odd so there relying on outside sites to facilatate trading why not just make it functioanl in game then
{Mod Edit} A lot of the players have had to make "outside" of the game tools to play.
But the best way you are going to sell something has been the best way since launch. Plant yourself in town and yell "ARMOR FOR SALE". IN 30 mins you should sell one set.
You need to do your homework on this game. I just quit with the last patch that broke the game once again. My advice wait for something that works.
Thieves are bad in blue towns. You can build a house and setup a vendor to sell your wares.
No auction house. As a newb you aren't likely to be building a house anytime soon. There are several siteetc. to facilitate trading as well as IRC
Wa min God! Se æx on min heafod is!
odd so there relying on outside sites to facilatate trading why not just make it functioanl in game then
{Mod Edit} A lot of the players have had to make "outside" of the game tools to play.
But the best way you are going to sell something has been the best way since launch. Plant yourself in town and yell "ARMOR FOR SALE". IN 30 mins you should sell one set.
You need to do your homework on this game. I just quit with the last patch that broke the game once again. My advice wait for something that works.
they said that they was looking into trade tools, but not like the auctions you find in world of warcraft.
Their themepark paranoia seems to hurt players more then it benefits them.