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I have been playing rift for the last 2 weeks and I think that most of the things that this game offers are cheap rip-offs from wow not nearly as well made , except the crafting system witch is much better in rift
I think this game cannot pull a wow veteran , but I’m sure that people that haven’t played wow and try rift will love it
Anybody share the same opinion ?
Define wow veteran. If we're talking about somebody that has played since wow vanilla, then Rift definitely has the atmosphere that was lost with the latest expansions (especially the very last one).
I sure hope you find the game you like. You don't seem to enjoy WoW this much and you don't like Rift either so ... keep on looking and good luck
Yawn. This again? It already has been discussed to death.
I'm enjoying Rift more than WoW... I'm not going to say I'm enjoying it more than I ever did WoW because I still have a few levels to go before I reach 50 to experience the end game, BUT I can say that beyond the shadow of a doubt I've enjoyed Rift much more than WoW when compared to leveling, gameplay, ect... I've heard a lot of positive things about Rift's end game and I'm looking forward to it.
Rift's Soul system is much to be desired. There's enough diversity in every role to accomodate every kind of playstyle. I also love the fact that I don't have to make tons of characters just to experience everything. 4 characters is all you need.
Another thing... Trion, for being as new as it is, is doing an outstanding job. It still amazes me how well things are handled... it's like they've been doing it for decades. Patches and hotfixes aren't applied at max once a week and servers aren't down for an absurd amount of time for patches. Rift's system is just much better and a lot less hassle. The longest I've seen a Rift server go down for a patch is 30 minutes and patches are much smaller in size in comparison to WoW's.
Don't get me wrong, I loved WoW... I always went back after quitting for other games (AoC, WAR, Aion) but WoW has become stale and Blizzard is starting to go in a direction that not too many people are fond of. Thankfully, this time I've found a more permanent home with Rift.
Im completely burned out on Wow and enjoyed the rift beta, however i look at rift as a decent game but still just another standard mmo that does nothing new and doesnt really peek my interest enough to buy it, im looking forward to GW2...
Playing GW2..
I agree with most of the comments here , and myself I am indeed burned out of wow
But rift still misses a lot to come nearly close to wow quality standards
Which is fair because wow has been running for years
I just felt that It doesn’t have much to offer to a wow veteran , except from a more mature content and a wow like crafting system that finally means something from the start.
But again it is still way behind , the coding of the character movement the animation of the characters don’t look “normal”
The class system is broken you choose 3 trees and you actually get almost the same abilities from each one of them
The skill system is dump almost all the classes are played via the same combo system “hit 5 times launch a special attack” “hit 3 times launch a dmg attack”
Why would I want to pay 50 euro to buy rift and play a look like wow game that I already play for years?
They couldn’t even think for a different name for they bad dragon and they named him Regulos ….reminds you something ? …Ragnaros
The magic of the first months at wow launch will never come back…
(mod edit)
People who say Rift doesn't bring anything new to the genre aren't bringing anything new to the discussion. Is Rift an amazing game with innovation dribbling from every pixel? No. Is it a bad game? No. It is what it is and for some it is fine and for others it is not interesting enough to play. Going on about it again and again is more boring than the game itself.
Please note that I am not saying your points aren't valid or that your opinion isn't accurate. I'm just saying its been said numerous times already and there really isn't much more to be said about it.
I love bs troll threads, while this game is similar to wow, its different enough though.
the skill system is more then with 3 times and then special button you will die if you follow this guys lead.
The game world is packed with MOBs but I figure thats a not a bad thing keeps you on your toes and the zones are rather large and have a lot more detail in them then anyother game I can think of except AOC.
The animation is every bit as good as any other game, graphics are great, if you dont like the art direction thats another issue.
The thing I find funny about the OP is the one thing thats a carbon copy of wow, the crafting system he says is better.
Rift also promotes people running around the world not just hanging out in a major city waiting for q to get called up.
This is a super solid fantasy MMO worth checking out.
Regulos and Ragnaros have nothing in common (well, apart from the words start from R and finish with s). I hope you realise that after you think about it for a second. My RL is DImitris and there are Donuts, we both start with a D and finish with an S, but apart from hating the darn things, there is nothing else in common.
I would also like to disagree about the class system as well. This is a direction that we'll hopefully see more MMOs push towards aka more freedom of choice instead of more restrictions. I'm even more excited about a classless system like TSW will offer, but that's for another discussion.
Do you honestly like the cataclysm - I must put all my points in one tree before unloking the next - system over the older one?
Why would you want to buy Rift and play it instead of WoW?
Well, because WoW changed over the years. In my opinion, while they improved the mechanics part of the game (dual classes, guild system etc.), they also destroyed the world feeling, essencially converting an open world MMO into a lobby game. Rift feels like a reboot from the point where the open world feeling is still there and the instance gameplay has not yet taken over the game. Who knows, that may change in the future, but the rifts staying in the open world probably mean that the open world will stay relevant for the times to come.
OP, you clearly looking for reasons to hate Rift. There is nothing fundamentally wrong with the game, you just need to hate it to justify your decision to stick with WoW. I understand your need, but that doesn't make Rift a bad game, it just makes you negatively biased towards it.
Oh, and Rift has its issues, just not the ones you mentioned. The ones you mentioned are the ones somebody who just watched a couple of youtube videos or barely touched the game would refer to.
Thats exactly my point , It is one of the same mate
The same content all over again , not a bad game not a good one , the same things to do in lesser quality
It can get you hooked like wow but soon you will realize that you dont have much reason to continue play something you are already playing for years
I am not saying it is bad but to my opinion it aint worth It
neither does wow anymore this gentre is completly burnd out
I need to play new and unique games like EVE and Darkfall witch are talking the long path and not the short to success
With respect thats always my personal opinion and I am not trying to flame the game or patronize anybody
what this guys says.
Rift will eventually turn into a lobby game. You have lots of people running around in the world? Wait and see when the game becomes top heavy. I mean it released what? Like a month ago? WoW was quite open ended and there were tons of people around in its first few months. I would say WoW was much more open ended and hardcore at launch compared to Rift. It took much much longer to get to max level and exploring the world was super fun.
The thing RIFT doesn't have for me personally? I don't know anything about RIFT's world whereas I was a warcraft fan long before WoW so it was amazing to see the world built in together.
But yeah wait till RIFT becomes top heavy....
Mission in life: Vanquish all trolls - especially TESO, WOW and GW2 trolls.
So go play WoW then. Why even post about it?
Feeling threatened by Rift's success perhaps??
Feel the need to bring it down??
Worried it will pull to many WoW players and cause server merges in the mighty WoW world?
Just saying...that's the only motivation I can see here.
Well, the difference is that in WoW there is just nothing in the open world for end game characters. Pretty much everything is instanced by design. Best PvE rewards, best PvP rewards, everything is derived by being successful at various instanced content.
Rift may end up the same eventually. Well, if they totally ignore rifts and how they shape the open world. Or they may end up with a better balance between instanced content and open world content, which I find more likely to happen.
What's with the all the "RIFT sucks" threads made by accounts with barely any post?
And from what the OP said, I have the feeling that he's never even touched the game.
whats up with all the rift sucks threads well theres 12million wow fanbois, if 10% are compelte douche bags, thats 1.2 millios bastards who will trash every game on the planet just because its not exactly like WoW or that it is Exactly like WoW
I think you need to cut the delusion; WoW offers nothing original just paint by numbers gameplay for the masses.
A nice money earner but it adds nothing to the genre and is not in any way original.
Sorcery must persist, the future is the Citadel
Well the thing is that it is not the same people that are making the same type of posts, they are different people who may or may not know that this has been brought up a million times and even if they did it does not forbid them to voice their opinion.
There isnt a collective of Rift haters you know, we are all individuals.
My gaming blog
I see these silly arguments about hidden motives over and over again. You guys need to get over yourself, or rather your love of this game.
No one cares about getting this game down.
No one is threatened by Rifts "success". Why on earth would they be?
And finally, since WoW is such an instanced cross server game, server merges I doubt is anything WoW players worry about it.
Something a cigar is just a cigar you know, sometimes someone just doesnt like something and says he does not like it. No hidden agenda neccessary.
My gaming blog
I said I respect every opinion
But very few people have suported their arguments with facts
Half of the posters here acuse me for trying to bury rift
I dont give a #$&% if rift and wow survives or not or they population goes down
Its not my fault that TRION instead of creating something inovative and new copy pasted wow
With which game you want me to compare RIFT ? EVE?
Its a wow 2 with worst gameplay smaller world and a diferent class system and NPC names .
For the people that try to acuse me that I havent played RIFT
Character name JAGR server cloudbourne EU
You can search my profiles name in the eve killboards to see that I am a gamer like you
Yet again, Rift sucks. Look at post count... 12.. and that's with a bunch of responses in here. He clearly states in one of his previous forum posts that he prefers the sandbox type games like Eve. Clearly not a themepark player who's opinion is biased.
If there is a problem on opening a new thread on this issue an administrator can lock it or delete it
Until then the fact that im not personaly attacking anybody and I try being constructive with the few people with even a diferent opinion from me that ARE constructive ,
prouves that what I say its true , rif is a deceipt and a cheap WOW rip off
neither you like It or not
Scream all you want about my posts profile social security numbers political views etc TRION boys
I know about 16 people who play WoW. 2 have 'too much invested' in raiding right now to try Rift. 2 do not like the fact that rifts and invasions can interrupt your questing. 1 person somehow ran out of quests around level 15 or so. I'm not sure how that happened. The other 11 are playing and loving it. That's more than 50% of the people I know. Can't speak for the remaining 12 million WoW players though.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
SWToR CEO said that game was coming after WoW the other day. You got bigger issues to worry about.
Frank Gibeau. In an interview with Industry Gamers, Gibeau wastes little time in proclaiming Star Wars as the world's largest IP "in terms of audience size" and also equates WoW's quest-driven gameplay with a trip to the local supermarket. "You go and do your quests, but it feels more like doing a shopping list at times. [Our game] is more about talking to characters, learning what's going on, investing in it, getting emotionally attached to it," Gibeau says.
Nah ,
Im waiting SWTOR for years looking forward to play It mate
My circle in wow has closed some time ago thats why i subscribed to RIFT to
as much as i like this game i would pick wow any time ive played wow since 05 i play it to death then take a year out so game never get old i played in 3 betas for rift and lost intrest by lvl 20
not because it played like wow but more warhammer the start up quest were the same nearly the story line lame to be honest saying that it was only the beta so might pick it up in 6 months i hope trion keeps the ball rolling with this game. ill know how good it is if my friends all stop playing in a few months