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So far I find Rift an ok game, more fun than I imagined before actually playing it, but there is one thing that puzzles me
Why did TAbula Rasa fail as it was also a "solid game" with everything more/less working even as it was released, and Tabula Rasa had more/less the same idea with Rifts attacking bases etc.
To be honest Tabula RAsa had a better suited combat system for this sort of gameplay, the classic hotbar MMO combat doesnt lend it self well when hordes of enemies flood the wardstones etc..
It's odd, really !!
TR failed because of lack of population, it was a brilliant game, and I played from the first beta till it became a wasteland of nobody around. I eventually quit because there wasn't anyone to play with anymore.
Just got rid of my collectors edition stuff last year.
Most MMO will fail because of population problem, they just become a huge empty RPG at that point, HERPG
I agree,
Tabula Rasia seemed to have there stuff together.
BUT still something was off about it. I think maybe it was too frantic, fighting was easy yet constant, too constant, making it not enjoyable. Sure you could hang out in a safe base camp and chat, but the setting even in camp felt stressful. ( to military I guess )
That's about all I could think of.
When I played Tabula Rasa it was buggy, laggy and overall less fun than Rift.
There is no right or wrong -
There is only fun and boring.
TR always felt really shallow to me, and always felt like it could not figure out if it wanted to be an action game or an rpg, tried to do both and didnt do either very strongly. It did not help that the developers seemed to have no idea where they wated the game to go, and promised all these ground breaking features that were supposed to re-envision the MMO genre, all which never came.
My Guild Wars 2 Vids
I was actually thinking about the same thing today, TR's random encounters, pvp, etc. is like RIFT's. TR was a solid game but I think maybe the combat system and repetitiveness (but what game is not repetitive really) turned people off. Maybe that will happen with this game, maybe not. The game is very polished though, and I wish other developers would take the time to do the same before releasing mmo's that are buggy as balls.
Hmm..They had the ...Rifts in Tabula RAsa, and if i'm not mistaken Rift developers are now calling the "Rifts" a "ground breaking feature"
And well I guess that was the feature that was suppose to re-envision the genre, but It didn't..
I played TR in closed beta and found it to be very lackluster, heck even in CB the population was sadly lacking I was hoping for a good Sci-Fi mmo and found that it failed miserably.
Ashreal D'Synn - Shadowlover & Death's handmaiden
Yes, but that is also my question, why didnt more players like TR ?
Rift seem to offer the same game and my guesses when looking at popularity here and in game will do more than ok..
It's just odd
A good observation. My friend and me also had this feeling like being in TR while playing Rift beta. IMO the way more appropriate combat system for such hordes is some action combat similar to DCU or so.
I disliked TR for this feeling that it was always hectic, and I dislike this aspect of Rift. IMVPO the Rifts will be the undoing of Rift in many ways. But thats just me...
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Tabula Rasa was sheer chaos with the dropships flying over and alien troops landing. It felt very alive. I think the issue was that the devs kept trying to fix everything to make the game palatable, but in doing so wound up messing it up even worse. Things just weren't all that clear and everytime you started to think you were getting a handle on it, they'd change it again.
One of the things they should have stayed away from was PvP unless they were going to let people create alien characters. The whole thing was a contradiction to what the game was about. Rift is following the same path. Your world is in peril and all you can do is fight each other?
It's a good thing I'm not a developer. I'd give the two factions six months to butt their heads together, then - BOOM! Massive invasion, the world is mine, and now you morons can role-play being slaves and livestock!
"Soloists and those who prefer small groups should never have to feel like they''re the ones getting the proverbial table scraps, as it were." - Scott Hartsman, Senior Producer, Everquest II
"People love groups. Its a fallacy that people want to play solo all the time." - Scott Hartsman, Executive Producer, Rift
TR marketed itself as a shooter RPG, while in reality it was simply Dungeons and Dragons with guns. Everything was done with dice rolls, you could shoot through trees and hills, etc. TR also had the issue of being a Scifi game in a world absolutely dominated by the fantasy genre. Off the start a large portion of the gaming community wouldn't even look at it because of this. It suffered from a great many balance problems, and a horrifying lack of any real endgame. TR also suffered from being extremely buggy.
Rift is going to have some of these problems, but not all of them. I think Rift is going to be nearly impossible to balance in a traditional sense, and is going to end up being balanced in a rock/paper/scissors manner, whereby some classes simply stand no chance against other chances. This is fine, make friends. I haven't seen any major bugs in Rift, and in fact have seen only one bug period, whereby a graphic was displayed in the wrong spot while moving underwater. This could be and probably is because of the huge amount of people who have moved through the lower level zones at this point and have everything ironed out. As for endgame, I have no clue what that's like, I imagine it's going to be random Rifts, zone invasions, dungeons and PvP/warfronts.
Now with 57.3% more flames!
in TR i liked the combat system, the crafting and the skill-system. i discovered neither lag or bad server performance even during the close beta or during the mass-attacks on the outposts. but i missed the depth, the goal of the game and, yes, the major problem the lack of people willing to socialize. TR had great potential but it always felt like 'its not finished' or 'there must be more'.
Tabula rasa was a bit ahead of it's time if it came out now it would be stacked with people playing it, RIFT took what it had and amped it up though, tttttttttttireeeed of fucking fantasy games i swear to god someone needs to do something new or I am going to explode.
TR was a game that had a huge identity crisis, a developer who had grand plans and no real execution and a parent company/publisher who didn't want to continue funding a game they felt 'failed' to make profits.
TR was marketed as a shooter style MMO, as well as a deep fantasy game as well as something that was ever changing. Their marketing team tried to cover all the bases which really just confused potential players. At launch the game was maybe about 50% ready/content complete with many promised features still not in the game. Overall performance was spotty. Issues mentioned in the earliest betas were still present weeks after release.
Now while Rift appears to have a system similar to TR (dynamic invasions) unlike TR they dont happen in the same spot each and everytime. Also in beta, Rift is far more stable and content rich compared to TR even weeks after its launch. TR spent about what, 2 years in developement (the first version of TR was very high fantasy) before being stripped down and restarted as a sci fi game (something I feel really killed the game - the whole changing the entire game halfway through developement). The other big difference between Rift ad TR is the developers. Rifts developers seem to really care about their game and their players. They answer questions in game as well as play with players. TR developers were very vocal but at the same time very distant.
There are 3 types of people in the world.
1.) Those who make things happen
2.) Those who watch things happen
3.) And those who wonder "What the %#*& just happened?!"
I was actually thinking the same thing. I loved TR to death and I like Rift also, TR was much better in terms of storyline and immersion, but Rift least has some moderately difficult content. Ultimately I think TR failed because there was absolutely no reason to group - ever. Everything was completely soloable eventually even people who were having tons of fun got bored of running around solo.
I see largely the same thing in Rift at the moment. Except for instances - that are tons of fun - the game is extremely easy and totally soloable. Having hit the level 30 cap a day into the latest beta, I was basically bored for the rest of the beta. I ran Foul Cascade a few times, which was great, but had zero interest in doing either the solo quests or the invasions. Solo quests because they are terribly written and completely unimmersive and invasions, well, because it's pointless at the moment. The rewards for doing invasions in Gorge are total garbage and once you've done an invasion once, the novelty sorta fades.
Hopefully the progressive instances and the ability to constantly fiddle with your character spec will keep Rift alive longer and save it from TR's fate.
"Id rather work on something with great potential than on fulfilling a promise of mediocrity."
- Raph Koster
Favourites: AO,SWG,EVE,TR,LoTRO,TSW,EQ2, Firefall
Currently Playing: ESO
I was also in TR beta. The people working on the game didn't lissen to people in Beta, they just removed suggestions or banned people. Thats why it failed.
People did give them a lot of great suggestion how to make the game better, but they jus "meh we have Robert" (or whatever that guy name is)...
They also talked too much, like Funcom did with AoC. They made a big hype around the game and couldn't make it.
Tabula Rasa was awesome game , with one single fault - lack of content.
It was released before late game was filled with quests. Heck it didnt even have crafting when it was released.
And than damn NC soft closed and killed it. >:( out of malice towards Richard Garriot
The GAMEPLAY - and i underline this - was most fun i had in any MMO. Heck it was better than most single player games.
Real shame.
Rift is completely different.
Its full featured, polished game - with mostly DejaVu mechanics.
But it works out of box. And that is secret
Yes..This is what I'm worried about regarding Rift gameplay...
Tabula Rasa failed due to alot of reasons , but the main thing is this ..I think...The novelty of a game that pits you in constant action ALL the time gets very thin after a while..
And the odd feeling i get when i do not help during a large invasion , when a land is at war you should feel the need to help out all the time, but after 5 or so raids , you get tired of running around in a lemming trail ..
And when you start to do other things it gets weird because everywhere you go there is a Rift attacking, and you get stuck in between all the time..
Ah man, I miss Tabula Rasa...
I played it at the start including beta and release, sure it had issues (for some players) , mostly those players that was hung up on some of the features that wasn't included upon release..
When I played It I didnt notice anything that was missing or bugged for that matter..
What he said.
TR dropped the ball on so many things it wasn't funny. It was no where near as solid of a game as Rift is if you can recall vividly. I agree with others saying it was that the game lacked an 'identity'. It was a shooter but heavily relyed on it's rushed RPG implanted backbone which made the combat really odd, even arcade like.
Yes I agree that Rift is a more solid game at beta now and most certainly upon release, it's a good game, but the combat is not suited for this action the game presents IMHO.
A classic MMO combat interface in a game that has hordes of enemies attacking outposts and wardstones, to me this current classic interface feels good for a fight against small groups and single targets..To me the more hectic cross between RPG/action game was more suited for the constant battles just like Tabula Rasa had.
"Identity" ? Well, Tabula Rasa had a rough development cycle, from fantasy to Sci-Fi action RPG, but in the end upon release I think it had a solid identity . But It's players was tearing this identity down by demanding all sorts of odd features that was common to the released other MMO's ...And this was in the end the true nature of it's failure IMO..
It was a Sci-fi RPG that relied on much action. My take on this is that the community demanded all sorts of diffrent features that is included in a standard MMO , for instance PvP..Sometimes It's great to listen to the community but other times the developers should just go on with their vision and create the game they wanted. I think they wasted alot of development hours implmenting all sorts off odd features that the community demanded in vain.
To be frank the PvP feels very odd in Rift aswell, today we have a set of core features that should be included in every MMO upon release, even thou they do not fit the game and the lore at all..
It's always good with more things to do in a game, aspecially a game that should last long, but I would gladly trade this feature for another feature that is more in line with the games lore and style..
So far rifts has made me think of the best of wow, war, tr and eq......they are doing very well.
The only thing I'm worried about will it run out of 'fun' as things get repettive like in tr and war...we will see
I had TR, here are a few things I think contributed to its downfall which rift covers much better:
1st off there were no mounts/vehicles in TR, WTF? its the future - laser guns & stuff, but I gota walk everywhere? f that.
2nd crafting seemed like a fail in TR, I didnt look to deeply into it, but it sure didnt explain it very well, there were all these parts that I had no idea what to do with. Rifts crafting is nothing new - a tried & true method - but thats fine by me, I can enjoy that.
Also their is HUGE differences between the invasions in TR & the rifts in... rift, also there are different factions in rift for better pvp.