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Hi there. Me and my friends are having some thoughts about wether we should start playing rift or not, so we were hoping you could help us out with a couple of questions we've got.
* Do we gain extra exp while leveling together, or do we get reduced exp?
* When doing quests that requires us to find a certain amount of a certain item, when one of us picks it up, will the others be able to get the item aswell for their quest? i.e, we all got a quest were we should go out and hunt wolves, 'cause we need 10 fangs from them to complete the quest. 10 fangs each that is. The first wolf we kill drops one, and I loot it. Are my mates able to loot the fang aswell, from the same corpse? It might sound like a stupid question, but we've played MMO's before with this kind of system.
* How's the equipment when it comes to pvp/pve? A long long time ago, when we were playing wow (vanilla, screw the rest!), with all the battlegrounds and stuff, we had the pleasure to encounter some of those pve-carebears (no offence to pve'ers) and they had this oh so ridiculous frost resistance gear which made our mage's do jackshit as they resisted every bloody frostspell. Anyway, my question would have to be: is PvE gear better in pvp than pvp gear in pvp? Or have they got it worked out pretty good?
* How important is gear in pvp? Would you say the pvp in rift is skill dependant or gear dependant?
You get some exp bonus for been grouped but it is of course less then if it was soloed but you can kill and quest much faster.
From my experience looted quest items drop for all members in group and kill quest auto update for all.But there are some quests that only updates for 1 member mostly this are ground spawn quest item however vast majority of quests update for all.
When it comes to gear rift seems to be a " 1 gear for all".pve and pvp gear vary minimally and most is down to preference.i would not say pve gear is superior to pvp really and with rift how you play your specs can account for more.mind you are be straightdorward,rift atm has pvp issues espically as regards cc and chain stuns which hopefully will get fixed soon.
way rift works atm its skill>class>gear.
Some clickies that only ding for you have stupidly slow respawn. Usually clickie respawn is fast. Most kill x quests apply for everyone within range.
It's pretty friendly to group levelling and questing.
One tip - sometimes you#ll get a quest where you have to kill something and use a quest item on the corpse. Only one person should be able to do it but we found that you could usually cheat it by coordinating and using the item at the same time. Even allowing for latency we usually got away with this.
45% soul combo (class)
40% skill
15% gear
Gear scaling doesn't seem as extreme as in some other games.
There is still quite a bit of balancing to be done with the talents/spells.