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Yeah I just bought it on Steam, was really cheap so I figured why not.
Been looking at this game for a long time but never made the step to actually buying it.
Looking forward to having some fun.. From what I've seen this game has pretty much everything an
MMORPG needs and should have, minus the big playerbase but from what I've heard Vanguard is doing okay at least.
Anyway.. Looking forward to playing the game and I hope some of you who are on the fence about either going back to the game or maybe you're unsure about buying it or not.. Get it! It's not expensive at all anyway.
Anyway... See you ingame... When it's done installing.. =P
Truth is, it is NOT doing ok. It is barely on life support. Which is a shame because it is one of the better games out there, or was a year ago.
Congratulations mate you bought one of the best mmorpg ever made it is a real juvel.
It is sad tho that game is having huge population problems.
Try get in a guild asp so you get some guidness if this is the first time you play this game.
At high levels the game has some of the hardest group quest and raids.
I am currently playing and the population during primetime is more than sufficient on my server. Population is about on par with my old EQ2 server. Only downside is that where EQ2 has several servers they can still merge vanguard is down to only 2, so every person that leaves the game needs someone to replace him in order to maintain population levels. In the low levels 2-25 I actually find myself waiting for people to kill quest mobs more than in EQ2. Will there be nights that you can't find a group...probably, but no worse than other games. Best bet is to find a good active guild and you should have no problems. See you in game.
Gratz far the best mmo on the go atm, i have had years of fun with this game..good luck.
question guys, how do i move abilities on my hotbars?
they seem to be locked down even though i've unchecked that option on settings. thx!
nevermind :P just had to hold down the left mouse button a bit longer than usual.
only level 4 at the moment but so far i'm liking it, a lot.... truly refreshing. the music is great.
1-10 was great. Then I hit main land (Thestra). I decided to explore a bit, and it showed me a real depressing, empty game. NPCs stood in place, there was no life to the game at all. I go back to my questing area and tried to find a group. Nope, no one my level (11) was around. Closest was 19 and he had nothing to do with me. I did a few quests for about 3 hours using the gryphon and riftstones to get back and forth (as walking through this dreary, empty waste of a landscape was boring). I promptly wanted to stab myself in the foot because the game is just so dull. This is coming from someone who used to mine in EVE Online. I asked in chat for some help, got a bit, but it quickly descended into an argument I stopped speaking in as the GM was getting into fights with players.
Never again Vanguard. Never again.
Yep thats problem nowadays. Lower area is becoming ghost towns. Developer needs to figure out how to keep the starting/lower level town busy from year 1 to year 10 to keep player movitated to play due to community.
EDIT: However I played vanguard from day 1 it came out. I played it till like im level 25 or 30.. i cant remember its been sooo long. Its before someone made the house. I realize it really heavy grouped game like final fantasy 11 to level up. Those kind of game isnt my type. Waste ton of time to look for party, no thanks so I quit. I will never play hard grouped base game ever again.
Exactly. The Isle of Dawn was enjoyable. People were grouping, it was polished, the quests were fun and streamlined. The main land is like a brick wall - quests are scattered out into the middle of no where. Everything is a ghost town. I was yelled at for about 40 minutes (like I said) until a GM shut them up about why I enjoy a streamlined game. The chat is filled with old EQ and Ultima snobs, I felt overwhelmed.
This game needs more people to play it, but the way I was treated and the way I was bored is not going to attract those people. Get some dev support to polish and streamline it more.
Hehe i think it was me who you were discussing on general chat. And GM were having argument with me .
I still say this, if you like solo questing this game is not for you.
If you like group play its the best ive seen so far. Low pop is bad news yes, but if you work a little to find a group (i know it sounds bad) you will get rewarded, because grouping experience is about 4-5 times more enjoyable then in todays themepark MMOs.
Trial island sucks compared to the outer world. All you need is to play with other people, its an MMO after all.
I suggest if you are subscribed already, try to make lvl 15-ish and organize a group for Khergol's end dungeon. Try to finish it with your group. You will see what i mean.
First of all I am not saying anyone is lying, and I know the experience will always differ from person to person, but its astonishing how different my experience is from well, a few others. I play a month or two sometimes, and I don't think I've really been annoyed by a single player(not even at launch, well if memory serves) or had a huge trouble finding groups. Yes yes the playerbase is small, way smaller than your average mmorpg, no sugercoating here, I just needed a bit determination and effort to get a group going. A common thing was for a higher lvl player making contact and logging an alt.
What do you mean by being snobby? Sure there is a reason why they are playing vanguard and not wow for example, by I never come across people who don't like, or even hate wow as snobby. It was just a personal preferance, no need to, well make a big deal out of it. But for all that I know they actually were idiots, and made it a big deal.
I realize I sound like a silly fanboy, just trying to understand and share my experience, and tell how different it can be. And generally my experience in a mmorpg with a smaller population is that the community is awesome, a good reason for that is because it kinda needs to. You know a way bigger percentage of the population and need to work together more, so it just comes naturally.
Great game, just no new development or money/time put into it.
Wish someone would buy it and fix it up and put out new content.
What is the most populated server?...I am over WOW. Rift is fine but I canceled pre-order and purchased Xyson instead. I think this would be good for my fantasy fix and a compromise between full themepark and sandbox gameplay. SOE seems to be holding on to it ( and that's about all ) and I really liked the crafting and diplomacy when i tried the game a few years ago.
also..what is a good starting class? I usually like rogueish classes..either rogue..swashbuckller...hunter types. or straight up fighters.
Try Telon server. Its US but tons of EU players arre playing there too. The EU server is ghosttown.
For a starting class i suggest Vanguard forums, or even ask ingame general chat to get an idea.
There are only two servers - US and EU. The US one is more populated, as like arcsur said, even the European players use the US server.
Also, yeah it was me who started the argument in general chat. (Dazzletastic Dynamite)