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I'm not sure if they have a new developing staff or what, but they seem to have lost some of that innovation they were known for in the past.
They just didn't produce anything new and exciting for cataclysm. The game probably peaked sometime in Wrath, but wrath was a faceroll fest. Burning Crusade was excellent fun and Vanilla had a lot of things missing now with the game. Social aspects, world pvp, etc....
Cataclysm I thought was done pretty well overal, quests were fine and everythingl, but after 7 years you have to introduce something more than the same old and they failed to do that.
Tol Barad, 2 new battlegrounds that are not original, then they took the easymode dungeons and made them even easier. So it's once again boring.
I don't raid so maybe raiders are still enjoying it more than I am.
I've been concentrating mostly on my professions now, I probably won't be going anywhere as I'm a WoW addict, but the endgame in WoW is really bad right now and if they don't release a lot more content I predict and even bigger exodus. 5 years of the same BGs will drive you insane and running the same dungeons over and over again is fun for only so long....
I hope Blizzard keeps WoW going because it's still a great game.
As a Wow player you will find other games having similar stuffs like raids,dungeons,BGs etc for something new may be check out Xsyon.
Can't lose what you never had. Perhaps they didn't have somebody to copy this season.
Titan a Fresh MMO in creation by Blizzard Entertainment is being in full Development and took around 70% of wow's lead desingers with them from wow to Titan.
This is fact, Ghostcrawler got in charge around the start or few months into WoTLK, class changes and weird stuff where happening behind the scene.
He had full control in the development of Cataclysm and the patches that went live before Cata, inc all those retarded class changes....
Stripping the Exhalted tittles and numerous other things people work months for to obtain, just to take them away in 1 patch.
It was a backstab to the people who where working day and night for those tittles
I bought Cata, played it for 1 month and lost all my interest in a game i played for 6 years...............6 massive years m8, and it hurts to see more brothers i played with for so long quit the game and make place for the wow kiddies who are now in full charge of WoW.
But on all good things come's and end, and iam glad i quited now, looking forward to GW2 and Arenanet next creation.
WoW did copy Ultima Online , Ever Quest, And Dark Age of Camelot.
When I think of WoW, I have never thought "innovative", so I am not sure what they lost. I played WoW for a long time, and just recently quit, but I have never read a patch note and thought "Wow... How did they come up with that? That is completely original". They put their own spin on things, and their own take, but they have never innovated. Others innovate, and they build on top of that innovation.
WoW's problem right now is that they made everything so easy in WOTLK that people got used to it, and now it was made harder, and half the population is pissed. Most of the WoW players were fine in their mix of blues and greens at level cap in TBC and Vanilla. They didnt like to group, and they didnt do dungeons. Then WOTLK came out, and people were still happy with their mix of blues and greens. Then the dungeon tool came out, and suddenly EVERYONE was in epics. You could suck, be anti social, have never grouped before, and suddenly, you could. It was easy enough to where pretty much any group could manage, and it just worked.
Cataclysm is not the same way. Many of the dungeons require the smallest bit of group cooperation, and no one is willing to try. Just like with Halls of Reflection. So all these people that were suddenly used to being on cruise control through dungeons and picking up their emblems/epics in heroics cannot do that any more. It doesnt matter that for years they were happy with blues and greens, now they are used to easy epics, and they want it now, and Blizzard moved away from that. Sorry, but that was a terrible move for overall population. You can make a game easier and be fine, but make it harder? You are just asking to alienate players.
what happened to those games?
Blizzard was never invative... when they tryed to inovate they failed ( world pvp in old world with silithus eastern kingdoms nagrand etc )
Last new thing blizzard added to WOW that was not ultra fail are AREANS. So yea , TBC content...
pretty lol ... in a sad kind of way.
Mortal in body
Eternal In Will
Ultima Online still going on
Ever Quest I hear is still there as well.
DAoC still there too..
I guess those players played WoW as well but thought it was too much of a clone of thier game.
Wow is milking the cow for some time now..they got 10 milion subs..why would they spend money and resources inovating and putting more and better content? They would not gain more players, if wow lost some milions of subs in a couple of months then they would try improving stuff so that people would come back.
Seconded on Xsyon, give an indie a chance
What kind of content would you like to see specifically? I gave up on Blizzard with Starcaft 2, sent me to sleep, still it's been a great ride, but when the memories are better than the current experience, maybe it’s time to switch. Try a few other mmo's, I didn't find it as hard as I thought I would once I got into them, though if they are too similar to WoW that can cause problems, (hence Xsyon). Aion for e.g., the quests are too "early WoW", and classes the exact same, and with RIFT it was the crafting and pvp that was so familiar it bugged me, (though I still have fun with it).
If you want a challenge, maybe full loot pvp sandbox is for you.
haha exactly what i was thinknig.
WOW has never really been innovativemi afraid they basicalyl toko al lthe ood bits from other MMOs and put them together and have been doing that ever since.
It's hard to lose something you never had to begin with.
BLIZZARD stopped existing as soon as the bean counters took over!
Blizzard has been around for a very long time, and making the mmorpg "World of warcraft" was different than all of those games. i would know because i played them. Also WoW was the innovator of that interface that UO and everyelse "copys" now. And as far as originality goes, people need to realize that their isn't to much originality anymore with any rpg. what more can you do? Oh and WoW may "fail" at world pvp. but really any game will unless thier is a REAL purpose like UO where it was just a sandbox world and people had to fight just to get home. lol. If you're forced into a situation like that, then thier is actual world pvp. it isn't going to happen without anything in the world worth fighting for
So I wonder, if many still paying sub now.
If not, Blizz have trouble...
try before buy, even if it's a game to avoid bad surprises.
Worst surprises for me: Aion, GW2
What company in their right mind would redesign a product that was dominating the market and continues to grow for almost 7 years? The wow formula has worked so far. Sorry for those who do not like it or expect blizzard to fill the void in the mmo market where "new" games are failing.
Warcraft has always been about evolution, not innovation. Not that there has been a lot of either happening from other companies, but people seem to have given up having expectations from other companies.
Sorry did you say "lost it's innovation"? How can you say that WOW ever exhibited any innovation what so ever? It is an out and out clone of all the other point and click auto target crappy level / quest based kill x of y game out there.
It was done with polish and flair but innovation? No sorry - wrong company - wrong game.
even if you recalled to your door step from town, a PK would be right there waiting for you
Being generous the people you are counting here are what, a couple hundred at best? When compared to even just 1 million, it's rather insignificant.
You won't notice the people happily playing because, well they are happily playing.
Again, for every story of "me and my friends bought cata and stopped playing" there are several more stories of people coming back and new players starting altogether (which was the aim of Cata mind you).
I agree that Blizzard from 6 years ago and farther back was more innovative and creative than what the Blizzard teams have shown the last few years, D3 and SC2 included which are just a very polished and refined rehash of the former games.
Maybe it's because most of their most talented people have left the company over the years, and the top talents that were left went to work on Blizzard's new project Titan, hard to say.
I do know that they showed creative brilliance and flashes of innovation with their former games, before 2005. Starcraft had 3 races that weren't a mirror of sorts of eachother, but that had each a very distinct play style and mechanics, showing a lot more difference than the popular Command & Conquer series from around that same time. The step from Warcraft 2 to Warcraft 3 was far larger than the step from SC to SC2, with the introduction of hero mechanics and RPG elements into WC3.
But nothing is constant, everything changes, companies and things like company culture and spirit as well.
The ACTUAL size of MMORPG worlds: a comparison list between MMO's
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums:
Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
Pretty much this. A few people posting about how they and their friends (how many can that be, 1-10 people?) all quit doesn't mean jack compared to the overall population. That's like me stating that of all the people in my guild (around 30 actual people now), I am the one who plays the least anymore. So there's at least 29 other people who are seemingly happy with the game.
To spend 6-7 years in any one game is an extremely long time, and WoW most likely wouldn't be maintaining the high rate of subs if all of the other releases of the past 3 years weren't such a mess.
WoW doesn't need to innovate, and to do so presents too much risk. Blizzard can afford to keep rehashing because there is nothing out there that even remotely competes with them. Perhaps we'll see a little innovation when there needs to be.
Lost their inovation? Lol, since when did they had it...
Just read patch 4.1 notes. Zul Aman and Zul Gurub back, they dont even try to make actually new content, they revamp old one... Ridiculous
My wife and I are old WoW players that left the game for a few years and decided to give Cata a try and were loving it. We used to be hardcore players but after college and a kid we fit uder the casual player base now. I can guaranyee you that us casual players out rank hardcore players 10 to 1. So I can see what your seeing that for every 29 players gone theres another 29 players to take your spot. WoW is florishing more now than when I played years ago and were having a blast with it.
I read this too. I don't see the point. People love them the way they are. When they say "bringing them back", does that mean simply attune them to level 85 or revamp? If revamp, why? Why change a dungeon/raid that people have always loved, why not just create a new one if you are going to do that? I just don't get that kind of thinking. Next they will 'bring back' Karazhan, arguably the most beloved WoW raid, and destroy that as well.
I just want to take this point you made and say something. I really disagree- WoW needs more maps with these tried and true game types.
I don't think that every BG game mode has to be 'unique'. Ever play basically any FPS? You have about a dozen maps give or take at launch that host most if not all the game modes the game has. Whether that be Oddball, Juggernaut, Capture the Flag, Control Point, Team Deathmatch, King of the Hill, Conquest, Rush.
I wish Blizzard would implement the other gametypes into all of their maps, instead of having one map be exclusively one game mode.
But yes Blizzard has definately lost their innovative way of copying EQ :P
Innovation is for their upcoming MMO and WOW2 if one ever materializes. Next xpac The Emerald Dream in revamped Outland. Enjoy!