue is huge and I would consider yourself and I one of the few that understand this. The problem is how does a group know if the hunter knows this? Most hunters, not knowing what they're doing are ruining it for skilled hunters. I have been in a group where I protect the priest, using distracting shot to keep mobs away and they were very greatful for it.
Oh my AimShot...Hunters please learn how aggro works!!! Wait awhile to pull this attack out, please and thank you.
Originally posted by Baagism I'm a level 60 hunter and I find it very hard to find groups outside my guild. Why do groups dislike hunters?
A hunter in my guild has the same problem. We try to group with him as much as possible. Another hunter in my guild (who has more time) always starts his own groups as a way around that problem.
An uncontrolled pet and high dps that causes lack of aggro control may be one reason. But I'm not sure if that many players have problems with that.
It also may be lack of evident contribution. I'm not saying a hunter cannot or does not contribute, I'm saying what do you think of first when you think of a priest in a group? Healing. A warrior in a group? Tanking. A mage in a group? High dps and AOE. More than likely you will have 2 paladins in a group because you can't find a priest. A druid can tank and heal as well. After you get all of those, there is no room. Not to mention if one of the so-called "necessary" classes brings a friend along.
its cause hunters can use about all items cept plate and shields and will roll on them when a more focus equipment character has more need of the item. would a hunter be happy if a rogue rolled her epic ranged weapon saying "what if i need to pull mobs"?
another reason, 2nd most popular class....i know this all too well having a 40 rogue, i solo 95% of the time
From experience: If any hunter could learn how to control their pet well enough to make it seem like it was just another member in the group or raid, I would. But if it comes down to it, I'd rather go without a hunter. Most that I have played with have no idea how to use their pet(sometimes which pet to use) to be the most effective. Too many a time has my group been whiped because a hunter didn't know when to dismiss his pet and had mob after mob after mob chasing us.
JinjirokLevel 60 Troll Rogue of Garona <Demonic Fury>.
I have never had a problem finding a group. As a Hunter I can offer some crowd control in instances where polymorph and sap is unusable. I am able to do decent DPS. Using Aspect of the Pack, I am able to help make Dire Maul farming runs quicker. I am valuable in raids, and usually in the top10 in damagemeter, and with the least ammount of healing needed.
Well I think this problem isn't just with hunters, because i have met some good ones and bad ones 2. But that is with every class. Last time I had a priest who was really bad in healing (he had enough mana). Or a rogue that wants to tank with a warrior in your group. Or complete morrans who are fighting and want to take some distance but just walks in the direction of another group of enemy's. The saddest thing I encouter is that when people are doing something wrong and you make a suggestion they get a big attitude. They are messing things up but don't wanna change the tactic or learn how to work good in a team or play their char right. That really bugs me.
Originally posted by protoroc its cause hunters can use about all items cept plate and shields and will roll on them when a more focus equipment character has more need of the item. would a hunter be happy if a rogue rolled her epic ranged weapon saying "what if i need to pull mobs"? another reason, 2nd most popular class....i know this all too well having a 40 rogue, i solo 95% of the time
I couldn't disagree more. If I don't need the item I don't roll on it and it someone else needs it then they can roll. Why do you think there is a roll option? If people could be diplomatic about it there would be no need for a roll.
Originally posted by Tooms Well I think this problem isn't just with hunters, because i have met some good ones and bad ones 2. But that is with every class. Last time I had a priest who was really bad in healing (he had enough mana). Or a rogue that wants to tank with a warrior in your group. Or complete morrans who are fighting and want to take some distance but just walks in the direction of another group of enemy's.
But since supply can't meet the demand for priests, people are more forgiving of mistakes that priests make. Perhaps a bad priest is better than no priest at all. A bad hunter (or any other class) you can do without.
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />Apparently this is a common question. I pulled these comments from the WoW forums:
"In addition, I DO NOT WANT THEM EVER in a 5-manning raids. It sounds harsh I know but anything a hunter can do, another job can DO BETTER. In 5 manning, tracking is not that useful anymore because it is assumed that you're pt knows their surroundings. Sustained DPS is also nothing when you need to kill things quickly. Their short CC is USELESS. And unlike raids where one member down is still ok, it is NOT OK on 5 manning raids. Thus, them dying from trying to offtank aggro from healers is more of a burden than saving the pt. The pt I usually prefer for this is:
Warrior tanks. Paladin off-tanks. Priest heals (duh). Mage and rogue (or warlock) does the crazy dps and the CCing and pulling."
"I'm just trying to point out that hunters have issues with their pets, and the fact that they share almost every other classes primary stats, making them even more unwanted in groups. "
"As far as the "saving the squishie's butt" argument goes, I think rogues are better. We can pull aggro RELLY fast when we want to and have a couple of ways of then surviving it (eg evasion), especially in the case of combat build rogues.
I am not very familiar with hunter CC other than frost trap, which just like poly and sap has its advantages and disadvantages.
Rogues have great sudtained dps, crip poison is a huge CC group benifit. Also, I find myself using alot of stun during battles, which, in the case of a full 5 point KS saves the tank from 10 seconds of getting hit, and therefore saves the healer's manna. Opening a fight with cheapshot also holds a mob in place for a bit making it easier for the tank to cement aggro.
I may be biased, but given the choice of having either a hunter OR a rogue in an end game 5 man instance, I think many people would choose the rogue. "
"I rank my groups kinda like this:
1. Warrior 1. Priest 2. Mage 3. Shaman (Secondary Healing/Secondary Tank) 3. Rogue (DPS, nothing else really) 4. Druid (Depending on spec, could be about anything) 5. Warlock (feh) 6. Hunter (more feh)
If I can get two Shamen or two Druids then I normally try to. Unfortunately with the lack of high level druids and even fewer of those being anything other than restoration spec I normally end up picking up a Shaman and then a Rogue. I rarely if ever pick up Warlocks or Hunters mainly because they're either unavailable or our group just doesn't want them. I don't have anything against Hunters or Warlocks, and I really don't mind grouping with them, but when I'm the group leader and I'm organizing a 5 man run in some random instance, I try to stay away from the Warlocks and Hunters. "
"Why bring a Hunter on a 5-man instance?
Simple. I formed the group.
What are you gonna do, kick me out even though I formed it? It's the only way that I as a hunter can get anything done in the hardest 5-man instances.
Fact is, you don't need me at all. Shame really, but I have to say that I like EQ's 6 man group. EQ had a holy trinity too. Warrior, Enchanter, Cleric. In EQ, I played a Warrior, so I was in demand for groups, so it's a bit different in WoW. The biggest difference is that in a 6-man group, you can fill 3 spaces with damage or utility, and in WoW, you can only fill (IE: waste) 2 slots on extra classes.
No reason to cry about it though, really. You just have to do more work and form the group yourself if you want in, and you're not a needed class. No game is perfect, and though I miss EQ's LFG system and 6 man groups, I don't miss the boredom. No game is perfect. "
"There really is no reason to bring a Hunter to a 5-man instance.
The only reasons a Hunter would get in:
1) Need a damage class and can't find a rogue or mage or warlock. 2) Hunter formed the group. 3) The Hunter is your friend.
The one thing a Hunter has, sustained DPS, does squat. No fights last long enough for it to matter. And if a fight does last that long, they're still outdone by a rogue (see Molten Core damage parsing by any high end guild, there are a few).
In a 5 man, you want burst DPS. Mages and rogues are better at it.
Crowd control? Mages, rogues, or an additional offtank that can heal himself is better crowd control.
Freeze trap is good for the pull, but for it to matter throughout the fight, you'll have a Hunter have to feign death for 6 seconds to lay another freeze trap. That's 6 seconds where your 5-man group is now a 4 man group.
A pet is not going to be offtanking anything in Scholo, Strat, BRD, or BRS. Even if you were a BM Hunter with a tanking pet, that pet is downed too fast for it to matter.
5 man runs are the reason for groups that have "optimal" classes. Tank, offtank, mage, rogue, priest. That's how all the instances seem to be designed. A Hunter provides no unique talent to a 5-man group and provides nothing that couldn't be better accomplished by another class. "
I love grouping with GOOD hunters. They make the best pullers, can help keep cloth wearers safe by slowing mobs, decent DoTs and are just a good all-around class.
However, I rarely group with hunters I don't know. Why? Because hunters and paladins seem to have the highest percentage of idiots of any classes in the game. The reason that hunters are not usually wanted is that so many of them are just bad, and they have the potential of doing more damage to the group than most classes.
I play a priest, and we grouped with a hunter in a pickup group trying to do Zul. The mobs in there are mostly in groups of 3. The rogue would sap one, the mage would sheep one, and then the hunter would CONSTANLY use his AoE attack that would undo the efforts of the rogue and mage. We told him to quit, and he refused. He would also frequently pull before the rogue had a chance to sap one of the mobs. It's hunters like these that give the class a bad reputation.
The other way that they hurt a group is rather than pulling, many will just send their pets charging into battle. In instances, this is rarely a good idea.
I realize fully that there are many great hunters out there. However, unless I've grouped with them and know they are good, or am grouped with someone who knows the hunter is good, I will prefer to group with someone else.
This post for the WoW forums is much more constructive then the above post...
"I constantly hear people say hunters are useless in high-level instances. Considering the level of success I experience, I disagree with this statement, and my assumption is that there are a lot of unskilled hunters out there tarnishing the class's reputation. I am giving away many of my trade secrets in this post so that the class as a whole can benefit from my experience and knowledge. Please add anything you feel is useful to this list. If I see something good, I will edit the post and add your information. Perhaps we can have this post stickied later to benefit everyone.
Now, a good hunter can turn a gaggle of retards into a steamroller that runs through an instance like a buttered skateboard. Don't ever let anyone tell you that hunters are useless in Temple, BRD, BRS, Scholo, or Strath. A GOOD HUNTER is useful in any instance.
What you can do:
* You do excellent, SUSTAINED ranged dps, and with rapid fire active, no other class can rival it. With proper talents, you have 41 yards of range--enough to escape almost any mob's AOE effects, including Teremus the Devourer's life stealing flame.
* You can manage aggro better than any class, including Warriors, via your pet, feign death, distracting shot, and disengage.
* Freezing trap is often overlooked. With proper talents, it is a reliable, repeatable 26-second CC that works on ANY MOB (except bosses.) The fact that the hunter can place them during a battle (via proper technique) makes them amazingly useful at turning a wipe in progress into a manageable battle. If there are multiple hunters in your group and you are hoping to trap more than one mob, make sure you communicate and place the two traps more than 5 yards apart, or one mob can set off BOTH, wasting one. Also remember that if you are in a raid group, only players in your immediate group can see your traps--communicate! Since the effects of freezing trap and frost nova look identical, many people attack freeze-trapped mobs, not realizing the effect is a 20-26 second STUN that breaks on any damage. It can be tricky to learn how to get the mob you want into the freezing trap, but experimentation will show you the way. Hint: The first mob you shoot will start running toward you a second or two before the rest. Mark everyone's kill target and arcane shot the mob you want to cull into your trap.
* You have the potential to be the best pulling class. Notice I said potential. Via your various tracking types, you can see where the patrols oamers are, select a good time to pull, and use line of sight to bring mobs to a position that is agreeable to your group. This also protects against runners aggroing other groups. Also, your instant shots (distracting shot and arcane shot, to be specific) can be fired at mobs on the fringes of a group, often resulting in 1 mob in the group NOT AGGROING! (This takes timing.)
* Your Debuff, Scorpid Sting, greatly reduces a mob's damage output, critical rate, and evasion rate. Use it! Warriors will take less damage and mobs will take more damage. The priest will have more mana to save your ass. Also bear in mind that while two serpent stings will stack on the same enemy, two scorpid stings will not. Make sure multiple hunters know this; Designate one for debuffs and one for DOTs.
* You can detect cloaked mobs with flare. This is excellent for the Eyes of Naraxxas in Stratholme, which can quickly cause a wipe if not IMMEDIATELY put down.
* You can save the casters' lives by taking aggro from mobs that are hitting them. Distracting shot is great for this purpose. Then, you can off tank the mob with your pet by disengaging or feigning death.
* Wing Clip and Concussive shot are EXCELLENT kites for stopping runners. Always wing clip a mob if you know it's going to run at low health. It lasts 10 seconds and costs almost no mana.
* You can assist a mage with AOE by staying out of combat until it begins, and then placing an explosive trap in the center of the group of mobs. Volley, however, does not really do enough damage for its mana cost, cooldown, and channeling nature. I'd rather spam arcane shot and multi shot than volley. In cases where there are more than 3 targets and the main tank has firmly established aggro, it might be worth hitting volley to boost the group's AoE damage.
* Use Hunter's Mark to designate targets. This is extremely useful in communicating to the group which mob you are talking about when you choose CC and kill order. It's just a bouncing arrow, but it means so much to a confused group. Communication and organization are some of the nicest things you bring to a group. With 1 mage in the group, I use HM to designate the polymorph target, and then switch HM to the group's "Kill target." This way everyone can focus fire on the weakest enemy to take him out of the equation.
* You can abort a bad pull completely. It might be good to create a macro button which yells out ABORT! ABORT! or something similar, and train your group to know that this yell means "HANDS OFF." If a pull goes bad and extra groups link due to extenuating circumstances, you can call for an abort and feign death. If feign death fails, it's better for you to die than your whole group, so make sure they know that in an aborted pull, they stay away from you and you stay away from them.
* Besides Rogue, you are the only class that can leave combat mid-battle. Your pet must either be unsummoned or have not attacked anything during the current battle, and then you can feign death. Stay down for 2 seconds, then get up and walk away. You are now out of combat and can plant a trap of your choosing or refresh your health and mana (IMMEASURABLY useful in the LBRS spider section.) Be warned that some groups will consider it selfish if they see you eating and drinking while they are still fighting. They are just jealous Try to be sensitive to them.
* You can see what's around the corner in almost every situation. Remember to switch tracking types often so you can tell what sort of mobs are coming up and how many. You can also track rare spawns amed mobs your group might want to seek out and kill. In outdoor instances, you can use Eagle Eyes to actually LOOK into the next area and see what the room looks like--Blizzard likes to hide a few classless(untrackable) mobs such as slimes hiding behind things now and then, confusing you about the size of the pull you're coming up against.
* Scare Beast, while it can be dangerous if improperly used, is a great CC against beast mobs. It has a 30 second cooldown and lasts a solid 20 seconds. Often I will wing clip a beast mob and then scare it off--It won't stray too far, and it's useful to have one less thing to deal with. Make sure you have LOTS of room in this situation, and the beast will run much further than creatures feared by a priest or a warlock, and the fear is MUCH harder to break.
Things NOT to do:
* Do not pull with Aimed Shot. If it crits, you might have a hard time giving aggro back to the tank. You are not a tank--you may live longer than cloth classes, but you are not meant to be a damage-mititgating class except in emergencies.
* Do not use Multi-shot near CC'ed mobs (Crowd Controlled) This includes SAP, POLYMORPH, FREEZING TRAP, HIBERNATE, SHACKLE UNDEAD, and to a lesser extent, FROST NOVA. You will break CC, thus defeating its purpose. Use single-target attacks in instances unless you KNOW it's okay to do otherwise.
* Do not feign death at the drop of a hat. Remember that when you feign, the mobs that are attacking you will begin attacking someone else. If that's the priest, you may cause your group to wipe. It's better for you to die than the healers--ALWAYS.
* Don't forget to buy a full bag of arrows, repair your equipment, and buy pet food before going into an instance. If you find yourself low on anything mid-instance you become USELESS and the group leader will kick you. Next time, he'll just invite a mage.
* Do not fire Serpent Sting (DOT) until you're sure the mob you're shooting is not going to be CCed. Serpent Sting will break CCs each time it ticks. I have a hard time grouping with affliction-specced warlocks because they always love to spam DOTs on the first thing they see, which is usually the mob I am trying to freeze trap. Again, communicate.
* Do not pull with multi-shot. This has two potential problems: 1) You gain more aggro than necessary on pulling, and die. A mob you have not yet attacked can be pulled off you by anything, including demoralizing shout. If you score a critical multishot on 3 mobs, they are not going to leave you alone easily. Feign death CAN FAIL. 2) You accidentally pull a neutral mob or another group along with the intended pull. Multishot does not discriminate between aggressive, neutral, and critters.
* DO NOT lose control of your pet. This is the biggest cause of wipes I've ever seen. If you do not control his actions, he will pull mobs you might have been hoping to bypass. Make sure to call your pet off if the mob he is attacking runs. Runners do not ALWAYS pull extra mobs they encounter, but if your pet follows them, it's a guarantee. Call your pet off and try to kite or kill the runner. Your pet should always be on PASSIVE mode in instances. Choose his target manually and "sic" him on it. If your pet is on defensive mode when you pull a group with ranged enemies, your pet will instantly run to the ranged enemies when they aggro you, even before they have done damage! Also remember that pets walk using the same pathing system as the AI. If you jump off a cliff, your pet will take the long way around. This is invariably bad. IF YOU HAVE EVEN AN INKLING OF A DOUBT THAT YOUR PET WILL PROPERLY TRAVEL TERRAIN, DISMISS HIM. You can re-summon him instantly and for free, unlike warlocks. I do most high-level instances without my pet for this reason. However, even if you choose to unsummon your pet to make things safer, remember that he CAN make a positive difference in battles. Make sure you call him to serve as an off tank if a fight is going badly. As an alternative to dismissing your pet, you can click the "stay" button and use Eyes of the Beast to manually walk him down a cliff. I don't do this because I am too lazy.
* Don't be afraid to hold back on damage. Warriors have a really hard time keeping aggro from hunters. If you start off slow, with just auto shot, and then accellerate your DPS with arcane shot and stings as the fight goes on, you will take aggro less often and the fights will be more smoothe.
* Don't expect the Priest to heal your pet. Your pet is an expendable off-tank, not a main tank. It's good if the healer can afford the mana to heal your pet, but this is extremely inefficient as pets have less armor than a true tank. Your pet should only tank in high-level instances if it HAS TO. Otherwise, turn off growl and use your pet to add to your DPS while the warrior holds aggro. If your pet is dying and the priest starts to heal him, you can get stuck in a situation where they priest HAS to keep healing the pet to keep him alive, because if he fails he now has a huge pile of aggro dumped onto him when the pet dies. 3000 points worth of healing can bring a lot of hate.
Things to watch out for:
* You need 8 yards of clear line of sight to fire at a mob. Stairs are your worst enemy--always pull mobs away from stairs. One of your best skills as a puller is being able to relocate the battle to wherever you want. Fight in large rooms when you can, and make sure your group knows not to cause mobs to walk toward you. Make sure you don't do so much damage the tank(s) lose aggro, because once a mob runs toward you, you have to stop firing.
* Viper sting does not drain enough mana from most high-level caster mobs to have an effect. You're better off with serpent sting for extra DOT or Scorpid Sting to up the number of crits the mob will suffer. There are some specific exceptions to this rule which you will discover via experimentation, but MOST elite casters have near infinite mana.
* Make sure your group knows to treat you like a caster. While you are effective without mana, you cannot use skills without it. Get the mage to give you water and Arcane Intellect.
* If a mob aggroes you mid-battle, and you can survive tanking it for a while, shoot at another mob. You waste a lot of time and DPS trying to run from a mob so you can continue shooting it. Often it's better to just pick another target. Once the other target is down, your group will turn their attention to the mob hitting you, and you can back off to fire at it.
* Use scatter shot to interrupt caster mobs. It is hard to time due to the AutoshotScattershot cooldown bug, but if you get good at using scatter shot mid-combat you can prevent a mob from casting an annoying heal.
* Tab-targetting has been broken for a while. It will target whatever is in the upper left of your screen. If you are using tab targetting, twist your view so that what you are trying to target is in your upper left if your screen, and you will target properly. You're usually better off making an assist macro for the group's main tank, though, as tab targetting sometimes MISSES and goes through walls. If this happens, you may shoot a mob you REALLY don't want to, or sic your pet on an enemy that is on the floor below you. This is a sure way to wipe. Check your targets!
* It's almost always better to pull groups away from their spawn area, into a pre-cleared room where there is no danger of adds. This sometimes causes problems with spawning patrols, but mainly it's a good strategy. Other classes won't understand how you operate at first. Be patient with them, convince them to stop crowding you at the edge of the aggro radius of whatever group you're pulling. The concept of "Stay back and I will pull to you" is foreign to Warriors who are used to body pulling (walking up to the mobs to aggro them.)
* When pulling caster mobs or other ranged attackers, you must "Blind Pull" --Fire at the group and then hide behind something. Since the mob does not have LOS to fire at you, it will run toward you. This is better than counterspell pulling because 1) it does not generate additional aggro, 2) The mobs will waste time attempting to cast spells on you once you're out of LOS, and 3) Counterspell will still be avaialble to do better things during the battle. When you make a blind pull, make sure your group knows not to attack the mobs until they have taken the bait, or the blind pull will be a failure.
* A lot of Warriors insist on pulling so they can open with Charge to build initial rage for demoralizing shout or whirlwind to establish aggro. Remind them that they can still charge as long as THEY are not in combat. The entire group does not enter combat at once, and this should definitely work to your advantage. Tell him to stand where he can charge a mob as it comes around the corner in the room where you intend to fight.
You do respectable DPS, but your utility is by far the number one reason you will be desired in high-level instances. Once you realize this and make use of ALL of your skills, and you do so SKILLFULLY, the myths about hunters being useless will go away.
Lastly, when your group members disagree that Hunters should pull, please send them to read this article. It's long, but the facts are all there in black and white. The author says things I wasn't quite sure how to say about group safety.
As a warrior: Being in a duo questing/grinding with a hunter is great. In a 5 man group I'd kill the hunter if it were an option. I think it would generally save the healer(s) some mana. LET THE WARRIOR TANK, deal with adds ONLY if the group has asked you to do so, its not that difficult.. Its not just 1-2 hunters that can't control their agro, its every hunter I've grouped with for 53 levels. I've not played one so I can't say for sure that hunters don't know how to play their class or if the class is broken and generates too much agro, but in either case I'd rather not have a hunter in a 5 man group. Generally, after the first couple of deaths I'll quit trying to taunt mobs of the hunter and just let them die. I've noticed healers generally do the same. But whats weird is that certain classes like a mage will get the hint and back off a little so they don't agro every single pull, hunters on the other hand just bitch about not getting heals and continue to draw agro until they get fed up with dieing and leave the group, or the group gets fed up with then and ends up breaking up.
As a druid: Being in a duo questing/grinding with a hunter is great. In a 5 man group I'd kill the hunter if it were an option. I know it would save me some mana. Let the warrior tank, let the paladin off-tank. Generally speaking, as a druid I'm busy enough off-tanking and backup healing, I don't need to baby sit some hunter who can't control his own agro. I'll tell them in group to quit pulling agro because I'm not going to chain heal their a$$ every fight. Lots of people are bad at controling how much agro they generate, but in my experience hunters are the worst. Generally other classes will calm down after I threaten to stop healing them, hunters will die a few times then usually start bitching about not getting heals. I guess its an attitude that hunters have, I don't know, I can't explain it.
My personal favorite complaint about hunters is them crying about heals for their pet, or crying about their pet losing loyalty because it died 5 times.
And for some reason hunters do seem to be loot whores, they'll roll on everything, I've even seen them roll on cloth "because the stats are good".
As warrior or druid for PvP: I'll group with a hunter, of course in PvP I'll group with just about anybody
Hunter's are just a more difficult class to play. It's not quite as straight foreword, as say a warrior or priest. I personally didn't learn how to play my class effectively until I was level 55. Since it is a more difficult class, there are a lot of people who are not entirely good at playing a Hunter yet. But we are definantly needed for end-game content.
The trick is to stop asking people that spam in Ironforge that they are looking for groups.
No groups need more than 1 or at most 2 hunters in a single group. And since there are way too many hunters in the game, most groups with always have a hunter onboard... OR... they are doing what I'm about to suggest:
*** Make your own group ***
As a hunter, you won't really accept invitations for other hunters.
It's the only way. Spam in IF that you are forming a group for a high level instance or raid. Be patient and people will come. The best times is when you have 1 or 2 groups that are spamming: "Looking for HEALER for (insert instance name) run!" ... that's the best time to recruit! Cause whoever is not a healer, will join you.
My experience with bad hunters ( lvl 60ish) is they leveled too fast to realize there role in a group. I think they're more solo oriented so the have a tendency to be loot whores, forget to maintain control of the pet ( lesser problem), also like to pull when there ready to pull not when the healers have mana. But Good hunters are a definite asset to a group.
I just cant imagine how fun and how enjoyable Hunters would actually be if Blizzard would just try to fix us some and stop with the nerfs... and the BS to gamming sites.
------------------------------ You see, every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with their surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You spread to an area, and you multiply, and you multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet.-Mr.Smith
Wanna know why? Ignorance pure and simple. Hunters are versatile, powerful and a welcome addition to any group. Some hunters simply dont know when to lose the pet though and this is mostly the fault of the programmers, as bad pathing can make a pet aggro the entire instance and kill a whole raid. Lose your pet when you are travelling up and down any type of stairs or ramps and when you are making a transition from plateau to plateau (i.e. dont jump over gaps in the ground and expect pet to pick the closest route to the other side, most times they will pick the worst mob ridden path to get to you) Hunters rock and a good one can save the day, people are just ignorant and close minded sometimes. But they are just wrong 99% of the time, as hunters and warlocks rock for the most part as long as u know when to diss your pet.
I do however think Hubabuba have a point, I seem to generate more aggro per point damage dealt then any other class.
I often "step down" and hold all specials, even to the point of stopping fight and STILL the mobs go for me, with or without pet.
Ive seen, and very often to, a rogue move in and do a quad crit or something and remove 50% of a mobs HP and still after my first shot the mob will go for me, more often then not.
As someone said we do have pretty good sustained DPS, but unless we choose to we do not have massive bursts of DMG, thing is it does not seem to matter so why not go all out if yer going to get aggro anyhow?
I am hoping Blizz will look into this.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Originally posted by Jerek_
I wonder if you honestly even believe what you type, or if you live in a made up world of facts. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Originally posted by dmitri84 rogue>hunter in instances. why? more damage + croud control (sap) and pet is a VERY bad thing in instances especially when controlled by noob hunter, somehow pets allways get adds from nowhere. so basically players choose rogues over hunters for instancing.
It's generally perceived that we'll: 1. Aggro beasts with our pets, and 2. Ninja Loot.
Number one is certainly possible, as few hunters can adequately control their pet in instances. Then there are the morons that use AimShot to open, thus pulling aggro away from the tanks and onto them.
Outside of my guild, I found a lot of success by offering to protect the group's priest.
Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.
Well its obvious your not playing the game and dislike it.BTW i think you need some help with your spelling.
Want to ENJOY an mmo?
Dont start a guild and dont be a leader or volunteer to be coleader or captain.
Just play the damn game:)
I think the aggro issue is huge and I would consider yourself and I one of the few that understand this. The problem is how does a group know if the hunter knows this? Most hunters, not knowing what they're doing are ruining it for skilled hunters. I have been in a group where I protect the priest, using distracting shot to keep mobs away and they were very greatful for it.
Oh my AimShot...Hunters please learn how aggro works!!! Wait awhile to pull this attack out, please and thank you.
-Let's all be ignorant!
A hunter in my guild has the same problem. We try to group with him as much as possible. Another hunter in my guild (who has more time) always starts his own groups as a way around that problem.
An uncontrolled pet and high dps that causes lack of aggro control may be one reason. But I'm not sure if that many players have problems with that.
It also may be lack of evident contribution. I'm not saying a hunter cannot or does not contribute, I'm saying what do you think of first when you think of a priest in a group? Healing. A warrior in a group? Tanking. A mage in a group? High dps and AOE. More than likely you will have 2 paladins in a group because you can't find a priest. A druid can tank and heal as well. After you get all of those, there is no room. Not to mention if one of the so-called "necessary" classes brings a friend along.
its cause hunters can use about all items cept plate and shields and will roll on them when a more focus equipment character has more need of the item. would a hunter be happy if a rogue rolled her epic ranged weapon saying "what if i need to pull mobs"?
another reason, 2nd most popular class....i know this all too well having a 40 rogue, i solo 95% of the time
From experience:
If any hunter could learn how to control their pet well enough to make it seem like it was just another member in the group or raid, I would. But if it comes down to it, I'd rather go without a hunter. Most that I have played with have no idea how to use their pet(sometimes which pet to use) to be the most effective. Too many a time has my group been whiped because a hunter didn't know when to dismiss his pet and had mob after mob after mob chasing us.
JinjirokLevel 60 Troll Rogue of Garona <Demonic Fury>.
Xaven - Lvl 60 Orc Hunter
Discordia guild - Archimonde
Well I think this problem isn't just with hunters, because i have met some good ones and bad ones 2. But that is with every class. Last time I had a priest who was really bad in healing (he had enough mana). Or a rogue that wants to tank with a warrior in your group. Or complete morrans who are fighting and want to take some distance but just walks in the direction of another group of enemy's.
The saddest thing I encouter is that when people are doing something wrong and you make a suggestion they get a big attitude. They are messing things up but don't wanna change the tactic or learn how to work good in a team or play their char right. That really bugs me.
I have no problem playing with a Hunter, so long as they know what they're doing. That goes for any class, though.
-Let's all be ignorant!
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />Apparently this is a common question. I pulled these comments from the WoW forums:
"In addition, I DO NOT WANT THEM EVER in a 5-manning raids. It sounds harsh I know but anything a hunter can do, another job can DO BETTER. In 5 manning, tracking is not that useful anymore because it is assumed that you're pt knows their surroundings. Sustained DPS is also nothing when you need to kill things quickly. Their short CC is USELESS. And unlike raids where one member down is still ok, it is NOT OK on 5 manning raids. Thus, them dying from trying to offtank aggro from healers is more of a burden than saving the pt. The pt I usually prefer for this is:
Warrior, Paladin, Priest, Mage, Rogue (preferably warlock)
Warrior tanks. Paladin off-tanks. Priest heals (duh). Mage and rogue (or warlock) does the crazy dps and the CCing and pulling."
"I'm just trying to point out that hunters have issues with their pets, and the fact that they share almost every other classes primary stats, making them even more unwanted in groups. "
"As far as the "saving the squishie's butt" argument goes, I think rogues are better. We can pull aggro RELLY fast when we want to and have a couple of ways of then surviving it (eg evasion), especially in the case of combat build rogues.
I am not very familiar with hunter CC other than frost trap, which just like poly and sap has its advantages and disadvantages.
Rogues have great sudtained dps, crip poison is a huge CC group benifit. Also, I find myself using alot of stun during battles, which, in the case of a full 5 point KS saves the tank from 10 seconds of getting hit, and therefore saves the healer's manna. Opening a fight with cheapshot also holds a mob in place for a bit making it easier for the tank to cement aggro.
I may be biased, but given the choice of having either a hunter OR a rogue in an end game 5 man instance, I think many people would choose the rogue. "
"I rank my groups kinda like this:
1. Warrior
1. Priest
2. Mage
3. Shaman (Secondary Healing/Secondary Tank)
3. Rogue (DPS, nothing else really)
4. Druid (Depending on spec, could be about anything)
5. Warlock (feh)
6. Hunter (more feh)
If I can get two Shamen or two Druids then I normally try to. Unfortunately with the lack of high level druids and even fewer of those being anything other than restoration spec I normally end up picking up a Shaman and then a Rogue. I rarely if ever pick up Warlocks or Hunters mainly because they're either unavailable or our group just doesn't want them. I don't have anything against Hunters or Warlocks, and I really don't mind grouping with them, but when I'm the group leader and I'm organizing a 5 man run in some random instance, I try to stay away from the Warlocks and Hunters. "
"Why bring a Hunter on a 5-man instance?
Simple. I formed the group.
What are you gonna do, kick me out even though I formed it? It's the only way that I as a hunter can get anything done in the hardest 5-man instances.
Fact is, you don't need me at all. Shame really, but I have to say that I like EQ's 6 man group. EQ had a holy trinity too. Warrior, Enchanter, Cleric. In EQ, I played a Warrior, so I was in demand for groups, so it's a bit different in WoW. The biggest difference is that in a 6-man group, you can fill 3 spaces with damage or utility, and in WoW, you can only fill (IE: waste) 2 slots on extra classes.
No reason to cry about it though, really. You just have to do more work and form the group yourself if you want in, and you're not a needed class. No game is perfect, and though I miss EQ's LFG system and 6 man groups, I don't miss the boredom. No game is perfect. "
"There really is no reason to bring a Hunter to a 5-man instance.
The only reasons a Hunter would get in:
1) Need a damage class and can't find a rogue or mage or warlock.
2) Hunter formed the group.
3) The Hunter is your friend.
The one thing a Hunter has, sustained DPS, does squat. No fights last long enough for it to matter. And if a fight does last that long, they're still outdone by a rogue (see Molten Core damage parsing by any high end guild, there are a few).
In a 5 man, you want burst DPS. Mages and rogues are better at it.
Crowd control? Mages, rogues, or an additional offtank that can heal himself is better crowd control.
Freeze trap is good for the pull, but for it to matter throughout the fight, you'll have a Hunter have to feign death for 6 seconds to lay another freeze trap. That's 6 seconds where your 5-man group is now a 4 man group.
A pet is not going to be offtanking anything in Scholo, Strat, BRD, or BRS. Even if you were a BM Hunter with a tanking pet, that pet is downed too fast for it to matter.
5 man runs are the reason for groups that have "optimal" classes. Tank, offtank, mage, rogue, priest. That's how all the instances seem to be designed. A Hunter provides no unique talent to a 5-man group and provides nothing that couldn't be better accomplished by another class. "
I love grouping with GOOD hunters. They make the best pullers, can help keep cloth wearers safe by slowing mobs, decent DoTs and are just a good all-around class.
However, I rarely group with hunters I don't know. Why? Because hunters and paladins seem to have the highest percentage of idiots of any classes in the game. The reason that hunters are not usually wanted is that so many of them are just bad, and they have the potential of doing more damage to the group than most classes.
I play a priest, and we grouped with a hunter in a pickup group trying to do Zul. The mobs in there are mostly in groups of 3. The rogue would sap one, the mage would sheep one, and then the hunter would CONSTANLY use his AoE attack that would undo the efforts of the rogue and mage. We told him to quit, and he refused. He would also frequently pull before the rogue had a chance to sap one of the mobs. It's hunters like these that give the class a bad reputation.
The other way that they hurt a group is rather than pulling, many will just send their pets charging into battle. In instances, this is rarely a good idea.
I realize fully that there are many great hunters out there. However, unless I've grouped with them and know they are good, or am grouped with someone who knows the hunter is good, I will prefer to group with someone else.
This post for the WoW forums is much more constructive then the above post...
"I constantly hear people say hunters are useless in high-level instances. Considering the level of success I experience, I disagree with this statement, and my assumption is that there are a lot of unskilled hunters out there tarnishing the class's reputation. I am giving away many of my trade secrets in this post so that the class as a whole can benefit from my experience and knowledge. Please add anything you feel is useful to this list. If I see something good, I will edit the post and add your information. Perhaps we can have this post stickied later to benefit everyone.
Now, a good hunter can turn a gaggle of retards into a steamroller that runs through an instance like a buttered skateboard. Don't ever let anyone tell you that hunters are useless in Temple, BRD, BRS, Scholo, or Strath. A GOOD HUNTER is useful in any instance.
What you can do:
* You do excellent, SUSTAINED ranged dps, and with rapid fire active, no other class can rival it. With proper talents, you have 41 yards of range--enough to escape almost any mob's AOE effects, including Teremus the Devourer's life stealing flame.
* You can manage aggro better than any class, including Warriors, via your pet, feign death, distracting shot, and disengage.
* Freezing trap is often overlooked. With proper talents, it is a reliable, repeatable 26-second CC that works on ANY MOB (except bosses.) The fact that the hunter can place them during a battle (via proper technique) makes them amazingly useful at turning a wipe in progress into a manageable battle. If there are multiple hunters in your group and you are hoping to trap more than one mob, make sure you communicate and place the two traps more than 5 yards apart, or one mob can set off BOTH, wasting one. Also remember that if you are in a raid group, only players in your immediate group can see your traps--communicate! Since the effects of freezing trap and frost nova look identical, many people attack freeze-trapped mobs, not realizing the effect is a 20-26 second STUN that breaks on any damage. It can be tricky to learn how to get the mob you want into the freezing trap, but experimentation will show you the way. Hint: The first mob you shoot will start running toward you a second or two before the rest. Mark everyone's kill target and arcane shot the mob you want to cull into your trap.
* You have the potential to be the best pulling class. Notice I said potential. Via your various tracking types, you can see where the patrols
oamers are, select a good time to pull, and use line of sight to bring mobs to a position that is agreeable to your group. This also protects against runners aggroing other groups. Also, your instant shots (distracting shot and arcane shot, to be specific) can be fired at mobs on the fringes of a group, often resulting in 1 mob in the group NOT AGGROING! (This takes timing.)
* Your Debuff, Scorpid Sting, greatly reduces a mob's damage output, critical rate, and evasion rate. Use it! Warriors will take less damage and mobs will take more damage. The priest will have more mana to save your ass. Also bear in mind that while two serpent stings will stack on the same enemy, two scorpid stings will not. Make sure multiple hunters know this; Designate one for debuffs and one for DOTs.
* You can detect cloaked mobs with flare. This is excellent for the Eyes of Naraxxas in Stratholme, which can quickly cause a wipe if not IMMEDIATELY put down.
* You can save the casters' lives by taking aggro from mobs that are hitting them. Distracting shot is great for this purpose. Then, you can off tank the mob with your pet by disengaging or feigning death.
* Wing Clip and Concussive shot are EXCELLENT kites for stopping runners. Always wing clip a mob if you know it's going to run at low health. It lasts 10 seconds and costs almost no mana.
* You can assist a mage with AOE by staying out of combat until it begins, and then placing an explosive trap in the center of the group of mobs. Volley, however, does not really do enough damage for its mana cost, cooldown, and channeling nature. I'd rather spam arcane shot and multi shot than volley. In cases where there are more than 3 targets and the main tank has firmly established aggro, it might be worth hitting volley to boost the group's AoE damage.
* Use Hunter's Mark to designate targets. This is extremely useful in communicating to the group which mob you are talking about when you choose CC and kill order. It's just a bouncing arrow, but it means so much to a confused group. Communication and organization are some of the nicest things you bring to a group. With 1 mage in the group, I use HM to designate the polymorph target, and then switch HM to the group's "Kill target." This way everyone can focus fire on the weakest enemy to take him out of the equation.
* You can abort a bad pull completely. It might be good to create a macro button which yells out ABORT! ABORT! or something similar, and train your group to know that this yell means "HANDS OFF." If a pull goes bad and extra groups link due to extenuating circumstances, you can call for an abort and feign death. If feign death fails, it's better for you to die than your whole group, so make sure they know that in an aborted pull, they stay away from you and you stay away from them.
* Besides Rogue, you are the only class that can leave combat mid-battle. Your pet must either be unsummoned or have not attacked anything during the current battle, and then you can feign death. Stay down for 2 seconds, then get up and walk away. You are now out of combat and can plant a trap of your choosing or refresh your health and mana (IMMEASURABLY useful in the LBRS spider section.) Be warned that some groups will consider it selfish if they see you eating and drinking while they are still fighting. They are just jealous Try to be sensitive to them.
* You can see what's around the corner in almost every situation. Remember to switch tracking types often so you can tell what sort of mobs are coming up and how many. You can also track rare spawns
amed mobs your group might want to seek out and kill. In outdoor instances, you can use Eagle Eyes to actually LOOK into the next area and see what the room looks like--Blizzard likes to hide a few classless(untrackable) mobs such as slimes hiding behind things now and then, confusing you about the size of the pull you're coming up against.
* Scare Beast, while it can be dangerous if improperly used, is a great CC against beast mobs. It has a 30 second cooldown and lasts a solid 20 seconds. Often I will wing clip a beast mob and then scare it off--It won't stray too far, and it's useful to have one less thing to deal with. Make sure you have LOTS of room in this situation, and the beast will run much further than creatures feared by a priest or a warlock, and the fear is MUCH harder to break.
Things NOT to do:
* Do not pull with Aimed Shot. If it crits, you might have a hard time giving aggro back to the tank. You are not a tank--you may live longer than cloth classes, but you are not meant to be a damage-mititgating class except in emergencies.
* Do not use Multi-shot near CC'ed mobs (Crowd Controlled) This includes SAP, POLYMORPH, FREEZING TRAP, HIBERNATE, SHACKLE UNDEAD, and to a lesser extent, FROST NOVA. You will break CC, thus defeating its purpose. Use single-target attacks in instances unless you KNOW it's okay to do otherwise.
* Do not feign death at the drop of a hat. Remember that when you feign, the mobs that are attacking you will begin attacking someone else. If that's the priest, you may cause your group to wipe. It's better for you to die than the healers--ALWAYS.
* Don't forget to buy a full bag of arrows, repair your equipment, and buy pet food before going into an instance. If you find yourself low on anything mid-instance you become USELESS and the group leader will kick you. Next time, he'll just invite a mage.
* Do not fire Serpent Sting (DOT) until you're sure the mob you're shooting is not going to be CCed. Serpent Sting will break CCs each time it ticks. I have a hard time grouping with affliction-specced warlocks because they always love to spam DOTs on the first thing they see, which is usually the mob I am trying to freeze trap. Again, communicate.
* Do not pull with multi-shot. This has two potential problems: 1) You gain more aggro than necessary on pulling, and die. A mob you have not yet attacked can be pulled off you by anything, including demoralizing shout. If you score a critical multishot on 3 mobs, they are not going to leave you alone easily. Feign death CAN FAIL. 2) You accidentally pull a neutral mob or another group along with the intended pull. Multishot does not discriminate between aggressive, neutral, and critters.
* DO NOT lose control of your pet. This is the biggest cause of wipes I've ever seen. If you do not control his actions, he will pull mobs you might have been hoping to bypass. Make sure to call your pet off if the mob he is attacking runs. Runners do not ALWAYS pull extra mobs they encounter, but if your pet follows them, it's a guarantee. Call your pet off and try to kite or kill the runner. Your pet should always be on PASSIVE mode in instances. Choose his target manually and "sic" him on it. If your pet is on defensive mode when you pull a group with ranged enemies, your pet will instantly run to the ranged enemies when they aggro you, even before they have done damage! Also remember that pets walk using the same pathing system as the AI. If you jump off a cliff, your pet will take the long way around. This is invariably bad. IF YOU HAVE EVEN AN INKLING OF A DOUBT THAT YOUR PET WILL PROPERLY TRAVEL TERRAIN, DISMISS HIM. You can re-summon him instantly and for free, unlike warlocks. I do most high-level instances without my pet for this reason. However, even if you choose to unsummon your pet to make things safer, remember that he CAN make a positive difference in battles. Make sure you call him to serve as an off tank if a fight is going badly. As an alternative to dismissing your pet, you can click the "stay" button and use Eyes of the Beast to manually walk him down a cliff. I don't do this because I am too lazy.
* Don't be afraid to hold back on damage. Warriors have a really hard time keeping aggro from hunters. If you start off slow, with just auto shot, and then accellerate your DPS with arcane shot and stings as the fight goes on, you will take aggro less often and the fights will be more smoothe.
* Don't expect the Priest to heal your pet. Your pet is an expendable off-tank, not a main tank. It's good if the healer can afford the mana to heal your pet, but this is extremely inefficient as pets have less armor than a true tank. Your pet should only tank in high-level instances if it HAS TO. Otherwise, turn off growl and use your pet to add to your DPS while the warrior holds aggro. If your pet is dying and the priest starts to heal him, you can get stuck in a situation where they priest HAS to keep healing the pet to keep him alive, because if he fails he now has a huge pile of aggro dumped onto him when the pet dies. 3000 points worth of healing can bring a lot of hate.
Things to watch out for:
* You need 8 yards of clear line of sight to fire at a mob. Stairs are your worst enemy--always pull mobs away from stairs. One of your best skills as a puller is being able to relocate the battle to wherever you want. Fight in large rooms when you can, and make sure your group knows not to cause mobs to walk toward you. Make sure you don't do so much damage the tank(s) lose aggro, because once a mob runs toward you, you have to stop firing.
* Viper sting does not drain enough mana from most high-level caster mobs to have an effect. You're better off with serpent sting for extra DOT or Scorpid Sting to up the number of crits the mob will suffer. There are some specific exceptions to this rule which you will discover via experimentation, but MOST elite casters have near infinite mana.
* Make sure your group knows to treat you like a caster. While you are effective without mana, you cannot use skills without it. Get the mage to give you water and Arcane Intellect.
* If a mob aggroes you mid-battle, and you can survive tanking it for a while, shoot at another mob. You waste a lot of time and DPS trying to run from a mob so you can continue shooting it. Often it's better to just pick another target. Once the other target is down, your group will turn their attention to the mob hitting you, and you can back off to fire at it.
* Use scatter shot to interrupt caster mobs. It is hard to time due to the AutoshotScattershot cooldown bug, but if you get good at using scatter shot mid-combat you can prevent a mob from casting an annoying heal.
* Tab-targetting has been broken for a while. It will target whatever is in the upper left of your screen. If you are using tab targetting, twist your view so that what you are trying to target is in your upper left if your screen, and you will target properly. You're usually better off making an assist macro for the group's main tank, though, as tab targetting sometimes MISSES and goes through walls. If this happens, you may shoot a mob you REALLY don't want to, or sic your pet on an enemy that is on the floor below you. This is a sure way to wipe. Check your targets!
* It's almost always better to pull groups away from their spawn area, into a pre-cleared room where there is no danger of adds. This sometimes causes problems with spawning patrols, but mainly it's a good strategy. Other classes won't understand how you operate at first. Be patient with them, convince them to stop crowding you at the edge of the aggro radius of whatever group you're pulling. The concept of "Stay back and I will pull to you" is foreign to Warriors who are used to body pulling (walking up to the mobs to aggro them.)
* When pulling caster mobs or other ranged attackers, you must "Blind Pull" --Fire at the group and then hide behind something. Since the mob does not have LOS to fire at you, it will run toward you. This is better than counterspell pulling because 1) it does not generate additional aggro, 2) The mobs will waste time attempting to cast spells on you once you're out of LOS, and 3) Counterspell will still be avaialble to do better things during the battle. When you make a blind pull, make sure your group knows not to attack the mobs until they have taken the bait, or the blind pull will be a failure.
* A lot of Warriors insist on pulling so they can open with Charge to build initial rage for demoralizing shout or whirlwind to establish aggro. Remind them that they can still charge as long as THEY are not in combat. The entire group does not enter combat at once, and this should definitely work to your advantage. Tell him to stand where he can charge a mob as it comes around the corner in the room where you intend to fight.
You do respectable DPS, but your utility is by far the number one reason you will be desired in high-level instances. Once you realize this and make use of ALL of your skills, and you do so SKILLFULLY, the myths about hunters being useless will go away.
Lastly, when your group members disagree that Hunters should pull, please send them to read this article. It's long, but the facts are all there in black and white. The author says things I wasn't quite sure how to say about group safety. "
-Let's all be ignorant!
As a warrior: Being in a duo questing/grinding with a hunter is great. In a 5 man group I'd kill the hunter if it were an option. I think it would generally save the healer(s) some mana. LET THE WARRIOR TANK, deal with adds ONLY if the group has asked you to do so, its not that difficult.. Its not just 1-2 hunters that can't control their agro, its every hunter I've grouped with for 53 levels. I've not played one so I can't say for sure that hunters don't know how to play their class or if the class is broken and generates too much agro, but in either case I'd rather not have a hunter in a 5 man group. Generally, after the first couple of deaths I'll quit trying to taunt mobs of the hunter and just let them die. I've noticed healers generally do the same. But whats weird is that certain classes like a mage will get the hint and back off a little so they don't agro every single pull, hunters on the other hand just bitch about not getting heals and continue to draw agro until they get fed up with dieing and leave the group, or the group gets fed up with then and ends up breaking up.
As a druid: Being in a duo questing/grinding with a hunter is great. In a 5 man group I'd kill the hunter if it were an option. I know it would save me some mana. Let the warrior tank, let the paladin off-tank. Generally speaking, as a druid I'm busy enough off-tanking and backup healing, I don't need to baby sit some hunter who can't control his own agro. I'll tell them in group to quit pulling agro because I'm not going to chain heal their a$$ every fight. Lots of people are bad at controling how much agro they generate, but in my experience hunters are the worst. Generally other classes will calm down after I threaten to stop healing them, hunters will die a few times then usually start bitching about not getting heals. I guess its an attitude that hunters have, I don't know, I can't explain it.
My personal favorite complaint about hunters is them crying about heals for their pet, or crying about their pet losing loyalty because it died 5 times.
And for some reason hunters do seem to be loot whores, they'll roll on everything, I've even seen them roll on cloth "because the stats are good".
As warrior or druid for PvP: I'll group with a hunter, of course in PvP I'll group with just about anybody
Xaven - Lvl 60 Orc Hunter
Discordia guild - Archimonde
Then group with your guild.
The trick is to stop asking people that spam in Ironforge that they are looking for groups.
No groups need more than 1 or at most 2 hunters in a single group. And since there are way too many hunters in the game, most groups with always have a hunter onboard... OR... they are doing what I'm about to suggest:
*** Make your own group ***
As a hunter, you won't really accept invitations for other hunters.
It's the only way. Spam in IF that you are forming a group for a high level instance or raid. Be patient and people will come. The best times is when you have 1 or 2 groups that are spamming: "Looking for HEALER for (insert instance name) run!" ... that's the best time to recruit! Cause whoever is not a healer, will join you.
___________ ___ __ _ _ _
Stealth - Ambush - Hemorrhage - Sinister Strike x2 - Cold Blood - Eviscerate - Vanish - Preparation - Cold Blood - Ambush - ... you're dead! :P
My experience with bad hunters ( lvl 60ish) is they leveled too fast to realize there role in a group. I think they're more solo oriented so the have a tendency to be loot whores, forget to maintain control of the pet ( lesser problem), also like to pull when there ready to pull not when the healers have mana. But Good hunters are a definite asset to a group.
Because we are the most nerfed class in all of WOW. Last to get talents in beta and last to get fixes now that the game is live...
Oh look here another Hunter nerf.... weeeeee Blizzard screws Hunters agian, and refuse to comment on another attempt at a Stealth Hunter nerf....
Yet the fools try to butter up to at the E3 to Gamespy and try to pull the wool over there eyes by telling them that there trying to look into our class.....
I just cant imagine how fun and how enjoyable Hunters would actually be if Blizzard would just try to fix us some and stop with the nerfs... and the BS to gamming sites.
You see, every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with their surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You spread to an area, and you multiply, and you multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet.-Mr.Smith
Wanna know why? Ignorance pure and simple. Hunters are versatile, powerful and a welcome addition to any group. Some hunters simply dont know when to lose the pet though and this is mostly the fault of the programmers, as bad pathing can make a pet aggro the entire instance and kill a whole raid. Lose your pet when you are travelling up and down any type of stairs or ramps and when you are making a transition from plateau to plateau (i.e. dont jump over gaps in the ground and expect pet to pick the closest route to the other side, most times they will pick the worst mob ridden path to get to you) Hunters rock and a good one can save the day, people are just ignorant and close minded sometimes. But they are just wrong 99% of the time, as hunters and warlocks rock for the most part as long as u know when to diss your pet.
I do however think Hubabuba have a point, I seem to generate more aggro per point damage dealt then any other class.
I often "step down" and hold all specials, even to the point of stopping fight and STILL the mobs go for me, with or without pet.
Ive seen, and very often to, a rogue move in and do a quad crit or something and remove 50% of a mobs HP and still after my first shot the mob will go for me, more often then not.
As someone said we do have pretty good sustained DPS, but unless we choose to we do not have massive bursts of DMG, thing is it does not seem to matter so why not go all out if yer going to get aggro anyhow?
I am hoping Blizz will look into this.
Originally posted by Jerek_
I wonder if you honestly even believe what you type, or if you live in a made up world of facts.
rogue>hunter in instances. why? more damage + croud control (sap)
and pet is a VERY bad thing in instances especially when controlled by noob hunter, somehow pets allways get adds from nowhere.
so basically players choose rogues over hunters for instancing.
-Let's all be ignorant!