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† Templar † - Evil Tribes Have More Fun

jamigrejamigre Member UncommonPosts: 280




Templar's focus is Order Through Destruction.

Must be 18+ Mature Members ONLY!!!

Must have Ventrilo!

As a whole, we strive to provide our members with:

• Greater knowledge within the tribals regions.

• Greater technical knowledge about your allies.

• Friendship and fun interaction

• Events and competitive commitments. 

This tribe is not for people that:

* Are good (Alignment)

* Are of the faint-hearted

* Get cold-feet quickly

* Cannot follow simple rules

* Cannot follow orders from authority

* Are selfish or have a motive which furthers them-self instead of the tribe

* Will not accept that this is a complete dictatorship enforced through and through.

There are three paths you can apply for and create a career down in the Templar Knights:

1. The main fighting force (the rank of 'Knight' at tier 1). You will be called to guard places, escort people across battlefield and most of all, fight other tribes and burn down villages.

2. The Covert Ops (also known as the Covertarians - t1). You will be carrying tasks that do not require brute strength, but require guile and tact to skirmish or scout or weaken.

3. Crafters (aka Drapers - t1). Your main job will be to carry out the crafting and creation of material and newest technology on the block, to aid the fighting forces.

Once you have understood the above, You may Proceed reading our page

Tribal Color's: White and Red / Black and white

Strike The Present in Our Name!

We are a Military working to build ourselves back to having a World Government body.

We are the Offspring of the Secret Society's that ran the world Before the Rapture.

Now is the time for us to take our spot in control since the Rapture is over and there numbers have diminished.

There's no reason to pretend to be nice anymore and keep a smiling face while stabbing you in the back, We can cut out the bull shit and get down to business.

A harsh Dictatorship using the people as sheep to do our bidding, Work , Hunt, Build for us. 

Under our control we WILL take the land by storm, Marshal Law will be Enforced to the full extent, Any Rebellion will meet a quick smooth death and Rapture of there Civilization, Death and Ritual Sacrifice to there people.

We are in constant search of all lost technology that may still remain. (Car's, Guns, ect)

We will have NO Mercy and will NOT Accept Mercy or Captivity, We will fight till our last Breath.

Religion: We are a Occult Tribe, We believe we are God and no man is better then us we are the Elite's of the world. (Golden Dawn, Aleister Crowley, Type religion base Evil Spiritual, Necromancers)

The Knights Templar were the elite fighting force of their day, highly trained, well-equipped and highly motivated; one of the tenets of their religious order was that they were forbidden from retreating in battle. Not all Knights Templar were warriors. The mission of most of the members was one of support - to acquire resources which could be used to fund and equip the small percentage of members who were fighting on the front lines. Because of this infrastructure, the warriors were well-trained and very well-armed. Even their horses were trained to fight in combat, kicking or biting the enemies.[citation needed] The combination of soldier and monk was also a powerful one, as to the Templar knights, martyrdom in battle was one of the most glorious ways to die. Their code required them to stay on in battle almost to the point of recklessness, and they were forbidden to retreat unless outnumbered by 3-to-1, and even then only by order of their commander, or if the Templar flag went down.

The Templars were also shrewd tacticians, following the dream of Saint Bernard who had declared that a small force, under the right conditions, could defeat a much larger enemy. One of the key battles in which this was demonstrated was in 1177, at the Battle of Montgisard. The famous Muslim military leader Saladin was attempting to push toward Jerusalem from the south, with a force of 26,000 soldiers. He had pinned the forces of Jerusalem's King Baldwin IV, about 500 knights and their supporters, near the coast, at Ascalon. Eighty Templar knights and their own entourage attempted to reinforce. They met Saladin's troops at Gaza, but were considered too small a force to be worth fighting, so Saladin turned his back on them and headed with his army towards Jerusalem.


Once Saladin and his army had moved on, the Templars were able to join King Baldwin's forces, and together they proceeded north along the coast. Saladin had made a key mistake at that point -- instead of keeping his forces together, he permitted his army to temporarily spread out and pillage various villages on their way to Jerusalem. The Templars took advantage of this low state of readiness to launch a surprise ambush directly against Saladin and his bodyguard, at Montgisard near Ramla. Saladin's army was spread too thin to adequately defend themselves, and he and his forces were forced to fight a losing battle as they retreated back to the south, ending up with only a tenth of their original number. The battle was not the final one with Saladin, but it bought a year of peace for the Kingdom of Jerusalem, and the victory became a heroic legend.

Another key tactic of the Templars was that of the "squadron charge". A small group of knights and their heavily-armed warhorses would gather into a tight unit which would gallop full speed at the enemy lines, with a determination and force of will that made it clear that they would rather commit suicide than fall back. This terrifying onslaught would frequently have the desired result of breaking a hole in the enemy lines, thereby giving the other Crusader forces an advantage.[2]

The Templars, though relatively small in number, routinely joined other armies in key battles. They would be the force that would ram through the enemy's front lines at the beginning of a battle, or the fighters that would protect the army from the rear. They fought alongside King Louis VII of France, and King Richard I of England.[3] In addition to battles in Palestine, members of the Order also fought in the Spanish and Portuguese Reconquista.

The Grand Master

The Grand Master is the supreme authority of the Templar Order and answers to none.


The Seneschal is the right hand man to the Grand Master and in modern terms would be similar to a vice president of a corporation.


The Marshal of the Order is the Templar in charge of war and anything that was related to it. In this sense the Marshal could be viewed as the second most important member of the Order after the Grand Master.

Under Marshal (Battle Group Leaders)

The Under Marshal is in charge of the footmen and the equipment. 

Draper (Crafters)

The Draper is in charge of the Templar garments and linens and while this may seem like a menial task, the Templar Rule of Order states that after the Master and Marshal, the Draper is superior to all brethren.

Commanders of the Lands (Local Patrol Force)

These Templar officers operate much like a Baillie and operated under the Masters. Commanders are responsible for all Templar houses, castles and farms in their jurisdiction.

Provincial Masters (Recruiter's/Traveling Patrol)

Provincial Masters, who governed the western districts, were similar to the Commanders of Lands, but seem to largely be responsible for managing revenue and recruiting new men to the Order. 

Knights (FootSoldiers)

The bulk of the Templar’s military might is comprised of knights and sergeants. Although both classes of Templars are as likely to die in battle, the knight have a higher ranking within the Order.


Covertarians did not have to be of noble birth and to show their lower rank, Covertarians wear a black or brown mantle.

Video Link of the Order's Lore!

Lawful Evil

Lawful Evil is referred to as the "Dominator" or "Diabolic" alignment. Characters of this alignment see a well-ordered system as being easier to exploit, and show a combination of desirable and undesirable traits; while they usually obey their superiors and keep their word, they care nothing for the rights and freedoms of other individuals and are not averse to twisting the rules to work in their favor. Examples of this alignment include tyrants, devils, undiscriminating mercenary types who have a strict code of conduct, and loyal soldiers who enjoy the act of killing.

Like Lawful Good Paladins, Lawful Evil characters may sometimes find themselves faced with the dilemma of whether to obey law or evil when the two conflict - however their issues with Law versus Evil are more concerned with "Will I get caught?" vs "How does this benefit me?"

Worship the Darkness and Embrace the Fear in others to power our own World controlling Government.

Create The Future in Our Image!

(Everything in these posts have been from a Role-play stand point.)

To ensure that there is no confusion on our expectations of you as a future tribal member of Templar, you must first agree to the following terms before you can move on to the next step in the clan application process:

1) I agree that I will follow all tribal leaders, and respect fellow alliances and tribal heroes.

I also agree that i may at some point be commanded to do certain tasks which i must fulfill.

2) I agree that i will plaid within Templar and only with the Templar Order, follow there religious lines and quote upon there holy mothers and fathers.

3) I agree to fully respect the tribes rules, whether I'm in any underestimated event.

Check out my side project  - a mobile lfg tool for any game, any time. 



  • DrokarDrokar Member Posts: 91

    It's funny how whenever there is a "sandbox" pvp game there always end up being one group that believes it is there job to grief others. You know the ones who feed off tears of others that just want to have fun and enjoy time away from work etc. Not that pvp in general is grieving because I love pvp, but this is different.

    {mod edit}

    See u in game

  • ScribZScribZ Member Posts: 424

    Are there really people out there that would follow a dude like this? I mean he makes it clear in this post that he believes himself God, not believes in God, but is actually God. And then goes on to tell anyone thinking on joining him that they must do whatever he says at all times, no matter what it is, period. Because he said so. {mod edit}

  • skoupidiskoupidi Member UncommonPosts: 244

    Are you guys blind or smt? He clearly is creating an EVIL tribe.

    "A harsh Dictatorship using the people as sheep to do our bidding, Work , Hunt, Build for us. "

    Sounds evil to me.And he is evil aligned.What's wrong about that?

    In most games/movies i've seen,evil leaders do care only about themselves and about global domination.I can't see why this guy can't roleplay as he likes.You can always join a rival tribe of like "defenders of justice" and try to actually stop his tribe from dooming the world.

    Sounds cool enough to me.{mod edit}

  • ScribZScribZ Member Posts: 424

    {Mod Edit} you think he is the only one allowed to RP a stand point on the forums? Watch his yourtube recruitment video, where he puts forth the idea the Templars are about putting order to the world less it fall into the hands of evil itself. Ironic dont you think, that this evil dude is turning one of the pillars of righteous good into an evil, murderous, rampaging tribe. Sure he has the right to RP it and call members to join him.

    {mod edt}

  • nerovipus32nerovipus32 Member Posts: 2,735

    Originally posted by ScribZ

    Talk about stupid, you think he is the only one allowed to RP a stand point on the forums? Watch his yourtube recruitment video, where he puts forth the idea the Templars are about putting order to the world less it fall into the hands of evil itself. Ironic dont you think, that this evil dude is turning one of the pillars of righteous good into an evil, murderous, rampaging tribe. Sure he has the right to RP it and call members to join him. And I have the right to point out he is RPin a megalomaniac who will most likely turn on his own the first chance he gets if they aren't the obediant sheep he expects them to be. Its call anti-recruitment retoric. He makes it sound glorious to follow him, I'm simply pointing out by following him you will be nothing more than a worthless, midless, sheep! And anyone who finds THAT glorious deserves what they get. If that reduces his number of recruits, then I have done my part here.

    Or am I not allowed to do that on YOUR forums?? 

    Templars were evil if you ask me.

  • skoupidiskoupidi Member UncommonPosts: 244

    Originally posted by ScribZ

    {mod edit}

    Sounds like hate from your side,but i dont care im not even playing the game.

    Also,ingame the world has been destroyed.Dont you think that people change their way of thinking?I could imagine a priest killing and stealing to survive.So i cant see why templars should be with the "good" side.They are just there to conquer the world as everyone else is trying to,by any means possible.He may be megalomaniac,but as i said before he is an evil tribe leader,so why not?

    And if you really wanted to rp with him,you should say that he wouldn't stand a chance against the good blabla tribe,because you wouldnt accept an evil dictatorship to rule your own world.

     Hes tribe idea looks realistic to me in a new world.I wouldn't join him though because i don't like being part of this concept he is following.But i still like his idea of creating such a tribe.


    {mod edit}

  • PilnkplonkPilnkplonk Member Posts: 1,532

    Awesome :)

    You Templar guys sound just like the evil empire we can fight against. :)

    Down with the evil Illuminati and their imperialist stooges!

  • BeachcomberBeachcomber Member Posts: 535

    Nice roleplay but the original Poor Fellow Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon, were undoubtedly good aligned.


  • PilnkplonkPilnkplonk Member Posts: 1,532

    Originally posted by Beachcomber

    Nice roleplay but the original Poor Fellow Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon, were undoubtedly good aligned.


    Were they? The history is still a bit divided on that point...

    And besides they are clearly not modelled on the original Templars but as the text clearly indicates on the secret societies (the "conspiracy theory" staple) existing today which decided to go public, so to speak, in the aftermath of the cataclysm. Imo the very corruption of the name actually goes in sync with the proposed "evilness" of the tribe.

    Expect a rival tribe "The True Templars" or somesuch to form real soon. :)

  • cylon8cylon8 Member UncommonPosts: 362

    i bought the game and havent logged in are there really that may peole playing that large tribes have formed? i am so hesitant to play lol

    so say we all

  • DrokarDrokar Member Posts: 91
    I get the rp pvp but make no mistake the game itself is not rp pvp. It is sandbox.... I am not saying he can't have his rp evil, but his types always find themselves in these games, and the rp is just masking him and his sheep goal to kill the server. I don't understand that mentality. Games are for people to have fun. Pvp is fun....killing a game is not. I guarantee u that play style will end up hurting the game. Seen it in perpetuum and other small scale open pvp games.

    I can't wait to fight against them but the pvp mechanics are really under developed so it's just odd to see a tribe like this in a game obviously designed for city building / world rebuilding with pvp added as a side bonus. For fun. Tribe vs tribe. Not tribe vs game.

    Hope they realize the difference. We shall see. Game is going to be fun.
  • Hellfyre420Hellfyre420 Member Posts: 861

    Originally posted by ScribZ

    {mod edit}, you think he is the only one allowed to RP a stand point on the forums? Watch his yourtube recruitment video, where he puts forth the idea the Templars are about putting order to the world less it fall into the hands of evil itself. Ironic dont you think, that this evil dude is turning one of the pillars of righteous good into an evil, murderous, rampaging tribe. Sure he has the right to RP it and call members to join him. 

    {mod edit}

    Souds like a good time, where do i sign up? lol


    Naw this game needs EVIL tribes and people like this to make it interesting :)


    Currently Playing:
    Rift + Starcraft II + Gears Of War 3 Beta

  • DarkPonyDarkPony Member Posts: 5,566

    Sounds like this game is already fueling rivalries and friendly hatred before launch, judging the replies. ^_^

    I always loved the way in which, for example the Goons in EVE got so much flak on the forums from people really being very angry on them. EVE has been dubbed "serious online spaceships"  and it looks like this might end up being "serious online post-apocalypse"  Gotta love super serious sandboxes, the stakes are just so much higher <3

  • Codec_DCodec_D Member UncommonPosts: 23

    {mod edit} Senescha here.


    "Evil.... crafting.... and city building? How many guys do you have at the moment in your tribe? I'd be interested in joining, but don't want a mini tribe of like 3, something bigger with the capacity to really build an evil city would be so cool!"


    we have quite a bit but we do not discuss things of this nature outside of the clan



    {mod edit}

    See u in game"


    wow where to start lol, there are so many logical falicies in this I don't even think i should acknowledge this. for starters we don't "greif" we play strategically and only for our selves, which means we don't care what happens to other unless it affects us negatively. If this is just a game why does it matter what we do, we obviously don't care for others feelings in game and only want to have fun playing around with a mmo video game... {Mod Edit}




    "Are there really people out there that would follow a dude like this? I mean he makes it clear in this post that he believes himself God, not believes in God, but is actually God. And then goes on to tell anyone thinking on joining him that they must do whatever he says at all times, no matter what it is, period. Because he said so. { Mod edit}


    I can understand why you might be on the offensive towards what you read if your into direct democracy, or be mislead by the text, but no i hold as much authority, well not as much he has final say when it comes to keeping the clan what it is, as he does. For something to be ran effectively it needs to act as one in any aspectic possible, efficient, a single authority figure can accomplish this. He of course has extensions of his authority and responsibility extended to others in the chain of command. This is called the span of authority, it reachs all the way down to the bottom rank and least important person. The grand master is more of a representitive of the entire clan itself. the clan acts toward single goals. its hard to explain something like this if you want me to take the time and do it tho i will if you aren't understanding anything i put.




    and to the rest of you i think i've typed enough for a while, bye. 

  • ArmaniDevilArmaniDevil Member Posts: 83

    Haha. I feel sorry for the crafters and gatherers who'll join into this.


    Get ready to fish and craft string all day. 

  • QuandriQuandri Member Posts: 11

    Will there be bunny hats to wear? I can't be a memebr of an evil former secret society bent on domination unless i can wear evil bunny ears. 

  • SpandexDroidSpandexDroid Member Posts: 277

    Haters will hate. Funny thing is that the same people bashing this tribe are the same ones that will be griefing players. LOL

  • QuandriQuandri Member Posts: 11

    I find it funny when people get bent out of shape about groups of peopel coming together to do part of what a game can do. Wah, some people formed a group, or posse, or gang, or militia, pick one, to grief other players because it is part of the game and frankly.... they can. 


    Put simply, if you get THAT pissed off about a game where someone can come along and kill you, then the solution is quite easy. don't friggen play that game. I'm not arguing really in favor of their plans, or against them. I have no plans on joining templars, and if i see a group of them coming, i will try to hightail it elsewhere. I'm not interested in the game for mass ganking possibilities, but for the crafting and creating etc. I'll fight if it's a fair fight, run if it's not. If i get killed, i didn't run soon enough. I might get a little miffed at all the resources i had being taken etc, but that's when you start over. 


    There will be always be big "corporations" (takign the term from EvE) in games like these that will fight for control over territory, and there will always be the "little guys" eeking out a living so to speak while they primarily have their fous on each other. It isn't hard to do.

    Find a secluded area to set up shop in. Yes, you will get run over once in a while as bigger tribes claim territory etc, but with the landmass that this game is goign to have in the end, something like 1200 km sq, it shouldn't be that big of a deal. The closer you build to others, the more chance a large raiding group is going to steam roll you. On your own with a couple friends way out there in the woods will still get hit now and then, but overall, you will probably see less attacks of the large band variety. 


    Also, with there currently being no fast travel capabilities in the game, it's not like its going to be a whole "zomg they came out of nowhere to gank us" scenario's. Yes they can somewhat stealth into the area you are currently in if they skill it up, but a large party of them running around will be visible from a bit of a ways off. 

    I'm sure the ability to break into another tribes crates etc will be implimented, if not already in game, but if it hasn't been.. then you just run away while they destroy some of your buildings, maybe try to chase you down, and return later to reclaim your stuff and move camp. not hard. 


    It is that, or join up with another large tribe, contribute to it and make the game even more tempting for people when they see large tribe vs tribe battles going on. 


  • Codec_DCodec_D Member UncommonPosts: 23

    Originally posted by ArmaniDevil

    Haha. I feel sorry for the crafters and gatherers who'll join into this.


    Get ready to fish and craft string all day. 


    crafters and gatherers are the most important group in the clan,

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,088

    I can't see myself ever joining an "evil" tribe.

    That said, these guys look great, and I'm glad they're golng to be part of the Xyson world.

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • Codec_DCodec_D Member UncommonPosts: 23

    Originally posted by Kyleran

    I can't see myself ever joining an "evil" tribe.

    That said, these guys look great, and I'm glad they're golng to be part of the Xyson world.



    the evil part is really just us focusing entirely on those under our rule and not letting others get in our way

  • DanbaccaDanbacca Member UncommonPosts: 247

    Originally posted by Ikisis

    Originally posted by Danbacca

    Originally posted by Ikisis

    All i got to say to all of this is, Some people need to learn to read (including Reading comprehension).

    Hater's Gonna Hate... that is all.

     You are a poet.

    Why thank you!

     *sarcasm off*

  • KaocanKaocan Member UncommonPosts: 1,270

    I find this tribe to be a great idea honestly. I do however see it getting quite a lot of flak with its mandate and this game. Xsyon is not an open world PvP sandbox with a focus on the PvP or combat like Darkfall. So building a tribe with the intent of doing exactly the opposite of the desired intent by the developers will most likely get some rather heated comments. Just the idea of taking a rebuilding the world/development game by storm and forcing a massive PvP environment onto it is enough to warrant that hate from some. These comments from his OP are some I see that will catch some heat.


    A harsh Dictatorship using the people as sheep to do our bidding, Work , Hunt, Build for us. 

    Under our control we WILL take the land by storm, Marshal Law will be Enforced to the full extent, Any Rebellion will meet a quick smooth death and Rapture of there Civilization, Death and Ritual Sacrifice to there people.

    We will have NO Mercy and will NOT Accept Mercy or Captivity, We will fight till our last Breath.


    Obviously there are religious implications involved with this as well, since the Templars of history were a religious backed secret order. Perverting servants of God into murderous thugs, even for a roleplay purpose in a game will still hit some rather hard as well.

    So even though I like the idea of him bringing an evil tribe into the game, I do think he should expect some rather harsh critisms based on his own concept and comments. He is afterall asking for it up front.


    (DISCLAIMER - The use of the word YOU in the above post is not directed at any one person in particular, but towards those who fall into the category itself - there is no personal attack here, neither intentional nor implied.)

  • SeffrenSeffren Member Posts: 743

    Originally posted by Kaocan

    {mod edit}

    Tastes differ I presume .. his post gave me a good laugh. Seeing some of the reactions in this thread, I thought he handled it rather well.

  • xBludxxBludx Member Posts: 376

    Originally posted by Kaocan

    Originally posted by ManJunk

    Originally posted by Codec_D

    {Mod edit}

    It is funny.

    But it is cool that there is an openly evil RP tribe in here.

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