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Hi guys, I decided to give EQ a shot again after a ten year hiatus to play on the new progression server(s). My previous experience with the game left me with the "grass is always greener" syndrome as I played a druid and sort of envied the warrior class. So to rectify past transgressions, I am playing a warrior this time around.
Unfortunately I feel like an idiot. After playing EQ the first time I starting trying tank class characters on all subsequent games. I now find myself getting confused at what a warrior in EQ can or cannot do as I'm pulling information out of my memory that apparently is not for this game. (i.e., last night I was nearly positive that a warrior in EQ could not use a bow until level 20. Apparently that isn't true and I'm not sure which game I'm pulling that from, or if I just made that up.)
So my plea to whomever reads this is: Are there any reference websites that would be a good source of information about what I should be focusing on during the lower levels of this character?
I'm making sure my skills are maxing out each level (bash, kick, taunt) and trying to diversify my weapon skills as much as possible after my 1hs skill is maxed each level. But my taunt skill is very ineffective which may have something to do with the level of the skill, my character level, the level of the mob we are engaged with, etc.. But I would like to understand how this skill works further, is there an attribute that determines whether or not a taunt is successful?
Hopefully this makes sense.. Sorry if this comes across as a rambling incoherent post. Trying to put this up as fast as possible while at work
Even though this is a progression server, a lot of the basic ruleset has not been reset -- which means that some stuff is different then it was 10 years ago.
I can't recall the original rules regarding warriors and range combat. It may have once been level 20 -- IDK. In any case, I can say this, the only reason for a warrior in EQ to use ranged is for pulling. It can be difficult to run a mob down while trying to swing and hit it. Easier if they are standing still, but if the mob is moving it's usually 5 misses for every attempt at getting its attention.
One of the best sites around:
Use google -- there are others. Might want to search for EQ Live rather then just EQ to remove some of the EQ II hits.
Great, thanks for the link. Yeah the bow question came up in the context of ease of pulling mobs to the group.
This particular link on should help you, as it lists the skills and which levels you get them. Also remember you can always visit your Guildmaster for your class to see what skills are coming up when. The Guildmasters will even allow you to train in your skills, just be careful as the more points you put into a skill, the more money it'll cost.
Also press I to open up inventory, and click on Skills. This is an useful window to tell you what skills you current possess and how high they are at the moment.
For a warrior, you want to focus on getting fast weapons. Faster weapons allow you to hit more, which allows you to hold agro better. Later on you'll want to farm weapons that proc, as procs will gain hate and again, make you hold agro better. Just remember warriors in this game is about tanking and holding agro, so other people in your group can do dps. So don't worry as much about how much dps youre doing as opposed to being able to hold agro well.
Tanks are very valuable right now so join up with groups, or if there aren't one, just start one yourself. You'll have no problems finding people to join you.
Thank you Mardy. Is there a point where tanks are no longer valuable? Probably just reading to much into your statement but figured I would ask anyhow.
Nope, tanks are always needed, especially warriors since warriors are absolutely needed for raids.