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Check out the latest Developer interview over at AO Universe, this time focusing on Lindelu!
After a bit of a break the AO team has hooked up guys and gals over at AO Universe again to bring you another interview from the development staff! Up on deck today: Lindelu! The awesome designer who's brought us the daily missions system and is currently working on the new startup experience takes some time out of her day to answer questions, talk shop, and even give a few sneak peek previews at some of what she's been working on!
Read the interview here.
I'm sorry, I played AO at launch (*shiver*) and still loved it for years. But it's just freaking old now. The UI, animations, graphics, combat, and netcode (the game lacks serious responsiveness) all need an overhaul. Sorry, but the "upcoming" (they've been saying that for YEARS) graphics overhaul won't be enough to breathe life back into AO. I say scrap it, and take the same dev team, give 'em some cash, and let them make a much-needed AO2.
i used to love this thing,its atmosphere and all,but something happened.
thats why its in the past,sadly.
Generation P
Sad to see this game dying.. was my much loved game for many years.
Even more so knowing FunCom wont make a AO2. They already stated they have no intentsion to do so. Hope some developer see's the potentional for a new Anarchy Online in todays market.
Truely do miss the days when a Enforcer could viably use 1HB, 2HB, Dirks aswell as 10 other things and still do a equally good job no matter what set up they picked. Same with many other class's in the game. Such a shame
I miss my Fixer, the music, the atmosphere and the general buzz the game had pre shadowlands.
fixers pre sl *shiver* lol i love my doc i still play it off and on gotta say it always brings me back it has something most mmos dont have for me
all true AO was one of best mmo ive played
Shame they tells all the time about upcoming graph update and all ather stuff and do nothing ....shame
AO will always be my first MMO love, and even though I haven't played for years I still compare each new game I try to AO. If the graphic overhaul actually ever happens, I'll try it out again. I'D LOVE an AO2.
Loved the music in the game... hanging outside of Baboons. Loved my NT, and that blinds actually make a person's screen go black in that game! Loved the aggressive-defensive slider, and making implants. Loved the skill system and how equipping things was skill-based, not level-based (level-based requirements are just sickening to me, I really wish it hadn't become the norm in games). Loved First Aid! When we couldn't find a Doc or some other form of healer, we'd still go out and find other ways to make it work: using stims on each other, agro-swapping, debuffing the mobs more, chaining layer shields on someone if it got rough... AO had more room for adaptation, variety and ingenuity in it than any of the games I've played since.
Those were great times. I miss the mission generator! I don't miss the Div noise though... still haunts my dreams.
Traders were just pure evil aswell.
I agree, the game had probably more options available to you than most other than EVE.. Gief glory days of AO upto just before AI release.
I had to click through no less than four links to get to the actual interview... annoyed. Not's fault, just saying. I still hop in on my froob account occasionally, and usually ened up spending an entire day playing before I've realized it (oh crap when did it get dark out!?). Not nearly as populated as it once was, but I still see a surprising amount of people around, even some that I used to play with regularly. I hope they get the graphic updates done and AO lives on for many more years...
"Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places..." ~ H.P.Lovecraft, "From Beyond"
Member Since March 2004
This is rediculous. Clicking on the link from the front page brought me to this page that doesn't have the article, you have to click on another link. I've never liked that, why do you think I clicked on the link in the first place, but I'm used to it.
However, that opens another tab where I have to click on another link to get to the article.
That STILL doesn't take me to the article, but rather to a forum where I HAVE TO CLICK ON ANOTHER LINK TO GET TO THE ARTICLE!
That's just freaking STUPID!
Let me shortcut the stupidity for you, here is the correct and final link you need to get the article:
Yes, this link works and actually takes you to the correct article, I tested it. If for some bizzare reason it changes after I post this, it not only would have nothing to do with me, but would prove someone out there is a total douche.
Lost my mind, now trying to lose yours...
Crud, the text of the link is correct, but it's not showing as a link, how about this:
Ok, that's better, sorry about that.
Lost my mind, now trying to lose yours...
I do like AO, played it many years ago. I tried it recently and while it definitely still has it's merits, I found it hard to get past the dated feel of it. I really, really value gameplay over graphics, but still had dificulty getting past how old the game felt. Would play again if there were some updates.
Oh my lord... Please don't remind me of the horrors of the AO launch... It had to be one of the WORST in MMO history. (shudder). I've always been amazed that Funcom actually managed to pull the game out, and make it fun and entertaining. But you are quite right, its now long past its time. I doubt if even the LONG promised graphics update would help much at this point. But given how they managed to mess up Age of Conan, I doubt that many people would give an AO2 much of a chance. The market is much less forgiving today, than it once was.
Loved AO back when it launched. Dunno how many times I found myself running from (or dying to) Mini-Bulls as a newbie Clanner...
Fixer 4 Life - every game seems slow after playing a fixer
I miss my old Doctor ...
There are two things I felt AO brought the MMO community ... the first was the focus on social clothing and settings (I had tons of outfits for "dancing") and the second was the mission system.
Too bad it started off so bad, it could have been a real contender.
Asheron's Call and Anarchy Online, the best 2 MMO ever made, in my book....
It was a great game, my first MMO, but whenever I try to go back it's like walking through a ghost town. It will never be the same. They need to focus on a new game with a similar concept but updated.
yes, loved it for years. uncomparable scifi athmosphere when it came out. people still point their fingers at its launch, but really i've seen worse starts in the last 2-3 years. oh and seriously, funcom itselfes destroyed it from the beginning. with 10 year+ experience they should be able to bring out a good game now, but i doubt they'll ever do AO2.
You've seen worse? I don't even want to know... For the first few eeeks, AO was literally unplayable. Constant crashes(client/server), just about everything was broken. I'm still amazed to this day that Funcom was able to pull out from such a totally horrible launch. AO went on to become quite an enjoyable game. But my lord, that launch...
I still go back and read this when I need a chuckle. Some would argue but I think it's the worse launch in MMO history. Turned out to be a very good game though after they ironed the seriously game killing server bugs out.