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So I was reading a article that was linked elsewhere in this forum, and I read this:
Guild Wars' famously competitive arena player-versus-player matches will be joined by epic "world-versus-world" battles in which three servers will fight each other on a persistent map over a whole week.
Why doesn't this seem to be bigger news? This sounds incredible and, after following this game for a month or so, I have never read anything about this until today. What gives?
Here's the article:
There's been info about this previously, and it's actually World vs. World vs. World in the mists. Thanks for linking the article though, nice to read whatever info I can.
what is know is pretty much recapped here
Simply put, the reason it's not huge is because we don't have that much info about it yet. A lot of people are excited for it, but they just haven't announced enough info for it to be something big yet. As they get it more polished, etc. you can expect to hear more.
It is very old news but nothing is known about it.
I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been -Wayne Gretzky
As others have said, although many here are devout fanbois, most only argue loudly after seeing the actual working demo (granted most via youtube clips) and dev output. Since there is very little to discuss except 'yep it's coming' most tend to overlook it at this time... but isn't the idea sweeet!
I think Mist is one of the biggest feature of this game as well, i mean, when i am bored with the Dynamic quests of whatever, or doesn't really feel like going PvE
i can see myself on the Mist for most of the time, i mean, i am also sure that Mist will be one of the area that is going to be filled with players the most
So What Now?
The main PvP feature of the game is actually Guild Vs Guild, even if the mist will be a fun time as well.
And yes, it has been known for more than a year but just the basics, that is why we havn't heard so much about it lately. Once they present it do I think we will hear a lot about it here for a long while.
I just hope there is some kind of player limet, if its nothing but a huge lag/zerg fest then that will be really lame.
See here for more info on world versus world.
The reason why we know so little is because Anet has not really talked much about PvP at all. This has to do with them not wanting to talk about aspects of the game which still continue to change a lot and obviously PvP keeps changing because of balance.
It also depends a lot on the coding. But yes, they have stated hundreds of players so time will tell how laggy it will be.
DaoC could get rather many players in the same zone without too many problems but I almost have nightmares of early AoC sieging...
Fortunatley for us is GW2 coded by Strain, if anyone could make a massive battle without lag it is him.
It's more about Arena Net haven't released much information about WvW.
yes AoC and also Aion remind me of what happens with alot of players in one area. the lag is just insane, and that was just from 1 server.
now imagine 3 servers of players all together fighting, there MUST be some kind of limet like 50 players per server or somthing or else it will be epic fail.
Just imagine taking that $15/month you're not paying for a subscription and using it to up the performance of your internet service or your PC.
All of my posts are either intelligent, thought provoking, funny, satirical, sarcastic or intentionally disrespectful. Take your pick.
I get banned in the forums for games I love, so lets see if I do better in the forums for games I hate.
I enjoy the serenity of not caring what your opinion is.
I don't hate much, but I hate Apple© with a passion. If Steve Jobs was alive, I would punch him in the face.
oh look sombody thinks they are funny.
You have no idea what my internet connection is or what kind of PC i run. stop acting like a child the grown ups are having a real conversation about the game.
No offense and I like the Idea. But with our Hardware these days? I'd call it a huge lag-fest.
Build a proper Engine or go use the latest Unreal-Engine and then lets talk again, Devs.
So the members from each race of those three worlds will get to team up and fight the other races, right? Charr fighting humans, etc. just like in the GW lore, right?
And maybe a nice diplomatic system where races get to forge bonds and proclaim cease fires?
It would be really very silly for humans to kill other humans who are upholding the same values, worshipping the same deities and struggling for the same cause only just in another dimension, right? (Which goes for all races, naturally).
And if they wouldn't pitch races against eachother but whole servers, that'd mean there will be a shortlist of 'best' and 'worst' servers to play on for WvWvW before you know it, right? While if you would pitch races versus races, the glory gets much more evenly distributed, isn't this so?
*sneaks out again*
My brand new bloggity blog.
At 2:50 they talk about World Vs World. Pretty cool stuff.
Do you know what engine ArenaNet are using? I highly doubt you do. All we know about it is that it was written by Jeff Strain, you can thank him for having Starcraft and the Warcraft games running smoothly.
Computer Games Magazine also gave them the Best Technology award in 2006. I'm pretty sure their technology is much better 5 years later.
It's not race versus race, it's server versus server. We know that for a fact. And yes there might be a shortlist of 'best' and 'worst' servers but considering it's 3 servers fighting the two weaker servers could just gang up and beat the stronger one. Besides, which servers your server is fighting against is changed every week.
As for the humans fighting humans thing. The humans you are fighting against are basically humans from an entirely different dimension so who cares?
I am not quite sure that limiting how many players from each server for the Mist is going to be fun at all
the point of Mist is to have as much players participate, i mean, the more chaos it is, the more fun it will be
well, connection is also my main concern, i am in a Country where our maximum speed from the Provider is only 10Mbps, and i am using 3Mbps now
and i even barely survive the Wintergrasp World PvP in WoW, so, i dont know about the Mist, all i can hope is that it will hold like 500 players without lag, it would be so awesome
So What Now?
Im hopeing the Mist is a big enough map that its almost like another world. that way when a thousand players from each server log into it they dont lag their ass off. maybe it will have multiple huge areas to fight over spreading out the thousands of players giveing them different targets to take over.
It was stated that it the world will Mists area will consist of at least 4 maps.
Which is, as far as we know, the intention of Anet. Have all different kinds of small objectives within the mist meant for smaller teams, like capturing mines, sieging forts and protecting supply npcs. Zerg fests are not what Anet has in mind. However, I wonder what will happen if players ignore those objectives and choose to just fight other players regardless.
I am a HUGE fan of 3 realm RvR. That said, I think there is a serious possibility that it might be a mistake in this case. 3 realm RvR works because the assumption is that if one of the 3 realms were to be too powerful/populated or skilled that the 2 smaller/weaker realms would tag team to keep it in check. That works in a scenario where the 3 realms are persistent, but here we have rotating world opponents.
It would seem to me that given such a short period of time the worlds would simply sieze on any opportunity provided by a weak realm and instead of 2 weak realms teaming up it will result in two stronger realms racing to dismantle the weakest link.
We will see. I'm still looking forward to the game, but that is definately something I have in the back of my mind.
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That said, i hope Anet doesn't have something like a "world server transfer" feature for players, so it is meant for players to stay loyal to their servers
because if everyone just switch to the strong side, and in the end, you will be facing an empty servers once in a while which is not cool at all
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