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Choosing a character, specific requests

degroovedegroove Member Posts: 25

Hey everyone,

Another question on choosing your class. Although I've read a lot of stuff on which class is the best for PvP, PvE, etc, and I've noticed two things: (i) everyone has a divergent opinion, (ii) any class well played is better than a supposedly stronger class not well played, and (iii) patches and hero class will change everything again.

So I'm going to go with the one I like best, but since I don't know what the classes will look like at end game, I'm going to tell you what I like as a game style, and hopefully you will tell me what I want to play ;o)

- Straightforward skill path. Basically, I like it when there is one consensual skill path and way to play the character (which can still be a complex one). I don't like it when there are 3 different paths to go, everyone has a view on it, then the one you chose gets nerfed and you regret it.
- Spontaneity and flexibility in the style. Basically, I don't like when the character needs to use all the time the same combo and grind his/her way through dungeons by using the same technique. I prefer when there are always several options that you can use and a bit of variety in what you can do. I guess I need a just middle between boring and too sophisticated.
- Tolerance. I like it when I know the character will tolerate a mistake without dying. I don't want to be in a position where I know that if I don't play it exactly right, I will die immediately. I guess it relates to tanking capacity. I don't want a damage maker that will die at the first unforeseen event.

- Taking care of a pet.
- Being dependent on a group to survive. I would group for instances, but I want to be self sufficient in general.
- Being dependent on short time buff (the kind that last 15 seconds and you have to monitor and deal with them swiftly); I don't mind managing long term buff (that last for 30 minutes) though.
- Downtimes. I understand that the spell caster need to regenerate mana, the hitters to regenerate life, but overall I'd like to keep the resting times down as much as possible.

- Range vs. melee. I think I have a very slight preference for melee guys, but I actually don't care that much as long as my likes/dislikes are respected.

I think that's it. I'd appreciate any suggestion you may have on (i) a class, (ii) a race for that class, and (iii) a game style for that class/race. As I said in a previous post, I don't have much time to try a lot of things, and I'm counting on the most experienced and savvy players out there to help me out on this. Anything that's close to these specs would work great for me I think...

Thanks in advance !


  • YawnsterYawnster Member Posts: 46
    I think you would like to play a paladin or rogue, races don't matter because it's really down to which you like the best (looks)
  • zeus88zeus88 Member Posts: 58

    I think the class that would suit your needs the most is a rogue.

    Skill path wise it just depends on your way of life. You just need to chose the opening move you like best, throw in a few attacks that add combo points and throw in a finnishing move that you also like best, may it be instant damage, damage overt time, a stun or just a reduction in your target's armour.

    The Spontaneity and flexibility all depend on what skills you choose and since they only cost money you can get them all. Just rotate between your moves and it shouldn't get boring.

    Tolerance is one of the rogues week points. They have the damage but not the health. You will be able to hold off roughly about 2 enemies that are your same level only if you use your stuns well but a rogue isn't meant to tank. Once you get sprint running away from a fight will be easier and vannish is good to use unless you have a DoT on you. If you want tolerance, warrior is your best chance but rogues arn't too bad if you use your stealth and stuns well.

    They don't have any pets, so that shouldn't be a problem

    Since rogues cannot handle the same ammount of aggro a warrior can, in some cases you will need to group up(besides for instances) but on the big part you can solo well with a rogue. I only group when some friends are on(unfortunatly not often) so i tend to solo and havn't had too many problems. Just use a ranged weapon to pull if in doubt that you can handle the mob ahead.

    Rogues have a fixed amount (100) of energy and the only way to effect is with your end talents that have a timer. Regeneration is fast and once a fight is over only takes few seconds to get back to full energy. Unlike mana, energy will regenerate during a fight. If you feel you could use an extra boost in a battle, you can drink a thistle tea that will restore 100 energy (5 min cool down)

    Races don't make a big differance and i suggest you chose the one you think is the coolest, but these are some things that could aid a rogue:

    Dwarfs have "Gun Specialization" (Increase Gun Skill) that would be nice if you end up using guns.
    Gnomes have "Escape Artist" (Activate to break out of a Root or Snare effect) that would be a nice thing to use in PVP.
    Humans have "Sword Specialization"(Increase Sword skill) that would be a nice thing to have if you use a sword. But useless if you end up using only daggers/maces.
    Night Elfs have "Quickness" (Dodge chance increased). Extra dodge is always nice.
    Orcs have "Hardiness" (Increase resistance to stun & knockout effects).
    Trolls have "Throwing Weapon Specialization" (Increase Throwing Weapon skill) that can help if you use your ranged weapon to pull often.
    Undead have in my opinion that i find particularly nice for a rogue. First is the "Cannibalize" (Increase health regeneration while consuming a corpse) that helps you regenerate those health points faster when you don't want to waist a potion or a bandage(must be out of combat and any movement or damage will interupt it). Second is the "Will of the Forsaken" (Activate to become immune to fear, sleep, and charm effects). This i found to be very helpfull in pvp even though it does not last long and has a long cool down.

    Note that if you use a rogue you will only get one ranged attack in(when you pull) or maybe if your real lucky two so don't both with Damage per second and i think a rogue shouldn't eneter battle out of stealth so i find that range attacks should be used in rare cases.

    I hope that helped at least a little

  • DremvekDremvek Member UncommonPosts: 160

    How about I tell you what I think you wouldn't like, then you can choose from the rest.

    Won't like:

    Hunter - taking care of your pet is a huge responsibility for them.

    Priest - quite a bit of downtime waiting for mana to recover, grouping required more than pretty much any other class. Low mistake tolerance.

    Paladin - your primary attack is your auto-attack. You occasionally apply a new seal or judgement, but for the most part, you wait for your auto-attack to kill whatever, which gets slower as you level. Seals only last 30 seconds and buffs only last 5 minutes.

    Warlock - though the pet is low maintenance, you still have to be capable of controlling it. If you mess up, you are only wearing cloth. You have a fear ability to get you out of trouble, but it takes a second or 2 to cast.

    Might like:

    Rogue - only downtime is waiting for health to recover, which can be accelerated with food. Energy is typically recovered by the next fight if you arent' ganged up on. Can typically solo elites 1:1 equal to their level, or take multiple non-elites at an even higher level. Has an escape ability if you get in trouble.

    Warrior - same downtime as rogue, and in actuallity, you really don't want a lot of downtime between fights to keep your rage up. Can take the most damage of any class, and can deal out a fair amount of melee damage too.

    Mage - hear me out before you say no - they need mana, true, but they can summon their own food and water for free, so that greatly reduces downtime. Polymorph ability can help get mage out of trouble. Can play mana ways - Frost, Fire or Arcane

    Druid - Jack of all trades - can do a bit of anything

    Shaman - never played one - can't answer this one.

    As for the straightfoward skill path, all classes have 3 schools within them. While a lot of attention is given to shadow priest/holy priest, etc. they really don't make THAT big of a difference. All players of a certain class have access to all skills within the class, except for talent skills. There's no reason to NOT buy all of the skills, and you really can't make a mistake in talents as you can reset them - for a price.

  • degroovedegroove Member Posts: 25


    Thanks for these very detailed posts. They are extremely helpful and I appreciate the feedback. I think I'll end up trying 2 classes (likely human? mage and undead rogue) based on your recommendations and keep the one I like best.

    Thanks again, very appreciated !

  • ColdmeatColdmeat Member UncommonPosts: 3,409

    Originally posted by Dremvek
    How about I tell you what I think you wouldn't like, then you can choose from the rest.
    Won't like:
    Priest - quite a bit of downtime waiting for mana to recover, grouping required more than pretty much any other class. Low mistake tolerance.

    Funny, I don't have much downtime with my Priest, and I solo probably 90% of the time or more. Can't vouch for mistake tolerance as the ones I make are usually of the spectacular variety. But I have no trouble taking on even cons, or even ones 1, 2, or 3 levels higher than me. I don't kill quite as fast as a rogue or a mage, but it's still pretty quick, and fairly efficient, manawise.

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