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well ive been playing this game like a mad man but i have found that playing this game givens you screen burn in on ya tv.
youre action bar is were it comes from at the bottom of my screen you can see a burn in of the action bar when the ps3 is off,
and it seems other people are haveing the same probs to.
If you're using an LCD, then image persistence isn't uncommon but it is very rarely permanent. If you're using a CRT, then it's possible it's permanent but I don't think the game's been out long enough for that to happen even on the cheapest of sets.
There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
"Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre
only ones really stop it right now are LED ones
im useing a 42" plasma panasonic i got it week before xmas.
Just a heads up on that, plasma screens are prone to burn in during their first couple weeks of use. Try to turn it off when not using it and avoid static images for a while. Cool TVs, but whereas most electronics have an initial burn in period, plasma TVs really really have one.
There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
"Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre
That is just about the siliest thing I have EVER read. Almost every game has a static user-interface displayed so singling out DCUO will cause burn-in is quite ridiculous. Unfortunately for you, it's your tv. You should probably have read the manual.
This is why I play my games on the PC
That is just about the siliest thing I have EVER read. Almost every game has a static user-interface displayed so singling out DCUO will cause burn-in is quite ridiculous. Unfortunately for you, it's your tv. You should probably have read the manual.That is just about the siliest thing I have EVER read.
lol nice one did not know mass effect 2 and dead space 2 had the same action bar at the bottom of the screen not seen it myself but if you say so.
Thats your problem. Plasma TV are the WORST tvs to have for playing video games or anything that leaves a persistant image somewhere (like DISHNetwork TV Menu, Plasma tvs after 5-10hrs of that showing, they burn in.
Trust me, its not the game, as its any IMAGE. The TV is your problem, which is why Plasma tvs are cheaper and dying out. LED you get alot more life, cost of use is better over the course of its life, etc.
Sorry, next time learn to do some research on TVs, as Plasmas are warned for that reason.
Any static image has the potential to burn itself into phosphor or plasma screens if left long enough.
Games should alwasys be played with the contrast and brightness lowered to reduce the effect (never leave the settings from the shop which are grossly exagerated). It shouldn't be an issue on LCD screens (though I bleieve it is possible on some designs), but Plasma's, particularly older ones, are prone - that said the effect is usually possible to partially repair/minimise by selecting an empty station and allowing the screen to show the random image for a period of time (the random image being the one with all the flashy white speckles) - do this periodically for ten mins or so.
All games and many satellite/tv logos have a similar problem but I manage fine with my own plasma so it may not be the end of the world etc you just need to take some remedial action.
I would try and return it while you still have it under warranty.
Plasma TV's and gamming have not mixed well in the past. Some say that this has been fixed with a slight pixle shift thats unseen to the human eye on some models, but you are proof that it still happens.
I happen to think Plasma TVs have a nice picture but I would only use it for cable tv and movie's.
Nice way to pick out two games that didnt have one. But left out the 100k+ other games that do use a static interface. There are FAR FAR fewer games that dont use a static interface then games that do. So picking out two games that dont out of 100k's of games is silly to say they are the norm.
Like others have said it is your Plasma TV, not the game.
There is a reason plasma TVs are cheaper and are being phased out gradually. Any static image on the plasma will cause the same problem. DCUO may be the 1st thing to burn in, but it probably wont be the last.
Not knocking Plasma TVs, I own one myself, but pretty much use it for movies, cable tv and a few PS3 games at times. I use my LCD for alot more, especially games.
User interface is the space where interaction between humans and machines occurs. The goal of interaction between a human and a machine at the user interface is effective operation and control of the machine, and feedback from the machine which aids the operator in making operational decisions. Quoted from Wikipedia.
In mass effect, whenever you use a ability, hold space/left shift to bring up the tactical menu, that is User Interface, same as Dead space, all the information you see on screen are User Interface.
How much WoW could a WoWhater hate, if a WoWhater could hate WoW?
As much WoW as a WoWhater would, if a WoWhater could hate WoW.
Re-read the quote That's not what he's saying at all
one more thing to take note i said other people have had the same prob has me with the same burn in on an lcd tv forgot the forum i was reading it on or i would of link it.
Yes it is?
I'm so broke. I can't even pay attention.
"You have the right not to be killed"
Yes if you do any kind of research on Google or Bing, its easy to find that info. Its obvious you dont do any research and just point the blame.
Again if you read its Static images that will do this to any TV, but the TVs that are the most prone are Plasmas, which is why your new TV for a game you barely played already on your TV that is merely 2 months old has Screen burn.
You dont want help, you just want to point the blame because your TV got a image burnt into it. Next time, do research into these things, I knew about Screen burn happening over 12 years ago on old Rear screen Projection (And thats a tube projecting out) and that still gets screen burn. Again, if you want to prevent issues, research. Otherwise just do as you do with no gramar and point the finger and blame and dont take anyones posts into consideration when it seems you just want attention.
Apologies but I feel I must repeat my earlier post cus all is not nescessarily lost!
Plasma screen burn is not automatically permanent, and newer sets are only really prone as the screen is run in. The real danger is that you buy a set from a store and leave the same high contrast high brightness settings on for everything. Turn the contrast down to the minimum acceptible level. Occassionally leave the set on an empty (analogue) station to randomise the pattern and the burn should eventually fade. The more you use the set with a variety of purposes the less influence one static element will have.
GREAT advice!!!
Rather than saying the OP sucks and his plasma sucks, lets resolve the issue:
Most plasma TV's have a setting (unless they were of the first generation) for something called "Satellite" or "Orbit" modes. You need to check your manual for specifics. IN this mode, the plasma screen TV will slightly shift the pictures in a circular motion. What this will do to you GAME is undetermined. I've watched videos of it on a TV and haven't had noticible issues.
This assists with the prevention of burn-in. Trying to say the game does it though is like saying even though my house is on fire my chair started it. In NO way could my chair have started the fire, it may have been the first thing to light up but it wasn't the direct cause.