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I for one would like to comment. There are a TON of haters out there and thats fine. I for one, didn't expect to enjoy the game. The headstart event started PROMPTLY when it was supposed to. And while there WERE queues, Trion very QUICKLY added more servers. Even later that night, after most people would have gone home to be with family, Trion was STILL actively sending server messages announcing even more servers.
Add to that, it has only been 2 days since launch. I have now been updated 3 times. Each time the bug fixes were quick and concise. I haven't had to go back and redo stuff after their fixes and I don't see a plethora of extra bugs spawned from the fixes. There are a couple of annoying loss of sounds being discussed in the servers but for the most part those are minute instances and will hopefully be fixed (I personally have NEVER experienced it).
Needless to say, this is already 2 more patches than the month-ago release of DCUO :-P
Seriously, it needs to be said, Trion is doing their best to make their game smooth. I for one appreciate it. All preferences aside, this is probably the SMOOTHEST launch I've ever seen (minus the queues.... but even those seem to be going the way of the dinosaurs).
Pheh .. You .. you .... RIFTLOVER!!
Great post, I completely agree. Why such an old hand at the MMO game (SOE) couldn't pull off a launch like this one is beyond me.
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
so people are already leaving the game? thats not good for Trion.
GW2 the future of MMO gaming
Nope, the queueu's been eliminated(somewhat) because Trion's been adding more servers as needed plus Trion's been improving the servers capacity.
*Expect WAR-like reply*.
Yeah WAR did the exactly same thing..... And then unlike Trion had to scuttle off to try and figure out just how the heck they could complete the last 45% of the game.
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
Agreed. Best launch since I-don't-know-when. Great job, Trion.
I make spreadsheets at work - I don't want to make them for the games I play.
Nope the queque's have been eliminated because the hundreds of thousands players trying to move into the same starter zones have moved on to spread in the world. Less people in the starter zoned , smaller queques. Simple.
PS: Game is awesome .
Definitely looks like there holding together well enough. Sorta aggravates me my huns playing it though. I was going to wait a few months and see how it pans out. Looks like here I come lol.
Sounds like you want it to fail, which is just silly. He said in his post several times they keep adding servers, also a lot of people said they were taking off work to get to play on the early access.
Those things would cause queue's to reduce dramatically.
A big reason that the queues are better under control is that they tweaked the AFK detection. Apparently, a lot of players were leaving the game logged in for hours at a time while going to work, school, etc. The wait that they were trying to avoid for themselves they were helping create for others. Now, apparently, the game is supposed to boot them out after a certain time.
Truthfully, I'm not sure I would have predicted that behavior, but at least Trion got right on it.
"Soloists and those who prefer small groups should never have to feel like they''re the ones getting the proverbial table scraps, as it were." - Scott Hartsman, Senior Producer, Everquest II
"People love groups. Its a fallacy that people want to play solo all the time." - Scott Hartsman, Executive Producer, Rift
Nope again. As time passes after launch, fewer people are rushing to log in. When a game launches, 1/2 or more of the population is trying to log in, creating queues. Under normal operations, roughly 1/8 of the population is logged on at any given time. So a server might be able to support ~20,000 users in the long term, but during launch even 7,000 players creating characters on the same server can cause a huge congestion.
I don't think sales of Rift are particularly stellar. With 39 NA servers I think they definately added too many. Anyways, there's a convenient status page now. Two weeks after "launch" I guarantee you at least half of the servers will show "Low" population during PST weekday evening.
Like the game, don't like the game, this is the kind of launch I like to see from a company. Especially one with the resources to do it.
Well played, sir
I self identify as a monkey.
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People say Trion adding new servers is "active" and a good move, or whatever. I'm just pointing out that I don't think it was a good move, which is pretty relevant to the discussion I think{mod edit}. But hey, March 15th, see for yourself whether half of the servers are shown "Low" population.
{mod edit}
FFXI had a better launch as did even a game i don't like FFXIV,yes both released by Square Enix.Total player base is not an excuse as no matter how many players you have,it is someone's job to determine server capacity.
IMO Que ues are at the very top for poor game launches,even more so than bugs.Bugs can be fixed a poor launch can also be fixed but the damage is already done and not reversable.
Aion had a very long Beta phase and so did TRION BOTH made the same mistake,somebody in those development crews ,obviously does not know their job very well.You are suppose to be learning soemthing from your BEta phases,not just using them as marketing tools,which seems to be the real sneaky trend devs are doing nowadays.
HYPE means a LARGE player base,last two beta phases were RIFT'S largest,so the base was growing larger.If you have any confidence in your product at all,you figure on the largest possible base considering it will also grow beyond the initial release.This is what Wow did,Blizzard did not sit back and figure ,ok we have 1 million lets end it there,they have over 10+ million,popular games GROW they do not figure on dying out.
That is why whoever was in charge of determining server capacity needed, failed as they did in Aion's case.The difference"might be" that Aion admitted they figured on an initial storm then the game would fade out,that again is poor judgement of your own product.
I will close by saying,that in no way what so ever am i trying to say RIFT is a poor or low quality game,but the topic of this discussion is on LAUNCH and is nothign to brag about.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.