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I see a lot of comparisons, and people saying this game sucks because it is a "wow clone", to be honest from my point of view, thats exactly why i like this game, and why im going to play it fulltime (and already pre-ordered it)
The real question in my opinion should be, do you prefer vanilla wow over current wow?
To me this game felt much like vanilla wow, something that a lot of us do miss (and i know i talk for a lot of us)
When i compare it with wow, its NOT cataclysm or wow with any of its expantion packs.. thats where wow went downhill for a fair big amount of us (and i know i talk for a lot of us).. Dont get me wrong, it was not because of the game itself, but because of a really important aspects in mmorpgs that i feel has become dead the last 5 years and that is: Server community!
In the glory days of vanilla wow, i knew everyone on my server, if i needed a healer i knew who to ask, if i neeeded a tank i knew who to ask.. i knew who sucked and who not to ask... I knew everyone i did pvp with, even many of the opponents i ganked (via server forums, that used to be faily active) and had server competition almost with who would become rank14 first.. Those where the days you made a lot of friends (and enemys) in the game.. those days are far gone, and thats what im looking for in an mmo.. Not combat, Not Graphics, Not Story, Not Flying Mounts and Definitly not Free Epics!
Today most people just stand in ironforge/stormwind or orgrimmer all day long waiting for there next que to pop, the whole mmo aspect of the game is compleatly non existant imo, the game does in fact not really need a world.. because people arent using it anyways, and when they use it its only for specific things like gathering crafting materials or doing a daily quest to get reputation.. it has really become an Co-op RPG (Lobby game) in my point of view.. Where you get matched up with players you dont know and hopefully never see again based on the gear and equipment they have, and that also might be the reason why the community have changed so much, atleast i think so.. In the old days, if you called someone the "N" word, people would know about it.. and it would only fighted against your own reputation on the server!
To me, Rift is a blast....the only problem I have is how easy mode it is.
I played Beta 5 and made it to level 30 before the beta expired and finished all the dungeon content available. I hope it is made tougher because right now I cant see it holding hardcore players interest for over 2 months.
Other then that it has the most stunning graphics i've seen in an MMO, fluid gameplay, stable servers and fun PvP.
I will be buying retail and playing it until it bores me.
I found Foul Cascade challenging, but not impossible. Darkening Deeps and Deepstrike were also challenging. The first two dungeons weren't that hard though imho.
So I think Foul Cascade was actually rather easy. it is a 30+ dungeon and we did it with only 1 30 in the group. I do admit that the Matron boss was very tough..but that was the only challenge.
Iron Tomb and Deepstrike were both pushovers.
Oh i agree,this game is just what the genre needed,another wow clone.
You shoulda tried IT with a DPS spec warrior tanking and the only healer being a necro/chloro mix. Thats challenging.
Well said disarmer!!
Why dident the warrior just switch to a tank soul? and a chloro healer is the most OP healer in the game. Thats what we had for our healer a chloro/stormcaller.
I was the tank as a rogue
Playing: Rift, LotRO
Waiting on: GW2, BP
Oh well, the tank (me) got lazy and was out picking flowers and logs all damn day, and well never got around to pickin up any souls yet for the tank side, at least thats what my story was. More outta protest against the idea of being a tank actually. I wanted that character to be pure melee DPS and not a tank (RP server). So when my friends asked me to run tank for them in IT I agreed if they didnt expect me to pick up a tank role (just couldn't give up my off-hand for a shield - you know how that is right).
And yeah, the chloro did an excellent job - no way I should have lived thru half I did if it wasn't for the healz from the necro/chloro. It was fun though, entering combat with bull rush and going nutts with the dual wield acting all big and bad like some tank who was too good to be bothered with a worthless thing like a shield, or skills, or armor, or...brains. Challenging as hell, but fun as hell at the same time.
Nice I must say i completely agree with the OP, To me the games feels like wow once did, not exactly new but the graphics are good and its an MMO again.
Yes it lacks mods which i like to develop but IMO thats one of the things that has killed wow. Always proffered to play with a standard UI. Everything is harder without threat meters/boss mods (as it should be).
The class system feels good, Haven't got past level 10 yet as I only wanted to try the game before i pre order (been burnt so many times over last few years by half ass under polished dumped down games).
From my reactions so far.. nice, polished, graphics are nice, community seems good, yeah rifts look like they will get old fast.. but who really cares? If the end game is good and the PVP is as good as others have said.. then I am set for at least a few months, and really you get your moneys worth after the first month if you enjoy it.. How long do you spent playing a similar priced single player game? (FF series excluded lol).
Until TERA is here for beta this will be my new and long awaited home. a good year to be a MMO fan?
Sounds like fun...and also proves my point that the dungeons need to be beefed up in difficulty!! If a dps spec warrior can tank a dungeon with a mage easy is it with a 2k AC warrior using shield and a cleric healer?
Sigh, game is ezmode....i hope it gets tougher at end game
You should try going in at the lvl expected (17 for IT, Realm of Fae)...and I assure you that you will wipe more than once. For a "first dungeon" isn't so easy as we think, also please recall that even in wow it happens the same - you do SFK with 26-28 group, it's piece of cake. As for the dps warrior tanking, I think it aplies the same formula...In wow (again, as comparison), you don't need to spec as protection till 35-40. Seriously, I managed to tank even as holy paladin. Compared to wow, Rift is much chalenging...First instances were more demanding and you don't get the feeling that you run a tutorial about doing dungeons (not just "tank'n spank") like Ragefire Chasm was.
PS: I'm not hyping, it's just pure impresion
This is the part where these games are failing one after another. Why not just make a game where you can only raid and PvP? You wouldn't need an 80 lvl tutorial just to get a grip of your skills and abilities; you would learn them eventually anyway.
I would also have played Rift if it wasn't as linear and 'accessible' (god how I hate that word), but I just CBA to be handholded for several weeks only to get to play the game I've already played for years (WoW).
It's a really shame these bigger companies who could afford to develope something new use their funds to produce the same product all over again.
I like it
Playing: Rift, LotRO
Waiting on: GW2, BP
I would say that the ball is in trions court right now. this game has more potential that is coded into the game then most that i've seen. they've definately studied the success of other games and made sure that the code is in the game at launch to carry on that success(with some minor exceptions like shared bank slot) I havent gotten to any high lvl content yet, but so far, I see a great deal of raid tools that are already built into the game. HoTT(health of target's target), passthrough target assist, raid interface, etc... the game seems to be coded from the ground up with end game in mind.
the BIG question is how well they handle that segment of the game when time comes to deal with them. to attract large multi-platform / multi-game guilds,(which is a great influencing force in the MMO market) they MUST develop content at the very top end to keep feeding the guilds. IF, they do the end game content correctly, (complex raid scripts, proper itemization, improve transportation options for mobilization of raid force) this may become another everquest type game that will be around 12 years from today with 10+ expansions worth of content. will it knock WoW off it's horse? hell no:D there are much more complex social issues involved then creating a great game to nudge WoW off the top. but it can bring a generous sum of people over if the end game offerings are attractive enough.
But rift definately has the potential to solidly secure its own niche in this already established market place if they properly leverage their potential. I see this game as being a direct threat to the EQ1, EQ2, vangard market IF they can properly leverage their code and provide the hardcore people something to chew on. IF and thats a big IF, they put in the time to code high end content, I can see rift being in the 1 to 2 million subs catagory, which is fairly successful considering the number of AAA title's in the market today.
the problem is that I already see trion having their hands in multiple cookie jars:( when blizzard decided to do WoW, they did NOTHING BUT WoW for like 4 years:D poor blizzard fans like me had to wait our 5 years just to get a taste of the new starcraft/diablo3. trion is already looking at other games, which I thought was a mistake. WoW's success was partly due to the fact that they knew they needed to bite the bullet and drop everything else to focus on getting the snowball rolling. I hope trion sees that in time.
You're absolutely right about the programming part - that's actually one of the things that have impressed me the most about this game - I've followed the development/promises of Rift kinda half-assed, and most of it was not really that interesting to me - however, one thing that I did take notice of was how they explained the programming of the game - it's built to be modular from the ground up, so that they can do adjustments on the fly. It's not quite the "realtime development" promised by the HeroEngine (the engine that SWTOR is based on), but still a pretty useful feature.
For those who were in the last beta, and even more so, in Beta 4, you have already seen this in action, maybe without even knowing it. I remember it best from Beta 4 though - the server message would occasionally pop up, informing us of changes having been made - and with no downtime! The way it's built, a lot of the changes can be done on the fly, and when the server does come down, it's usually for no more than 30 minutes. This huge uptime alone was very impressive to me.
As for Trion having multiple projects going, they do have a few things going for them that Blizzard didn't, namely that their team is made up of industry veterans (for better or worse), so they have a lot of experience to work on, and they have some pretty heavy-duty outside investors as well. The fact that Rift will be launching with endgame already in the game is a positive sign. I also read somewhere that the original Alpha players are currently testing raid content, so hopefully it will be properly balanced for when the game comes out.
I went into the betas with no expectations at all, and I must say that I've been very pleasantly surprised. Is it new and original? Not really. Is it fun? Hell yeah. Actual game similarities aside, it does feel like the team "pulled a Blizzard", so to speak. I liked the Public Quests in WAR when I tried it, but it felt like something was missing. Rift does public questing right, IMO. Fun, dynamic and promoting server community. Same goes for a lot of other of the game's features. It's been seen before, but it's also done better than before. Not really a next-gen game (and what really is these days, that term gets thrown around waaaay too much), but a good evolution of the genre.
I'll be preordering, and I'll be having fun playing it for as long as it's fun for me. If that's only 3 months, that's still good enough for me. 60$ for the game + 30$ for 2 extra month's worth of subs still only comes out to 30 dollars a month. Even if you only play an hour a day on average, that's still only a buck an hour to be entertained, and that's not bad at all. - Now recruiting players!
I think this game is going to be focusing on rifts which gives nice rewards and hard bosses. Even at 20-30 lvl there was couple bosses that had 500k hp and dmg was pretty high. World pve is a lot off fun and it creates pvp too so game world is going to be full of life. Wow world is really boring because all stuff is instanced and ppl can just fly and avoid pvp etc. Why create pretty good world but then make it empty?
Maybe I'm wrong, but:
Iron Tomb is level 16+ and we did it with a group of 16-18.
Deepstrike Mines is level 26+ and we did it with a group of 24-26.
Foul Cascade is level 30+ and we did it with a group of 26-30
So we were not only the correct level, but for the most part UNDER leveled for the zones...and they were still cake walks.
I have heard multiple times that realm of the fae is challenging and maybe i'll roll a Guardian on the next beta to try it out and see, but on the Defiant side....there is no challenging content.....that or people are coming from really easy games and this is a step up for them in difficulty but I doubt it.