Welcome to this weeks Sunday Shorts. There’s loads of tiny SWTOR news to fill the empty spaces inside your brain below -
Gord Walton talks about localisation in The Old Republic.
This weeks friday update shared the Bounty Hunter love.
The full low down on Pax East was also revealed.
A trailer was released together with release information for Decieved, the novel by Paul S Kemp.
IGN revealed the Bounty Hunter class trailer and an exclusive interview with favourites Daniel Erickson and Georg Zoeller.
MMORPG.coms Michael Bitton talked about ‘Selling Grays’ in SWTOR and George Zoeller added his comments.
David Bass IS still alive!
Player Bounties won’t be in the game at launch.
Does Bioware listen to the forum members? Short answer yes, long answer here.
A new Republic Trooper desktop wallpaper was made by DarthMaulUK.
This weeks Podcast round up comes from TORWars(Episode 15), Corellian Run Radio(Episode 17),DarthHater(Episode 73), Mos Eisley Radio(Open Bounties), and TORTalk(Episode 26).
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a bit disappointed that we don't have players bounty
I'm not. I don't mind PvP occassionally, but I do not care for it regularly. So being forced into it would GREATLY reduce my fun. On top of that, what happens if you get a bounty on another player that then logs off and goes on a two week vacation? Great fun there right? Player bounties are a good concept idea, but not a good practical concept.
"If half of what you tell me is a lie, how can I believe any of it?"
Even the premier PVP game 'EVE-Online' can't get the player bountry system right.
How do you stop from letting a friend 'kill' you, collect the bounty and share the profits?
Gdemami -
Informing people about your thoughts and impressions is not a review, it's a blog.
Hence his "player bounties are a good concept idea, but not a good practical concept".
Player Bounties worked well in Galaxies. So a system like that would be good, where it is totally random. Before NGE, I used to love being a Bounty Hunter and tracking down Jedi - it was such a thrill - followed by what sometimes could be a difficult with a Jedi.
Since I was an Imperial player, I decided not to hunt Imperial Jedi. Sometimes I think that MMO games are becoming too soft. After all, it is a war and pvp should be part of that. Galaxies at launch had some incredible battles outside Anchorhead and Bestine on a daily basis and made it worth while logging in.
Yes, some players dont like pvp and they didnt have to join in but it shouldnt be hidden away on a pvp server or a stupid raid instance.
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It really is a non-issue, but I know about a dozen friends that would disagree on how well the player bounties worked in Galaxies. It was that same group of friends that tried to get me playing the game and after putting in about 30 hours I just had to walk away.
In my opinion, PvP should never be mandatory in any MMO and that is basically what you are saying in your last paragraph. I don't even understand why people think PvP HAS to be part of a MMO. It really is it's own genre in my opinion and placing it in a game so that people have to participate is guaranteed to make more people walk away from a game, than it will draw tham in.
I personally have always felt the main idea of an MMO was to get together with other people to team up and take on a bigger challenge in a game. While this can translate to PvP, it does not have to translate. It's more of a benny and should be set aside to specific servers or areas of a game in my opinion.
"If half of what you tell me is a lie, how can I believe any of it?"
pvp servers imo are a bit of a cop out, as for player bounties, i think the swg model wasnt that bad, you could only have a bounty placed on you if you killed someone after all, so, it wasnt forced pvp by any means, after all you couldnt have a bounty put on you until you actually took part in pvp in the first place, the Eve model works well too imo, as you had to have a negative concord status before you could be bountied, which means you had to have killed people, or helped to kill them. and, it is at the end of the day, a game thats about combat with other players, it may not be the imperials vs rebels of swg - in the time frame of starwars:tor after all, the empire didnt even exist, nor did the rebellion, but it does involve 2 seperate factions, so joining either one means your at least open to the idea of being in combat with members of the opposing faction, if not then why play?
To answer your last question, I will ask one myself. Why would you want to force people to only play the way YOU feel is right? I myself will partake of the PvP once in a while, but not often and I would not want to be forced into it, nor would I want to force others into it. Let people play the way they want within certain boundries (PvP servers or zones) and everyone has a lot more fun. Of course, that is just in my experience.
"If half of what you tell me is a lie, how can I believe any of it?"
Well it's called Star WARS for a reason. Players decided (PRE NGE) to go down the path to become a Jedi and the downside was clearly stated that Bounty Hunters would be on your case.
I know lots of players who didnt get involved in pvp because they were either traders or managed to avoid being 'detected' and turn up on the BH terminals.
Yes, some players dont want to do(or enjoy pvp) but it shouldnt be pushed to a dark corner somewhere out of sight.
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Nobody is saying push it out of sight, just make it optional. By keeping it in a PvP server or zone, you make it optional and only those people who want to participate will.
"If half of what you tell me is a lie, how can I believe any of it?"
Great job OP, keep up the good work!
The ACTUAL size of MMORPG worlds: a comparison list between MMO's
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums:
Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
Youre most welcome
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It's actually pretty easy, the dev is just a moron.
All you have to do is:
Exclude player names from bounties;
Do not allow unique payouts;
Do not alert the mark that they have a bounty on them; and
Do not alert the mark that they are being hunted.
Tada, an exploit proof bounty system in just four steps.