I am very seriously thinking of pre-ordering Xsyon, as I played Wurm and really appreciated the crafting and sense of realism, however the repetitious gathering, mining, and other elements, as well as the sub-menu interface really put me off after a while. Can anyone who has played both games tell me how they compare in terms of interface and repetitive gathering and crafting? (I don’t mind necessary grinding). Is there anything that you would say Wurm still does better?
never played wurm but got told way polish than wurm. its hard to explain what can xsyon can do, it just has lots to do but at the same still has lots features not in game yet. Just dont expect AAA title polish but still pretty damn polish for an indie game. Come on support indie games and spend that 40 bucks you get 2 months as well so works out 20 a month which is not bad.
Good question. I love WURM. I hate that I get horrible fps (under 15 on the lowest settings) on a system that runs most of todays mmorpgs decently, but that aside I love it.
I know in WURM I can tunnel and dig caves, and I read that in Xsyon that is not possible. Does anybody know if that is something that Jooky and NG are planning, more freedom in directional terraforming?
I am really researching this one and I am loving everything I am seeing so far.
After the junkpiles in the game have been used up i heard the devs are planing on introducing mines to the game to extract metals. So i think cave digging will be in the game in the future.
It feel a lot, and I mean a lot like Wurm. You could call it Wurm 2. It is important to remember what Wurm was like when it was a younger game. Before Tunnels, religions, and when rafts were an amazing new feature, not to mention many many important features that had not been created yet. Now realize this game is where Wurm was when trolls looked like players and led to hilarious tales of walking up to someone in the woods to talk and getting chased for 2 hours after you realize, maybe Troll cannot be trusted.
This game has so much potential I cannot believe it. It already has a solid sandbox experience in place.
Is it WoW quality, of course not, but us true sandboxers know to look pass the fluff and get into the meat and potatoes of the game, and this game has some good meat and potatoes.
Sent me an email if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
I'm also a Wurm player and interested in this game. A mildly more in-depth feature comparison by someone who plays both would be awesome if anyone can facilitate. I see the character models and animations are 1,000x better, at least lol.