" Don't listen to anyone who tells you that you can't play this or that. That's nonsense. Make up your mind,and you'll never whine or repent about gaming hours anymore, then have a go at every Game. Open up the Internet, join in all the Mmorpgs you can. Go make the Guild. But never, never let them persuade you that things are too difficult or impossible. "
I'll be buying a new MMORPG next month and it's a toss up between this or Rift. I want to try out DC Universe Online before I make my final decision as I've already tried Rift. If someone could really help me out I'd be very happy.
~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!
Come Join us at www.globalequestria.com - Meet other fans of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!
I keep hearing mixed reactions to the game, still want to give it a try though. Does anyone have or know where to get a "Trial" or "Buddy Code"? I hear Subway was running some sort of promotion, but I haven't been able to find anything yet. Basically, I want to make sure: 1. How this runs on my laptop. 2. Try out the game and the battle system. 3. See if it's worth buying at all.
I'm a long time CoH/CoV player and I'm looking a for something new. If anyone can lend a hand or point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it.
Hey there, Like others have said I am choosing between this game or Rift. I would really appreciate if someone could send me a buddy trial so I could see how the game plays. I don't know anyone who plays the game so I can also come play with you on your server if you are low on buddies Thanks
I would DESPERATELY love to play this game, but have very little income (i'm legally blind and on disability), so buying a full version of a game to try it is impossible for me.
Anyone willing and able to toss a key my way? I'll give you my first born son... he's lazy but trainable
Same I would also like a invite to check out the game.
Would very much like to try DC Universe if you have a buddy key,thanks much in advance ^^
Anyone have a buddy key ? I'm still waiting patiently for a buddy key.If someone has an extra buddy key, it would be much appreciated.
Please PM or send to lotrfan33@yahoo.com Please,and Thanks again... <>.>
I would like to try this one out on the PC if anyone has a key. dmoorejr77@gmail.com Thanks!
would like this game if i can get a key and play it out first.
I have been wanting to try the game too, thanks for the key in advanced..
A key would be great. Thanks.
Real as Reality Television!!!
Well, a key will be nice.
Sourajit Nandi
" Don't listen to anyone who tells you that you can't play this or that. That's nonsense. Make up your mind,and you'll never whine or repent about gaming hours anymore, then have a go at every Game. Open up the Internet, join in all the Mmorpgs you can. Go make the Guild. But never, never let them persuade you that things are too difficult or impossible. "
Once An Addict Always An Addict .
Looking for a key as well. Please message me or email me at dreiter86@yahoo.com~!
A man who fears nothing is a man who loves nothing; and if you love nothing, what joy is there in your life?
Could someone give me a buddy key please? I want to try it before paying! thanks!
PM me.
I'll be buying a new MMORPG next month and it's a toss up between this or Rift. I want to try out DC Universe Online before I make my final decision as I've already tried Rift. If someone could really help me out I'd be very happy.
~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!
Come Join us at www.globalequestria.com - Meet other fans of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!
Looking for a key too please let me know if you have one.
I keep hearing mixed reactions to the game, still want to give it a try though. Does anyone have or know where to get a "Trial" or "Buddy Code"? I hear Subway was running some sort of promotion, but I haven't been able to find anything yet. Basically, I want to make sure: 1. How this runs on my laptop. 2. Try out the game and the battle system. 3. See if it's worth buying at all.
I'm a long time CoH/CoV player and I'm looking a for something new. If anyone can lend a hand or point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it.
Could someone pm me a key. My brother plays and would like to try it out. Thanks in advance :-)
If anyone has a spare key they can PM me that would be awesome.
Hey there, Like others have said I am choosing between this game or Rift. I would really appreciate if someone could send me a buddy trial so I could see how the game plays. I don't know anyone who plays the game so I can also come play with you on your server if you are low on buddies Thanks
Have a friend who would love to try the PC version with me. Sadly as I got the Steam version I don't have a key to give him.
Any help would be most appreciated, PM me here if you can help me out
I will once again post in here hoping someone will throw me a bone or an... invite haha... for the PC version. *tear*
i would like too a buddy key if anyone has one, and i would like to try DCUO bfore i jump on rift
so if anyone has a buddy key pm or send to jackbattle22@hotmail.com
thanks in advance
u got to risk it, to get the biscuit
I would like to give the game a try.
Is there anyone with a spare buddy / invite key?
Oh come on.. you know you want some backup when the cars start flying in the streets.
generalcheez@gmail.com, I would enjoy a key.
I'd love to give this a try (PC version)
I would DESPERATELY love to play this game, but have very little income (i'm legally blind and on disability), so buying a full version of a game to try it is impossible for me.
Anyone willing and able to toss a key my way? I'll give you my first born son... he's lazy but trainable
i would love a buddy key, PM me here or kevinspruill@yahoo.com
Hmmm... It's been awhile. I suppose none of us will be getting any buddy keys any time soon :-(
Here's hoping some make it around to us soon.
I would love to try out this game been looking at it for a while but want to try it before my friend in I buy it.