I have been on the tarquinas server. It's pretty good, the price for ships there are some of the lowest in the game. Weapons are sometimes expensive but ships are a fair price I always liked the Tarquinas server. Now about enjoying the game, depends if you like to solo or join a group. With the CU changes it's alot harder to solo and that's why I left SWG. If you love being in a group all the time then you will love this game. Now it's been a few weeks since I left, so things might be a little better.
Another thing when I played the monthly fee I payed was the 3 months for $41.95 if you break the $41.95 down to monthly payments your paying less then the $14.99 a month. The Wookiees are a really good race and so are Humans,Zabraks,Twi-Leks and Sullustans.
In the end it doesn't really matter what race you pick. Early on it helps depending on what role you choose but once you hit elite level professions the racial bonuses don't matter all that much anymore... Play what you like not what you think will be most powerful, because when all is said and done it won't affect the end game much regardless of which race you play.
The game, in answer to your original question, is, in my opinion, the best MMORPG on the market. It's got more depth and more immersiveness than any other MMO out there. It's got more content and variety than any other MMO as well. Anything you can do in any other MMO can pretty much be done in SWG (and usually better). The "grind" is not nearly as bad in SWG either. Not sure where some people get their information but it doesn't take long at all to get to Master in an elite profession for even casual players. To master two professions takes a little longer but even that isn't all that hard. Usually just a few weeks if you play at all regularly to reach double master status (CL80).
Anyhow, the game is definitely worth playing. If you know folks who play join their server, if not pick one at random They're all pretty good.
Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online. Sig image Pending Still in: A couple Betas
90% of the time you fight stupid creatures not star wars type npcs.
The bugs in the game are always constant and annoying since release. For those who tell you otherwise ask why they got double xp this memorial weekend. It was cause they screwed up AGAIN!
Nothing is instanced. Meaning to you the player, you gather your group to go on an npc hunt for some good loot and xp. You watch as another group kill steals your creatures or npcs maybe kills your jedi friend and you are left shocked. Oh wait the Corvette is instanced, oh that hasn't been balanced yet and the CU is about 1 month out. Oh yea that wookie world is supposedly instanced. I guess maybe 2 whole places in the game you can try out without fear of l33t d00dz.
Story? What story? There is no underlying plotline to take part in. In the initial release you paid for a monthly story-arc with galaxy wide competitions with rewards and content. The content in this game is pitiful. Whole areas exist without worthwhile missions. Not heard otherwise about the content in the expansions.
Grinding? In other games (Guild Wars) you do meaningful missions with little video snippets showing the story of ascalon and your toon being part of the whole story. In SWG you grind out a template and then do nothing but pvp. The theme parks that do exist are a joke. There is no HIGH end content and story's. What is the point of the game? No one at soe answers that question.
Star wars games like Revenge of the Sith on the console are SO much fun to play. Jump in and just game and kill and have a story. Star wars galaxies is slower. Its meant to be. You are suppose to work through this persistent world and have so much to do it would be impossible to do it all. SWG is not at all like that. Crafting have no missions of substance. Entertainers don't. Medics dont. Combatants don't. Only BH's have dynamic content because of player verse player marks.
In swg you can flat out buy ever piece of high end item and be the same as anyone. Its a waste of time. There is no sense of accomplishment anymore since the cu. They took that away. Before they had high-end rare content that made simply logging on and trying to obtain worth the time. Once they removed it they removed the soul reason to play. No one has yet to answer the purpose to the game. I enjoy roleplaying a character alot. I use to be a heavy roleplayer in an online game that was like a table top game. You can't even go to a roleplaying server because they refuse to listen to the 1000's of requests for just 1 server ear marked ROLEPLAYING as the name of the server. Then when you do OOC (out of character) act people can say stop or go to another server. So you don't get to do the whole Role Playing that is why the game title exists.
Massive Multiplayer? Lets see you go from a group max size of 20 to a size of 8. You provide no helper NPC's to quest with or quests to do. There is no role playing in the game. I have NEVER seen any roleplaying on Naritus or Tempest except 2 times I did it with others. 1 the first time I ever met another roleplayer and the other I tried but had a rough time with all the ooc chatter. It is not fun. You can ask me little brother whose main complaint was why don't ya do something. Well guess what, there isn't anything to do but pvp and that relies on a half assed combat system pushed out way to early.
I have to say, I disagree with the previous poster on several things.
I'm really not a fan of instancing. Yeah, you lose kills sometimes, but to me, it can really hurt immersion. It works in some games, but not a fan of it in general (GW is...ok...shallow but fun).
Yes, there are many places that have no "purpose" to the player or a storyline, but, to me, they make the world seem more alive. Having things their just because they WOULD be is kind of nice. Everything doesn't have to have a point. Their are MANY low level quest NPCs all over EVERY town. No big storylines that I've seen yet, but I'm only CL8 and have been playing for 2 weeks.
As far as grinding...I donknow...the grind in this seems FUN to me. I've had enough quests to keep me busy when I dont feel like grinding. When I'm not doing that I'm taking care of my personal harvesters and crafting. When I'm not doing that, I'm out flying missions. I haven't hit a slow spot yet.
Role-playing I have seen to a LARGE extent. I play on StarSider and my fiancee has a character on another server...forgetting the name, and it seems that 70% or more of the players are staying in character. Even if they aren't actively role-playing, they aren't breaking immersion either. Compare this to the RP servers on WoW where MAYBE 1/4 of the players actually RP or the RP servers on EQ2 where maybe 30% of players RP. For me, this is a huge improvement.
As far as bugs, yes, they are their. I haven't had any game-breakers yet though.
Why is guild wars a shallow game? Because you cannot place a "house" and town?
Since crafting no longer is a factor in swg there is no longer any need for great crafters and great gear. It is the SOUL reason swg was unique in that its deep player crafting community MATTERED in the scheme of the game.
The guild wars combat system and the swg cu combat system is nearly identical in form and function. Frankly the interface on guild wars is way more functional and tested and balanced. Go to the corvette missions. SBD's one shot kill 6000 dmg per second players. SW went to a 2 pool system action and health. GW is Health and Energy. What is different? Mind in swg is no longer a factor at all. The icon timers... I mean its just that gw wow system so don't even go there.
Player mounts and vehicles are cool. Why do you need them? To traverse empty space to a point of interest you cannot just shuttle to and start your mission. Why do you need to ride your bikes? I loved decorating my house in swg. It isn't what I would call a huge game feature I would be promoting as making your game way better. I mean that is laughable that housing is touted by swg players as important. Its only important for crafters which you no longer really need. If given the option I would give up player cities for content any day of the week.
As for non instanced vs. instanced. That is up to you to favor or not but EVERY post I read asked for more instancing across the game because this has reached critical problems. Why did they have to redo the Krayt spawns? Why is the DWB a problem for people and groups and conflicts? Why is it the forums have all kinds of requests for more instancing? Like the Geo caves. How many people want that instanced so that you can go and enjoy the cave and killing the spawn? Or how about Nym? Please I can name tons of places that instancing should have occurred in that game. It is comical if you read the forums about important spawns with descent loot and the petty arguements.
Don't get me started on the screwed up swg loot system and the horrible fix they employed. The group looter stuff doesn't work right. In guild wars it randomly assigns loot. Its way more functional.
Frankly I would argue with anyone that the CU added and kept depth. They absolutely removed the games depth by screwing with crafters and the crafting system to the point of removing the need to even use a crafter. It will be the death of that game. Trust me. Players cannot survive on player driven content. At some point the GCW and the fundamental POINT of the game is going to have to be addressed by that dev team. The current encarnation of that team is proven incompetent at fixing the game let alone improving it.
Starstrider down extended periods of time yet again today?
Listen you can spill bs about roleplayers all you want. Go to the roleplaying forum board on SOE's own website. You don't even have a correspondent for the RPG section of the game. THat speaks volumes of the concerns being paid to that portion of the game. Oh but that ever important medic correspondent is going to really improve the game. You tell me in a mmoRPG what is the most important aspect of that? Why is that the damn title of this website and why does Sony and SOE continue to /addignore that portion of its player base and there forum requests and written requests to have an earmarked roleplaying server? Basically I will tell you nooblet not to mess with this swg beta testers knowledge of that pitiful pile of a mmo. I tracked it since development. Took part in testing it. Trashed it all the time. Worked on the forums through appropriate channels to get things fixed. Have been ignored just like EVERY other person who tried to help SOE.
THat game deserves its 1 star rating. From a gamer, hardcore sw fanboi. I would sooner play disney online. I freaking board rp'd on yahoo. I attended celebration II in indy. I am a sw geek. I own books and all that jazz. That game aint worth the cd it is printed on.
Despite everything you said, SWG still has the deepest crafting system in an MMORPG. That is very important to me. I've played many MMORPGs and I have to say I like this one the best. I dont care if I can't make the best items, I'm having fun with it.
On, and aside from all the servers having been down last week for a patch (24 hours...yeesh) Starsider hasn't been down at all.
Originally posted by Pencilstubs I just started the game and I had a few questions: 1. Is it hard to become a Jedi? 2. Is a Jedi the only powerful thing you can become? 3. What is the best race for a newb? 4. What is a friendly server?
1. No, just takes time. 2. If you meant grossly over powered, then yes. Just ask the GCW correspondent. 3. I wouldn't say any one race is best. I'd pick one that was your favorite character in SW. 4. I can vouch for Kettemoor. Naritus ... well they have a 'self touching' problem. Otherwise, I'd choose a decently populated server like Bria'.
Ico Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.
Originally posted by azhrarn Hey Kane... send a /tell to Magan out on your server and tell her "SaintBootay said to say "OMGz HUGGLES!"" LOL don't ask. She'll know who and what.
Originally posted by Pencilstubs I just started the game and I had a few questions: 1. Is it hard to become a Jedi? 2. Is a Jedi the only powerful thing you can become? 3. What is the best race for a newb? 4. What is a friendly server?
#4. Bria send a /tell to Amroth, Sck'orj, Dewichew, Pumi, or Kohaku' Those are all good people always looking to lend a hand.
Originally posted by Xisrin-Onnyx I heard that SWG has one of the best character creation processes. Is that true?
Maybe a better answer would be "no, IMHO". Compared to other games (e.g. WoW or AO) the variety of choices you have during character creation is staggering. That there are two toons that look alike is EXTREMELY rare. And later in the game you have even more options to customize your character .. both in look, in skills and in clothing and equipment.
From the games I know (SWG, WoW, AO, GW, EVE) only EVE offers a similiar variety.
Originally posted by Kane Positive: Fast, fun combat VERY deep crafting Star Wars settingNegative: Slow leveling (though I've played FAR worse) Some servers not as friendly as othersI've been on Starsider for almost a week and have found the community to be so-so...at least on Tattooine. I haven't been other places yet. I'm having fun, though.
Ok, I agree with most of this guy's post except for the "Slow Leveling". This is one of the fastest paced leveling wise game I've played (if not THE fastest) . And I've played a lot (UO,AO,DaOC,EQ,EQ2,FFXI,SB,WoW,COH). You just have to get in a good, high leveled group, which is very easy because there are TONS of high leveled chars on ALL servers. The ridiculous amount of time SOE granted the Double EXP combined with the Respec, allowed an enormous amount of people to hit CL80 in just a couple days. Without any double EXP, and just playing casualy and noobishly you could quite easily max out in 3 weeks. With around 3-4 hours average per day played in fast paced level 80 groups, you could make the max level in a week. What other game can you max out that quickly in(besides shadowbane lol)?
Originally posted by Xisrin-Onnyx I heard that SWG has one of the best character creation processes. Is that true?
Maybe a better answer would be "no, IMHO". Compared to other games (e.g. WoW or AO) the variety of choices you have during character creation is staggering. That there are two toons that look alike is EXTREMELY rare. And later in the game you have even more options to customize your character .. both in look, in skills and in clothing and equipment.
From the games I know (SWG, WoW, AO, GW, EVE) only EVE offers a similiar variety.
Have fun
I actually have to agree with Erillion on this one. The variety of options alone set it apart from the rest.
In the end it doesn't really matter what race you pick. Early on it helps depending on what role you choose but once you hit elite level professions the racial bonuses don't matter all that much anymore... Play what you like not what you think will be most powerful, because when all is said and done it won't affect the end game much regardless of which race you play.
The game, in answer to your original question, is, in my opinion, the best MMORPG on the market. It's got more depth and more immersiveness than any other MMO out there. It's got more content and variety than any other MMO as well. Anything you can do in any other MMO can pretty much be done in SWG (and usually better). The "grind" is not nearly as bad in SWG either. Not sure where some people get their information but it doesn't take long at all to get to Master in an elite profession for even casual players. To master two professions takes a little longer but even that isn't all that hard. Usually just a few weeks if you play at all regularly to reach double master status (CL80).
Anyhow, the game is definitely worth playing. If you know folks who play join their server, if not pick one at random They're all pretty good.
Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online.
Sig image Pending
Still in: A couple Betas
Kote lo'shebs'ul narit
It's a very dissappointing star wars game.
90% of the time you fight stupid creatures not star wars type npcs.
The bugs in the game are always constant and annoying since release. For those who tell you otherwise ask why they got double xp this memorial weekend. It was cause they screwed up AGAIN!
Nothing is instanced. Meaning to you the player, you gather your group to go on an npc hunt for some good loot and xp. You watch as another group kill steals your creatures or npcs maybe kills your jedi friend and you are left shocked. Oh wait the Corvette is instanced, oh that hasn't been balanced yet and the CU is about 1 month out. Oh yea that wookie world is supposedly instanced. I guess maybe 2 whole places in the game you can try out without fear of l33t d00dz.
Story? What story? There is no underlying plotline to take part in. In the initial release you paid for a monthly story-arc with galaxy wide competitions with rewards and content. The content in this game is pitiful. Whole areas exist without worthwhile missions. Not heard otherwise about the content in the expansions.
Grinding? In other games (Guild Wars) you do meaningful missions with little video snippets showing the story of ascalon and your toon being part of the whole story. In SWG you grind out a template and then do nothing but pvp. The theme parks that do exist are a joke. There is no HIGH end content and story's. What is the point of the game? No one at soe answers that question.
Star wars games like Revenge of the Sith on the console are SO much fun to play. Jump in and just game and kill and have a story. Star wars galaxies is slower. Its meant to be. You are suppose to work through this persistent world and have so much to do it would be impossible to do it all. SWG is not at all like that. Crafting have no missions of substance. Entertainers don't. Medics dont. Combatants don't. Only BH's have dynamic content because of player verse player marks.
In swg you can flat out buy ever piece of high end item and be the same as anyone. Its a waste of time. There is no sense of accomplishment anymore since the cu. They took that away. Before they had high-end rare content that made simply logging on and trying to obtain worth the time. Once they removed it they removed the soul reason to play. No one has yet to answer the purpose to the game. I enjoy roleplaying a character alot. I use to be a heavy roleplayer in an online game that was like a table top game. You can't even go to a roleplaying server because they refuse to listen to the 1000's of requests for just 1 server ear marked ROLEPLAYING as the name of the server. Then when you do OOC (out of character) act people can say stop or go to another server. So you don't get to do the whole Role Playing that is why the game title exists.
Massive Multiplayer? Lets see you go from a group max size of 20 to a size of 8. You provide no helper NPC's to quest with or quests to do. There is no role playing in the game. I have NEVER seen any roleplaying on Naritus or Tempest except 2 times I did it with others. 1 the first time I ever met another roleplayer and the other I tried but had a rough time with all the ooc chatter. It is not fun. You can ask me little brother whose main complaint was why don't ya do something. Well guess what, there isn't anything to do but pvp and that relies on a half assed combat system pushed out way to early.
I have to say, I disagree with the previous poster on several things.
I'm really not a fan of instancing. Yeah, you lose kills sometimes, but to me, it can really hurt immersion. It works in some games, but not a fan of it in general (GW is...ok...shallow but fun).
Yes, there are many places that have no "purpose" to the player or a storyline, but, to me, they make the world seem more alive. Having things their just because they WOULD be is kind of nice. Everything doesn't have to have a point. Their are MANY low level quest NPCs all over EVERY town. No big storylines that I've seen yet, but I'm only CL8 and have been playing for 2 weeks.
As far as grinding...I donknow...the grind in this seems FUN to me. I've had enough quests to keep me busy when I dont feel like grinding. When I'm not doing that I'm taking care of my personal harvesters and crafting. When I'm not doing that, I'm out flying missions. I haven't hit a slow spot yet.
Role-playing I have seen to a LARGE extent. I play on StarSider and my fiancee has a character on another server...forgetting the name, and it seems that 70% or more of the players are staying in character. Even if they aren't actively role-playing, they aren't breaking immersion either. Compare this to the RP servers on WoW where MAYBE 1/4 of the players actually RP or the RP servers on EQ2 where maybe 30% of players RP. For me, this is a huge improvement.
As far as bugs, yes, they are their. I haven't had any game-breakers yet though.
Just ask the GCW correspondent ... oh wait.
Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.
Why is guild wars a shallow game? Because you cannot place a "house" and town?
Since crafting no longer is a factor in swg there is no longer any need for great crafters and great gear. It is the SOUL reason swg was unique in that its deep player crafting community MATTERED in the scheme of the game.
The guild wars combat system and the swg cu combat system is nearly identical in form and function. Frankly the interface on guild wars is way more functional and tested and balanced. Go to the corvette missions. SBD's one shot kill 6000 dmg per second players. SW went to a 2 pool system action and health. GW is Health and Energy. What is different? Mind in swg is no longer a factor at all. The icon timers... I mean its just that gw wow system so don't even go there.
Player mounts and vehicles are cool. Why do you need them? To traverse empty space to a point of interest you cannot just shuttle to and start your mission. Why do you need to ride your bikes? I loved decorating my house in swg. It isn't what I would call a huge game feature I would be promoting as making your game way better. I mean that is laughable that housing is touted by swg players as important. Its only important for crafters which you no longer really need. If given the option I would give up player cities for content any day of the week.
As for non instanced vs. instanced. That is up to you to favor or not but EVERY post I read asked for more instancing across the game because this has reached critical problems. Why did they have to redo the Krayt spawns? Why is the DWB a problem for people and groups and conflicts? Why is it the forums have all kinds of requests for more instancing? Like the Geo caves. How many people want that instanced so that you can go and enjoy the cave and killing the spawn? Or how about Nym? Please I can name tons of places that instancing should have occurred in that game. It is comical if you read the forums about important spawns with descent loot and the petty arguements.
Don't get me started on the screwed up swg loot system and the horrible fix they employed. The group looter stuff doesn't work right. In guild wars it randomly assigns loot. Its way more functional.
Frankly I would argue with anyone that the CU added and kept depth. They absolutely removed the games depth by screwing with crafters and the crafting system to the point of removing the need to even use a crafter. It will be the death of that game. Trust me. Players cannot survive on player driven content. At some point the GCW and the fundamental POINT of the game is going to have to be addressed by that dev team. The current encarnation of that team is proven incompetent at fixing the game let alone improving it.
Starstrider down extended periods of time yet again today?
Listen you can spill bs about roleplayers all you want. Go to the roleplaying forum board on SOE's own website. You don't even have a correspondent for the RPG section of the game. THat speaks volumes of the concerns being paid to that portion of the game. Oh but that ever important medic correspondent is going to really improve the game. You tell me in a mmoRPG what is the most important aspect of that? Why is that the damn title of this website and why does Sony and SOE continue to /addignore that portion of its player base and there forum requests and written requests to have an earmarked roleplaying server? Basically I will tell you nooblet not to mess with this swg beta testers knowledge of that pitiful pile of a mmo. I tracked it since development. Took part in testing it. Trashed it all the time. Worked on the forums through appropriate channels to get things fixed. Have been ignored just like EVERY other person who tried to help SOE.
THat game deserves its 1 star rating. From a gamer, hardcore sw fanboi. I would sooner play disney online. I freaking board rp'd on yahoo. I attended celebration II in indy. I am a sw geek. I own books and all that jazz. That game aint worth the cd it is printed on.
Despite everything you said, SWG still has the deepest crafting system in an MMORPG. That is very important to me. I've played many MMORPGs and I have to say I like this one the best. I dont care if I can't make the best items, I'm having fun with it.
On, and aside from all the servers having been down last week for a patch (24 hours...yeesh) Starsider hasn't been down at all.
Kote lo'shebs'ul narit
I just started the game and I had a few questions:
1. Is it hard to become a Jedi?
2. Is a Jedi the only powerful thing you can become?
3. What is the best race for a newb?
4. What is a friendly server?
1. No, just takes time.
2. If you meant grossly over powered, then yes. Just ask the GCW correspondent.
3. I wouldn't say any one race is best. I'd pick one that was your favorite character in SW.
4. I can vouch for Kettemoor. Naritus ... well they have a 'self touching' problem. Otherwise, I'd choose a decently populated server like Bria'.
Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.
I'm afraid to ask...but disturbingly intrigued...
#4. Bria send a /tell to Amroth, Sck'orj, Dewichew, Pumi, or Kohaku' Those are all good people always looking to lend a hand.
Maybe a better answer would be "no, IMHO". Compared to other games (e.g. WoW or AO) the variety of choices you have during character creation is staggering. That there are two toons that look alike is EXTREMELY rare. And later in the game you have even more options to customize your character .. both in look, in skills and in clothing and equipment.
From the games I know (SWG, WoW, AO, GW, EVE) only EVE offers a similiar variety.
Have fun
that is true Ellerion.
I think CoH is AWESOME, SWG is okay, but City of Heroes rules
Ok, I agree with most of this guy's post except for the "Slow Leveling". This is one of the fastest paced leveling wise game I've played (if not THE fastest) . And I've played a lot (UO,AO,DaOC,EQ,EQ2,FFXI,SB,WoW,COH). You just have to get in a good, high leveled group, which is very easy because there are TONS of high leveled chars on ALL servers. The ridiculous amount of time SOE granted the Double EXP combined with the Respec, allowed an enormous amount of people to hit CL80 in just a couple days. Without any double EXP, and just playing casualy and noobishly you could quite easily max out in 3 weeks. With around 3-4 hours average per day played in fast paced level 80 groups, you could make the max level in a week. What other game can you max out that quickly in(besides shadowbane lol)?
Maybe a better answer would be "no, IMHO". Compared to other games (e.g. WoW or AO) the variety of choices you have during character creation is staggering. That there are two toons that look alike is EXTREMELY rare. And later in the game you have even more options to customize your character .. both in look, in skills and in clothing and equipment.
From the games I know (SWG, WoW, AO, GW, EVE) only EVE offers a similiar variety.
Have fun
I actually have to agree with Erillion on this one. The variety of options alone set it apart from the rest.