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The end is near.

Microsoft is just delaying what is sure to eventually happen.  The shut down of AC2.  For now they're consolidating the 9 server worlds into 4.  While this will make sure there are more people in each world, it does tell you how much they are hurting.  In addition the PvP server will be taken off line if its subscriptions do not increase.  No word yet on Europen servers, but expect a word on that in about a week.

My personal predictions:  AC2 will be taken off line close to the release of Mythica.  Just like Motor City Online they will claim they need the resources for future projects, when in reality the game died due to lack of paying customers. 

You can read the release here:

Pacman actually had a primitive AI:
One ghost was set to take the shortest path to you.
One was set to work with the agressive ghost and try to cut you off.
One was set to hang around the middle and keep you from using the side passage way.
The last one floated aimlessly around the area of the map with the most dots.


  • FeneantFeneant Member Posts: 24

    I am amazed that they haven't given up yet! They might continue the game with these 4 servers if they can find players enough, but the game will never be the big hit that they expected, even if they offered players free time, I doubt they would go back, the first 6 months of the game being live was nerf after nerf with very little being actually added to the game!

    Worst MMORPG ever!

    20 something paladin
    30 something weaponsmith

  • HoodwinkHoodwink Member Posts: 61

    Worst MMORPG ever?  Well if thats what you think? (shurg) I disagree.

    While the game lacked in quite alot of areas and the Dev's were way too slow to start putting things right.. It was FUN and I for one am looking seriously at the Hero update in October.  If they can offer a new direction to take characters in the high fortys plus good/meaning full KvK plus other addtional content, well I might just return.

    In short: Still poor but not worst could get better in October if they don't pull the plug.




    Hoodwink - Half Elf Ranger

    Quote:"The Insect Keeper General, sitting astride his giant hovering aphid, surveyed the battlefield which reeked with the stench of decay and resonated with the low drone of the tattered and dying mutant swarms as their legs kicked forlornly at the sky before turning to his master and saying, 'My Lord, your flies are undone.'"


  • FeneantFeneant Member Posts: 24

    When I say worst showing, I mean in general. The launch was not bad, the game looked good and there weren't too many bugs, but Turbine did not seem to care at all about the players and they did what they wanted when they wanted. Nerfing a game for the first 5-6 months is not a way to keep players interested.

    Personnally, all I did was craft when I played and even when I did exceptional weapons, no one wanted to pay the amount of gold for it when you could easily find a weapon with 10% less damage or so which meant that when I left, I had on my caracter around 75% of my capital in unsold goods which I could sell at the shop for 5-6 gold pieces but cost me thousands to make.

    I will never return to AC2 irregardless of what they do.

    20 something paladin
    30 something weaponsmith

  • MelbosaMelbosa Member Posts: 2

    I too was a fan of AC2.  I loved the game.  Spent more hours on it then I should have (wife got a little pissed sometimes).  I had 12 characters, spaning 3 servers.  I spent most of my time on my main, making him into the best healer/tank there was.  I leveled him to the limit in the 6 months of some of the best gaming fun I have had in years.

    Then came the nerfs and class re-classing (for lack of better term).  I tried for 2 months to conform to the changes, even tried using my alts to keep the game fun.  I watched the servers go from 1300 at peek times to little over 400 at best.  Watched all my online friends leave, and only the really hopefuls stay.  But alas, after reading post after post from the Devs, who just didn't seem to get a clue, and seeing the purposed Hero system to come, I decided I should spend my time elsewhere.

    When a game becomes more frustrating than fun, and when that game is supposed to be defined by the player base, but instead is molded into the Devs vision (without hearing the outcries - and some were getting violent repsonses - from the players), I believe no gamer should put up with that.  So I left to give my money elsewhere.

    So I have to agree, the game is dieing, and the only thing that will bring it back is new blood, both in Dev circles and player base, cause (most) us "Old Timers" are out of there.

    Sometimes I think before I type.... Sometimes

    Sometimes I think before I type.... Sometimes

  • CalmCalm Member Posts: 17

    I stopped playing AC 1 years back...and was close to buying AC2 when a good friend who is a MMPOG junky bought it and a month later set it down...

    Its funny all the things you were saying about AC2 went were corrected in AC1 what is not a better game...tisk tisk Turbine tisk tisk.

  • killerTwinkiekillerTwinkie Member CommonPosts: 1,694
    Only if Turbine could see this now...  I wonder how stupid they would feel.  I would directly change the game to what it was, and e-mail everyone telling them that they have a free two week period.

    You can't stop the bum rush - staff

    KillerTwinkie - That one guy who used to mod's forums.

  • livelyclivelyc Member Posts: 110
    i liked ac2 for a while then it sadly became bland and ytou never really felt like u needed to log on and do something =/ while it is going down the tubes this is not the worst mmorpg. that title goes to the Long long long awaited shadowbane , it blowed in all categories ,gameplay,graphics,sound,anything else u can think of for a category but yes i have to say im sry to see ac2 go , ill just play horizons betaand then horizons till eq2 comes out image

    This message has been brought to u by Death, the fulltime sponsor of the lively cadaver

    This message has been brought to u by Death, the fulltime sponsor of the lively cadaver

  • EnarkEnark Member Posts: 7

    Sadly, I have to agree that AC2s days are numbered.

    After playing AC for three years, myself and many others had high hopes for AC2. But the game never even came close to living up to the hype. As Melbosa stated, it's more frustrating than fun, and there are enough frustrations IRL that we don't need any more heaped on us by a game that we log into to to get away from that kind of thing. Nerf after nerf. The "we're going to do what we want/ not what you want" additude of the devs. Puny server populations in a group oriented game and so on. Those are what's killing AC2

    The only reason I stayed with it for six months is because of the clan members from AC that were playing there. Now only a few of them are left playing it and just aout all of those ones are looking forward to WoW. When that game starts AC2 is dead for sure, if not before.

    As for me I started playing SWG about 2 1/2 weeks ago, and so far I'm really having fun there and I really believe this game has huge potential. A lot more than AC2 EVER had. With 60 devs who are actually listening to the players, and seem to be trying to please the players instead of just themselves, SWG is just going to keep getting better and better. The bugs and balance issues and broken skills are being fixed an a near daily bases. If the devs at Turbine had taken the approach that the devs at SOE have taken then AC2 wouldn't be going through death throws now.

  • HieroHiero Member Posts: 1

    I've been enjoying the game since beta.

    Personally since I have limited gaming time, I really like that there is little downtime in this game.

    After some 3 years of AC1, I had had enough of intricate detail... fizzle...fizzle..fizzle...fizzle.... are we having fun yet?

    I'll be happy to play it until something better actually makes it out and is available to play not just a "It's going to be cool someday..."



    Hiero Desteen
    Warrior of Worlds

    Hiero Desteen
    Warrior of Worlds

  • EnarkEnark Member Posts: 7

    Fizzles really are irritating!

    As long as one is having fun in a game they might as well stay with it. I just wasn't in AC2 anymore. To many tough critters in the open and I can't tell you how many times I'd be winning a fight, only to have some high end critter spawn right ( and I mean RIGHT) on top of me and finish me off. I literally was playing 90-95% of the time with vitae. For me it was just to frustrating. That's why I left.

    I didn't mean to give the impression that SWG had more bugs than a Tuskers ass. After 2 1/2 week there I have hardly encountered any bugs at all. Maybe two or three in that time. And it hasn't put a damper on the fun I'm having. Most of the bugs and broken content are are at the higher levels and there arn't a lot of players at lvls that high yet. Most of them are the ones that played Beta and knew from the start exactly what they wanted to do. And they put in quite a bit more time at it the the average person would.

    As I stated in a previous reply there are 60 devs for SWS. Compare that to the handful of devs turbine has. And the devs are doing a good job at fixing the things that really need it with frequent patches that usually occur at 6am pst and don't take to long to do.

    But all this is off topic for this thread anyway I guess.

    Will AC2 last? Unfortunately for those who still enjoy it It probably won't last. I hope it does though for the sake of the peeps still playing it.

    Oh, and SWG just added two more servers a couple of days ago. People are for the most part likeing this game. And as for it being released buggy, What MMO hasn't been? image

  • ShindouShindou Member Posts: 23

    Wow another fanboy, first off the bugs are everywhere not just the high content area, just cuz you didnt encounter them or know what they are doesnt mean they arent there, and as far as the people are concern it foolish to say if they like it or not cuz you dont know nor I for that matter all you can do is give your opinion.  Also you should think about why they needed to add 60 devs and more servers.  Where you there when it launched?  If so it didnt matter cuz you couldnt logon and play.  Hmm let see how many copys got sold, I cant even imagine, did it get sold cuz it such a great game HELL NO the name got it sold.  You know how many people preorder it before even playing it.  It hasnt been even been a month yet increasing servers and devs are no indication of how the game doing just an indication that it being sold.  I bought the game I still have 1 week left to play, will I continue to play, YES cuz I paid for it already , will I renew my subscription HELL NO.  Just like AC2 give it time I guarantee you the server population will drop drastically within the first couple of months.  Does that mean SWG will fail, I highly doubt it cuz there enough fanboys like you running around who bought 3 months, 6 months, or 1 year subscription to support them or who will blindly pay the monthly subscription in the hopes of it getting better.

    No one ever said it was a bad game but it nothing new, buggy, and lacks content, so is it worth the $50 dollars and $15 per month in it current state, HELL NO.

  • PravusPravus Member Posts: 34

    I will also agree, I played AC1 from beginning till AC2 came out.  I jumped into AC2 beta very excited about what I was reading about.....after spending a good time in beta and realizing what a piece of garbage game it was I quit after one month in retail.  The game is terribly terribly boring to play.  No depth whatsoever.  None.  Crafting was ok but no one wanted the stuff you could make.

    They should have taken everything that worked in AC1 and put it in AC2 and then add more from there, instead they killed a what COULD have been a good franchise game.  So long AC.

    I like many others are just awaiting some of the newer games like WoW or Lineage II.


  • speculativespeculative Member Posts: 6

    I don't know how much longer I will play AC2, but I've had a ton of fun playing it so far, and will play it until it gets too old or too hard.

    I don't regret buying AC2 - I regret buying SWG.  Now there is a game with messed-up mechanics! image


    Admin @ - for your Distributed Computing/Technology needs!

  • MikeRozakMikeRozak Member Posts: 3

    I left a bit over a month ago. I just Emailed this post-morten to AC2 with my assessment about why the game doesn't work:


  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,476

    Still waiting for the end, join us on AC2 as a Soothsayer of Doom or something :-)

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