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So , i cancelled WoW. It is bored as hell after 2 months
I want to get into a game which will last me long. Tried Everquest2, it is a great game, but don enjoy it too much.
I am thinking EVE or SWG, but which one?
EVE, people said it great, but the fact that you can't exit your spaceship and walk around the planet make me feel uncomfortable.
SWG, people have been yelling about the CU, the lag, and no one party anymoe.
So which do you suggest? or you have something else to suggest?
i think swg,tried eve,the interface annoyed me
i played swg,its a fun game
it designed for more casual playing
but it may bored u fast to(i quited after more then 7 months)
i think eve got a trail,u should try it
and if im not mistaken swg will have a new trail soon,but im realy not sure about it...
For me, EVE is a pretty good game, but when compared to SWG...I tend to like SWG better.
Before the CU went live, I tried it out on the Test Center and absolutely hated it. Even after the CU went live, I still had some days left on my subscription so I forced myself to try it out. Now I really really like it, hunting in groups again is so much more satisfactory for me...I haven't had this much fun since last year when I first started playing SWG...that's why I resubscribed.
Sometimes I can't believe why people expect to solo everything in the game...before the CU, I tended to solo-group (that is, get into a group and get higher missions = higher xp, and you take complete your own selected mission by yourself) but that was because not everyone got the same xp (you do the most damage, you get the most xp)...Now postCU, all you have to do is get one shot in on a target (make sure the target is the same level as you are or maybe even a bit higher) before it gets killed and everyone that engaged that target will get their max xp for that kill. Teamwork is more important than ever, I tried playing in disorganized groups and we were slaughtered many times.
Some like the changes, others do not. I don't like everything about it, but I like the way things are (especially combat) better than before.
re: original poster:
There was a major upgrade of the SWG system about 1-2 weeks ago... before the upgrade everyone could SOLO any creature in the game.. basically characters were little gods... the game was too easy. So they made it harder, which is a good thing... but youre going to find alot of SWG haters at the moment complaining that the upgrade ruined the entire game. (I.e I cant kill everything with my super duper l33t char anymore!)
You can listen to them, or not... if you ask me, SWG is the better game... EVE is fun, but 1. there is very little customization, you cant land and explore the different planets, and fighting can be a little boring (in swg its twich fighting)
do you have to buy all the expansion to play SWG??
can I just buy the Wookies expansion without buying previous expansion?, coz i want to get the mount ^
but its cheaper to buy the "ultimate expirance" that include empire devided+jump to light speed+rage of the wookies
its some thing like 5-10 dollars more then the expansion alone...
well they are both great games. i love how eve has like loads of content and its just so sleek and clean cut. i would recommend EVE if you dont have hardly any time becuase you can gain skills while offline and you dont even need requirments just click the trian skill button but some take upto like weeks.
then SWG i have played SWG since release and still am. i loved being abel to solo because that how i am so i got a lil mad aobut the CU but now its alright im a master pikeman and master swordsman soon to be a great jedi. some things i lvoe aobut the game is the player owneedd sturctures (eve has player owned psacestations wiht like turrents and stuff but they cost like 1 billion isk) in the SWG player owned structers you can put items in them and you can have mineral harvesters and such. its like the ultima online houses but 3d. also you can join guilds and cities there most of the planets form the film and the just addded kashyyyk i still need ot buy that expansion too. also JTL is a VERY good expansion like if you get bored of the ground just jump into your tie fighter or x wing and go kill some stuff and do missions in space.
so basically it comes down to is you have enough time or not.
Apples and oranges. They are far to different to even compare. SWG and EVE are both great games so it comes down to what you want more.
SWG is mostly a ground game with a pretty good space element. EVE is entirely space based.
Until you cancel your subscription, you are only helping to continue the cycle of mediocrity.
Until you cancel your subscription, you are only helping to continue the cycle of mediocrity.
That's like saying, "I'm thinking of either cashing in this winning lottery ticket... or carving my own liver out with a rusty fork, but which one?"
If you have an IQ over 80 and an attention span longer than five minutes, go with Eve Online. If you often have trouble deciphering revolving doors or chewing bubblegum, go with Star Wars Galaxies.
Check out the ratings here; Eve Online is the highest rated game (and has been for the last year) that hasn't simply been riding the crest of that "just got released a few months ago" surge of attention. It's also one of the only games released over two years ago that's never had a significant drop in subscriptions, which will really surprise you when you consider the information listed > here <, where just about every other game spikes in popularity, then mysteriously plummets a few months later.
Think before you buy. I know Eve Online has a free 14-day trial, which I highly suggest, and as far as I know, Star Wars Galaxies might still have one. Remember, if you buy crap, they'll just keep making crap. If you buy gold, they'll be much more inclined to make gold, right? Good luck, I hope you make the right choice.
your retarded all you gave was some 10 year old biased opinion i dont think you are welcome here.
That's like saying, "I'm thinking of either cashing in this winning lottery ticket... or carving my own liver out with a rusty fork, but which one?"
If you have an IQ over 80 and an attention span longer than five minutes, go with Eve Online. If you often have trouble deciphering revolving doors or chewing bubblegum, go with Star Wars Galaxies.
Check out the ratings here; Eve Online is the highest rated game (and has been for the last year) that hasn't simply been riding the crest of that "just got released a few months ago" surge of attention. It's also one of the only games released over two years ago that's never had a significant drop in subscriptions, which will really surprise you when you consider the information listed > here <, where just about every other game spikes in popularity, then mysteriously plummets a few months later.
Think before you buy. I know Eve Online has a free 14-day trial, which I highly suggest, and as far as I know, Star Wars Galaxies might still have one. Remember, if you buy crap, they'll just keep making crap. If you buy gold, they'll be much more inclined to make gold, right? Good luck, I hope you make the right choice.
your retarded all you gave was some 10 year old biased opinion i dont think you are welcome here.
"We don't take kindly to your types around here."
That's like saying, "I'm thinking of either cashing in this winning lottery ticket... or carving my own liver out with a rusty fork, but which one?"
If you have an IQ over 80 and an attention span longer than five minutes, go with Eve Online. If you often have trouble deciphering revolving doors or chewing bubblegum, go with Star Wars Galaxies.
Check out the ratings here; Eve Online is the highest rated game (and has been for the last year) that hasn't simply been riding the crest of that "just got released a few months ago" surge of attention. It's also one of the only games released over two years ago that's never had a significant drop in subscriptions, which will really surprise you when you consider the information listed > here <, where just about every other game spikes in popularity, then mysteriously plummets a few months later.
Think before you buy. I know Eve Online has a free 14-day trial, which I highly suggest, and as far as I know, Star Wars Galaxies might still have one. Remember, if you buy crap, they'll just keep making crap. If you buy gold, they'll be much more inclined to make gold, right? Good luck, I hope you make the right choice.
your retarded all you gave was some 10 year old biased opinion i dont think you are welcome here.
Actually, I think rentantilus's comments were well thought out and phrased - why wouldn't his opinion be welcome here, even if he is 10 years old? (which I doubt). And by the way, it's 'you're'.
Congratulations, junior, you've successfully deduced what the word "opinion" means, which is literally someone's personal bias. I don't think the issue has anything to do with me not being welcome; it has to do with rational discussions in general being beyond your grasp.
Don't let the logout screen hit you on your ass on your way out.
He was probably hoping for an accurately intelligent opinion. Whats rational about bashing a game that obviously has some good points he may like? Oh well, not my problem--- ill leave the board to the trolls.
You all suck at contributing to threads. Im sure that tons of people love SWG in fact. Im sure that tons of people love Eve online. I've only played EVE online but I am getting SWG tomorrow or the next day. Eve Online is fun. Give the trial a shot, you may like it. If not, give SWG a go.
Congratulations, junior, you've successfully deduced what the word "opinion" means, which is literally someone's personal bias. I don't think the issue has anything to do with me not being welcome; it has to do with rational discussions in general being beyond your grasp.
Don't let the logout screen hit you on your ass on your way out.
wow your so badass thinking you pulled that off so clean. but an opinion is not biased and not anti vs the other side it is declaring the strong points of what you think.
what server will you play on im on bloodfin
what server will you play on im on bloodfin
What's a good one? Are there any differences in them?
what server will you play on im on bloodfin
What's a good one? Are there any differences in them?
you must stay on that same server come and play on bloodfin i will hook you up pm me if you do
Main Entry: opin·ion
Pronunciation: &-'pin-y&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin opinion-, opinio, from opinari
1 a : a view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter
Main Entry: bi·as
Pronunciation: 'bI-&s
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French biais
3 a : BENT, TENDENCY b : an inclination of temperament or outlook
Stay in school. The word you were looking for is "fact;" facts are, by definition, not biased. Opinions, by definition, are.
no what you said previously was a very biased statement so stop trying to prove something wrong when it is already proven to be right.
Between EvE and SWG, I suggest you first see if the EvE free trial is still available. If yes, then try EvE for free. See how you like it. Also post in the EvE forums on this site, any questions you have. The majority of EvE players are very friendly and helpful. EvE is most fun when you join a player corporation. Visit the main EvE site to see if they still have a link for the free EvE trial. Or post asking a moderator if this site here has any more free EvE trials left.
IF you cannot find a free EvE trial, and you are stuck having to choose between buying a game to try it out, I suggest you buy SWG and try it out. Remember, SWG is first intended for SW fans, then for casual players (players who have 1-4 hours free time per session to play.) Not for players who have 8-16 hours free time per session to play. And do not play SWG with the intention of trying to become a Jedi (you'll burn out quicker.) There are over 30+ professions to check out and have fun with.
Any SWG questions post them on the SWG forums at this site. Most of the SWG bashers have left, so it is now mostly helpful SWG players who are posting and will try to help you with any questions.
-Personal Website (A Work still in progress):
-AC, AC2, AO, EQ, Freelancer, SWG:
-More SWG:
-More EQ, Dungeon Siege, *UXO*, Diablo II:Lords of Destruction:
-EverQuest II, Horizons:
-EVE Online !!!
-Coming sooner or later... CoH, WoW, MXO, UO, GW, As3, RS
Wrong again, you miserable ass-clown. What I said before was my opinion, which is just as biased as yours. My subsequent posts proved that opinions are, by definition, biased. Get over it.
no, you fail. i gave the strong and weak points of both games and that is not biased your was mor like a rant.
thats not true, servers are as full as before.
the thing is, the CU DRAMATICALLY changed the way people played, and especially where... places that used to be awsome for levelling like the squid caves are now empty, not becaus eplayers left, but because people who are 60+ only get 1xp per kill now.
that, and you also have to factor in a new planet, new quests - and you can understand why certain cities arent as populated. Everyones in the new lands doing the quests, i know i am
**edit: squid caves = squill caves... i just call them squid coz im strange
I agree Eve is a deeper game but it is definitly not for everyone. It's great if you have alot of time to invest. If not, then I'd choose SWG.
The politics in eve ruined the game for me and i only played for like a month.