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Not much to go on yet but, potentially, this could rock like socks in a box
Postmortem Studios
Roleplaying games to DIE for
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About freakin time someone did it
just wish they did it too a worthwhile game (I say that because SoR cant keep a steady connection with me...)
I get no problems, how long ago did you try?
Postmortem Studios
Roleplaying games to DIE for
Shop here
you will get more people to look if you actually put functional links...
the first doesnt work....
Attitude is no substitute for Competence. ~Eric Raymond
It was there a very short time ago.
Kids today, can't even cut and paste.
Back in my day we had to cut the URL's out of the screen wit' chisel and glue 'em into the URL bar...
Postmortem Studios
Roleplaying games to DIE for
Shop here
well I don't like random address filling up the bar getting in the way of other more important links, and the same could be turned around to say "can't even take the time to type [.url] and [./url] " minus the period of course.
Attitude is no substitute for Competence. ~Eric Raymond
Try this
OH I see, grim typo'ed it in the first place.
Wow, that'll teach me to look a bit closer at my links. Good eye!
Attitude is no substitute for Competence. ~Eric Raymond