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Recently,'s Drew Wood had the opportunity to visit with the Allods Online team to preview the upcoming spring patch. The patch will bring a lot of new Allods into the game, new features and a level cap increase to 47. Drew also spent time learning a bit about the just-announced Prius Online. Check out Drew's impressions of the Allods Online spring update and what he learned about Prius Online. Let us know your thoughts in the comments.
First and foremost, the patch will be raising the game's level cap from 42 to 47. Luckily, the content is heavily present in the patch as well, making for a smooth (but challenging) rise to the top of the heap. First of all, the patch gives you two entirely new, full-sized zones, each one present with new visuals, including some brand new mob designs and some really intricate and well-thought out motifs. The visuals are more striking then ever, as the team seems to have focused on the impressive graphical capabilities of the free-to-download title.
Read more of Drew Wood's Allods Online: Spring Patch Preview & Prius Online.
Never was such a potentually cool game done such a diservace by its publishers.
I trult wanted to like this, I mean steampunk rushian styled spelljammer was an aluring coctail.
Shame they got greedy, over monetised and ruined it.
Cool, I'm not the only one thinking Allods was a Spelljammer alike MMO ;-)
And yeah, like you I wanted to play it real bad (for the Spelljammer idea), but for once gPotato really got greedy (the developer actually) and that ruind the game completely for me :-(
Astrum Nival is the developer
gPotato is the publisher
I have fond memories of the Euro CBTs for this game. Everything that came after, I'd rather forget.
George W Bush summed up my lasting sentiments of this game and publishers with his infamous speech about not "Getting fooled again!" or is it the one about "Coexisting with fish?" bahh!
I'd been waiting on a NA/English localization of Prius Online, but I am feeling a little sad that it's going to be a gPotato game. I thought Allods had great potential, and I kind of enjoyed Aika for a bit, but between driving off the player base and failing miserably at keeping the gold spammers at bay, I just feel kind of icky about gPotato right now. ( I HAVE played other f2p games that aren't quite so overrun by spammers, so I know it can be done! Get on it!)
Add me to the "Not Going Back" list!
gPotato is a joke, their inability to control gold spammers in most of their games along with their incessant greed makes them a must avoid for me.
Personally I think the current method of funding in the f2p marketplace is more of a fad. Soaking your high end playerbase just gets old fast, most people realize that after level limits are raised and they have to start all over again.
The first ss is simply beautiful.
Spec'ing properly is a gateway drug.
12 Million People have been meter spammed in heroics.
...can't wait for Prius to start. Ever since I first learned about it, I was hoping it to be ported to the US/EU. Now I can start playing it at the end of April *Wheee!*
One interesting (or hilarious) feature of the game is it's Bounty system. It was implemented as a tool to counter-act trolling in the game. You can report a player, or a guild, to an NPC and at the end of the week, the top ten players with the most reports will start to see Wanted posters of themselves around the game. The whole server can gun for the players, and you actually get money for killing them.
Bhuhahaha! Marvelous in-game option!
This. I might go back if they stopped it with the fucking money grabbing.
No, niet, nada, nein:
Astrum Nival was rthe first developer, now the game is on's hands. is both developer and publisher. gPotato is the game hoster for north america and europe, is it for russia (and there are more hoster in philippines, south korea and so on)
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