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First off, this post isn't meant to be a flare, it's just my opinion and the problems i had with the game.
To start off, let me say that this game is a great game.... BUT my main problem with this game is the quests. No matter what race or faction you are all the quests have the same roots. There are even a few quests that basically the same exept for the creatures you go and kill. Thats my problem with WoW not enough diversity, you can be a dwarf and get a quest to go kill 6 troll whelps then come back and the guy will give you another quest to go kill 6 troll whelps and 6 trolls, then give you a quest to go kill there leader. Not a bad quest system, BUT you can be an orc, human, undead and any other race, and have the exact same quest you're just killing different things.
My other problem with the game was the PVP, there were several times with my Lvl 22 dwarf that i was running down the road and would get killed by and undead warlock, when i ran back to get my corpse and revived the guy would kill me again no matter how hard i tried. And the Honor system seemed to do nothing to stop these jerks from killing people half there lvl.
Any way, thats why i don't play WoW anymore.
Those are your problems with the game? And thats why you quit? There are like a billion quests in this game of course some are gonna be similar. And its a pvp game you have to expect to be camped now and then. Give your head a shake bro those are pathetic reasons to quit lol
I have a lot more reasons for quiting but i didn't want to take up to many pages. For instance character creation sucks, humans have hair lip, dwarves all look the same, and there are plenty of little bugs that happen when you equip certain armor or weapons, like pauldrons floating above the characters shoulders or cloaks that you never see because your character is hunch backed and th cape hangs straight through them, and alot of the 2 handed weapons float 2 feat away from you back.
And as for what you said about there being "A billion quests in the game" thats total bull half the quests in the game you go around doing the same thing, and some of the quests arn't quests there menial tasks nothing a real hero would do, Seriously man, would a vicious orc warrior really be interested in collecting apples, or taking a shipment of food to the local tavern. It's like i said before most of the quests do the same thing with different people, NOT FUN!!!! the examples i gave earlier were just the tip of the iceberg!
Actually all the quests are the same, theres allmost no quests where u have to think of what to do. 99% of the quests are "__________=_/_" Wether its killing, gathering etc... I played up to 54 and i did pretty much all the quests, and only ones that were a bit interesting was to explore a map and find a location.
Theres pvp on every server. Its Horde Vs. Alliance remember! as for the trolls they were just and example i had a lvl 43 human paladin and the quests were still repetitive.
Yeah but this game said that it would be different. They promised to much and gave to little.
"would a vicious orc warrior really be interested in collecting apples"
The whole point is you don't have to select that quest do you? The person is asking for help.... you have a choice to accept or decline don't you...... you can play your vicious orc warrior how you like.
i have my own reasons why i don't play WoW anymore but yours never occured to me. I never had those bug proglems... all the texture problems or animation problems your having never happened to me. The only MMO ive played with problems like that was SWG.
only problem i have which is more important than picking apples at lvl 1 is, why are tauren warriors fighting, looking, and being made the same way a gnome warrior would? When i played WoW i was expecting gnomes to have highly mechanical abilities but honestly a tauren can be just as good as a mechanic as anyone else. WC3 theme is lost in WoW. Tauren don't wear plate mail, or wear tabards like knights... they have tribal clothing and totems of their tribes and use them in battle. I think the creativity with blizzard is gone. I would have liked to see horde players have different items to customize for guilds for examle. Tauren guild members could customize their totems with their clan symblos and colors and orcs could have Flags (like the blade master) on their backs of their clan or on a wolf pelt ect.
No matter what faction i joined id see the same lvl 60 with pretty much the same armor, i just got really disappointed because all the alliance looks pretty good except the NE for example. The cultures in WoW arent being represented well and that is plain to see by comparing a paladin to a shaman. The weapons the horde and alliance use are the same, the armor, and the crafting. I'm not unhappy with everything, the mounts are great for each race and the landscapes for both are also great.
The difference is bright as day when you look at a grunt and a footmen or Thrall and a Grand Marshall. The Night Elf cities are amazing and many of the npc's reflect the NE culture and art of war.... NE NPC warriors are sentinels or huntress's..... they look and feel like they did in WC3.... but you as a NE player don't. They can (and i think will) change this so easily by making race specific NPC's with armor and weapons avalaible only to the race of the buyer. So when you go to Thunder Bluff you can get with money or perhaps racial specific quest points (that you got from doing quests from thrall or jaina proudmore ect) you can purchase your racial weapons and armor. Same could be done for classes as well.
As soon as a see a higher amount of culture and item customization i will jump back to WoW in a flash.
I've played Guild Wars (not blown away 4 sure) for a few weeks, and now will give WoW a try, but the whole quest system seems so boring to me. I hope WoW doesn't have me talk to a NPC, get a quest to deliver a toad wart to a witch for her brew, and then once delivered I get 250 exerience and a request to deliever a roach turd to a Warlock.
I'm a gamer and not a dog that loves to fetch this and that...
Have fun playing fetch as that covers about maybe 10-20% of all the quests. Some of the quests are layed out in an interesting manner, however, the majority are just kill this and get item "x" to this person or that person. Overall just quest/grind mobs till you have some levels and the PvP will hopefully make up for the boredom. Else wise check out some games that are more PvP intensive. Oh yeah, how was Guild Wars?
With GuildWars:
1) You start out with a crappy fire wand, axe, sword, or other weapon. You kill easy monsters until you get enough gold and loot to get a good fire wand, axe, sword, or other weapon.
2) You have a good fire wand, axe, sword, or other weapon. You kill tougher monsters that are a higher level than easy monsters until you get enough gold and loot to get a uber fire wand, axe, sword, or other weapon.
3) You have a uber fire wand, axe, sword, or other weapon. You kill tougher monsters that are a higher level than tough monsters until you go to ebay and sell the game.
In between you can do "go fetch" missions to break up the monster killing, look for a beautiful gift for the Prince to give his bride (seems he forgot to like the typical man), or listen to the comstant spamming in the city "Selling +5 Sword for 100 Gold".
I only played a few weeks and maybe I'm missing the point but GW seems very boring to me. I played Star Wars Galaxies for 18 months and had a blast, but their last Combat upgrade really upset me and I sold my accounts.
I really dislike the "bang a function key for 25 damage" and then wait 20 seconds to bang it again. Seems I watch my toolbar more than the action.
Man, I have low expectations for WoW but I do get 30 days free to try. I will never ever pay in advance more than a month for these MMO games.
well basically, wow is fun lvl 1-20 then its the same old shit. grind, blah blah blah.. oh wow pvp (u get owned by people who have no lives and are uber) unless ur lvl 60 u cant do shit now cuz of the honor system so yeah...
I agree to a point, the quests are all some what similiar. But I hate least before WoW. In wow, while the quests may be a bit boring, but you can wipe out several quests at once. And unlike most other games, its worth your time to do the quests both in terms of money and XP. I think its cool that I can go wipe out 6-7 quests, turn them all in, get a big chunk of xp, decent money, and even usable items ocasionally.
And not only can you have a similiar quest to kill the same mobs as the other side, mid-late game you can actually have the same exact quest, actually in some areas you can run into both hoarde and alliance quest givers. This promotes PvP, it forces the different sides to mix and mingle and shed some blood. So on top of knocking out several quests at a time, you also get to do some PvP which certainly breaks up the monotony of leveling.
1. Running down the road...I guess you didn't figure out that roads are dangerous and should be avoided while you are at the lower end of the levels for that zone. You might as well have sat in front of their base using the /spit or /rude commands every time you saw someone from the horde.
2. Its called PvP, not "lets be nice and not kill the little stupid alliance guy who keeps coming back for more".
Basically you don't have a clue how PvP works, and rather than trying to figure it out you just quit (or perhaps you did try to figure it out but it was just too difficult of a concept for you). PvP games requrie some thought process, you can't just run around blindly and expect people to be nice to you just because you are a few levels lower than they are.
You don't have to do quests to gain xp, they're just the best way at the lower levels. Like any other game, you can also go out and 'grind' through x beasts. Personally, I enjoy the story lines in the quests and how they link to other quests at the upper levels.
The Honor System didn't increase the amount of camping or ganking, it just gave some people more to complain about. If you don't want to get camped, etc., join a PvE server. At least on those you can choose to turn on your pvp status.
Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.
I gotta add my own comment here.
I actually enjoyed the quests in WoW, I played a Human Mage up to 60 doing every quest I could find, I also played a Troll Rogue up to 60, I have to add that the Horde side really got shafted on the story part of the game. (Not to mention the cities, Stormwind vs Orgrimmar....Storm wins hands down)
One of the primary reasons I quit had to do with the Crafting.
Crafting for me has always been a major part of any MMOG I play, I enjoy the ability to make things to either use or sell and so on. However, in WoW theres nothing made by players in any profession that something better can not be found as a drop from a mob which really takes away from the professions in their usefulness.
I should add that Enchanting is more or less the only profession in the entire game that really lets you make something that does not get replaced by something better as a drop from mobs.
All in all though WoW is actually quite a good game, I hate to see people flaming it....yet I understand where they are coming from, Blizzard just needs to listen to its player base more and WoW would seriously be top notch.
(Blizzard has issues listening to its player base due to its difficulty in understanding that they cant run WoW the same way they did Diablo.)
Well I don't like questing that much, and unless you were questing noone really wanted to help. For a game with "warcraft" in the title, the PvP sure is limited. Like you just killed to kill, atleast you got loot from mobs. It needs a PvP system like SB totaly open.
The only reason I quit is because it was too boring for me. I just felt like I was doing the same thing over and over and the grinding sucks compared to other MMO's. I'd rather grind than to have to do quests 24/7 that sometimes take so long to get to you could have gotten more exp for it.
Looking for something new.
BigFoot What Kind of games do you like?
Well, quit MMORPGs while you still can, cause I have yet to see a MMORPG style game that doesn't involve: "Go kill X and come back and I'll give you Y as a reward."
Or "Go deliver this X to the person Y and he'll give you Z as reward"
If you can find more "diversity" please post it now. Honestly, I think Blizzard has touched every single type of Quest style that a human brain has ever thought of.
- Delivery quests
- Kill X number of creatures
- Kill these creatures, loot X number of items and bring them back
- Escorting quests
- Defending an NPC quest
- Class related quests (Shamans have to summon a guardian to get new totems, druids have to visit Moonglade to learn more about themselves, rogues have to sneak into a building and pick-pocket an NPC, priests have to prove themselves by healing a sick NPC, etc...)
Any MMORPGs before this never had as much diversity when it came to questing! In the exception of Everquest 2... but let's not even go there!
___________ ___ __ _ _ _
Stealth - Ambush - Hemorrhage - Sinister Strike x2 - Cold Blood - Eviscerate - Vanish - Preparation - Cold Blood - Ambush - ... you're dead! :P