Looking for a NA Trial if anyone still has one available. Would be greatly appreciated. You can either PM me or email to: toasty.smurf (at) gmail (dot) com.
I am looking to buy Aion from Amazon.co.uk soon as it is cheap there, so if any of you would like to get the bonus from the buddy/referral please send me an email with what I need to do at:
Please do as soon as you can as I will be ordering around Wednesday 16th March.
I've got 4 keys good to go for EU servers. If anyone wants, throw a PM my way
If anyone has any trial key for EU will be great to test Aion.
Email : dimiboyy@hotmail.com
Thank you.
I want to try Aion, if anyone has a trial key for EU , please send me to:
Id like an NA trial if you dont mind
Are there any buddy keys available if so message me here on mmorpg
Plz i been waitting forever for a trial key,i have plans to buy but like most wont before I try it O'plz
a NA server thx
Got another 2 keys for EU if anyone wants them! Pm me if so
Been dying to try this game. If anyone has a NA key available mind sending one my way?
edit: Received one.
I would like a NA key to try it again
Either PM it or email it to: crw051089@gmail.com
Whichever is more convenient
.. But in a good way.
Looking for key, never played before but very keen to try it, thanks.
Ex. myth of soma, legend of mir, mu online and eudemons online player.
Current game : Runescape (until pc build is complete)
getting to the point of not really want to log in to my current mmo, you all know what I meant I'm sure.
Would appreciate a trial code
Thank you
My wife is also interested in trying Aion out with me, if someone could spare a second NA key.
My e-mail is crw051089@gmail.com
Hers is saraheliseb89@gmail.com
.. But in a good way.
Would be greatful for a NA trial key...I recently got burned by Earthrise and am looking for something to help ease the pain.
greatly appreciated.
You will be burned by this one too like i was
Thanks for whoever sent an invite to my wife
I still need one at crw051089@gmail.com
.. But in a good way.
Forgot to mentioned that I needed a NA key, not EU
PM or email to toadking0@hotmail.com
Much Appreciated,
anyone still have a spare trial (for EU)?
Looking for a NA Trial if anyone still has one available. Would be greatly appreciated. You can either PM me or email to: toasty.smurf (at) gmail (dot) com.
Thank you!
Anyone happen to have a spare EU key ,really want to see how much the game changed and if it's worth it now.
Hello,anyone still have a buddy key for EU.:)
thanks for the fast replay with a key
NA key please. gobeldeygook@gmail.com
Send one to cemetery_sundown@yahoo.com if you could please, NA Would be greatly appreciated!
I played Aion in beta, but not enough for it to keep me entertained for long.
I've heard there have been a lot of changes since then, many really good ones.
So I'm very interested in playing again, me and my friend are seeking Friend
Referals if anyones interested?
I'm almost sure that we will definately purchase atleast the game iteself and maybe
the first month if its good, if its great we'll continue to subscribe. So Whoever refers
us will get a few months free time and other goodies?
So come on! Send me a message, and I'll messgae you back with the two e-mail
addresses that you can send the referals to. I hope to see you all in game soon
EU Referals please
I am looking to buy Aion from Amazon.co.uk soon as it is cheap there, so if any of you would like to get the bonus from the buddy/referral please send me an email with what I need to do at:
Please do as soon as you can as I will be ordering around Wednesday 16th March.
Many thanks!
New players can get a welcome package and old/returning players can also get a welcome back package and 7 days free subscription time! Just click here to use my referral invitation